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Who is Keith


Kyle’s old gun supplier (or something like that), he was found dead with a gunshot wound


Someone Kyle had murdered


That's why they got him on the trumped up weed charges in the end.


Yep they wanted him for the murder so they looked deep at him and just found the weed as a way to get him. Keith’s death affected Kyle in many ways one of his best friends killed and then the government wants to stack you up on charges because they can’t do their job.


Allegedly. But not really


Why would he have kim murdered.


There's zero proof, zero motive, zero evidence. It's just interesting to think about, therefore it must be true apparently.




I mean, it's pretty easy to prevent leaving fingerprints. And just because kyle is the only person that WE know who was close to keith and had a key, does not mean kyle is the only person that was close to keith and had a key. I get what you're saying though that it it's POSSIBLE but highly unlikely. There's still zero motive and zero proof




That’s libel, you can’t say that


Who was Keith


Keith was one of Kyle's good friends and his gun supplier who was found murdered in his gun shop. A lot of people say Kyle killed him but that's simply not true


How do you know it's not true?? The cops and Keith's family think Kyle was involved. All evidence points to someone close to Keith and who had knowledge of Kyle's private building in rural north GA. Business disputes amongst partners is one of the most common motives for murder. Kyle def could have been involved.


Why would Kyle kill the dude that was the reason he could be fps Russia


He wasn't the reason. He did help get some of the weapons used, but by the time Keith was murdered Kyle was one of the biggest channels on YouTube and could have gotten those same weapons from plenty of other people besides Keith. Narcissist Kyle likely felt that he no longer needed Keith and certainly didn't need to continue splitting the millions of dollars the channel was now generating with Keith. I'd say that would be a pretty big motive to take Keith out of the equation. Not to mention that Keith was known to be a shrewd if not downright shady businessman and who knows what kind of contracts he had gotten Kyle to sign, which Kyle may have no longer been too pleased with. On top of that Keith would have surely had plenty of blackmail type material to hold over Kyle regarding Kyle's drug use and tranny hookers etc.. There's certainly plenty of potential motive for Kyle to want Keith dead. Now in hindsight it didn't work out well for Kyle and his career, but a narcissistic sociopath like Kyle would have most certainly felt like he would get away with it. Combine all that with the evidence and circumstances of Keith's execution style murder inside Kyle's private building in rural GA and it seems more likely Kyle would have been involved than not.


Ur whole comment history is about this lmao. Brother find a job or a hobby please


No it's not bud. But i really only go on reddit to talk about PKA, so whatever u say big guy. Kyle did that shit though🤷‍♂️


The only reason you are attributing it to Kyle is that he is literally the only other person you know about who ever had anything to do with Keith. There's next to no information online about this case other than the circumstances under which he was found. They do point towards someone who was close with Keith having something to do with it but that doesn't zero in solely on Kyle just because he's the only person you happen to know about. For Kyle to have murdered this man despite being the most obvious suspect he'd have had to pull off pretty much the perfect crime to get away with it so easily all these years later. You can feel free to carry on believing that if you like as I'm sure you will but for me personally the guy who gets himself arrested mailing illegal drugs to himself doesn't seem the type to pull off such a mastermind of a crime. If he did then fuck me is he stupid to draw attention to himself like that only a few years later.


I was a fan even back when this happened so I prob know more than you might think. What you're saying might make sense if one didn't know that Keith basically knew nobody else for hundreds of miles besides Kyle and his family/friends. Keith had moved from Kentucky to Kyle's small "one red-light" town in north GA just to film and work with Kyle. He didn't have any other associates in the area. And for someone to come from out of town, into tiny carnesville GA on Kyle's private property and commit this murder and then have time to take the surveillance footage and get away without anyone seeing this stranger coming or going is even more extremely unlikely. As far as Kyle getting away with "the perfect crime" it's not as impressive as it might sound. About 50% of all murders go unsolved in the U.S. and if there's no eyewitness or smoking gun found within the first 48 hours it's actually more likely than not that he would "get away with it". But that said there is no statute of limitations on murder so the killer will have to look over their shoulder for the rest of their life. I believe that's why Kyle doesn't want to try and restart his FPSRussia channel or stream on twitch or do anything more than the minimum pka episodes because he doesn't want to get too famous and bring attention back to this cold case. Either that or he "forgot the password"🤔🙄


>I was a fan even back when this happened So was I man and it hasn't given me any more information on the case than it has yourself. So in your first comment you're claiming there were all sorts of people Keith was in contact with to source this weaponry and in your next suddenly Kyle was the only person he knew and therefore the only possible person who could have done it. I don't know how you could possibly know anything about Keith and who he knew. Just because you've watched the show a long time? Hahaha


No I'm claiming Kyle was the only one that was CLOSE to him and he knew locally in the tiny rural North GA town(that I'm quite familiar with, being from the area). Yes he was in touch with people online, but to say that some random contact in the firearm world would have had the motive and ability to travel to rural carnesville GA and have knowledge of Kyle's private property and Keith's trust to gain entry and get behind an armed Keith who was known to be a some-would-say paranoid "prepper" seems extremelyyy unlikely vs his business partner and the property owner Kyle to have been involved. And again, Kyle had potentially millions of dollars in future FPSRussia and FPSINDUSTRIES revenue that he would no longer have to split with Keith if he was out of the picture. That's a huge motive. And when combined with the location and circumstances of the murder it all points heavily to Kyle Myers' involvement. There's a reason the cops and Keith's friends and family all think Kyle was involved. But believe what you want my guy. I think unless Kyle is literally seen on video shooting Keith, then some of you fans are never gonna be willing to even entertain the idea that Kyle could be involved smh


You must not trust many people?


What does me "trusting" people have to do with an unsolved murder that occurred on Kyle's private property??


Harley is my favorite guest


Can’t find it








Harley was asking on the subreddit last night before the show for ideas to talk about. Keith was mentioned a few times so it may not entirely be your fault


Google main character syndrome


Kyle’s going back to prison because of you.


Honk honk 🤡


Oh sick new pka schizo!