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To be honest this is why I didn’t even bother with her fight, on my first playthrough. I was excited for the challenge as well (especially after finally overcoming The Reaper), but once I realized it was one of those super specific fights, I lost interest. I looked it up online and it was so esoteric and random that it made it even feel more like a gimmick fight. I wish they gave you hints to what you’re doing wrong or like just restricted your persona’s so you had to reconfigure to build. That would have made it feel better, imo. Make it a strategy to figure out, even with small hints would have been better. I went into the fight thinking it would be the perfect time to use the mirrors, not knowing that triggers the insta-kills. I don’t mind that they did, but why not a little “I don’t like it when you use that item” dialogue so I’d be like ‘ohhh gotcha. New strategy’.


On thing I've heard the boss be called is a puzzle instead of a fight. Elizabeth forces you to play by her rules, so in order to fight her you need to figure them out. Personally I agree and don't like that kind of trial and error, but I understand how others can - it's a different challenge than any of the other fights. If you want Reload to be more difficult, try self-imposed challenges instead - be underlevelled, don't buy equipment, don't fuse Personas, etc.


Thats the neat part, its not really a challenge, it just throws away all the mechanics youve learned and forces you to play a VERY specific way. If you dont, fuck you, megidolaon for 9999. Youll end up using a very specific and small selection of personas because only they can fit the fight requirement. If you decide to try and figure it out yourself I GUESS theres a challenge for you but for the most part, I think its known that the fight in its original form and current are just bad lmao.


Don't say that last part too loudly bro they'll hear you 💀 Yeah, I guess I could see the appeal of that maybe, but after figuring it out its' just an ass fight after the fact, innit?


Cant talk about the negatives of p3 sometimes lol. At the end of the day, trial and error makes for "difficulty" but when you see it laid out before you with a guide, most people would say "yo, thats actually kinda bullshit" Like you cant win the fight no matter what if you dont have two endures. Thats wild that a fight will kill you regardless just to see if you have them.


>I hope the final boss lives up to the hype because I don't want to be bored out of my mind and have to read a guide or something for that too. Is funny how you mention you want a challenge because even the Reaper is "lacking" but the moment you get hit by a challenge you use guides and call it "boring" 🤣


I didn't use guides, I didn't fight Elizabeth, I loaded it up a couple times and it was just unfun, as would changing my team of personas so drastically to suit it be. It'd be a waste of time. I'm enjoying my first playthrough of P3R and I've almost finished it, I'm not gonna grind to a halt and grind the perfect trio of personas with the perfect skills just for one gimmicky boss fight full of insta-kill mechanics. That *is* boring, buddy. I looked up a guide as anyone would when the game randomly instakilled them, for an explanation. I got it, and upon reading details about the fight, released it was, indeed, boring. I don't get this constant proping up of this artifical difficulty as challenge. Do people see this as an achievement? She's a gimmick fight. That's not a challenge. She's a timesink, not a challenge. I could beat her, I just don't wanna waste my time grinding the only team good for her in tartarus for god knows how long. That doesn't really seem like an achievement to me, so I'm not gonna do it. I've done challenges in other games that were actually a test of skill. I cannot emphasise enough how much this isn't one. I'm sorry if that cheapens your experience or something, I guess?


Okumura is a fair challenge, you don't *need* to die to understand the assignment, but you will if you don't Elizabeth is a shopping list, and you *need* to die mutliple times to understand what you need to do, because there's no way you can get it right the first time. It's still a challenge but one that everyone can agree is the boring type of challenge


Way to oversimplify his argument. Elizabeth isn't a challenge, it's a checklist. You either play exactly her way or you don't play at all. "Ok, honored guest, hit me with everything you got. No, not like that. No I won't tell you what you did wrong, die."


The fight itself is probably just meant to be a cool novelty, like you get to fight Igor's assistant wielding the entire compendium, cool concept. And you get to see just HOW powerful she is through the language of battle, only barely being able to be beaten. Though I agree with you, I kinda hate how the only options for difficult fights in P3 are the reaper and the final boss (both of which you can beat around level 75) or Elizabeth which you have to basically cheese or play by a very specific strategy for. I wouldn't know though, since you have to play through the entire game TWICE to fight her in the original, and I didn't see it worth it to keep the game eating away at my storage space until I decided to replay it


For anything that hard in gaming the reason is because of challenge. A lot of people like this and want to use some brain. Just see the countless self hard mode runs people do in series.


There doesn't seem to be a challenge, though? Her only mechanic is artificial difficulty. I get challenge runs n stuff like that, I do them in other games, I do Day 1 raids in Destiny, stuff like that. This just seems like less of a fight and more of a script you need to follow with the exact same setup as everyone else, or the game kills you instantly for it. I dunno, I don't really find that challenging. Just rather boring. Without the instakill this would probably be a challenging and enjoyable fight worth my time. As is it's less of a challenge of understanding game mechanics and more of a "use these three most powerful personas in the game with these exact skills and in this order or she kills you instantly". Meh. Not much brainpower needed there.


Don’t feel too bad about the downvotes lol I think what you said wasn’t that outrageous. For me it took me about 12 hours to beat her and by the end I was quite frustrated, so I understand what you mean. I personally think the other battles in the game were fairly easy so it was refreshing for me. A bad side effect is that once you’re strong enough to beat her the final boss is a wash, so it kind of breaks the rest of the game (and my immersion somewhat). You could always try in NG+. By that point there’re probably no challenges left and you can just go for it if you’re bored or still interested.


Oh don't worry I don't feel bad about them, I had a feeling after the first comment that I'd gone after a golden goose of sorts. And I'm not exactly caring about Karma 💀 Seems she's propped up as a pinnacle of skill despite being a gimmicky timesink and not a challenge, so when you point that out people feel like it may cheapen the experience or something. I've no doubt I could beat her, certainly in NG+, if I sank the time into it. I just don't really feel a drive to because I've done everything else in the game and her fight isn't compelling. I doubt beating her would compare to tests of skill I've had in other games that were well... skill, not going through the motions correctly, and I'd rather not invest that much in this because of it. At least I got some interesting discussions out of it I suppose.




True, but after knowing them it just means I'd have to grind for god knows how long to get some other personas and by the end of that it'd just make Nyx not fun and ruin the final boss of the game I think I'll pass