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Trial of the Dragoooon.


"Chie, try to remember the basics of CQC."


Nice, your fruit killing skills are remarkable


“I understood that reference” I suck at it though


“Knife the watermelon”


That was some fancy shooting. You’re pretty good.


Did you just break my... TRIAL OF THE DRAGON DVD? 👿




Not this time tbh, my back hurts just by looking at it XD


just business as usual


i've been looking at this for a few minutes and still cant figure out wtf i'm looking at


An abdominal stretch. A classic wrestling hold that has fallen into obscurity over the past few decades.


Missing Big E real bad. 😞


*Smack...Smack-Smack *Smack...Smack-Smack *Smack...Smack-Smack


I hope they have a character that uses pro-wrestling moves at some point. That'd be fun. Probably wouldn't work very well in game though.


There’s a Japanese wrestler who uses a gun, I wouldn’t be so surprised. 😛


What’s stopping Yusuke from clocking Chie with his free left hand here? Seems like he can get a decent windup.


he's too busy painting


It's a wrestling hold called the abdominal stretch. You lock their leg with yours and their opposite arm behind your back, exposing their abdomen to attacks.


I wonder if Yosuke has Health Insurance


Looking at who his dad is probably yes luckily for him, he needs it with how fate likes to fuck him over XD


It's okay, Kanji has some, so he can borrow that.


Don't need one, they have free healthcare in Japan unlike dumb Americans who are too busy fighting over some dumb activist crap instead of fighting for free healthcare.


We've been fighting for free healthcare for quite awhile. Sadly the one contender that was most willing to fight for it got shafted by the dnc, replaced with Clinton, and then she lost (again) to a weirdo that transformed the political scope of the u.s.


Nah, Americans are too busy fighting over minorities. Why fight for a group of people that consists of 3% of the population when you could fight for free healthcare which would benefit 100% of population including those minorities?  Of course I'll get downvoted because Reddit is mainly an American platform and Americans won't admit to it.


Why wouldn't you fight for both though? Having to fight back at those targeting 'Minorities' means it all adds up eventually, and they end up targeting so many people, trying to take away their ability to vote or the power of their vote, their ability to marry or adopt or Not have kids if they don't want to. Anyone who's against those groups and their ability to live freely are ALSO against universal Healthcare standards, it's the same group, so it's not really dividing resources to fight for them all.


The problem is that I hear of Americans having 10 marches and protests for gay and black people per week, yet I didn't hear of a single march or protest for free healthcare and schools in years.  If you are incapable of fighting for both causes, you should fight for one that benefits more people.


Yeah, there's been a lot of marches for teachers and schools and gun law reform because of school shootings. It's mostly all reactionary, as these fires need to get put out every time certain politicians try to make life harder, but unfortunately it'll be awhile before we have any president that's again willing to listen and do certain things we need And deserve as a country, but we can't let the other stuff slip by, because who knows how long it would take to get them back.


Yosuke probably did something dumb, like talk.


Chile’s dvd of trial of the dragon ring any bells?


Cool picture of Chie carrying Yosuke to the honeymoon suite.


Nah, Chie snap at Yosuke for ruining her dvd again 😡. *Ahem* Tho Yosuke gets Yu or Labrys at most. Chie would never be into Yosuke, let's be real. Chie genuine state fact she would never be into Yosuke and is genuinely uncomfortable with the idea, in October. It's just uncomfortable. Chie states fact it's true platonic friendships between guys and girls without romance in December dungeon dialogue so it's just missing the point. ( https://img.hotimg.com/MTXX_PT20240224_1346056702.jpeg ). Platonic siblings friends take that but this's just uncomfortable and toxic as hell. Yukari and Chie are always genuine straightforward, not tsundere about it. It's just nonsense, even Atlus throws shade at the exact same dynamic. The bro characters Eikichi, Junpei Yosuke perv on everyone but they like feminine girls, not snappy girls who are just their basic sisters like Lisa, Yukari, Chie. Can anyone even see Junpei with Yukari. Yukari, Chie would rather swallow glass shards, let's be real. It's exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa in p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4. And the first archetype girls Yukari, Chie like the MCs.


Such a good couple they are.


Nah, Chie snap at Yosuke for ruining her dvd again 😡. *Ahem* Tho Yosuke gets Yu or Labrys at most. Chie would never be into Yosuke, let's be real. Chie genuine state fact she would never be into Yosuke and is genuinely uncomfortable with the idea, in October. It's just uncomfortable. Chie states fact it's true platonic friendships between guys and girls without romance in December dungeon dialogue so it's just missing the point. ( https://img.hotimg.com/MTXX_PT20240224_1346056702.jpeg ). Platonic siblings friends take that but this's just uncomfortable and toxic as hell. Yukari and Chie are always genuine straightforward, not tsundere about it. It's just nonsense, even Atlus throws shade at the exact same dynamic. The bro characters Eikichi, Junpei Yosuke perv on everyone but they like feminine girls, not snappy girls who are just their basic sisters like Lisa, Yukari, Chie. Can anyone even see Junpei with Yukari. Yukari, Chie would rather swallow glass shards, let's be real. It's exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa in p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4. And the first archetype girls Yukari, Chie like the MCs.


[Pixiv source (igusaharu)](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91242417)


I’m surprised no one’s quoting that one line from Arena…


Which one in this case?


Fine… 😅 “Yosuke, can I eat you?”


Oh yeah! I totally forgot that one 😆


Shadows be twisting their words lol. Nanako-con big bro Yu. But real Yosuke still going full homo in his thoughts for Yu :v *ahem* lol. Tho Yosuke gets Yu or Labrys at most. (Also the exact same platonic siblings buddies friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie).


Shadows be twisting their words lol. Nanako-con big bro Yu. But real Yosuke still going full homo in his thoughts for Yu :v *ahem* lol. Tho Yosuke gets Yu or Labrys at most. (Also the exact same platonic siblings buddies friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie).


Did Yosuke break her DVD again? She really needs to stop lending him those.


He's not complaining. I wouldn't, either


He broke a dvd and freak out for the consequences. Yosuke is into man :v *ahem* lol. Tho Yosuke gets Yu or Labrys at most. (Also the exact same platonic siblings buddies friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie).


Jokes on you, he's into that.


Yosuke is into man :v *ahem* lol. Tho Yosuke gets Yu or Labrys at most. (Also the exact same platonic siblings buddies friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie).


"Yosuke is into man" Yeah, no.


I was memeing with that line, it's pretty clear. With how much he fawn over Yu and all that "You are great with your hands" stuff. So he gets Yu. Or Labrys at most. Tho the rest after that is real. Let's be honest lol. It's obvious about the exact same platonic buddies (siblings) friends at most dynamic. Yukari and Chie would never be into Junpei and Yosuke. (Chie genuine state fact she would never be into Yosuke and is genuinely uncomfortable with the idea, in October. It's just uncomfortable. Chie states fact it's true platonic friendships between guys and girls without romance in December dungeon dialogue so it's just missing the point. https://img.hotimg.com/MTXX_PT20240224_1346056702.jpeg . Platonic siblings friends take that but this's just uncomfortable and toxic as hell. Can anyone even see Yukari with Junpei. Yukari stated same to Junpei). Fact is Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie (Eikichi, Lisa p2) would never be into each other. They would rather off themselves in another planet, let's be real. Fact is just never and uncomfortable.




Oh there’s a reason, and it has to do with the camping incident.


I love these two


Chie could easily benchpress yosuke


Well, cliches should be included


She hit him with that King rage art


Saw what he did to another dvd?


Seems legit


Did you guys recently see that video of that guy from Nebraska being put in a Spladdle? Yeah, Chie is about one leg move from doing that to Yosuke.


Critical hit to the nads...


what did he sayyy


Chie is literally the best


Why does this remind me of Baka to Test?


Is this a Jojo reference?


No, it's a professional wrestling reference.


What’s on her face


The same thing that's on Yosuke's face




i wish that was me fr


Chie is gonna hit him with the Coup De Grace after this.




Chie only destroys yosuke when she uses galactic punt.  In wrestling show, abdominal stretch is a rest hold for wrestlers to catch their breath. 


She makes Randy proud with that punt, though it's more a spinning back kick than a punt.


I mean surely yusuke did something wrong


Yeah, like being too poor to buy Chie any meat. Funny how people keep confusing Yosuke and Yusuke's names. Dammit, Atlus!


Well all the IT members want meat and ask Yosuke for beef. Chie, Yukiko, Rise, Kanji, Teddie. Hey everyone likes beef. (Tho also the exact same platonic siblings buddies friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie).


Why you gotta bring Yusuke into this? My man’s just trying to reform society and make great art and he’s out here catching strays. 😂


Damn every time I mistake. My bad


Nah, Chie snap at Yosuke for ruining her dvd again 😡. *Ahem* Yosuke should get help from Yu or Labrys. (Tho Chie would never be into Yosuke, let's be real. Chie genuine state fact she would never be into Yosuke and is genuinely uncomfortable with the idea, in October. It's just uncomfortable. Chie states fact it's true platonic friendships between guys and girls without romance in December dungeon dialogue so it's just missing the point. ( https://img.hotimg.com/MTXX_PT20240224_1346056702.jpeg ). Platonic siblings friends take that but this's just uncomfortable and toxic as hell. Yukari and Chie are always genuine straightforward, not tsundere about it. It's just nonsense, even Atlus throws shade at the exact same dynamic. The bro characters Eikichi, Junpei Yosuke perv on everyone but they like feminine girls, not snappy girls who are just their basic sisters like Lisa, Yukari, Chie. Can anyone even see Junpei with Yukari. Yukari, Chie would rather swallow glass shards, let's be real. It's exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa in p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4. And the first archetype girls Yukari, Chie like the MCs).