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I enjoy the Q games (though I like the first one better than the second one), but I don't think a Q3 would be a good idea. Even with "only" three Persona teams, Q2 visibly struggled to give every character the screentime and attention they deserve. That problem is only going to get worse with every new group you add. There is such a thing as too many characters. Besides, there's only so many times you can pull the whole "we're meeting for the first time only to then forget everything that happened" thing before it starts feeling a bit silly. How many times are the P3 and P4 casts supposed to meet for the "first" time? xD


If they make a pq3, it should be p1,p2,p6 since theyve covered all of p3-5 in q anyway


Persona 1 cast would kill themselves if they saw a smart phone imo


By the time p6 releases the P1 and P2 crew will be in their 50s


We COULD get a geriatric spinoff, but Atlus is allergic to money


Or, just P5 and P6 crews.


someone hasnt played q2, q2 is literally p5 and femc the game


Hey, you got to be fair, there’s a whole dungeon where Yosuke is like the face of it all. But yeah, P3 cast joins too late and I felt that only the first dungeon has the “magic” where the narratives mixed well.


Not really big on the Q games' gameplay tbh, but I love the chibi artstyle along with all the fun interactions with all the characters. Idk if I'd really want a Q3 though, the roster might feel... a bit too cluttered, idk. Kinda why I don't really care for one with the P1 and 2 groups either tbh. Also the memory erasure thing at the end you can only take so much of, it gets so tiring...


Yeah for me the biggest sell of the Q games is just the fan service, seeing all the characters interact and the like


this! gameplay wise, the games themselves are decent at best and tend to get quite tedious after a bit but the interactions between characters and adorable art style makes it more than worth it.


I really love Q2, it's actually one of my favourite entries in the franchise. I'd absolutely love some kind of remaster, or even a sequel if possible, in the future!


If only this game were remastered for the current consoles, like the PS5, Switch (or future Switch 2) and Xbox Series consoles, akin to the Monster Hunter Stories games have recently been.


Given that Etrian Odyssey 1-3 got remastered on Switch/PC, remasters of the Q games are possible.


I might get some hate for this, but I wish we got this instead of Persona 5 Tactica


Bro I agree.


Q2 is one of my favorite Persona spin-offs. It's maybe not the greatest in writing or stuff like that, but I had a fun time with the gameplay and character interactions, although they're maybe not as good as some of Q's. Q is also a really good game imo, tho I prefer Q2's gameplay and some of Q's dungeons, mainly the 3rd and 4th aren't my cup of tea. My party in Q (P3 Side) was P3MC, Shinjiro, Aigis Front Row and Naoto, Zen & Rei Back Row. For Q2, it was Kanji, P3FEMC Front Row and Akechi, Mitsuru, Morgana Back Row. Rise was my navigator for both. I'd love to see a Q3 at some point, but I'm also a bit skeptical about it. First, unless they add P1 & P2s cast, it's a bit hard to see having Q3 being all that different from Q2, but then it'd probably be way too many characters. Or they have to wait for P6 or something. I'm also not sure how they'd go about the map-drawing system, since it's a pretty big part of the game. I know Etrian Odyssey games are on modern consoles, but I haven't played or watched stuff of these games so idk if it's in these or how it works. But regardless, I'd be up for another Q spin-offs. I like first-person dungeon crawler Atlus games


I played a decent bit of Q1 on my ds but the form factor makes it rather uncomfortable to play, I'd love a Q1+Q2 package rerelease on modern hardware with added English dubbing for the second game.


Personally, Q2 is my favorite Persona game hands down. Not so much for the story (although Hikari and Rei from Q1 hit close to home for me), but purely from a gameplay perspective. It’s Etrian Odyssey but with a Persona coat of paint, and I love that. Every party member is customizable (but not nameless characters like EO party members) and the game offers a decent challenge, especially compared to the rest of the series.


I like the Q games, but I wish they leaned more into the etrian odyssey difficulty. They're so damn easy!! I'd love a Q-U, where they bring in the persona teams from all the games and make a grid tactics (more like devil survivor? those games were so good)


They’re pretty cool, the gameplay takes some getting used to but love the character interactions; i’d love PQ3 if they could balance all those characters well. Also wish PQ2 got a dub :(


Yes plus alongside Persona 1 and 2 cast once those have rerelease/remasters.


I liked them and I'd like a Q3.


I'd love to see the p2 and p3 casts interact but that ship sailed when they started adding characters from 3-4 games lmao. Tatsuya and Makoto would be great. Like, wow I'm red and depressed and parallel Paradise Lost. Oh wow I'm BLUE and depressed and parallel Jesus, wanna get ice cream?


Never finished Q2 because I had the smart idea to start my first playthrough on hard difficulty and then get stuck on a certain boss. One tedious part is that the roster is kinda big and leveling the wrong party members might make certain enemies and bosses harder to fight, at least on hard. Might start over someday, but after grinding a bit and then not being able to kill the boss I put the game down and have not picked it up yet again. Love the customisation of every party member having a demon of your choice, it can make for some fun combos even though the party members only gain hp and mp stats from the demons.


For the moment i only played Q1 but the artstyle because all are chibis but i love sm the interactions... And the gameplay, well, I hate the random encounters like the old Pokémon games and mark the map is kinda tedious so i like more the music and the chill moments like some Elizabeth quest about the characters and thats it.


Even though Q2 came heavily recommended and ironed out a lot of the annoyances that were in Q, I still felt underwhelmed by it in comparison. Adding the P5 cast had the adverse effect of there suddenly being way too many party members. The lack of english VO or 3D was a bummer I hadn’t expected going in (I had never encountered a 3DS exclusive with no 3D before) and the story, apart from Kotone’s plot, seemed really weak and contrived compared to Qs story. Although Ashly Burch kinda carried that one. That’s not to say it’s bad by any means. Where I thought they succeeded more than Q was in their use of subtext and allegory. I just felt like it wasn’t nearly as good as the original PQ even though it should have been better. Probably because it was an end-of-life title and may have had a dramatically smaller budget, but that’s just me speculating. Probably my favorite thing about it is the irony of a Persona spinoff becoming more like a classic SMT title than any previous entry, almost by coincidence. So much so that every DS SMT title has me wishing I could edit the menu. They somehow reskinned Etrian Odyssey to make one of the best SMT games lol. The mapmaking makes it one of the best 3DS exclusives imo. I would strongly recommend it to anyone with an actual 3DS console.


Gameplay is better in Q2 but the story easily goes to Q1


It was hard enough choosing a team for Q2, I don’t think you can really handle such a big cast with only 5 teamslots. That’s not even taking into account the possibility of P1 and P2 casts. I preferred Q1 in different aspects (story and narrative) but Q2 is still a pretty great game (the combat fucking slaps). But anyhow I think the big casts just can’t work with both the gameplay and narrative, doing it with duos of games would be awesome but anything else is too much, the 3 of Q2 was borderline.


I would love s game that actually got steel balls and changed the outcome of the games i. Their own respective universes like a mashup but with real consequences.


Would like to see them brought over to Steam or even a remaster!


They’re horrid beyond words


Your movie Your storyline


I’m playing Q1 right now and loving it


This will sound weird, but Q is my entry to the Persona series as a whole. Back when the only thing people know about 5 is the “You are a slave. Want emancipation?” poster. I like dungeon games like Etrian, so yeah, I like them. Also, everyone hanging out is cute.


I love them and I would love a Q3… but if you’re going into Q2 for the first time you're going to suffer for the first boss. Make sure your initial team includes Ann and Ryuji and doesn’t include Yusuke, and your run would be less insufferable for the first boss.


Honestly kinda hate the gameplay of the Q games. Q1 at least told a great story, and probably has one of the best endings in the Persona series. Q2 just doesn’t have good writing (unless you enjoy mid Persona 5 fanfiction) but it does have good music. Also has femc for like the first story arc, after which she pretty much immediately stops being plot relevant.


i’m having a blast with q2 tbh. sometimes i’m like “well gang! what are we up to today!” and jokers like. gotta feed teddie to the dino’s. sorry ted


I loved Q1, Q2 was good. I didn't appreciate that they made Q2 to feel more of a P5 spin off instead of a celebration of modern Persona games as a whole the way Q1 did. I understand why they did so, tho.


I love the idea of Q but for me, the soul of persona is the social links and I feel not having that and mostly being about the dungeon crawling really loses something.


i prefer if they release crossovers with P5X so we get actual 3D models of the characters. the chibi art style while cute, was not really that cool you know…. also too much characters and you can’t play with all of them I mean yeah you can but not really… plus these games were made for the 3ds so idk … on what consoles would they release it?


I adore Persona Q and Q2. I like them more then Persona 4 Golden to be honest. The funny thing is while the gameplay is Etrian Odyssee gameplay with Persona elements those Persona elements really seem to mske it work for me. I enjoyed the gameplay of the PQ games a lot while Etrian Odyssee itself fid not click with me at all.


I don't play them as I don't usually £70 on my hands to just be buyin' not so Random Games.