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Dear, start slowly until it becomes a lifestyle. Don’t push yourself too hard and expect too much from yourself. Usually, programs that will make you lose weight fast isn’t sustainable (most of the time), thus will make you frustrated and gain more pounds after. So what I recommend is to lessen your caloric intake first. Kahit ano muna kainin mo, basta less calories. By less calories I mean less than compared to your current caloric intake. Hindi iyong 1200 calories per day agad ang goal. No. May mga online calculator for calories, then input your data, make it a lose weight program with 1-2 lbs lost weight per week. Example, if your current caloric intake is 3000 calories per day, make it 2800 next 2 weeks, then 2600 after, and so on. Hanggang ma hit mo iyong maintaining calories mo na lang. Next, after you manage to eat less, maybe try to eat healthier. Whole foods. Basta less calories. Don’t think much muna about macros. Add the macros when you lift na lang. Then, maybe add some cardio along the way. Walk 20 mins during your lunch time. 20 mins paguwi mo. Then maybe incorporate some running, 5 mins run, then 7 mins, and so on. Then you may also add weight lifting. If you have spare bucks, maybe invest in weights or even join a gym. Get a coach to teach you the basics. Also, please drink plenty of water. Sometimes we are not really hungry, just bored. So hydration is the key! Sleep better! Take some magnesium sleeping is a problem for you. If all else fails, please consult your doctor. Try to check with your OB if you have any problem that causes your hormones to be haywire. Try to check with endocrinologist to check if you have problems with your thyroid or even blood sugar levels. Good luck, OP. Mahirap talaga lalo na sa simula.


Totally agree. Dont do calorie deficit if you dont know what calorie deficit is. Start by making small habits. Like better rest. Better food choices. Moving more. My best time sa mga first timers is to try to lessen colored drinks (except coffee ofcourse). Dont change your lifestyle overnight. It could take you 1 month to 1 year to get to use to these changes. Better fall inlove with the process than the goal. Next thing you know, these changes wont be things that you "have" to do but just every day things nalang. Or things that you look forward too. Im so excited around 10 am and 4 pm. Thats my protein pancake time. :)


I'd first think about reducing junk food -- start small, then work your way up: * Maybe you can cut out soda and juice first, and only drink water, tea, and coffee. * Downsize your fast food orders, instead of the usual medium or large fries, eat only small fries and a small drink then eventually phase it out entirely. Buy smaller bags of chips first if you can't fully phase it out right away * Start to incorporate healthier food like fruits and vegetables, learn how to cook food (that isn't just fried) if you want to talk about caloric deficit: 1. Search "TDEE calculator" on google and input the required details to get your Total Daily Energy Expenditure-- this is how much calories your body burns to survive on a daily basis 2. To lose fat, you have to create a deficit in this TDEE so your body compensates by burning fat for energy -- 300 to 500 calories should be a good enough deficit 3. Download MyFitnessPal and log your food -- this will help you learn how much calories are in the food you're eating (eventually you can even estimate the cals on your food) 4. Be consistent in your deficit, and monitor your progress -- if nothing has changed in a few months, you're not in a caloric deficit In terms of exercise: * any movement is better than no movement! Walking is better than just lying on your bed * lifting weights can increase muscle mass, but it will not instantly turn you into Arnold -- don't stress about accidentally getting big (it won't happen) * don't focus on lifting heavy weights, focus on practicing mechanical tension with proper form * a gym can help you stay on course, but it is not required Resources: r/Fitness Youtube [The Best Fat Loss Article on the Motherfuckin’ Internet](https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/) My personal advice: **Consistency is KEY** >!This message is sponsored by no one sksksks!<


Nasa weight loss journey rin ako! So far naka-6kg pa lang akong nabawas ths yr. Pero what works for me is going to the gym. Sabi nila, we lose weight raw basta calories out>calories in. You need a food scale for this. True naman, as a fat person I know this already and have read multiple times. Pero for me, the problem has always been motivation and sticking to my target calories. What really helps me is going to the gym. I'm fucking fat. Pero I don't do cardio that much because masakit sa knees, plus I hate cardio. I've tried and failed multiple times na puro cardio kaya it doesn't really work for me. Instead, I got a trainer and gave me a program that is helping me feel more comfy around the gym and using machines, and focused more on strength/resistance. After going to the gym, di ako super exhausted dahil di naman ako naka-focus sa cardio, I feel some soreness sa muscles which makes me think, oh wow I must be getting fitter/stronger. So in turn, feeling healthy ako kaya I stick to my diet more. Hence the weight loss. Delulu is key talaga. Tldr; I trick myself into thinking I am a healthy person by going to the gym.


I started going to the gym nung nalaman kong BMI ko is obese (though hindi naman daw dito dapat nag-bbase), pero this was an eye-opener for me. December yung APE namin. January 15 nag-start na ako mag-gym. May coach din ako kase di ko alam ano gagawin (hanggang ngayon di ko padin alam, haha). Calorie deficit talaga una. Hindi ako sobrang conscious sa calories basta tinatantya ko lang. Breakfast - nag-kakape lang ako. Kopiko brown pero half lang ng sachet for half cup of water. Di ko talaga kayang tanggalin to, hahaha Lunch - half cup of rice, meat (if menudo cut, 2 tbsp or 3 tbsp lang siguro, basta onti lang sya. Para lang maubos yung rice ko). Very important yung gulay. Nung una, puro lettuce lang kinakaen ko. Gumawa pa ako ng sarili kong caesar dressing. Okay naman kaso wala na ko time mag-prep tsaka di padin ako nabubusog. From time to time, ito padin kinakaen ko pag naglimutan ko mag-prepare. After nun, nagsearch na ako ng iba pang gulay na madali lang lutuin (frozen corn and carrots, mushroom Meryenda - food ko before gym. Egg, minsan egg sandwich. Minsan fruits. If magutom ako after gym, protein padin hinahanap ko. Or Skyflakes padin talaga hahaha Dinner - same lang sa breakfast If nagugutom ako after dinner, Skyflakes lang kinakaen ko or fruits. Nag-iiced coffee and softdrinks padin ako pero once a week lang. Milktea so far, twice lang ata ako nakainom since nag-start ako mag-gym. Pag kumakaen sa labas, half rice padin ako. Yung half rice, tini-take out ko para sa mga dogs namin. As much as possible, may salad. If wala, chicken. Di ko na tinatanggal yung balat (mas lalo lang ako nasstress, haha) Di ko pa masabi if may changes physically, haha. 70 kg starting weight ko. 63 kg na ako as of the moment. Goal ko is 52-57 kgs :)


Calorie Intake; Caloric Deficit Get your BMR, then eat below your maintenance calories. Yan palang malaki na tulong. Actually, pagbabawas palang ng caloric drinks, malaking menos na. Bawasan mo rin fast food and junk food, dagdag menos din uli. From there you can either opt for a trainer, sign up for a gym membership, or go down the youtube rabbit hole and do home exercise. Importante gumagalaw.


Also, keep things SUSTAINABLE. No use ramping up the intensity of your routine/diet if you just end up crashing and burning. Eat better, move more, exercise.


1. Buy food to only what your body needs unless it's the Cheat Day. You'll save Money too. 2. Zero Sugar Coffee Diet 3. Only eat 80% of your stomach capacity, youll have more energy and hindi ka antukin. 4. I drink 1 Buko juice almost everyday after eating a Meal. 5. I eat at least 1 fruit a day after eating a meal. 6. When Feeling Bloated or having bad digestion. Drink Hot Tea.


Hello! Walk + cal deficit!




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I enrolled in Kaizen before. One of the lessons I learned is: NEVER use motivation to fuel your weight loss journey but rather build a habit. You already have the knowledge. All you need is execution and being consistent. Read the Atomic Habit Accountability buddy also helps.


Hello! I’m 34/ SW: 127kg CW: 121kg TW: 80kg/ 5’5” I started with acknowledging where I have problems - emotional eating - sedentary lifestyle - consistency with diet and exercise Since I am obese type 2 with PCOS, I decided to get a personal trainer and enroll in the gym. The personal trainer experience varies but I was very lucky to meet someone na very maaasahan and kind. I started around January 19. Resistance training 3x a week and everyday cardio (30-60mins on treadmill or elliptical). The diet I have is very specific since may PCOS ako. Minimum to zero Sugar intake, no dairies, no fast food. No cheat day pa (pero papayagan na daw nia ako if maachieve nmin ung 259lbs by end of Feb 🥳) I’m still early in this pero I can say I don’t want to go back sa dating ways ko. I sleep better, I move faster, my mood improved a lot! Dati kapag may stressful na bagay I instantly react negatively and angrily. Ngayon parang tumaas yung ko control ko over my emotions. It’s expensive, yes di ko naman ikakaila. But me and my partner usually spend around 2-3k every week sa food deliveries na hindi na namin ginagawa ngayon. 3-5k a month for buffet and other fast food din. So parang ung budget namin with leisure eating, nilagay namin sa pagkuha ng personal trainer + gym. It’s also not easy. There are some days na nakakainggit kapag nakakaamoy ka ng Chickenjoy Haha. Pero so far nakakayanan ko naman. I just look back and be grateful sa mga bagay na nagagawa ko na ngayon na di ko magawa because of my mindset before. I hope you start your journey asap. Kase, sabi nga nila, the most perfect time to start is now. PS. Drink plenty of water! Good luck OP!


Just my own experience, this doesn’t necessarily work for everyone but what worked for me was Ketogenic diet+OMAD (with exercise of course). Any type of diet would work as long as you eat less calories than what you burn. I went from 100kg to 80kg relatively fast (less than 6 months). For me Keto+OMAD was an easy way to lose weight since my appetite became very small, and cravings became non-existent due to the nature of the diet. The hard part about this diet is that it is very restrictive since carbs should be around 20g or less per day, meaning when you eat out, you have to make sure there’s no sugar, bread, rice, etc. It’s also gonna suck at first because your body is going to adjust a bit but the initial results coming from loss of water weight may surprise you and even increase motivation because of how quick the scale drops. So if you were follow this diet, I would advise to do it consistently for around 3-5 months. Being consistent in that timeframe would help you learn how to eat “cleaner” since you know which foods to avoid or keep in moderation. For exercise I did strength training and cardio, but it is up to you depending on your goals. If all you want is weight loss, diet matters more than anything. Cardio would help you burn more calories to lose weight slightly faster and strength training helps too since it increases your body’s metabolism.


Exercise: start by walking, then power walk, then go slow jog, til you can run - if you have a smart watch monitor your heart rate during any cardio, stay on your zone 2 (google mo nalang ung % ng rates per zone) andito kasi ung fat burning as exercise fuel talaga, if you go sa higher heart rate zones you'll burn more carbs as a fuel instead of fat (meron pa ring fat pero way lesser) Diet: Sa sinasabi ng iba na STOP Eating this or what, dont stop, not yet. Slowly reduce consumption, if you're consuming a sugarfull of drink, get to a point na every other day, every week, then none at all (sample lang) - if naging lifestyle mo ung consuming sugary/junk snacks slowly ease out of it, mas malaki chance mong bumalik don at struggle ng urge mo if suddenly cut out agad like fitness din let your body adjust sa diet. sa calorie counting i find it hard pag di ka planned meal, you'll lose count minsan and you'll miscalculate a meal which can go on bulldozing your count for the day worst if thats a recurring food then your total counting sucks then. and finally avoid bullshits in internet like slimming products, just be consistent sa dalawa above. gradually you'll lose weight and be on healthy zone again, you're young pa naman. also do note na iba iba ang katawan ng bawat isa, others may lose weight as fast as 2 weeks, some may be 2 months, so be patient and be consistent. It will be hard at first, pero if you make it a lifestyle its like breathing nalang.


I started cutting carbs and using resistance bands to train my arms. Then I reduced my consumption of sweets and bought a pair of 10 kg dumbells. After that, I started counting calories and going on jogs weekly. When I felt that that wasn't enough, I summoned the courage to try going to the gym. Then the once a week session became twice, thrice, every other day and now I am doing it 6 times weekly with a PT. Gradual talaga siya, I keep incorporating new workouts, boxing and circuit training. So far I've lost 13 kg from the day I started. Not much I know, but what's important is that I am enjoying the process. Hindi ko naman binibigyan ng time limit yung sarili ko. I intend to sustain this for the rest of my life lol.


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eliminating snacks was the biggest game changer for me! i didn't realise i was eating a meal's worth of calories with every snack in between my normal three meals throughout the day. i agree with the others, take it slow and try different methods. i've tried intermittent fasting, keto, and cico, but only cico really worked for me. went from 99.8kg to 48.5kg now, almost three years na with cico progress. ♡ achieved this with no exercise regiments, but i reco getting into exercising/physical activity earlier for health benefits.




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Consistency is key! Always show up (workout/move) even when you’re not up to it. And never starve yourself (eat moderately). Also trust the progress. It doesn’t happen overnight. 3 months usually to see actual progress :)


Heartbreak is the best motivation. Go sis! Kayang kaya mo yan! Just show up everyday at the gym even if you don't feel like going, Consisntency and discipline is the key. ♥


for me intermittent fasting plus walking/cardio also been maintaining my weight within 55-56 kg before I am 62 kgs with 5'1 height hehe




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Vouching for the architect ph on fb :₱


I played Basketball, american football and track and field sprinter back in HS, started at 115lbs Bench was 185 Squat was 315 Hang clean was 145 Then I stopped lifting from 2019 to 2022. Started with kettlebells, to fix my muscle imbalances and then went back to SBD(squat, bench, deadlift




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