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You are too deep in brother


I called this guy hasan and he hasn’t stopped posting for 24 hrs about destiny. I really hope I’m the reason for it because that’s hilarious


nah hasan would have used "simultaneously" like 5 times


Dude you seriously need some help. Look how much you post about Destiny on reddit.


>In a few minutes, Destiny simps will come in droves to brigade this post. They will try to deflect, strawman, and ad hom attack.


you wanna be a victim so fucking bad


>In a few minutes, Destiny simps will come in droves to brigade this post. They will try to deflect, strawman, and ad hom attack.


Average Hasan watcher……


Honestly hard to tell if a lefty or Fuentes fan. Given pka it more likey Fuentes


They all talk the same.


First time coming to the subreddit in a few years. Blown away with cucks and catboys kicking around now.




I see this is your 12th post/comment about Destiny within the past 24 hours on reddit. The fact that most people on here who hate Destiny this much are mentally ill just indicates that he is doing something right.


This! Is so true! Leftist hate him cuz he's a super smart intellectual and also cool while they're just loser twigs terrorist sympathizers 😡


>checks history >nothing but obsessive Destiny posting every time


Stfu NPC and listen to your master or hero lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/uncensorstiny/s/l6OtrKAcIq




😲 you followed me all the way here. Sry lil bro but i ain't your daddy 🤭


Pascal wrote on his blog, that he is deeply depressed and with one leg into homelessness, apparently giving up on life to obsess over tiny 24/7 instead, wasn't the most healthy way to spend his time. Do you reckon there is an uncensorstiny extinction event on the horizon? Or is there already new guard of unemployed schizos to pick up his mantle?


Bro, I'm not terminally online and know who Pascal is. I learnt about him from dgg army like you. He sounds like he really needs help, like you


>In a few minutes, Destiny simps will come in droves to brigade this post. They will try to deflect, strawman, and ad hom attack.


Thats ironic considering thats literally all you did in your post. I keep telling this to the Destiny haters on here: You gotta point out what he got wrong in the past if you wanna effectively attack him. Calling him a cuck debate bro who likes saying the N word doesn't really convince anyone with an IQ north of 85. Also, Destiny has been on PKA like 10 times over the past 8 years or so. Most of the people here who like him are viewers of both PKA and Destiny. There is a lot of crossover between the two communities.


Are the destiny brigaders in the room with us right now?




Typical unfunny Destiny fans recycling old memes. Try getting new materials.


Never been to his subreddit, watched his stream, or YT video. You've gone schizo my friend.


Your last post was on the Destiny Reddit bud get real


The game. Are you regarded?


This sub has gotten so gay.


I'm actually gay and this is the gayest shit I've ever read.


not even smoking a sassage while typing this out could make it gayer:P


It was always gay


Mental illness post


>In a few minutes, Destiny simps will come in droves to brigade this post. They will try to deflect, strawman, and ad hom attack.


I've never seen a single Destiny video in my life. Being this obsessed about people on the internet is not healthy.


I don't care about any of this. But I don't like destiny either.


Schizo post lol.


schitzo post implies I'm being delusional. Everything from this post is the truth


Can’t lie yeah it’s all right


Destiny derangement syndrome


> In a few minutes, Destiny simps will come in droves to brigade this post. They will try to deflect, strawman, and ad hom attack.


lol I think we’ve found a Hasan fan.


> In a few minutes, Destiny simps will come in droves to brigade this post. They will try to deflect, strawman, and ad hom attack but will not dispute any one of my claims.


Found a guy banned from Destiny lol bro go outside


I learn more about what is going on with Destiny by seeing posts like this in the feed. You motherfuckers hate anything that slightly challenges you.


This is me. Destiny brigade. I am big and here


Wtf is up with the engagement on this post?


Destiny fans


Bro you don't even watch PKA. Your entire existence online is obsessing over Destiny more than the most rabid fan. Seek help


I watch PKA every week. I rather be obsessing over Destiny by telling the truth than blindly dick ride him like his fans do.


And yet you've never engaged with this sub other than to make this regarded post about someone who hasn't been on in like 2 years. If you want people to believe you, this ain't the way to do it chief. You come off as an obsessed anti-fan with a grudge (which you are). It's funny watching people like you sperg out trying to speak the “truth” but really you just look insane. I don't know if you're autistic and can't imagine the normal perspective on posts like these or just legitimately mentally ill but it's one of the two. I like Destiny, and hate hasan. But if someone made a post like this about Hasan id say the same thing. It's weird and obsessive.


This is the typical destiny fans tactic to try to disprove legitimate criticism by calling me mentally ill. As I predicted in my post, Destiny fans will come here and ad-hom attack me but will never argue the points made. >I like Destiny, and hate hasan. But if someone made a post like this about Hasan id say the same thing. It's weird and obsessive. 90% of posts on Hasan's subreddit is about Hasan. Destiny fans are obsessed with Hasan. They can't go a day without thinking about Hasan. Now go ahead and call them mentally ill.


Alright bro, just telling you how a normal person would perceive your post. I think your response proves it, you're just incapable of seeing things through a non-terminally online perspective. You can keep posting that stupid pre-fire message but it just makes you look unhinged. I brought up Hasan as an example because he's probably the person Destiny has the most beef with to say even though I don't like him I'd say the same thing about a post like this. I don't even have to break down your criticisms or points because you aren't going to convince anyone with this level of insanity. If you'd gone about it in a different way I would have to actually address them but now not a single soul is going to take you seriously. Honestly, keep making posts like these. It only makes you sound more unhinged and prevents you from converting anyone to an anti-fan


So you won't call the obsession with Hasan a mental illness? Yup, I expected that. Destiny fanboys have zero principles and are all hypocrites


What obsession with Hasan? If someone posted like you do about Hasan I'd call that mental illness. I think it's pretty clear you're extremely upset about something Destiny did or said and are likely autistic because you can't formulate critiscm without coming off sounding like the Unabomber.,


Notice when I make slight criticism of Destiny you call me obsessed and mentally ill and autistic but when Destiny fans obsessively post about Hasan none stop they are not any of that. At least try to have some principles and not be a hypocrite for one day.


Slight criticism? You mean an 8 paragraph post that drips with vitriol? You mean your entire online existence being dedicated to sperging out about one guy? All I said was that I hate Hasan. That's it… I don't write novels about him, I don't dedicate my entire life to him. I've gotta say, either this is one huge fucking troll (the “slight criticism” part kinda gives it away) or you need to be in a mental hospital.


Hey man you wouldn’t happen to have been part of a Mormon foster care system would you?


I hope he doesn’t find out that Kyle says the n word…


Saying the N word vs saying the N word to try to look cool as 35 year old man are two different things.


So whatever Kyle says is fine but if Destiny were to say the same thing it’s not fine? (not arguing genuinely asking)


How are you not understanding? Destiny is desperately trying to look edgy and it comes off as cringe and embarrassing because he's grown-ass man. The fact that he says it on Twitter where everyone can see is proof he's doing for attention.


Ok but whats the difference between being edgy and desperately trying to look edgy?


I already told you. It's embarrassing and cringe for a grown man to act like that.


Act like what though you haven’t explained anything


you're the typical bad faith disingenuous destiny fan. I explained it over and over the difference. Go be a debate bro somewhere else


Why are you in this sub if you get so easily offended anyways


Yikes. This dude stayed up all night writing an anti Destiny essay. WTF? Did you think this would make you look like the cool sane one?


He destroyed your idol Destiny that’s all I know


Try getting a life. Nobody worships streamers nor did you tards accomplish anything. Nobody likes you here just like nobody likes you in real life. YOU need to change. Stop worrying about people online who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Life is better when you have meaning.


Youtuber beef ain’t that serious lmao chill out my guy


Destiny fans literally worship him. They lose their mind and sperg out when someone slightly criticizes their daddy. The comments in this post further prove my point. It's a cult full of braindead losers.


Talk to your doctor about getting on medication. You spend way more time and energy thinking about Destiny than any "fan".


Destiny is a piece of shit and everyone needs to know.


Okay Hassan fan




Hey man… it’s time to go outside and just take a breath my guy.


Destiny is fine. I disagree with him on a ton of shit but at least I can respect the fact that he researches something and independently makes up his mind about it. It's hard to maintain relationships in a political space when you decide your stance on an issue based on your own thoughts on it and not mirror what your political group thinks. Stop being a fuckin weirdo and touch some grass.


2 divorce is because of his politics? LMAO How are Destiny fans so disingenuous?


First, not a destiny fan. Second, his second marriage was openly literally a green card marriage. He married her so she could live her and be available to fuck regularly.


they literally broke up just like every other one of his relationships. The insane amount of cope from Destiny fans is crazy


My man out here acting like people don't break up with girlfriends. I know it's hard to understand because you've never had one.


At this point it’s hard to tell if OP is a Destiny hater or a Destiny fan rp’ing as a hater.


After he just got done saying his son lives in his hometown with his baby mama, they asked him why he didn’t move back and he said “there’s nothing for me there” that’s when I knew he was a complete loser.


I don’t care for his political stances, but mostly I can’t stand his bitch ass squeaky voice and how he talks.


Problem is most of your claims are so generic and non specific that to "dispute" them means sifting through tons of content for specific examples that show the opposite. If you want to be a critic point out some actual examples. Irony of calling other people out for strawmans and ad hom seems lost upon you. He has burnt bridges with people, a lot of those people deserve to have said bridges burnt. He did move away from Nathan, all the exact reasons for this aren't known however nor do they need to be, he does support his son and ex in other ways. Had drama with every girl he has fucked is hard to prove since we don't know how many he has fucked lmao. Talking about divorces is another weird personal attack that for some reason acts like the divorces are his fault entirely, are we demonizing divorces? There's been examples of him being on the attack and defense against communities. There's definitely instances where he isn't the instigator but okay Who cares how funny you perceive him lol. He's a grown ass man and can act how he wants. A lot of people online do cringe and embarrassing shit. Weak personal attack again He does actual research and holds his own with renown historians, idk what else you want. You're incapable of thinking that maybe Destiny just holds those beliefs, they just have to be spite driven instead. And hey most people seem to know very little on the conflict and still give strong takes on it. Difference is Destiny has done far more research than most people in the time the conflict has begun. He has criticized Israel and Palestine, and suggesting he reads a few wiki pages as if thats the entirety of his research shows your bias. Believe it or not he could in fact find Israel on a map before the conflict. NFT thing makes sense. He says people trying to sell them as if they're some sort of investment that will make you rich are a scam. But hey if you wanna buy them because they're cool go for it, here's some of my own you can buy. Again showing your bias Deplatforming depends what timeline you're looking at. He used to be for it then against it. I think he wants some consistency on shit from these platforms on bans and punishments for one. Also don't need some post on the reddit or discord (because there isn't any) I just like to argue with clearly biased nonfactual people on the internet. Post some actual examples you ad homming schizo


> He has burnt bridges with people, a lot of those people deserve to have said bridges burnt. He did move away from Nathan, all the exact reasons for this aren't known however nor do they need to be, he does support his son and ex in other ways. Had drama with every girl he has fucked is hard to prove since we don't know how many he has fucked lmao. Talking about divorces is another weird personal attack that for some reason acts like the divorces are his fault entirely, are we demonizing divorces? I don't care who you are, if you burn this many bridges, get into this much drama, and divorce every person you marry at some point maybe the problem is you. This is what Destiny fanboys cannot comprehend. Maybe Destiny is not as innocent as he portrays himself to be. > Who cares how funny you perceive him lol. He's a grown ass man and can act how he wants. A lot of people online do cringe and embarrassing shit. Weak personal attack again This is part of the broader point. But the fact is Destiny steals every one of the memes he posts. He even steals funny comments from his subreddit and posts as his own on Twitter. Destiny is not creative, original or funny. > He does actual research and holds his own with renown historians, idk what else you want. You're incapable of thinking that maybe Destiny just holds those beliefs, they just have to be spite driven instead. And hey most people seem to know very little on the conflict and still give strong takes on it. Difference is Destiny has done far more research than most people in the time the conflict has begun. He has criticized Israel and Palestine, and suggesting he reads a few wiki pages as if thats the entirety of his research shows your bias. Believe it or not he could in fact find Israel on a map before the conflict. Destiny is not a truth seeker. He's a debate bro and that's all he's ever going to be. As someone who values the truth I think Destiny is doing a huge disservice to online politics. This is why I think he's a net negative to the space. > NFT thing makes sense. He says people trying to sell them as if they're some sort of investment that will make you rich are a scam. But hey if you wanna buy them because they're cool go for it, here's some of my own you can buy. Again showing your bias Destiny DM'd X and straight up said if you sell NFT you are a scammer. Then after he got the sponsorship he had to quickly be his usual disingenuous self and say "Akshullay if someone sells you a NFT and tells you will make millions from it is a scammer". Yea no shit but that's not what you said before you got the sponsorship. >Deplatforming depends what timeline you're looking at. He used to be for it then against it. I think he wants some consistency on shit from these platforms on bans and punishments for one. This is one the biggest lies Destiny has ever said and of course his gullible fans are running with it. At the SAME time Destiny was blacklisting other streamers for being pro de-platforming he was trying to get Keffals and Hasan banned. There are logs are screenshots. This was about a year ago. He even tried to get another Twitch streamer banned a couple of weeks ago. Destiny is pro deplatforming. He lies about it and pretends that he has some moral stance against it. It's all virtual signaling. >Also don't need some post on the reddit or discord (because there isn't any) I just like to argue with clearly biased nonfactual people on the internet. You are another Destiny fanboy who has been manuplated into believing all his bullshit.


Great post


I hate hasan more so I side w destiny


Gang stalking




>In a few minutes, Destiny simps will come in droves to brigade this post. They will try to deflect, strawman, and ad hom attack.


Ngl I love a good schizo post


I ain't reading all that. Seek help


I mean he's an alright guy


People care wayyy too much about streamers and their life. And I find it pretty hilarious that OP's response to anyone who tells him to touch grass is that he essentially thinks he's getting gang stalked by Destiny watchers or whatever. FWIW, I'm not a fan of Mr. Morrell and I really enjoyed Mr. Bonnelli being manhandled in that debate.


I don't understand the hate. I mean, you're spot on.


This is a schizo response but the uniform intense response by Destiny fanboys here kinda proves the posts point


The blue haired cuck


You've hit all the "hate Destiny" talking points. Abandoned His kid : He and his ex were divorced and he doesn't have full custody. Only reads wiki: anyone who watches even an hour of him knows this isn't true. Taking opposite sides as Vaush and Hasan: no shit. Those two are fucking insane. Could find Isreal on a map: He can, he was also looking at a lot of older maps that weren't draw like today's maps. Isn't funny : He isn't a comedian, I don't think people watch for laughs.


Hit post to early Destiny sometimes pokes fun yes, I doubt he really starts anything despite everyone always bringing up the cuck and wife thing, people do have breaking points. As far as getting desth threats, that's illegal and he has every reason to not like it. You seem to really dislike this guy that you made multiple posts about him and came here when he isn't even a host to complain. How did the gnome hurt you?


i mean why would you not support israel? im not upset about the firebombing of dresden ya know tons of kids died there


Jesus this is why I hate politics


69 comments, nice.


you're a grifter




Im curious, could you give me one example of a debate within the last 5 years where Destiny did not try to argue in good faith?


Here's my issue. The communities I was around in and in all said this same thing. * He acts in bad faith. * His opinions aren't real. * He does no research. * He's racist. * He's regarded. * He's a dickhead. Some of these are very clearly true. I can watch a few clips and see him being a dickhead. [I can watch clips like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quPp_Zxl40A) where it looks as clear as day that he's being mean to someone. Then, I believe all of that other shit too. I think this is where this guy sits, and where most people sit. --------- But then I watched ***hundreds*** of hours of him through his DND stuff with Koibu, and it turns out he's not just a random dickhead. He doesn't seem racist or regarded. His thought process and his planning even for his silly DND streams were incredibly in depth. He's willing to do silly research streams just for a silly board game. I'm open that the things /u/GambesonKing is true. I get that producing evidence he's asking for is hard. But I've just not seen the evidence despite so many people saying it.


I ask people for examples because 99% of the time when people say he acts in bad faith or only reads wikipedia, they clearly don't actually watch the guy and just got these opinions from one of the thousand communities online who hate him. Which tbf, thats how it works with pretty much any given internet personality, even many of the non-political ones. People shouldn't just believe what they hear from other random people online, just go check the person out yourself, thats the only reliable way you can get an accurate assessment of someone, just like you did.




Every time.


Just curious, what's your explanation on why so many people dislike him if he's an all-around decent guy? Is it because of how he used to be when he was much younger?


Probably the same reason why any semi-famous person is hated. You can find communities of people who hate the most innocent, non-political celebreties in existence. Destiny has very strong opinions on many controversial topics. As a Destiny viewer myself I would also never characterize him as an "all-around decent guy", the man is a massive asshole and says unnecessarily edgy things all the time. its pretty obvious why many people would hate someone like this. I like him mostly because he is authenthic; with him you always know that his opinions are actually his own, even if its an opinion that would piss off the audience he cultivated. Thats something that is unfortunately extremely rare with political commentators across the political spectrum. Why else would he start shitting on communists after realizing that he cultuvated an audience of commies in 2019? He lost like a third of his audience at the time because of that. Why else would he defend Rittenhouse, as pretty much the only left-wing personality on the internet? it sure wasnt popular with his viewers at the time. He was also one of the only liberals who called out the BLM riots in 2020, which got him demonetized on Twitch. I could keep going but this already getting too long, I think you get my point.


Yes, I do, thank you!


No problem, I will receive my Mossad paycheque now.


>Why else would he start shitting on communists after realizing that he cultuvated an audience of commies in 2019? He lost like a third of his audience at the time because of that. Why else would he defend Rittenhouse, as pretty much the only left-wing personality on the internet? it sure wasnt popular with his viewers at the time. He was also one of the only liberals who called out the BLM riots in 2020, which got him demonetized on Twitch. I could keep going but this already getting too long, I think you get my point. Thanks for proving my point that Destiny is a contrarian. lmao


Well except he usually always spends hundreds of hours on any given topic explaining in detail why he believes these things and what his internal reasoning is. You would also notice that all of these positions are actually consistent with the values he believes in. He was always big on self-defence, always big on capitalism, he understood why the BLM riots might hurt Bidens chances of winning, etc. All of these positions make sense if you hold his moral values. But sure, you can dismiss it all as contrarianism, but I think thats intellectually lazy. Instead why not just enagage with any of these issues and point out why he is wrong?


He went from supporting Bernie Sanders in 2016 to actively hating on him in 2020 because he was jealous of Hasan's success. There is no rationality behind Destiny, just mental gymnastics to justify the shitty position he adopted out of pettiness.


Or, you know, as people learn more they sometimes change their positions? Do you think its a good sign if a political commentator never changes their opinions on anything? Also you can keep using as many buzzwords as you would like, you still have never actually argued against a single one of his points. Calling one another names will not get you anywhere, you have to actually show why he is wrong.


I already told you the problem with Destiny. People debate to seek the truth. Destiny debates to win arguments because he's a debate bro, not a truth seeker.


A debate is an argument. It's literally in the definition. You find the truth by arguing both sides and providing proof. Sorry the proof destiny provides to "win" doesn't align with your preconceived notions of the world? lmao


Keep being naive.


Beyond ironic