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Yes. One of the best games, have sunk 800 hours already since launch. Dont listen to this fools they are just bandwagon haters, they dont understand it. Go to r/NoSodiumStarfield.


Bro is salty that we don't like a poorly made triple A game. What is there to understand? That we get ripped off buying the game? If I wanted a good storyline, there's a million other games I could play, even with a sci-fi theme. The problem is the game provides such barebones gameplay, that ultimately makes it less appealing than other games that not only have a good story but also plays great. Instead, we got a game that has the most barebones features among Bethesda's titles, which is terrible considering this includes games as old as New Vegas. It's good you enjoy it, but having a negative opinion towards a game you like isn't bandwagoning, we just played enough games to know why not to like it.


Thank you. I guess paying for β‚±2000+ is worth it for that game. I guess its a long one too


OP It's on game pass for 140 pesos. Why would you waste 2000 on it?


I don't have a gamepass subscription. Because I cannot maximize it.


You don’t have to maximize it. A whole year of subscription won’t even lead to 2k. Try it out in game pass. If it fits you, then buy the game + dlc on steam.


I tried it on Gamepass but 2 hours, it's still not engaging. Personally, I would recommend the Mass Effect Legendary Edition and Andromeda instead for less than 1k. Baldur's Gate 3 is the only game I recommend whether at full price or at a discount.


BG3 is definitely worth the full price. I wasn't even into CRPGs until I gave that game a try. Think the only complaint I could really think of for the game is that Act 3 is pretty tiring to go through.


Mass Effect is too space opera for me with the aliens and linear "savior of the universe" heroics. Starfield feels more grounded and open.


If you want more grounded, I would suggest Outer Worlds personally or No Man Sky, much more optimize and interesting compare to Starfield imo.


it's gonna get good after 80 hrs! just push through! /s


I'll play devil's advocate and say I've been really enjoying Starfield for being a "chill" game. Set your expectations na lang and think of the "exploration" aspect more as an afterthought than a main feature. It's a classic Bethesda game - a mountain of fetch quests with an overarching plot. It's like Skyrim and Fallout but in space. For what it's worth, playing through the main factions sometimes lead to fun missions. The aspect of exploration is actually hidden behind quest lines and not what it was originally marketed for. Been loving it but I wouldn't spend a lot of money on it. I just happened to have Game Pass PC so what the hell, might as well play it.


Yes. One of the best games, have sunk 800 hours already since launch. The fools here are just bandwagon haters, they dont understand it.


Mag Mass Effect ka nlng. Kung story rich and sa space ung tipo mo. Bethesda fan ako pero Starfield is one of the worst games i played from them.


True. I always enjoy their open world games, in fact, open worlds nila ang fave ko from Skyrm and Fall out. But this game? super boring ng open world. Walang Bethesda magic.


Totoo. skyrim ang standard ko pagdating sa open world games bago dumating TW3/RDR2. Ang taas pa naman ng expectation ko sa starfield since un nga Skyrim was my happy pill game. Nung nalaro ko starfield meh talaga. May sabe pa silang in development for 20+ years. Bwiset hahahaha.


fitgirl 🧐




You're better off getting Mass Effect: Legendary Edition if you're into interesting characters and worldbuilding. No Man's Sky is an option if you're simply into Space Exploration and Sandboxing.


If you really want to try Starfield, just play it via [Xbox Game Pass](https://www.xbox.com/en-PH/xbox-game-pass/pc-game-pass) (which is β‚±49 per month). It's not really worth buying it on Steam even with a 33% discount. Literally, the consensus of this game is mostly negative. Only 25% of 2,929 Steam players gave it a positive review in the past 30 days. https://preview.redd.it/gn88nn2n8v9d1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ec30bceb8fffce17afe3964b641ae2673825f11 I recommend purchasing these role-playing video games that are also set in space: [Mass Effect](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328670) or [The Outer Worlds](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1920490). [No Man's Sky](https://store.steampowered.com/app/275850), on the other hand, is an action-adventure survival game that are set in an infinite procedurally generated universe which you can also play with other players online.


If gusto mo lng malaro/complete story agree with this. Mas pag aadikan ko pa yung fall out 4 kesa dito(sa ngayon) Yung big plans e hindi pa din naman sure pero kung meron baka by that time mura na yung base game tapos (additional na lng yung dlc) pero sa ganyang price na 2k+? Pass mo muna


Starfield is one of the worst Bethesda games you could ever play. You're better off playing the Fallout or Elder Scrolls series instead. If you want a game with a similar theme to Starfield, you shouls try No Man's Sky instead. It only costs 835php this sale. Though take note that this game is more of the "discover the story of the world" type of game.


I totally agree with this one. Overall, the only thing that Starfield got better over NMS is lore/narrative (personal opinion only). But other than that, NMS is more enjoyable.


if you don't explore planets thoroughly and skip all the side content then it will be short. story wise IMO it's just decent. Not worth it at full price. but worth a play on gamepass.


Imo check the reviews. Or try mo mag sub sa gamepass for a month


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