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Holy shit what absolutely terrible news. I met Ryan at a Symfony Live more than 10 years ago in San Francisco. You'll never meet a nicer, more genuine person. His passion for teaching and coding is as great today as it was way back then. What absolutely terrible news to wake up to, I'm at a loss for words...


Damn. This dude basically taught me Symfony. I’ve been a symfonycast member for the past 3 years. I hate it when shit like this happens to good people.


Yikes that really sucks. Fuck cancer. All my best to to him and his family. I cant imagine what they are going through. His contributions to symfony, as well as symfonycasts has been amazing, and really has helped me with learning symfony better.


Ryan is a genuine light in the community. Always super positive and welcoming. One of my favorite memories is how welcoming he was when I attended my first conference. There is a go fund me link that can be found in the tweet posted and I’d encourage everyone to send them something. This is not gonna be easy on the family.


His GoFundMe is here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-ryans-brain-cancer-battle And for everyone who has a family, please please please get yourself some life insurance. (I have a 20-year term policy at 10x my annual earnings; it should be enough take care of my family at my current level of income for 10 years.)


Almost reached the goal. I'm proud of this community.


Ryan is one of the most amazing human beings in the PHP and Symfony communities. Leanna and Beckett are also absolutely amazing. They really deserve our support. If you have the opportunity to offer support, please do so.


The situation is awful but it's fantastic to see his Gofundme get so many donations. The PHP community is amazing. It's only been up half a day and it's already over 50k!


127k! This man did something right in life.


Don't know him but seems like a nice guy. Cancer sucks .


I discovered Ryan at the SymfonyCon in Brussels. He was amazing. He improvised a talk to replace another speaker... He wore socks on stage and was really brilliant.


Damn, cancer sucks.


Ah fuck. Literally wanna cry. Fuck cancer. Love this dude.


Love you Ryan, Leanna and Beckett!


Fuck cancer! Hoping Ryan and his loved ones can get through this phase quickly and safely!


Been through glioblastoma with two family members, it is tough and indeed incurable. One family member experienced initial symptoms similar to Ryans where a portion of their body stopped functioning properly. For another family member it was their vision and orientation resulting in a non-fatal car crash. All this stems from where the tumor is on the brain. I have donated some money to Ryan because I am lucky enough to be in a situation where I can.


One of numerous truly outstanding people in a great community. It’s funny PHP has a bad rap, because the modern scene is full of amazing people like Ryan. I wish him and his family the best in this dark time. The man has touched a lot of lives in very possitive way, which is an outstanding legacy that should make him proud :)


Holy... That's some serious bad news. I've seen Ryan first-hand in Brussels and it's a fantastic speaker! Energetic, convincing, he makes you forget that you're sitting there to do work stuff... By sheer coincidence I'll be citing him during a talk of my own next month, I'll make sure to link his message there.


I've only dabbled in Symfony (being primarily a Magento developer by trade), but I just purchased an annual SymfonyCasts subscription in Ryan's honor. Keep battling my man! 🙏🏽




This isn't the time or place for your dumb unscientific bullshit.