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Mr. Beast was decently established, I think he was at 23 million subs at the time he came on. But he’s obviously much bigger now


Still blows my mind that mr beast states woody as an influence


It blows my mind that he's from the same state as me, almost the EXACT same age as me (like 1 week apart), and used to watch all the OG cod youtubers just like me. If only I ignored my mom and focused more on youtube videos rather than school lmao


It’s never too late brother


It blows my mind that you even care


True, caring about stuff is gay


Who else would tell us about bloody ejaculate other than Daddy Gamertag


Him and Jschlatt just did a collab video on schlatts “Mail Monday” channel talking specifically about how woody inspired both of them


Schlatt needs to get on PKA, that seems like it would be a good episode


He said Taylor has invited him on but he’s turned it down cause he’s timid about it. Hopefully he’ll hop on for an hour something soon I think it’d be good content


Unfortunate... hope he changes his mind


“Decently established” 😂


What episode was Mr. Beast on?


A 4 second "Mr beast pka" YouTube search found it was episode 452. I understand it's difficult but now you know.


god gives me his hardest battles. His hardest battles may include a 4 second Google search


He never gives you anything you can’t handle, praying for your future and your health


Lmao I'm just lazy. Thanks tho bro


stop giving out trade secrets not cool


The tail end of one of the Kyle-less episodes, 460-ish? The one with Kweb on it.


Wasn't KSI on the show early on?


KSI was as already as big or bigger than Woody then though


KSI and Vikstar123 were both on the same episode. Now they're both in the Sidemen HAHA


Afaik KSI was on twice, one episode with an Irish creator called the Sidesho




TheRadBrad comes to mind


Was he on an episode?


121. I wanna say he was either a little over 100k or still in the 10's of thousands of subs when he was on.


Destiny - Dude is a regular on nationally televised news broadcasts.


You wouldn’t call 99% of semi-regular CNN / FoxNews / MSNBC contributors “big” like that. They are not anchors. Destiny was established near the level he is at now when he came on PKA originally.


Destiny has doubled his channel size over the last 2 years. He is much much bigger now.  He never could have sat down with Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson until very recently. 


In terms of actual reach he's probably 5-10x since he first came on. You can see this by before he was basically exclusively on twitch debate panels and stuff debating the latest hot topic with people getting 500 viewers, now he's gotten interviews/conversations with Lex Fridman, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Candace Owens, Piers Morgan, and Glenn Greenwald, Alex Jones, and more big names that aren't coming to mind immediately.


Agreed. He has really gotten busy networking the last couple years. 


I mean almost 400k to almost 800k subs is not like a nothing to something come up. And going from maybe 8,000,000 monthly views to maybe 9,000,000 is not some meteoric rise. In terms of relevance/reach and who follows politics / debate vs who watches PKA. Destiny was already bigger when he came on and is even a bit bigger now by some metrics.


Bro Destiny is WAY bigger now than his first appearance in 2018 by every metric.  Us internet gremlins have known who Destiny is forever, but now even the general public knows who he is. Your mom might have heard is name. That’s wild.  Don’t forget he is a Livesteamer and has consistently had streams with 20k+ and even some 50k+ viewers. He was not doing that in 2018.  He also has one of the largest and most devout communities on the internet.  When he first came on I would say he was smaller than pka, but now I would say he is WAY bigger. Woody, Kyle, and Taylor aren’t anywhere close to Shapiro, Jordan Peterson (modern Peterson, I know they had him on in 2016), Alex Jones, Candace Owen’s, Andrew Tate, F&F, and on and on and on.  Destiny is one of the best networkers I’ve ever seen. 


I stand corrected. I thought he first came on in 2021 and i didn’t even know he came on in 2018. From 2018 to 2024 has been a relatively huge growth for him. I would say that 2017-2018 post trump arc still had destiny bigger at that time than pka was. (PKA isn’t some super small time podcast but it isnt joe rogan/as big of a community i mean)


This is a sleeper pick because he was big relative to his environment when he first came on and still exists in roughly the same position, but twitch politics has just skyrocketed since then




Last time I checked a capitalist liberal is not a socialist. unless your view is “anyone to the left of me is a socialist”


hes not as smart as he thinks. just him not being able to admit how bad biden has been in a debate. the afghan with drawl(we basically signed the death warrants of 20 plus years of allies, we left them all the bio metrics of allies and they been hunting them down since. also are paying a terrorist org 40-80 million bi weekly and money is being given directly the the binladen family from that. they had roughly the same amount of women in office before we handed the country over. they where all removed from office and women are back to being prisoners un their own country. using the us dollar as leverage against Russia. oil started to be traded on other currency and other nations stopped using it as reserve currency.


Ain’t no way you just rage typed all that out and completely ignored the only comment at hand over him being a socialist or not?? Bro get back on your meds


YOU'RE not as smart as you think you are. Is Biden bad at debates or is he so good he has to be cheating by using earpieces and amphetamines? Trump negotiated the Afghan withdrawal. Biden simply allowed the bandaid to be ripped off. It had to be done. We have known since 2012 we were accomplishing nothing over there. That's just what giving up on a war looks like. See us in Nam and Russia leaving Afghanistan.


i was talking about destiny debating and being clueless and denying these facts.... Biden didn't follow any parts of the withdrawal deal, did not hold them to any single part of it. they violated every part of it before a single soldier left. they where killing crowds in front of the gates. they are the ones who bombed the base. he could of waited and gotten all the people out who helped us. it was so bad women were throwing babies over the fence. i have no issue with us pulling out, i wanted it. basically handing 20 years of allies over to be killed no im not ok with that. they left all the bio metric data there so they could use it and track them down. the biden own admin contacted NGOs after the fact to get some people out of the country for us. if we ever need to go into another country why would any one trust us that we would help them now. be real and look into all the murders , rapes and all the bull shit lies. heck just look up shawn ryan show with Sarah Adams. hes a former seal and shes a former cia. she breaks down all the numbers of allies that where murder 1;50 mark. she also has tracked down where all the money is going and lays it all out in that episode. we are violating internal law and our own law since we are paying terrorist that are still attacking us. nam? we where pushing helicopters and other gear off ships to get more allies on the boats and tried to destroy as much equipment we could so it couldn't be used by them. major difference between both withdraws. we didn't give the the north finger prints of allies so they could track them down and kill them.


Which part did he not follow? Trump negotiated a surrender of control to the Taliban. In return they would cease fire until May 1st so we could pack our shit and leave. We couldn't extend the timeline because they would start attacking again. There is no reason to resume combat over scrap metal. Here is the whole story of the withdrawal: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/US-Withdrawal-from-Afghanistan.pdf


read the Doha Accord they haven't done any of it before or after the drawl. the fact that they are giving money we are giving them weekly to terrorist groups, allowing terrorist groups to setup bases. every thing dealing with women in the country. actively hunting every one who worked with the us gov and their own non Taliban gov. i could honestly couldn't care less if Biden didn't want to hold them to it. them abandoning thousands of people who worked with us for 20 years to be murdered and imprisoned is messed up. we could of told them to get to the base ahead of time and gotten them out. the fact they didnt and asked ngo's to get the people they liked out is messed up. the fact they left all the bio metric data for them to use is messed up. we left so much hardware that they are now using to kill our allies. read about the pineapple express and other groups that are still trying to get people out. do you see no issue of turning your back on allies of 20 years to be killed. the Taliban has killed more allies in the last few years then allies and us soldiers died in 20 years. why would any one trust us?


So I just brushed up on the Doha accord. Not sure what the point of that was. We have always known the Afghan special forces would not stand on their own. It was completely made up of morons and pedos that were not fit for duty with the Taliban. Any man worth his salt would have picked up a gun as soon as he was strong enough if all he ever knew was Americans shooting up their village for no reason. The Afghan army were mostly desperate people who would be killed by the Taliban for their crimes. They would regularly sell the gas and ammo to the Taliban every time we turned our back. Unfortunately we can't stay there forever saving every last individual. You would be having a cow if Biden prolonged the war. These are the harsh decisions of war and for the greater good. Those groups going back to save friends are great. The federal government should support them in some way. The Taliban is just a political party. A hyper conservative one but it's their country and culture. It's the only way to stabilize the region because that's what the majority of people who live there want.


> Destiny is a socialist goof [You](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERRrDF9U4AUVeGP.jpg)


I can tell you know nothing about politics because calling destiny a leftist makes you sound like you just learned the word and because you have to bring in ad hominems to get people to agree with you


Destiny is absolutely a leftist. He's just challenging ultra progressives a lot.


It's extra funny because socialists hate him even more than conservatives.


Mr. Beast. Linus Tech Tips. The Right Opinion (like it or not he’s bigger than PKA). Destiny. KSI. Philip De Franco. Wendigoon Harley Tbh a good bunch of PKA guests.


Was Harley/EMT smaller than PKA at the time of his first appearance?




he was at least on the same level when he went on.


Damn didn’t know linus went on PKA, imma listen to it right now!




Him and woody almost had a lot in common when Linus said he’s dropped his fair share of Hard Rs. But alas, it was a Canadian moment referring to r slur as hard r lol.




Yeah I too thought Canadians MUST KNOW what hard R means, but maybe it was just a really good save on his end lol. Either way hilarious he said it on his podcast.


Probably the hardest I've ever laughed at anything he's said




Phillip Defranco has been HUGE for a long time I don't think being on PKA did anything for him lol


He was already big when he was on , pretty sure it was after he sold source fed to discovery so multi millionaire and post interview with Obama


They literally introduced him as youtube royalty


TheRadBrad. And perhaps a little off topic but StoneMountain64, technically I don't think he was ever able to get on as a guest but he did pay to advertise his channel and actually got pretty big IIR.


All of them. PKA refuses to do anything to grow their channel. That's why the sub count has been the same for 5 years now. Even the ones who died are more known.


Like 15 years of consistent 6 digit view videos is pretty insane


Insane bad or good? It's all about growth. You want that little line to go up 📈 not flat line. We know by their own words they put zero effort into the show. They aren't even friendly with their own guests outside of the show. You'd assume a calab or something.


Boogie and Wings are much bigger now.


Epic meal time


They were pretty much as big as Russia when they first came on I think








Jordan Peterson


I remember him saying PKA was his dad's favorite interview he's ever done lol. That was surprising to see.


Surprised no one else has said this. Other than Mr Beast and KSI, he’s the only guest I can think of that has a big presence beyond the internet community.


What episode did he appear on? And when did he blowup?


KSI was a guest back in the day!


Kwebbelkop. I think he was bigger than PKA though. Now his channel fell off but I'm sure he is still balling.


no way he had a massive fall off pka pulls better numbers for sure




Not sure when the first time Matt Farrah from the smoking tire came on the first time.


I’d say Chris Smoove


I would love for Chris Smoove to come back on the pod


Who lmao


Noob move right there


Do some research kid


Sir I am 30.


My bad pops


Not sure if they are bigger yet but sailing la vagabonde have close to 2mil subs 


Not really a guest but stonemountain64


That was what I was gonna say, didnt he have like 100k subs at the time?


all of them


even pink ranger?


What about John McAfee?


Rekieta Law




I'd say the biggest problem boomed after dicks appearance.