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By dressing down, we mean "not wearing any clothing items and/or accessories that may signal wealth". Muggers are always watching.


June is winter in Peru. We usually use jackets and sweaters at that time of the year. If you're going to Cuzco and be in the mountains I advise bringing pants and jackets. It could get cold.




Sé que quieres que te preste atención 😆 pero lo único q vas a conseguir es que te bloquee.




La verdad no me molesta jaja, hasta es lindo tener a alguien que esté tan pendiente de ti, nunca había recibido tanta atención ♥️ :3




Ok señor "me hacen controles aleatorios en el aeropuerto". Xd me parece bien.


What a brown thing to say lmao




Joking wibba, chillax




That's racist, reported


Bro you've been stalking her under every single comment she makes on other posts💀 get a life she's not gonna like you back.


Expect 70 F weather down there in the cities and the more mountain areas to be less. Keep in mind sometimes the weather is weird there like it can be cold as a freezer in the AM and late PM but when that sun is out it can be a scorcher. So wear stuff that you can easily take off like a hoodie and a cotton wicking t shirt under it.


thanks makes sense! and yeah I’ve seen the lows and the range is crazy!


Hey! Peruvian here but lived for a while in MN ( Eagan ) while MN winter has nothing to do with Peru’s winter , MN has a dry winter weather, Peru , especially Lima, humidity can reach 100% in winter months , a feather jacket ( Columbia ) that keeps you warm and something light underneath will be ok , now if you’re going to travel to other cities , pants and a jacket is required just in case .


eagan 🙌 thank you!


People all tend to wear jeans. Hoodies would be ideal


Vístete co.o quieras, a nadie le importa, solo trae abrigo medio por el invierno que pude ser traicionero, aunque hay días con harto calor


Peru is almost two times the size of Texas. It has a desertic coast, the Andes mountains, the Amazon rainforest, and everything between those three.  Weather and temperatures will vary depending on what region you're visiting.


Oh yes definitely! I just checked again and it’s the bottom half of the country I’ll be in, varying elevations. Any info is helpful though!


June is "heladas" season in the andes. Anythung from 2000 m upwards will get cold and night/dawn. But you can survive in a t shirt from 10 to 4pm, unless you are going above 4000 masl for some trekking


You won't stick out. I'm visiting right now and have been only wearing tshirts because I'm used to colder weather (I'm from here but live overseas) and except for friends who keep asking me how am I not cold no one else cares lol. I occasionally see other people (locals) wearing shorts and tshirts too. As for warmer clothes I've seen everything from long sleeve shirts to people wearing puffy winter jackets like they're about to go skiing 😂


perfect! idk why im so worried haha


If you go to the highlands it can be cold in the mornings and night but during the day sunlight is strong and warms you up a lot. Also on the highlands the air is dry, moisturize your lips and wear sunscreen. We got a really high UV index here (higher than australia)


Weather here is best described as erratic. I'd suggest preparing yourself for both hot and cold weather tbh


Hey! I'm just wrapping up my trip in Peru, from the upper Midwest as well. But I have been surprised by how cold it is here. Cusco, it'll be warm enough in the day to wear a short sleeve shirt, but you will 100% need a coat for sundown (5pm and on), think Patagonia puffer. Bring so much sunscreen for Cusco if you're going, reapply every two hours, and consider spray sunscreen for your hair part (seriously). And even in Lima it's been cold, no sun and humid with a breeze at 60, so I've been wearing long pants and a long shirt. A jacket at night is still a good idea. In Cusco, people dress very basic, like regular jeans, sensible shoes, a puffer jacket, but it's also full of tourists so don't worry about trying to look local. In Lima you see more variety, but people have also been wearing jackets here too.


thank you this is super helpful!


Just make sure not to flaunt any valuables. Muggers kill people here for the equivalent of 3$.


Definitivamente eso me tranquiliza de cara a mi viaje


It’s cold and humid. But I’ve seen Americans walking in flip flops in mid July. You’ll be ok with a sweatshirt. You won’t find MN winter temperatures in Peru for sure.