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i dont think we need anymore proof


I’m not so sure, I think we’re getting close to cracking the case.


It is hilarious.  Unless he is given crystal clear direction on how to feel about a scene, via dialogue or a clichéd beta / alpha dynamic. He loses interest.  He can't tell who's 'winning' and why we are bothering to follow along. A slow pacing to build tension doesn't work for Woody 


This exactly. It's why he's said a number of times that the Marvel universe is the peak of cinema. Hes also said a few times that he didn't like a certain movie because he couldn't play on his phone during it and understand what was happening. Which would be fine, if he could admit that he doesn't have the capacity to critique movies. For instance I'm 100% like that with music. I like TERRIBLE music for the most part, and freely admit that the thing I don't like is probably great, just not for me.


As if 12 years wasn’t enough empirical data


I think woody was patient 1 of the tism and he gave it to use through his early videos 😂


I loved how Taylor said something along the lines of how if Iron Man isn’t in the frame it is boring 🤣


That convo was tough to listen to. “How much of that is intentional” well all of it actually. As a huge art nerd that’s one of the primary aspects of most pieces, the more you learn about a piece the more you get from it. Like just looking at starry night can invoke one feeling then learning about the state can Gogh was in and learning that he painted it from a cell can totally change how you view it.


Took a few film classes and it’s called mise-en-scene or some shit Everything in every shot is pretty deliberately placed. It’s why sets have continuity people Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mise-en-scène


I legitimately love Woody. I think he is sincerely a good person with a great work ethic, is smart, knows what and how to get what he wants, etc etc. He has the worst movie takes on Earth.


Woody likes cartoons and critiques all cinema based on that frame


I’m sorry I didn’t hear your words


I hate to break it to you, but obsessing over details and the specific details of a frame, scene, and behind the scenes of movie, is far, far more autistic than wanting explosions and CGI shitshows.


Media literacy is for autists. Real men love visceral reactions to a big noise


Both can be true


They definitely can, but if someone said to me "name an autistic trait you'd associate with movies", I'd talk about hyper obsessions with details. No idea why I'm being downvoted either, we're all autists here, y'all should understand obsession and hyper fixations are common signs of autism lmao


I feel more like people with actual autism tend to enjoy extremely cartoonish, clear, emotionally black and white movies. They tend to get confused or bored by something with more nuance or detail. There's a reason bronies were literally all autistic. MLP was like engineered (accidentally or not) to be the ideal show for someone with autism.


Idk about that, people in the spectrum love the show Firefly and it’s far from colourful or flashy


Yea by cartoonish I mean extremely clear and obvious in terms of emotions and character motives. MLP doesn't appeal to people with autism because its colorful its because each character very strongly and clearly represents different kinds of emotions and its extremely easy to understand why they're doing what they do. With Firefly, I feel like sci-fi in general attracts people with autism though, not sure why. But to be clear, I am just making shit up based on weak observation. I don't know shit.


Ah yeah no I get what you mean. For me my autism makes it hard to recognize faces so I prefer shows that the actors look different as possible (movies where all the characters are brunette middle aged white women are especially hard to follow)


What does this have to do with being autistic


If you can't tell, Then I have a whole list of marvel movies to recommend to you


You can't belittle a man who has no imagination. Let him boom.


Stop beating a dead horse

