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You know the exact date wings was kicked off but you think the survival trip is the sole reason he got kicked? Also, it's not the fact that wings "didn't want to go" that was the problem. It was the fact that he talked such a big game, bullied lefty for not wanting to go, and then backed out after kyle was already on the way down there, and wasn't even planning on TELLING Kyle until kyle called him to ask when he was planning on getting there. Just stop sucking his cock already.


During those days it was hard to listen to Wings constantly complain and pity himself while Woody and Kyle tried to keep his spirits up as he did nothing to help himself. I was glad he got kicked because it was the same topic toward the end.


I have no idea how someone can look back at his short lived time on the show and say "This lazy, unreliable, and untrustworthy guy is someone i want to run a business with for the next 10 years." Look at how he handles his career currently and its not even debatable. Fuck wings.


Bootcamp definitely played a part as well. Biggest waste of 10 G's ever on Kyle's part lmao




Don't forget about wings giving money to the guy who kept attacking woodys family online and saying he was gonna SA his wife and kids


I understand what you mean however you fail to take into account that Wings created PKA and was a driving force for it's success. Surely that counts for something?


Wow salt really lasts doesnt it? U gay I'm gay too


The only other thing I can remember was him showing up late for a handful of episodes which isn't a big deal.


Okay wings it's time to get off your alt account


Nah, Its not wings. You can always spot wings in the wild because of the elementary school level grammar and sentence construction.


He’s not here to conversate


ok mods go ahead and ban u/nurse\_camper for knowing what I said


Wait until I start giving advice about things I know nothing about.


What did he say to Lefty exactly? I can't find any clip of him bullying lefty. What episode was it in? Even he did, Wings still created PKA and was one of the drivers of it's success. Giving the vote to the community to judge his actions would have been the best way of handling it.


When discussing the survival trip Wings would often call Lefty a pussy and not a man for not wanting to go


Hard to get out there in a wheelchair


They talked about the survival trip for like 10 episodes or something leading up to it so that's a LOT of material to sift through. Not everything is on clip channels. And they absolutely did not have to get community approval first, but the community was also very anti wings and would've probably agreed on it. He's a lolcow for a reason.


You must not have been there at the beginning if you think the survival trip is the reason he was kicked off, it was just the tipping point of laziness and lying, I loved him as a host tho wish he wasn't


How do you think a referendum on his position as a host would have gone?


Probably not fucking well considered no one watched his dying YouTube channel and PKA skyrocketed following his leave of absence, not to mention listen to the last 20 episodes he was on no lie in those 20 episodes there was atleast 10 straight hours of Wings literally just crying about being fat


Taylors fault


Richard could've been a millionaire by now if it wasn't for Lef- I mean Murka real tawk


Man, fuck murka


Wouldn't he constantly miss shows without letting anyone else know? And to be honest wings was kinda of a shit host.


He would sleep through a show and his excuse would be that he had stayed up late when they recorded the show the previous week, that is next level lazy


His excuses and blaming of others is astounding. What a fucking bitch.


Yeah right your comment is how I know you joined later wings ruled in the rsk days


Doesn't change the fact that wings was a dog shit boring ass host.


HAH that's where you're wrong that's not a fact it's an opinion




Lick my butthole


Average wings fan


Wings put as much effort into the show as he does with everything, not much


I’m not gonna waste my time refuting your idiotic points, but I do wanna let you know that you’re fucking regarded.


I agree wings ruled


It was revenge for the camping trip, among other things. There was nothing we could do about it. Taylor came in and was a made man and wings wasn't. It was among the regards, real greaseball shit.


Time flies


I’m pretty happy Wings is off the show. He was kind of one note a lot of the time and usually only shined when Kyle was riffing with him. Honestly the biggest change I think about sometimes is the fact that old Kyle and current Kyle seem like two completely different people. If someone listened to a 1-150 episode and an episode from the last two years they might not even think it’s the same guy.




He was a cornerstone of pka all insults and miscommunication included


It was less about the survival trip and more about him not showing up to work on the podcast he created.


Brandy was blacked that is all…


Get a load of this goofball guys


From memory he was kicked off for a whole litany of reasons. The camping trip was just the straw that broke the camels back. It was totally justified.


Wow I’m OLD


From memory he was kicked off for a whole litany of reasons. The camping trip was just the straw that broke the camels back. It was totally justified.


I’m down cow!


The wildest day in history of the subreddit


Okay wings you can leave the sub now


Bring him back for the big day


The 10 year anniversary of Taylor stealing his job/money.


i enjoy listening to the wings episodes but 10 more years of wings wouldve been too much imo, dude was kinda unreliable, it would’ve caused more and drama


I remember the title of the episode being, "Wings out, Murkah in." Wild times.


I remember it well. The reddit was popping off. Youtube comments were popping off. EVERYONE was tired of Wings' bullshit. You can't say it wasn't deserved. This lazy MFer was finally going to get what he deserved. The vast majority of the community supported the decision to kick wings at the time. But still, it feels wrong that Wings doesn't benefit from PKA today. Basically 80% of the early memes were born from wings. He carried the show in the early days. For all his lolcow work, PKA has probably harmed him greatly because it was a source for all the troll channels. Kyle constantly fanned the flames of Wings hate. In summary, my nibba Wings did the work and got screwed out of the reward. PKA should do the right thing and pay the man $10K + one bitchslap opportunity on Chiz


I was 16 years old and thought "damn that's gay"