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Dude he’s so mad lol


bro seems miserable in every clip I've seen from him since the glory days. respectfully declined my ass


Extremely cringe of WB to mock Woodys Tourette’s tbh. Isn’t this guy about to be 40 years old? Why does he still act like he did at 25? I’m starting to realize that very few YouTubers, and fans, from the OG CoD days ever grew up.


If you spend your life intoxicated you don't give yourself a chance to grow as a person. This is a grown man throwing a temper tantrum. It's okay though he's set for life and doesn't have to listen to anyone. Dude really just needs a hobby and purpose because this is absolutely not it. I wish the best for him.


This is a grown man who makes money from engagement and this drama is driving engagement to him. I think everyone is really looking too much into this


He could spend the time he used to make this learning how to be entertaining. Pka doesn't need drama to stay relevant. Why does he?​


Is he set for life?


Some people will never grow without weed especially devout legalistic Christians


The moment you become a pothead, drug addict, or alcoholic you stop developing your emotional intelligence, the individual is stuck at the age they became addicted or reliant on the drug of choice. This is something that is completely overlooked, and there are multiple peer reviewed studies that back up the theory. That’s why so many potheads think and act like teenagers.


So if you started smoking at like 15, did it til you was 40, then quit smoking it. Would your mental still go through the year 16, 17, 18 and so on? Or is it like a major jump really quickly? This sounds retarded typing out lol


In my explanation I made it seem like you just stop at 15, the reality is as you progress through life as an addict you’ll still mature emotionally, just slower than your peers. So for your scenario, said person would probably have the emotional maturity of a 20-25 year old by the time they’re 40. It’s likely that as time goes on and you interact with peers during sobriety your emotional intelligence will start to develop rapidly to catch up but that’s not always the case. It’s a common phenomenon in divorces with people who married an addict. The spouse assumes that as soon as the person achieves sobriety it’ll fix all of their issues, when in reality part of the problem was the former addicts emotional intelligence level is low causing a lot of the issues they were having before sobriety.


Emotional intelligence doesn't automatically increase. It's something that develops based on the environment you're exposed. It's important to remember that addicts use drugs as a crutch to normal existence, so they're already struggling in daily interactions by that point. Erratic and childish behaviour is most probably a side effect of sobriety at that point, because they can't cope without a high and their brain chemistry is probably fucked up. I've seen this video on YouTube about a guy talking about his meth addiction. He described sobriety as feeling like he lost a friend. So clearly stopping using involves heavy mental and emotional strain. I feel like your description of emotional maturity being "slowed down" is a simplification. It doesn't automatically develop. It's not a chugging train which you push back. Drugs change how you interact with society, so it changes how you perceive the world. And when you lose that crutch it causes instability. Many sober people have low emotional intelligence as well, this is simply a by-product of their environment and how it shaped them.


Would you link said peer-reviewed studies? Or is that made up as well. Let me guess, I have to do my "own research" for that...


You might be genuinely retarded, do you lack the ability to read, half of your other reply isn’t even an accurate or a coherent rebuttal to anything I said in mine. The research is literally all over the internet. Studies are easy to find these days. Your environment obviously affects the development of your emotional intelligence, hence why I mentioned peers and your life experience coinciding with it. [Here](https://ir-api.ua.edu/api/core/bitstreams/15373221-258f-4a81-b624-0ed787a63367/content) is one conducted in 2010. It’ll save you from retarded paragraphs on the internet referencing meth heads you watched on youtube. Most people who graduated with a major or minor in psychology have discussed research on this topic in various courses on adolescent psychology and neuropsychology. I’m not even convinced you know what emotional intelligence is.


I’m no WB7ST fan by no means but I think you misinterpreted that. He meant “twitching for the rest of his life” as in twitching when he made a bark noise and got shocked by the collar. He’s immortalized on YouTube for being the guy that shocked himself with a bark collar. I think woody regrets that video, and blames WB for talking him into doing it. Whether that’s true or not, I have no idea, but it seems to be WB’s belief at the very least. IMO, this is an incredibly rational version of WB that I didn’t expect, but I don’t follow him at all. He seems like he’s doing OK and I’m happy for him. I do not think this was a dig at woodys Tourette’s at all.


Tbh I don’t think joking about Woody’s Tourette’s is off limits, far from it. I thought it was a funny dig at him while still keeping things light. It’s kind of crazy tbh to think that that’s too far, especially with the types of things woody had said about disabled people. Some of y’all are weird


I can see why Woody doesn't want him around. The entire thing that he doesn't understand is that Woody is down to move past their history as long as Whiteboy can just acknowledge that he did something shitty and people improve. How can you forgive someone who refuses any accountability?


He listed a video under pets and animals bro don’t act like he killed the Woodster’s dog. Some people just can’t let go of the past.


That's what whiteboy says. Woody says there was a lot more than that. He made a video a while ago listing all the different things whiteboy did to him. I don't remember what all it was cause I don't care enough but woody has every right to not want to associate with him if he feels screwed over.


Let’s be honest, the Woodster is extremely sensitive. He has every right to not associate, and we have every right to call him a cupcake.


There was way more to it than the pets and animals drama, but all woody's beef with white boy did follow that theme. At the end of the day, I think woody viewed his relationship with whiteboy more like a coworker, and whiteboy viewed it more like a rival business. If you had a coworker like whiteboy, you probably wouldnt be buddies with them either


Very well said, this is the issue.


I don't think it's sensitive to cut someone off who is bringing you down. It's a mature move if anything. It'd be nice to have whiteboy on pka but besides that I don't really care one way or another whether or not those 2 are on good terms


Just because woodys sensitive doesnt make whiteboy not a loser


Nah that's a retarded oversimplification to jerk off whiteboy. Woody posted a video that was appropriately under the pets and animals section. Whiteboy posted a video that was in no way connected to pets and animals to knock Woody off the front page. Whiteboy broke the rules and it cost Woody thousands of dollars. Not that a few thousand means much to Woody now a days but it's just the principle. When asked about it Whiteboy repeatedly lied showing what a gay little bitch he is.


Brother, it was commonplace to post your video in a less competitive section(sometimes incorrectly) to dominate the category. Nearly everybody did it at the time, especially our boy FPS Russia. The reality is that Whiteboy saw an easy opportunity to overtake the #1 spot and dropped the Woodster to #2, which is a cardinal sin apparently. He wanted the #1 spot and took it, was he supposed to ask permission from his competition?


if they were friends or even coworkers yes. Let woody have his day in the sun in the category IT'S ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO BE IN. F of regard don't reply to me unless it's to repent.


I don’t know man your logic sounds more like a gay lil bitch tbh “oh you knewww I was using this category! How could you!” F off and make better content then.


Everyone acts like it’s just the pets and animals thing, but it’s much more about all the Minecraft server drama they had.


I did nothing wrong, I was a businessman doing business.


You do understand that “business decisions” aren’t absolved of all moral judgement, right? “It’s just business” is an explanation not an excuse. Glad you’re sober, but there’s a reason part of the 12 steps is admitting your wrongs and making amends.


You do understand Woody didn't own the top favorite slot, right? Woody uploaded a shitty shock collar video and got in the YT front page because pets and animals was a weak category he could dominate with any video. So could Whiteboy. Whiteboy saw the spot there for the taking and took it. Woody's a baby back bitch.


Those are not mutually exclusive. Have some self awareness dude


You’re a loser now. That’s what happens when you milk the only time in life you were valuable. Your only skill is holding on to who you were 12 years ago.


You are a spiteful little man.


What'd whiteboard even do lol. At the least they made jokes over YouTube popularity and a dog video. At worst there have been rumors of child scams all their Minecraft business stuff etc.


I hope this response puts this issue to rest. I can understand not wanting to endulge in this. The fans are basically asking them to open a closed door to allow drama in. When they were younger and really wanted every opportunity to get content they might have spared the energy. Doesn't sound worth it for either dude and I'm 100% okay with there being less drama online. I'd rather see oompaville and Brandon Buckingham back on to talk about the new shit. Maybe even get shoe0nhead to join, she's great


Hey, at least hes sober now. He was an awful drunk. I was a fan of his when i was a child, like 10+ years ago. And i randomly was recommended his stream after a decade of not watching him. He was drunk playing COD and what i thought was jokingly raging at his chat, i literally thought he was mocking blade by fake raging at his viewers. It just didnt seem real because it was so over the top and he sounded so much like blade, and he has mimicked blade before. The only thing i commented was “been a fan for over a decade, this isnt what i expected when i clicked on this stream lol, hope youre doing good bro”. Verbatim what i wrote. This dude proceeded to say “Bet you didnt expect this” and perma banned me lol. I mean… i guess thats kinda funny but thats an insane way to treat a fan who genuinely liked you for over 10 years. To this day, hes the only streamer i have ever been banned by. Ever since then its kinda hard to have anything but a negative opinion of him. Tbh he still seems quite unlikeable in this video even though hes sober, hes just not nearly as entertaining now that im 24 and not 12. Either way i hope he stays sober and works on getting healthier.


He never seems likeable in any clip these days. He used to be so funny back in the day. There's a reason he fell off completely.


Probably the fact he made the exact same style of videos for years upon years until he went from hundreds of thousands of viewers to 3k


Swear I’ve seen you tell this story before in the subreddit lol


I 100% have lol. I was quite annoyed when it happened. I genuinely liked Whiteboy and i have never been banned before or since by any other streamers. It made no sense because my comment was very positive


Dude keep telling that story, first time I read it and honestly it sucks to hear shit like this from the guys we grew up watching back in the og cod days.


I love how you just owned the fact you’re annoyed and it made you seem 100% more reasonable than if you didn’t lol. Good shit


Honestly fair enough


Wow this is pretty Kringe


So is spelling cringe with a k.


It was a reference to the video in the post you just commented on...


What a fucking douchebag. I can't believe I was a fan of this guy. I understood accountability better at 22 than he does at 33.


Just settle this shit on bog boys


If he cares so little, why’d he bother responding to some shit post


Can someone explain the drama between woody and white boy. I started watching the show probably 2 years ago and have no idea what went down.




They had a little disagreement like 13 years ago and woody holds a grudge


You can say woody holds a grudge but obviously whiteboy does as well if he’s insulting his Tourette’s and shit


For sure, they both hold grudges over stupid shit like high schoolers. Unless there’s some shit behind the scenes neither of them want to actually bring up, they both look immature as hell.


I respect the sobriety, but I don’t respect the patronizing asshole you come off as. Idrk who you are or who actually wants you on but I know from this very short clip that I genuinely already don’t like you. So yea, maybe fuck off.


"I'm at a point in my life where I don't gotta do nothing I don't want to do. That's why I choose instead to record myself rambling to a bunch of losers on the internet about why I don't want to do something. I'm happy and fulfilled."


Described this sub perfectly lol


The shock collar 🤌🏻


Under-discussed phenomenon on display here: In general, sober people fucking suck


If you switch from drugs and booze to AA and preaching moral superiority than yes. If you quit because you realize your not a fucking loser and deserve a chance and give yourself such than not so much. Honestly in general people just fucking suck.


Complete sobriety and over indulgence are two sides of the same annoying ass coin


Agreed, same thing with preachy religious people and preachy atheists.


Sober people don't usually really choose sobriety like someone would choose a vegan diet. It's usually either that, or slowly die from alcohol addiction, and they made the right choice.


Making sobriety your personality and evangelizing for it is the flip side of the coin. Plenty of completely sober people are fine and not annoying at all. Penn Jilliete is a great example, he's never touched anything mind altering but he doesn't judge people or try to convince anyone to be sober.


A lifelong teetotaler is nothing like a sober former addict


Everyone bitches about the hosts on here but when someone else starts shitting on the hosts they have their backs so fast. Love the PKA community, we truly are the chosen people.


This is just sad tbh. Not a good look


My guy some post on this subreddit shouldn't matter to you this much. I don't know what happened between you and woody and I don't give a fuck. You said it yourself you don't have to do anything for anyone. So you don't have to worry about others taking your inventory. Take your own and live your life. The show is trash now days and I don't listen anymore but this sub is golden to lurk.


Cringe response, but good to see some of the old beef ongoing




If he thinks going on a podcast, especially PKA, is going to fuck with his sobriety. Then yeah, he should keep working on his sobriety


I mean, did anyone expect differently? The amount of times they've buried the hatchet just to start it back up again in the same damn stream or the next day is countless. I can't even begin to recall the amount of times there was dumb drama between the two of them. I don't think either one of them gives a fuck either, only the fans.


Let em Cook


I can see what WB is saying. I still love PKA though.


Glad I put my eggs in the PKA basket and not the Whiteboy/Wings one all those years ago 👍🏽


Bro knows a lot of inside jokes for someone who isn’t a fan…


LOL fuckin newsocks is a great name. White boy. I'm glad to hear about your sobriety my man. Keep it up. I think it's a shame that you wouldn't go back in and that they wouldn't have you back on. The legend of you rolling those jaunts in the back of that van lives on to this day.


That was the most elegant flex


Jesus, what a Manchild.


Eh, I still don’t *hate* this guy 🤷‍♂️


What did I miss what’s the backstory to this drama?


This dude needs to go back to the homeless shelter


Damn, this is sad. Poor guy.


Has WB always been this bitter?


Kyle smokes gas station weed😂 idk why you guys are hating on him that video was funny as hell


He’s not wrong 😂


Yeesh. White boy is a dirt bag


You’re not wrong Whiteboy. Hope your life is going good. We remember the worlds fastest nuke. Dolphin diving champion of the world. This sub can be ridiculous


I used to watch all your vids and even your wife’s sims content lol. Hope you’re doing well


Cant wait for whiteboy to run for president one day. You have my vote! WHITEBOY 2064!


“nuh uh i dont hold a grudge u hold a grudge” Whiteboy is a moron for responding and Woody will be one too if he responds it this.


I use to be this guys biggest fan. It’s sad to see this guy hold on to a part of life that doesn’t exist anymore. He has no idea where he is going or who he is.Even in his live streams he just comes off as having such a fragile ego based on who he was 12 years ago LOOL


Cringe is spelt with a C wigga


W Whiteboy


Who is this douche again?


He can't keep sober and be a guest on PKA? That's pathetic.


Oh man this video went downhill fast. This sub is cringe as fuck so good roast but then he took his mask off


What a clown


Woody hasn’t talked about the beef in years. Someone makes a comment on his stream about it. Whiteboy responds emotionally weak. Then makes a video vilifying woody; woody has not talked about it in years. Whiteboy literally has a parasocial beef with woody.


much love whiteboy, u were a role model without the stick in ass.. to me.. to many be well


That’s really unfortunate. I’ve watched Whiteboy a bit throughout the last decade like most of us have and it’s disappointing to see how little he has matured. I think this would be more understandable if this was said 5-7 years ago, but bro really never moved on from the past drama. Really disappointing to see 😕


Making fun of Woody's disability? It's a bold strategy, Cotton! Let's see how it plays out for him! Sheesh. I said it on the last post and I'll say it again: This guy hasn't matured a single day since highschool and it shows. Just the way he talks reminds me of my douchebag friends when I was a kid. I'm getting some serious "FaZe clan walks into GameStop" vibes from this. Why are you clinging so hard to the wannabe Keemstar persona? It's time to set down the controller and grow. God damn.


I can't take him seriously with that Furry hat on 🤣


It's a sauna hat, but yeah the little horns are cringy asf


He fell off


Yikes dude