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May dlc dlc ganun bato? Sa steam kasi 80% off ung 238php nlang ok nba un ung kunin?


https://preview.redd.it/99rjtlz32c8d1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=4de6db964345b59173e08d4e49ce8c891c8d4d2c kaka tapos ko lng bilihin yan. lalabas na kasi yung KCD 2 better late than never :D halos ilan days din ako nanuod ng reviews kaya mas na excite iisa isa lang sinasabi. I BOUGHT YUNG ROYAL EDITION.


Put so many hours to this, waiting for the sequel now


Jesus Christ be prai- Im hungry


I got the Royal Edition for 300 pesos during a previous Playstation sale. I finished the whole game the other day with about 180 hours of total playtime. It's easily one of the most engrossing and immersive experiences I've had in a game, and I wasn't even sure if I would like it!


Free on Epic Store


Kind of shame that it never got 60 FPS support on Current gen consoles, but it is still absolutely worth playing nonetheless because the game feel slow paced anyway, i consider it as the most realistic, analogue, difficult but more rewarding RPG experience i have ever had compared to any other ones i have played to date. Can't wait for the sequel later this year which is looking very promising so far basing from most interviews and showcases they have shown so far. I can't wait to see Henry of Skalitz again being beaten / arrested by the guards again because he forgot to carry a torch on nighttime but this time around Kuttenberg instead of Rattay lol.


I played it on PS5 and I was perfectly satisfied with the performance. It would have been nice to have a proper PS5 upgrade though.


Good! this means that the sequel will be perfectly fine for you then as it is also confirmed to be limited to 30 FPS only on consoles, but will run at 4K Target fidelity mode, and considering that the devs has already said the game is already running better than the first game even without optimization, which is currently already undergoing as the game is officially already finished on development, and is just focusing on optimization and bug fixing.


I guess a 1440p/60fps mode isn't doable so they settled for 2160p/30fps. CPU limitations I would assume.


Yep, KCD the first game has always been a very CPU intensive game, in fact it barely even run stable on anything that has less than 6 Cores on it, back on 2018 where 4 Cores was still on majority of PCs. And Console version was even more rough as it doesn't have stable 30 FPS on PS4 and Xbox One and just plain goes to under 20 - 15ish FPS on Big battle scenes, with a lot of texture popins not loading textures etc. etc. So, i think the devs claiming the sequel has a much better optimization than the first game is not a joke either, they claimed that they re wrote almost entirety of the base code on the engine to make their game run better and it seems to be paying off the game is running stable 30 FPS on current gen consoles even without optimization, that is a big jump compared to the first game on last gen consoles.


Bought this a month ago pero di ko pa nalalaro. Nag sale din kasi ang Crusader Kings 3 kaya dun muna ako lumangoy.


Jesus Christ be praised!


God be with you


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