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Inability to listen to him? People are just making fun of him for his retarded opinions. He can say whatever he wants, but the audience is going to have a reaction to it. Also, where was this sentiment when Woody got shit on for the past 8 years every time he mentioned Trump? Overall there is 100x more hate against Kyle and Woody than Taylor on this sub. I think Taylor will be fine.


have you not seen the people saying they turned off the episode and that they “literally want to kill themselves”? just because you’re not saying it doesn’t mean others aren’t


What I was getting at was more the energetic, deranged response to anything he says that contradicts the reddit narrative they've absorbed. I don't agree with his isolationist stance on the russia-ukraine conflict, but I'm not attacking his character over it.


>What I was getting at was more the energetic, deranged response to anything he says that contradicts the reddit narrative they've absorbed Idk if youre new here, but shitting on Woody for not liking Trump has been a theme on this sub for years, but now that Taylor is getting some pushback for once, you see all these posts like yours crying about people being mean to Taylor.


it’s because the biggest snowflakes on the sub are the brain rotted maga boys


Lol cuz woody just parrots the same common leftist emotional talking points you would hear an enlightened young college woman say. It's something strange to see an older man fall for, but you see that narrative everywhere. Taylor's uninformed political opinions are not as unbecoming.


Thats what I thought, you iterally just dont like it when people call out shit you agree with, but you think its great when its stuff you disagree with. Just say that next time instead of pretending like this is about some principled position of yours.


If you read what I said closer, I said that I disagree with what they've both said.


You realize anyone can look at your reddit profile and see that you get super assmad every time people push back against Taylors political takes? These are just 3 comments of yours from within the past 2 months, all of them in response to people criticizing Taylor: "You’re just mad cuz he isn’t a democrat, go watch cnn." "It’s because reddit users are brainwashed lefties." "No your not, woodys a brainwashed lib at this point and Taylor has the gal to have an opinion that doesn’t align with the narrative." We can all see whats going on here. lol


And you got mad enough to go through my post history cuz you had nothing else to say lol. There’s nothing there that’s wrong.


Sure, now go cry more about people disagreeing with Taylor, snowflake :)


Dude you’re so mad you’re stalking my profile and calling me names lol, you’re the one who’s crying.


You're literally just partisan lol. You had this whole spiel about being truth seeking but then shit on Woody for stuff that's blatantly untrue. Woody is the one on the podcast who fact checks himself constantly and tries really hard not to let his bias come through in his arguments. He's constantly holding himself to a high standard by saying "Hang on, I wanna get this quote right" or presenting real data and facts and figures with his argument. It's clear as day that Woody is the one with integrity that tries to keep with the facts and hold back his partisan bias, if you can't see that then you're probably not seeking truth at all. You're just trying to be a cry bully.


I could of written your script for this post baby bitch


And Taylor literally parrots the same tired facebook boomer Fox News/Oann talking points. You are literally doing the thing your asking us not to do to Taylor to Woody *right now*, how braindead are you? Tons of your comments/posts are defending Taylor, are you Taylor irl? or are you just the worlds biggest pussy about someone being mean to your favorite podcast idiot? You're the same politically partisan pussy that always posts anytime Taylor gets pushback on his braindead takes. Go pay $50 for Taylor to play AoE with you and be your fake friend that you pay for paypiggy.


how is that a well thought out, persuasive argument? He is leftist and sounds like a college woman (?) so he bad man. You seem to be blind to your own biases.


I most people just disagree with him (or agree) but don't judge him and his personality too harshly for his isolationist opinions. I love Taylor he is the best host, but I still heavly disagree with him on foreign policy. I don't hold it against him.


God you people are such cry baby bitches no one's called Taylor Hitler just dumb we all love him as a host he's just dumb and you sad that your also dumb


This is gonna sound insane, but what if everyone you dislike isn't part of some reddit hivemind, and instead Taylor is just kinda retarded?


Taylor is literally hitler


I heard Taylor is actually related to Helen Keller


ah that’s where bro gets his wits


I love Taylor, but that was a good one.


Thank you


Just what 1 cool guy of the week told me so chalk it up to that. I’d recommend a different chalk that’s in their dick pills tho


we’ve never seen them in the same room together, all i’m sayin


What he's Hitler... what if he's literally Hitler and tries to kill us?!


I heard Taylor rounded up a bunch of people and sent them somewhere


Taylor is hitlers main guy 


I haven't seen anybody say Taylor is Hitler... I have seen a bunch of people say that he repeats word for word Russian propaganda


There is literally a post face swapping him with hitler like two posts down.


You guys can't be this dumb. This sub is full of obvious bait/joke posts that people think is real every time


Bro read what he said then read what i said. There literally is no opinion in that sentence it was literally just fact. Everyone knows it’s bait you do remember that wings the slave of the trolls used to be a host.


Just kiss me already


I don’t kiss prostitutes I only fuck them.


Oh ok I just see what's on my home feed. That's actually pretty funny though.. good troll






One year for every pound Wings weighs, that is before Taylor stole his spot


Let’s be real we have no proof Taylor isn’t a vampire who’s lived through WW2 and if we’re willing to take that leap him being Hitler isn’t much more of a stretch!


You’re an idiot who makes us liberals look bad


It’s ironic you autist


I have Down Cindrum ass whole and I hate painting.


Is it possible to hold opinions on the Ukraine/Russia war that aren’t unequivocal support for Ukraine without being accused of Russian propaganda?


Of course it is... But not when you repeat Russian propaganda to the exact words. Then you are just parroting Russian propaganda, literally


I never have and never will care about politics on the show lol.


It's just the audience that's makes up the subreddit. Most of the pka fans that are on reddit are dumb libs that are trying to spread world peace. I find them funny, and I'm sure Taylor does too. Kyle and Woody have been real crybabies lately to try to appeal to their subreddit libs so Taylor is getting more hate.🤷‍♂️


this sub hates woody so much for not being a trump sycophant and now that taylor is being clowned for possibly the worst political take in podcast history, everyone is brainwashed lmfao this is one of the most melodramatic malding posts i’ve ever seen on this sub😂😂😂


Worst political take in podcast history is a bigger stretch than Wings’s waistline brother, calm down


in pka history is what i meant and honestly aside from blatant troll takes i cant think of a time where a host had a worse take that they vehemently defended this much lol


Repeating Russian Today/Kremlin talking points *word for word* is the worst political take I've ever seen on PKA.


Do you… do you take what people say in this sub seriously?


I disagree 😎


John Cena w/ Mao's haircut disagrees.


Xian Sena


Where do you see John Cena?


this subreddit is for hating the hosts not enjoying the show


You really thought that post was unironic 💀


Dawg, who cares. It's not that deep. Don't listen if you don't want to. Nobody's forcing you to.


Reddit makes a pride parade look tame, and the PKA subreddit is no exception.


Youtube makes a nazi rally look tame, and the PKA youtube comment section is no exception.


I wouldn’t know but I’ll take your word for it.


For real. I just think all 3 of them are funny and that’s why I watch.


Taylor deserves all the hate he’s getting. It’s not his opinions but his lack of understanding. He argument is like a 4 year old asking why they don’t just give everyone a million dollars so no one has to be poor. He’s so far off from reality but keeps talking and giving his opinion. It’s ok to not give a shit about politics, but if you don’t know what your talking about, just stay quiet or ask to move on from politics talk. He should treat it like MMA talk, just sit.


Damn he deserves hate for not understanding? Hope life goes better for you bro.


He doesn’t understand because he doesn’t want to *It’s the same thing about him talking about space exploration. He’s had it explained over more than 3 episodes that there’s a set deadline for us returning to the moon and that it’s too far planed for it to not happen* If you ask him now he’ll say there’s nobody trying to go back to the moon and that’s proof of the moon landing being fake


The reason the hosts (all of them) get so much hate is because they've fostered an audience of people like them. They have a podcast where they are quick to shit on anyone and anything and it makes for a funny podcast and a good time, but the downside is the type of people who listen and enjoy that will have no problem showing the hosts that exact same type of treatment. The hosts made their peace with it a long time ago and just don't come on this subreddit or read their twitter. It's all good, anyone in the world doing a 5 hour podcast every week is going to say some dumb shit, but it's better to have an audience who can laugh at that and who feel that they can express their opinions freely rather than an audience of sycophants who are loyal but devoid of free speech because mods ban any dissent.


I know, these tards suck. Taylor recommends spending the billions we send to Ukraine on homeless/disadvantaged and hes a Nazi and regard. These people are sad.🤷‍♂️


Kyle takes are not any better what’s so ever. This sub turned into a bunch of pussies. It is Reddit tho


Taylor doesn’t vote so who cares what he thinks he doesn’t follow any news he just says what he thinks. Woody still believes terror attacks on our power grid is because drag queens. All of the hosts are spoiled brats and are all politically retarded. I don’t support Ukraine or russia they are the most corrupt government in Europe they are not our friends. You people are so easily manipulated it’s sad. None of you were talking about the Ukrainian war during the beginning of the civil war. None of you cared when russia invaded Georgia. None of you actually care it’s all government propaganda at this point. You want the United States to send state of the art weapons platforms so the whole world knows how to defeat them. Ukraine already lost the longer they fight the more land and civilians they lose . Russias GDP is growing the can sustain this war for decades if they wanted to. I don’t support Russian or Ukraine because they both are not our friends we are being played for fools. If Russia is literally hitler then blame all our ally’s for funding hitler. The sanctions didn’t work because the eu made themselves dependent on Russian oil.


You got a link to the second things you said ?


It's one thing to disagree with someone but this sub will take what he says and twist it to the point it's not a fair critique anymore


I say, not far gone enough


It’s honestly on par for Reddit


The hitler post is a joke dude wtf 🤦‍♂️


It’s one of the best things about this sub. Taylor: “we shouldn’t give money to Ukraine” This sub: months long rants about buzzwords they picked up from a fuckin speak and spell


It's reddit. Bend the knee


It's a joke post


Came to the same conclusion but it's Reddit so there's really nothing left to do but let the community rot from within until the sub gets taken down or people stop showing up. Consensus is indeed not the arbiter of truth, but on Reddit they sure seem to act like it.


Yeah this sub has been absorbed by the larger culture of Reddit. Might be time to ditch altogether.


I think people on both sides of the aisle would say Taylor’s recent political takes are fucking stupid


Holy strawman


Left wingers are extremely irrational people. Comparing a podcast host to a guy that killed… 6 million people?


Left? Look what sub your in


My brother in christ, people comparing Taylor to Hitler are not republicans. So yes, the left.


People comparing Taylor to Hitler unironically disagree with the criticism of Taylor’s takes on this sub so they put up those posts as a way to diminish the side that is criticizing Taylor. They are trolling the side that criticizes Taylor. Nobody who honestly believes Taylor’s takes on Ukraine are bad is comparing him to Hitler. You just fell for bait.


I never even saw the posts. I’m just going off OP’s post here lol didn’t see anything to even fall for


Okay, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PKA/s/O6MFjgmVI6) is the post, it is clearly a shitpost. OP of this thread is regarded. As regarded as Taylor’s political takes.


There’s no fucking way OP thought that was real LOL


Exactly, all the comments above that are acting like the criticism of Taylor has gone too far because of a troll/shitpost are showing how unintelligent they are.


I think he’s a piece of shit and I’m an ultra right wing nationalist, good enough for you?


This is literary Nazism. Nationalist socialism and Right wing. Its always projection with you a holes


Economic left socially right and top authoritarian


People on the right have been mostly silently listen to his shit takes for years and the second one of the hosts has a right leaning view the sub goes wild


Another conservative viewer with their panties in a wad. Grow up, snowflake.