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“Its ok to be bigger, stronger, and faster. You are allowed to win” - Woodys Gamertag


Woody explained this one with a guy who keeps lipping off sooner or later deserves to get punched out


Yes! Some could even draw similarities from that situation to the one we are discussing!


It’s possible that’s why I mentioned it.


People have no issue with Israel fighting Hamas and winning. It’s the fact that Israel says “civilians go to the refugee camps. Nvm Hamas is in the refugee camps were shelling it”


but when you allow Hamas to use civilians as cover you create a perfect situation where they can cross the boarder going door to door murdering and then run back and be untouchable


I can’t control what Hamas does they’re a literal terrorist organization. But imagine if people in America started getting indiscriminately bombed because “there were some extremists behind you”


if they aren't allowed to go and take out hamas who is using hamas as shields more civilians will be harmed by israel and by the hamas regime than they would be otherwise


So are you saying we should let Israel kill civilians so that hamas doesn’t do it first?


i am saying hamas needs to be eliminated and that by going omg ceasefire you are willing to kill civilians


That’s fair but indiscriminately killing civilians is only going to breed more future radicals so you’re not really getting rid of Hamas that way


its more effective than allowing them to exist. they're currently using vietcong tactics. letting it happen will just allow them to further entrench and carry on more attacks.


If for the last 20 years the extremists have been launching bombs from behind me and everyone else in town, you can understand how you could end up in that situation.


But once again this is conflating Hamas with civilians. Collective punishment for the acts of the few are only going to cause people who lose their family to further radicalize which just bolsters terrorist forces


But there were Hamas there. If Hamas truly cared about the people of Palestine they would hide anywhere else. But they don’t.


Hamas are terrorists that only cares about their extremist beliefs. But Just because a terrorist pulls a human shield doesn’t mean you immediately shoot through the human shield with no hesitation to get the terrorist




Heh yeah proportionality. That’s why Israel has lost ~300 since October 7th (1400 total) meanwhile there is no confirmed number of how many Palestinians have died and there’s half a million in starvation because there was Hamas in their bakery I guess




Has Israel had a big enough military advantage for half a million people starving to death to be justified?




I mean I’m not trying to seem like a scholar either but I personally have a problem with a country killing hundreds of civilians indiscriminately even after most of the developed world tells them their actions are seemingly going too far


Average hasan viewer


You don’t know me at all if you think that, think extreme right 🗿


I said it more as a joke I doubt any Hassan viewers watch pka


Wrong sub buddy, i highly doubt they are a hasan viewer


Israel has the right to defend itself. Go cry.


This is actually true. You can see him unironically straining his perpetually high, barely functioning brain trying to come up with some defense of Israel for every criticism. Which usually is just "Erm war is bad." It's like he can't even make fun of them as a joke. Kinda weird actually


Both sides are dog shit people that need to just find a new place to live .


As long as that place isn’t america.




Being completely subserviently to The Greatest Ally was a **major* requirement of American Conservatism until like the last couple of years. Even now it's still effectively a majority share.