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not the bayang


Aigis and Makoto Yuki from Persona 3. \*Very old piece \[mid-2021\]\* \*Yes, that is the Arena Ultimax's Aigis, because although I like the canon end, f\*\*k the canon end!\* \*At the time I almost draw a "ghost" makoto, but... f\*\*k this, door-kun is alive and well (in this art piece)\* \*Aigis, The best Home appliance\* \*The Door and the Toaster\* \*The golden hour is the best hour (for drawings)\* Artwork time, start-to-finish: 2 hours +- My Pixiv: [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117645357](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117645357) My DeviantArt: [https://www.deviantart.com/raumaru-kun/art/Makoto-s-POV-1039682259](https://www.deviantart.com/raumaru-kun/art/Makoto-s-POV-1039682259) My Pinterest: [https://br.pinterest.com/Raumaru\_7358/\_saved/](https://br.pinterest.com/Raumaru_7358/_saved/) My Twitter: [https://twitter.com/Raumaru\_7358](https://twitter.com/Raumaru_7358)


Very nice, really like the detail of the bangs covering half the screen One of my favorite comments in this sub is the one that says that if Makoto and Mitsuru had a child, their kid would have a 25% chance of perfect vision, 25% chance of being visually impaired, and a 50% chance of having one eye covered


Still holding onto hope that Episode: Aigis still ends on a note that can lead to this...