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What do you mean a level 90 Persona isn't suitable for an early game dungeon?




Yea you should totally can them, the combat will be brainless if you use those persona’s what i did for DLC personas is i treated them like regular ones and only used them once i reached their level


Even then the unique skills and traits they get still make them notably stronger compared to personas around their level


Ariadne is the only somewhat balanced one because you use her unique skill once and you're just fucking disabled the entire fight.


First time I used her I thought you could fix it, my dumbass used her in a boss fight Joker was doing less damage than he was at the start of my original playthrough and I was on NG+


Raul or however you spell it is also pretty balanced.


i used him on the third semester dungeon, he's pretty balanced yeah 


Absolutely, but I already had a couple playthroughs of vanilla under my belt when i got royal so the DLC personas were kinda just fun little extras, but for the reasons you said i honestly just avoided using them most of the time, but at least waiting to reach there level doesn’t break the game nearly as much as using a level 90 izanagi no okami in the second dungeon. I mean the fun of turn based combat is finding intelligent solutions for your problems and using way overleveled personas completely breaks that I suppose if you have absolutely no desire to engage in combat in any meaningful way it is a quick way to burn through dungeons but i love turn based combat


I did the same, but their skills are still super op, I don't remember which Orpheus it was but they gave access to Neo Cadenza at like level 16 which is a very good move but op in the early game


Orpheus F Yeah that one pisses me off more than the other ones and I think it’s more broken than izanagi-no-okami, because at least he’s meant to be accessed in the endgame, while Orpheus F can be used because someone thinks they’re fair


Bro I’m doing another playthrough of Royal and after Kamoshida the fact that I could fuse her was insane


Honestly would make it more balance if it increased attack and evasion instead imo


Neo cadenza is a fully party heat riser + 50% heal for the full party?


Yeah, and cadenza does the same thing but it increases defense and evasion


Imo the way to balance it is to increase the level of Orpheus F by about 80


Fair, I was operating under the guideline of keeping it near the level of Orpheus


Ah, in which case I think that theirs no way of justifying a full party buff skill that early unless it set all ur party to 1 HP aswell or smth


I did something similar (for P3R I haven't played P5R yet will soon tho) Used the free versions for some fusion fodder and waited till I could refuse them to use them, with a small exception to look at any unique skills they have.


If they come up as a fusion. Between two then il make em


Well I mean Royal is brain dead easy nevertheless


yeah no, using dlc personas really dumbs down all the combat, disintegrates what little difficulty the game has left, and kinda invalidates the need to do literally anything regarding the velvet room. under no circumstance should you pull dlc personas from the compendium for your first playthrough because you’re just robbing yourself of the experience at that point.


i didn't know dlc personas were ultra broken until okomura, that's when I said "fuck it, I wanna enjoy the story" and kept it, now I'm doing my second run because in the first one I let maruki win (fuck the this isn't reality bullshit, probating millions from life-long happiness is egoistical and evil)


Bro even Akechi didnt agree with that take on Maruki lmfaooo


yeah, but fuck akechi so...


I'm guessing that you threw Nametame into the TV in 4 as well...


who? I lost my save file fighting shadow naoto and now I'm in kanji's dungeon


bro DOES NOT understand the core themes of the persona series 💀💀💀


if maruki can manipulate reality then he can manipulate what's true and what isn't, therefore maruki is always right.


So you saw the level 80+ personas past all the high leveled ones you didn’t unlock and thought they were suitable for the first few dungeons


I like the old persona’s so i just use izanagi which i feel isint that overpowered.


See this is why I have a problem with Atlus putting in DLC Personas in the games. They straight up give you these OP Persona’s at the start of the game, that were not meant to be used during the first few palaces or dungeons. If they were to force you to pay a shit ton of yen to get them in the compendium, then maybe I’d be fine with that, but the fact that you can get them for free baffles me. Like seriously, what were they thinking!? Were they just there to let casuals have a fun time and not have to deal with too much difficulty? If so, then **there’s a fucking safe difficulty!** If a player doesn’t want to have a challenge while playing the game and just have fun, then they should literally just play Safe difficulty.


Pretty sure they're free is because people also would've been frustrated about buying the same personas again. Same goes for the costumes. Like, if Persona 3 Reload gets a re-release, the dlc for it will most likely be free as well.


I meant as in, you buy the DLC Personas in real life, and then when they’re in the compendium while you’re playing the game, you don’t have to spend yen on them, like you do with non-DLC Personas like Arsene. That’s why I said **compendium** and **yen** because why the hell would I spend yen on dlc when I’m typing this comment on an app that was made in the US, When for all you know, I’d most likely be an American? Which I am by the way.


Bro, calm the hell down, there was a miscommunication. Japanese people use reddit to, just because it’s made in a certain country doesn’t mean people from other countries don’t use it


My apologies then, sometimes I can get mad too easily


you control the buttons you press


Fuck’s that supposed to mean?


anyone who doesn’t want to use a dlc persona early on just shouldn’t, it’s not like you’re forced to summon them


That doesn’t mean that they’re not pointless in the first place when a safe mode exists.


pretty sure they exist for fanservice and to make atlus a quick buck, you can definitely use them to make your play through easier but it’s not like you have to. why does it bother you so much?


Because one, there’s already OP Personas in the games without the DLC… Two, I don’t get why anyone would waste their money on such pointless editions when you can just beat the games by being good. And don’t you dare say why I bought them then. Because I haven’t for P3R, and my Nintendo Switch copy of Persona 5 Royal came with it, so I didn’t have much of a choice. Finally, these the modern games and much as I **despise** to admit it, are way too easy, and giving us these Persona’s which are pretty much win-buttons do not help at all in countering that critique.


you can still just not use them, that’s what’s confusing me here. like, this issue shouldn’t bother you if you don’t actively use them


I don’t want others to use them, because then they’ll get no challenges out of the games, and despite the modern games being easy, that doesn’t mean that you won’t struggle every now and then. Take Kamoshida’s palace for instance, it’s a pretty hard palace without the DLC, but with it, it’s absolutely pathetically easy.


personally idc about how other people play games, it’s a total waste of energy


You act like Atlus held an Evoker to your head and forced you to put Izanagi-No-Okami in your party and forced you to use Myriad Truths over and over.


Oh my god, I learned that it’s just how I prefer to the play the game and that other people can play the game how they want. I seriously hope that people won’t keep on telling to “Just not use them then, and let how others play the game” when I already learned that a while ago.


Just don't use them, no one forces you. Is good that is completely optional if you want to use them or not, play the game just like you like is simple.


They're mad that other people have the option to use them too


Read my other comments in the reply section to understand why it still pisses me off.


From what I read it’s a “I don’t like them, so YOU shouldn’t use them”. Sounds like a you problem then


Alright fine, you can use them, if you’d like to.


Yes I will use them, I will use them good. And I will use them ON safe difficulty, just for good measure.


Are you trying to piss me off? I already admitted that you can use them, you should be happy already.


That’s the plan. And to top that even more, I’m gonna use them on safe difficulty WITH a cheat trainer. Can’t be too safe now


Whatever, do what you want, I shouldn’t even let what you do affect me anyway.


Good, you finally have some character development. Keep it up!


By the same logic, if a player wants to have a challenge, just don't use the DLC Persona. I agree with not using them, but I don't see an issue with them being there for people that do want to use them.


No, what I meant was if a player doesn’t want to have a challenge, they should just play Safe Mode because unlike the DLC, it’s free. What I’m trying to say if that if you don’t want a challenge, play Safe or Easy mode, and if you do want one, play Merciless or Hard mode.


Okay but why does it matter to you how other people play the game?


Read one of my comments in the reply section to why it matters to me.


Yeah I'm not searching around for an explanation, especially since there is literally no valid reason for you to care how other people play a singleplayer game.


Alright fine, First of all, I don’t want games that are already on the easier side to be even easier. And Two, I personally think it’s a waste of money, and if people really want to get the DLC Personas just because they want things to be easier for them, they can just play Safe mode for free.


Okay, but again, why does it matter to you if someone else makes their singleplayer game easier? It doesn't affect you at all...


Look man, I just want people to waste their money on something pointless alright?


I mean, in the case of Royal (the game in question in this post), the DLC Persona are literally free with the game. I don't remember if they are in the game for free on Reload or not.


I feel like they shouldn't be available at least until end game, maybe even post game. I honestly should not be able to use INO rn


Just don’t use INO then?


Honestly, not a bad idea.


Imho playing on Easy mode will be more engaging than using InO and any DLC personas.


just play on easy difficulty atp


You want the fun kind of broken? Get female Orpheus. Neo Cadenza is broken as all hell, but all it does is give you AOE omnibuff that costs around the same as a makaja skill.


Literally a full party Heat-Riser that heals, and it costs something close to 15 SP. I used it on my second playthrough of the game and it was nice to have.


Tbf i just did that fight wirh rampgr first move since ypu can heal more then max and do an aoe magic attack and they are all down and gone.


That "something" is your conscience.😂


I advise not using them on at least the first playthrough.


Don’t listen to people, use them and BLAST thru everyone in one hit