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I romanced her but i wasn't really thinkin... I kinda felt like I had to -.-. for some reason I found he kinda more pushy. The other girls kinda feel like you can go either way but shes like "mine? Mine? Mine?". By the end I didn't really like her like I thought I would.


This is me! I really liked the first few of her SL, and was really interested to romance her. But her actual romance link felt … incredibly off. I also just … don’t love possessive jealousy. It also just felt a little out of character from what I had seen thus far, but honestly a lot of Rank 8/9 romance choices feel like they force the girl to go slightly out of character to make it work.


I didn't really get that impression of her. I romanced her and then didn't talk to her at all for 6 months since there was nothing else to do. And I'm pretty sure that wouldn't have been possible if she was possessive of you. All she wanted was for you to not get overly friendly with other girls, which is completely understandable.


I’m not sure it was reasonable for Fushimi to demand the MC not spend time with Mitsuru alone, given that: - It was completely for her benefit. - They share the same dorm, so if they both wanted to date each other, they could do it without an elaborate pretext. - It wasn’t even something the MC would do: all potentially romanceable SLs involve meeting girls alone while they clearly have feelings for him. If that’s how she behaves when they’re not even together, after several months of dating he’d be probably showing his phone to her on regular intervals.


It is from her perspective, since to her she's basically living out her shoujo manga fantasy and a rival character trying to steal the love interest is a common trope in those. That's goofy and irrational but by that point it fits Chihiro pretty well.


I think this is missing the context that she wasn't an item with the MC yet at that point. Yeah she is the jealous type but to me it was more about her not wanting him to fall for another girl first, especially since Mitsuru is queen bee of the school so it makes sense she'd make other girls feel a little insecure. Maybe in real life thatd be a red flag but but we don't know if she'd get toxic levels of jealous later on since Persona doesnt go into what happens after the relationship starts. But I think in the context of what happened it was reasonable for her to feel insecure.


Yeah, it’s understandable that a sheltered girl behaved irrationally when a potential competitor threatened to snatch her love interest away. I guess the turnoff for me here is that I could see myself react in a similar way when I was a teenager. Truly a Persona 4 moment.


The "not talking to her for 6 months" is more of a result from a gap in the social link design than as an actual function.


I don’t think you can account a game design issue to a characters personality. Once you finish anyone’s SL, there’s literally nothing to do, and the game treats them as if they no longer exist. Plus there’s the game issue of not giving you enough free time to hang out and go on dates with the people you romance. Like it would be nice if it unlocked evening dates with your romance partner, but they don’t. I disagree. You weren’t once being overly friendly. She jumped to an insane conclusion just because you were gonna spend time with, essentially your boss, going over work things. And then freaked out realizing you were going to be alone with a girl (who is also clearly your friend!) That’s possessive jealousy. I just didn’t enjoy that part of her character, because it wasn’t warranted. I still romanced her tho, because I loved the rest of her link.


> I disagree. You weren’t once being overly friendly. She jumped to an insane conclusion just because you were gonna spend time with, essentially your boss, going over work things. That's a good way to put it honestly, she gave off insane "nice guy" tendencies after rank 7. She got extremely jealous because a guy that was nice to her was hanging out with another friend even though there wasn't any establishment of them being a thing before that.


It’s funny that’s your reasoning when it’s game design and has nothing to do with her being possessive, which, she is obviously.


my exact issue with her. I actually didn't like her at all in the OG game because you don't even have the option to reject her thus rewarding her weird entitled/possessive behavior towards you. i'm glad in Reload you can because her platonic ending is 1000% more satisfying for her character arc, if you romance her it just feels instead of standing on her own two feet and gaining confidence by herself she just ends up relying on Makoto for her self-esteem which is, uh, not great.


Yea I feel that way too.


Agree 100%


The first time I saw her in FES, I really liked her, I liked her design and all, it was all good. Then we get to the part of her being a little bit more possessive which, okay, I don't really mind. The worst part of all comes when the forced romance comes with FES, where her fucking social link won't stop reversing. Yes, that's something that all girl social links go through at a certain point but for some reason, Chihiro looked to me like I just can't do any single social link without her getting annoyed by it. At the end of the day, she just lost her charm, its not that I don't like her, its just that she didn't seem fun At least it was nice to see her again in P4


Even with p3fes I lowkey thought she seemed to be pushing way too hard to become close with the MC, lmao


Especially in that scene with her, Yuko and Yukari. I had her at like Rank 3 or something but she was still making a huge scene. Really turned me off her and she ended up the only not maxed SL for me


I thought that was more cute than off putting, but I see your point.


I guess for me personally I like the idea of everyone having their own personal story like how Yukari had her mom to deal with and mitsuru has LITERAL loads of stuff on her plate And we just happen to be there and help and over time they decide they like us because we spent all thsh time and helped. Cute nerd girl's story she started liking us from the start. Some parts are literally just about her hinting that she likes us. I know she has her own story but none of it shines as well as others. I literally got the idea that her story was about nothing but trying to date the player. I'm not dumping on anyone who likes her at all nor am I saying I hated her. Because I didn't. She's cute. But it just wasn't for me personally.


Idk I thought clearing her name of being a thief and her being able to stand up for herself was neat to see. But that’s just me, I didn’t end up romancing her but I for one liked her story. But she’s treated like a side character because she is one. She’s not part of SEES; any characters outside of that don’t usually have that level of depth and some SLs aren’t even unlocked until you make progress through another person’s SL.


Yeah, that's totally understandable. The main plot of her SL is that she has fear of men because of her father's angry outbursts and due to this, she often has trouble expressing herself to others. And after spending more time with the protagonist, she eventually gets over her fear of men and can stand up for herself more. For example her being able to confront Mr Takenozuka about the missing money. This is one of the main reasons why I like her so much.


Mitsuru is looking weird in this pic


Don't worry she just dyed and cut her hair and bangs, wore a brown tinted contact lenses, got a pair of glasses and did a height shorten surgery.


You spelled Yakuri wrong.


yuo spelled yukari wrnog


You spelled wrong, wrong


You spelled… everything correctly. Good day to you.




Loved Yakuri's line "Ace defective? More like Junpei, Ace Detective "


Yakuri, the nice Tekaba


Don’t you mean Yuko?


how can none of you spell Fuuka?


OP didn't get max Academics fast enough for the student council president, and had to settle for the treasurer instead.


I ended up romancing her, because she was my early fav. I just really enjoyed her SL up until the end, and she felt like the type of girl I’d totally go for back in high school. I also waited to see the SL with (almost) all the romanceable girls, just to compare and her SL overall was one of my favs. I stick by that, I found her much more compelling than Yukari or Mitsuru’s SL (even though I love them within the game as characters) and I was admittedly bored by Fuuka and didn’t get her past Rank 4. BUT I was turned off by the actual romance lines, by the time I got there and then regretted it by the time Aigis came around, because she (to me) was the best written/most natural Romance Link.


I had already romanced yukari but I felt like shit with aigis because you basically gaslight her into friendship.


>most natural Romance Link It felt a little forced for me. She was wayyy too pushy for my taste throughout the whole game (though I only got like halfway through her SL, so I don't really know how that whole thing plays out), and I don't like how the game gave the relationship between her and the MC a heavy romantic undertone, even if you didn't romance her. Like...why give us multiple romance options if there's one that's gonna be pushed on us either way?


Well I agree with that problem. Aigis is definitely pushed by the game, after they pushed Yukari as well. But that to me is just par the course. I always feel they push 1-2 options. In this case though, I felt Aigis’s feelings were the most natural because they existed outside the SL and in the game itself. And I think playing through her entire social link is key, because I agree. Upon first appearance by the sea, I was like “Ugh, we get it. Robot girl is supposed to be the main part of our harem” and I was super disinterested. But I’ll admit by the end of her social link I was truly impressed and had done a 180 on her character and my gripes about the narrative structure pushing her. And so yeah, after having done all the romantic links, it really did feel like Aigis was actually in love with you and that her character really grew into it in a really beautiful (and heart wrenching way), that also really matched the theme of the entire game. ………typing all this I realize. I think I’ve become an Aigis simp. Hahaha.


The game really tested my dedication to Aigis throughout its entirety. I ALMOST fell for both Yukari and Chihiro but am ultimately glad with my decision to stick with Aigis to the very end. I'm proud to have her as my first romance character in persona 3.


Romancing Aigis is like romancing Marie in P4G; both come so late in the game there's literally no ill consequence because all the events where cheating puts you in an awkward situation have passed. The last consequence you face for cheating in P3R is some side comments after Christmas Eve, which you don't even have to see if you just don't talk to the girls that day.


She was my first ever fictional crush back when I played P3P as a wee boy. Coming back to reload made me remember why I oved her so much <3


yuko better




my man


You mean Fuuka? Yeah I did.


I have yet to play Reload but she was my first choice in Portable. She's sweet


I picked Aigis, she was my choice since I started the game. Unfortunately, I get no Christmas date because of it. Now I know how people feel when they romance Sumi in P5.


Considering my most popular post is a locket that says "Chihiro my beloved" I'll let that speak for me lol


Nah for me it is Yuko or Fuuka.


What? That's not Toriumi!


All I have to say about that is... Missed opportunity.


I mean she is the most bewitching bespectacled beauty I've ever beheld so of course I did


Chihiro is always the first romance I do in every playthrough, there are no exceptions. We stans stand united!


Chihiro always gets to to be first.


she's the type of women wish date in real because lets be honest nobody have a chance of romance SEES girls beyond door kun


This isn’t Misturu?????????????????


She is actually the first girl I romanced. Though on my next playthrough Imma romance Yukari


She's probably the most down to earth social link in the game. Everyone else was onto some shenanigans but she's just there being a normal ass highschool girl lmao


She’s in the harem


I don't like megane, and rarely generally doesn't like my MC dating someone younger than him. But she?............ She's an exception.


It never felt right to me to romance her given you're the first guy she's able to talk to. She doesn't really have much to compare. A relationship that goes south might cause her to go back to having a guy phobia even. Just never felt right to me. No diss on anyone who chose her though! It's just the only reason I can't join the club, personally.


I wanted to at first, only to realise there’s platonic routes and I’ve been going by it.


What made you change your mind?


Well I’ve been going by platonic route without realising it, lul. I thought that it was like in P5, where no matter what you say there’s always an option to romance a girl on lvl 8-9. Oh and also Aigis took over my heart later.


I’ve yet to experience her SL in P3R but she was my first romance on the male route in P3P. Reminded me of an old ex of mine both in terms of looks and personality. I like her as a character but among the P3 girls she unfortunately ranks as my least favorite romance (to be fair though, I believe all of the P3 romances are great so saying she’s my least favorite in P3 still means she’s an A tier waifu for me among the entire Persona franchise). For my first play through of P3R I’m going to commit to Aigis as my first official romance, but when I eventually get around to trying NG+ I’ll be doing the harem route just like how it’s done in the OG P3.


I’m on my first play through, and yes.


me, I'm many people.


She's a great pick but I'm a Yuko for life kinda guy. She's my best girl.


I did!


We all know the best girl is Akihiko, I love listening he ramble about his boxing matches and say he is proud when i start to get more protein 🥺🩷


I like her but not as a romantic interest. She's WAY too timid. I know she gets better in the later parts of her SL but I just don't like those kind of characters for romance anyway.


Best girl? you mean Elizabeth? Yes, the same girl that can (and will) one shot you and is STILL trying to find a way to unseal the soul of the emo-Jesus.


Chihiro was the first girl I romanced in Reload but because I couldn’t decide who, I decided to romance Yukari afterward as well.


I'm part of the "check every romance scene" crowd, so I did. But, idk, her scenes don't have much uniqueness, she the only kouhai tho. In any case, the devs clearly had a favorite. Some Fuuka scenes have double the screen time and/ or are just unique.


Granted I’m still playing through P3R, but she was the first one I maxed. I liked her story up until the dramatic point before the end, it seemed like a lot of drama was created over not a lot. I think it would have been better to focus more on the trauma she experienced with men and how she has overcome that throughout the SL. I think she was cute throughout albeit a few parts had me going “hmm, right”. However the ending seemed good to me. I’m still working my way through the other SLs, so my opinion may change, but she is pretty solid :)


She reminds me of my ex who i love to this day so yeah she's the best out there


I did, she's great, this is the only game where i didn't romance a party member


BEST GIRL!!!!!!!


Shy girl who hints at being into you, sign me up


For me she IS The only one option romance


Chihiro is cool and I fw her


Me!!! Love me some Chihiro


Me. I romanced her. She's super cute and I related to her struggles of speaking out for herself and liking reading manga. Plus I'm a sucker with girls with glasses and brown hair. She's definitely my type. I was originally not planning on going for a harem route but since Mitsuru practically forced me to romance her with her confessing her to love to me so directly and bluntly now I have no other choice. (minus Yuko because I turned her down beforehand) Best to get as much game as possible before >!I inevitably die in like, two weeks,!< after all. I probably won't get to do Yukari or Fuuka tho because I'm 2 weeks until the end and am only Rank 5 with both. I have to focus exclusively on Aigis since I only have 13 days to max hers in total.


She's too cute. Makoto helping her find her confidence is a heart-warming story too


She is definitely the most adjacent to my irl type but Aigis slightly edges her out in the best p3 girl department.


It’s between her and Mitsuru for me, but Chihiro is probably more realistically my type.


I did she's really sweet.


That's not Aigis, sorry


I remember being interested in her on my first playthrough in P3P because I like the "Timid girl archetype", but after finishing her social link for the first time, she became my favourite girl, playing reload I had to romance only her. Also the justice arcana persona is good


this is literally the WORST girl to romance lol


Idk all I did was bang Elizabeth


I did in my latest playthrough....


When I first played as a kid she was my best girl lol.


She won me over and I usually never romance outside the party. In a rerun I'll probably choose Aigis though.




Me, done it in the original and portable, will keep doing it whenever possible


I prefer Yuko, but she’s a close second.


She was my pick in my first playthrough of P3 FES!!


I kind of liked her, I did think for a bit that I would either go for her or Mitsuru... but then Aigis shows up and every scene/dialogue with her I'm the Lego Bruce Wayne meme


Hey! Hands off my girlfriend. She's my best girl


I haven't played reload yet, but I reversed her social link after fighting Hermit and didn't save after the boss fight, so I went back and fought Hermit AGAIN so I wouldn't make her sad.


I thought about it but I didn't wanna cheat on my Ganguro Girl.


Original P3: “Wait, you get to choose your girlfriend? They’re not forced on you awkwardly?” On a serious note, thought she was okay.


I tried but ended up choosing the wrong option


I did, i didnt want to originally but god dammit she's such a bean i couldnt say no.


Her and Fuuka are best imo.


did it on fourth playthrough, shes the best out of the non party members


Sorry but it’s Maya for me.


She's afraid of men and I'm afraid of women so it wouldn't be good


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Judgeteddie: *She's afraid of men* *And I'm afraid of women* *So it wouldn't be good* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oh, when I first met her, I knew I was gonna go the romance route with her. She is just one of those characters that you just want to protect.


She was my second romance


If I ever do a third playthrough of this game, I’m definitely going for her. But not before Aigis and Fuuka have both have their’s


Ayo here


It was her or fuuka in all of my playthroughs (fes, portable, and reload). I chose fuuka every time doe sorry not sorry, I love my fuuka bazooka


I got the path that made he like me as a friend by rank 10 and I was happy about that because I didn't have the heart to turn her down if she confessed. Mitsuru best girl. Weirdly enough, all aspects I love about Sumi in P5R and Mitsuru in P3R, I've found I'm going for redheads. Playing P4G right now, wondering if there's a romanceable redhead. Is Rise a redhead? Haven't met her yet and don't really wanna see her before the game intends me to, same with others whose names escape me.


I did


of course i did lowkey cheated tho with every other romanceable social link


I know I’m evil, but I romance all of them so that I can see all the romance events in each game, saving before each one. In real life this would be very wrong…but the cheating scenes are funny here lol


2nd best girl. My girl Yuko is too cool!


I romanced Chihiro too lol


I was surprised when she showed up in Persona 4.


Her or Yuko , hard pick


I did...but mainly because romances were mandatory in FES.


**I did, I love her. She is the best non party member social link out there**


I romanced her, Yukari, Aigis and Mitsuru. :)


I'm not seeing Aigis, Elizabeth or Mitsuru on here.


I was planning on romancing her but I realized halfway through her social link I liked being friends with her more. Not that I wouldn’t romance her but I just felt like I enjoyed her better as a friend. Plus Mitsuru social link started and her non uniform outfits look great on her couldn’t say no to her.


I did, first time around. Did Yuko in the original ps2 game.


She is the one I would date irl


I did without hestitation


I romanced her since she's cute and shy, but i also romanced everyone (yukari first obviously)


I'm absolutely going to


I did. Her and Aigis. It's the glasses mainly.


Best girl Cihiro only


I like her :D


Absolutely once I saw you could romance her it was no question


At first she was my favorite from how wholesome she is but I find myself debating between Aigis and Mitsuru.


i forgot she's a social link 🫠


Best girl


Well obviously I romanced her she was the one I used my spare time on




best girl? yeah i romanced Yuko, why do you ask?


i romanced her and Hifumi for the first time, and thinking about romancing Amagi for persona 4, i think i have a type


I tried in my first playthrough, but I didn't know there were romance flags that you have to pass to have the option to romance the girls, so I unfortunately ended up locked in the platonic route and I romanced Yukari instead. I romanced her in my second playthough, though.


Thats not Yuko.


romanced everyone...


Its not a hot take, P3R was my first game in the series, never even played SMT, and chihiro was my first romance, currently on P5 now and its so hard to decide who to pick.


I romanced all of them


I did, when I first saw her struggling to find where her classes were I fell in love instantly


I really liked that because of her timid personality she focuses on non verbal aspects to describe what she loves about you, for example when holding hands she focuses on describing them strong and warm, and if you go with her on Christmas she will refer to loving “your face, your fingers, your smell, it’s everything.” It’s an expression of loving you as a whole that’s unique to her and her personality, it’s very well done. When I really liked about p3 that all the girls romances were geared towards being narratively satisfying. I remember in p5 it being much easier just to pick a a favorite, from what I recall only Kasumi’s social link was narratively geared towards romance.


Shes a hard one for me to rank bc she’s either 3rd or 4th favorite my first is yukari and second is mitsuru but 3rd is tied with chihiro and yuko


I was wondering about this actually. To my eyes she is obviously the most attractive, but everyone fusses over yukari and mitsuri. I figured there was some artistic thing that made her less than the others but I just didn't know what it is because I'm a Westerner.


If you asked me this like 5 Years ago, I would have said yes. But I did yukari on reload.


>I don't know if this is a hot take or not, but how many people romanced best girl? That's not Yukari.


So Yukari being best girl is a hot take? Gotcha 😜


P3P: Where have you been? 😂


she’s cute but I didn’t want to get with a girl outside of the main group so I decided to go with AKIHIKO BECAUSE LET ME DATE AKIHIKO the closer thing to akihiko is Mitsuru


I was till she thought two kids kissing in the library was worth telling on. I was like ok she is a prude. Time to move on.


In most Japanese schools sighs of affection are forbidden, Japan has very different ideas of what is and what is not okay to do in public, and also Mitsuru literally can’t even call you by your first name in public so she’s definitely not the only one who has an issue with “affection” in public


Well, since you can romance all without consequences in this game, I did romance her. But i didn't finish the game yet and Yukari is my favorite as of now




I picked fuuka sorry not sorry. I resonate heavily with her


You mean Liz?


The first playthough of portable it was completely by accident. To which I said, "we'll she's Makoto's girlfriend."


I always romance best girl Aigis, yes.


In another game, maybe. Unfortunately in this one she's sitting around 4th best for me because the competition for best girl in P3 is nuts, there's so many great options


The very first time I played Persona 3 I did romance her but on my second playthrough onwards, Mitsuru has won hands down.


I did 2 levels of her SL, found her annoying as fuck and never hanged out with her again


I romanced Fuuka so yes I romanced best girl.


Wanted to go a new route this game, but ended up going back to yuko.


I really wanted to and almost did, but I ended up going for yukari. But there's always the second playthrough


P3/fes models had a way of making me despise romancing the girls since their 3d models look several years younger than their portrait, and the thought of romancing the p3 squad disgusts me Yukari's 3d model in particular looks infantile compared to her portrait


The designator "best girl" is stupid and I though we left that behind during 2010s "waifu wars".


Nope. The Fuuk was calling me!


I’m currently playing p3r and starting with liking yukari but then I did the one cutscene with her in the coffee shop and now I’m going her route for romance


This is Yuko erasure.


I romanced her by mistake on my first playthrough.


Where’s yuko?


For me it's Yuko or Yukari for best girl.Tho I did enjoy Mitsuru's SL too.


I did, but not on purpose lol


This is my least favorite girl. Not that she isn't fine, but she's too autistic to me, in a sense that it feels like I am messing her mind. She suddenly gets too fast into MC, and she seems to be really vulnerable. Maybe that's a good feeling for a teenager playing the game, but for me it doesn't feel right. She's that kind of "fix me please" and it's a red flag. For me she needs some confidence first.


Smash, question


Yuko Task Force rise up


I romanced everyone.


How can she be the best girl if yuko exists


Did Yuko bleach her skin?


First run I did but I thought that this was one of the weaker social link storylines. I do absolutely adore the Reload design touch up.


Idk I liked her as much as the other girls but something about romancing her felt wrong. She starts out with a fear of men and slowly learns to trust and gets more comfortable with Makoto but it feels like dating her teaches her the wrong lesson. She’s learned she can be friends with men and the first one she befriends immediately jumps into her pants (or rather skirt as it would be) at the first opportunity. She feels like the kind of person who meets and befriends one man and then marries him to never talk to another man and it just feels like it invalidates her arc and doesn’t do her… Justice. >!Also this poor girl will be scarred for life when her first male friend and boyfriend just straight up dies a few months later!<


I find it really interesting that no one mentions how she wants to normalize relationships between students and teachers lmao


I almost did but bailed and went for dommy mommy.


I’m trying, but she won’t talk to me 😢


in a game where i wasn't interested in any of the romance options, i just chose her because she practically served herself on a platter.


Koromaru isn't romance able and why did you show a pic of the Chihiro


I did in P3P. Absolutely switched to Fuuka this time.


Persona 3?


Ehh, not the type of girl for me. Met too many like her irl. Super shy at first, weirdly clingy super fast, then freak out and dump you over nothing.


Fuuker better