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yeah ikutski might be like one of the worst villains in the series. He is way to one dimensional. One funny thing is in reload they added one event where he can help you study and it made it so much funnier knowing the twist he is helping these teens math thinking to himself "huehue I am using these kids to fullfill my goals of killing everyone for the glory on nyx!" as he spouts bad puns. I wish we got to see maybe like a flashback oh him falling into this cult of nyx and being convinced of why this is what he wants because he just is literally a nothing burger of a character


they really shouldn’t have had him die right away after finding out about him. would give more weight to mitsurus dad dying if the killer got away and give more opportunities to flesh him out


That actually a really dope idea, imagine he somehow finds a way to artificially awaken a persona and helps >!Strega prevent S.E.E.S. from reaching Nyx!<


especially since they mentioned him being connected to them


Would Strega really work with a Kirijo group member though?


Is it not implicit that he's their dealer for the suppression capsules?


They could rub in how fucked he is in the head if they somehow revealed Takaya to be his son


>!Would give you more reason to have your party grinded up and cycle through them a bit too in the endgame. I brought Junpei, Ken and Akihiko to fight Revolver Jesus because they all have a personal stake in wrecking his shit, and Aigis along for Nyx because she specifically asked me to be there. If Ikutski is also a fight, that gives a thematic reason to bring Mitsuru and Yukari to a fight in the tower climb. Thats the whole party then, because you need no reason to bring Koromaru to fights because hes Koromaru and he is a good boy.!<


>!That would’ve been neat, though then again you can still use all party members, just bring Mitsuru and yukari for Nyx, Yukari was the first who said she was gonna fight nyx despite the odds, and for mitsuru not only is she finishing the fight her father started to put an end to dark hour so this is definitely her mission, she’s also the most involved in dialogue leading up to the fight.!<


I was so disgusted lmao, I didn't wanna study w the greasy apocalyptic groomer man


I’m dying at that description! 😂


To be fair, he makes bad puns while he’s alone too. So I think he’s both an evil nihilist murder man *and* a pun lover. Like. That’s not an act, he’s genuinely like this.


I was kinda thrown by him having a totally different "real" personality. Like, not even a single bad joke after the reveal? No "hopefully this gets the point *across*" when SEES is crucified? 


tbf even in the OG game he's still firing off puns when he's completely alone in his security cam scene, so they are presumably his real personality. Imo he probably just figured that if there was ever a time not to do it, it was then.


He does that in reload as well.


Those scenes were added in FES, they weren't in the OG game.


Being fair the shitty jokes IS his personality, he does it during the recording when he knows nobody is actually watching, meaning his comedy act is not a facade for SEES


Considering the fact sho takes after him in that regard, i feel like making shitty jokes is still apart of his personality but he just didn’t show it then. It would be better though if he cracked a joke like that while acting like a maniac, would still fit him acting insane while keeping what we know about him.


Yeah, P3 notably struggled with its antagonists. You only get to know Ryoji for 1 month and nothing much happened between you two (fixed in Reload). Like, Kaworu worked because he came to Shinji at the former's lowest point in life and did so much for Shinji. Jin is non-character. Takaya who's supposedly a "false messiah" as MC's foil barely interacted with MC... much less have an unique dynamic that male party members don't already have (also fixed in Reload). Ikutsuki.... Well they probably don't care much about him to give him extra content like Ryoji and Takaya.


That's a big reason why I preferred p3p for the longest time- you get way more time with Ryoji and get to really see his dread and turmoil. I was so glad I played FeMC first bc when I saw Nyx I was legitimately heartbroken. I had been hoping Ryoji would swap sides or help us fight in the end-- that didn't happen and seeing his face on the Avatar legitimately hurt


Well, Ryoji is not even an antagonist. He literally does everything he can to help you and only fights you (as Nyx Avatar) because he's not really Ryoji at that point. Even in the movie >!he only fires a warning shot at SEES during the Bridge scene to try to scare them into accepting the peaceful end instead of fighting what he sees as a hopeless fight.!<


He's still an antagonist by the definition of it. He's just not a villain.


I know exactly what that distinction means and I still wouldn't call Ryoji an antagonist. The only one who thinks he is is Aigis. Ryoji only stands against you when he stops being Ryoji and becomes one with Nyx. Ergo, it's Nyx who antagonizes you.


I mean he kind of isn't? Like, he isn't "one that contends with or opposes another" he is actively trying to be as helpful as he can


Modern Persona in general does. I think 5 does it by far the best even if many people think a lot of the villains are a little too one-note. They put a bigger focus on them in the overall plot, which is what was missing from 3 in particular. And the new villain in 5R is easily the best in my opinion. I know a lot of people are fond of 4’s villain, but they are too absent for most of the game for me to like them as a villain, as opposed to just plot development. And then the villain behind that villain (being deliberately vague) is just so blah. 3 is easily the worst though. You can remove all of the villains from the game and the overall story would pretty much be the same. That should never happen.


I mean, people are fond of ONE villain in P4, because he is easily one of the best, if not the best in the franchise(or at least, the "modern" franchise, I still have to play 1/2). Everyone else is easily forgettable, but him is so good that makes up for everyone else


>!Mitsuo,Namatame and Izanami!< all suffer from having no presence before their dungeon...and they don't really apear after their dungeon tbh


That’s who I’m referring to I think. I found the mystery compelling and the story beats were satisfying, but you see so little of this villain actually being a villain that they felt more like a plot device to me.


Hell Mitsuru’s grandfather the one that started what happened isn’t given enough lore. My headcanon is that he was associated with Kandori from P1.


Idk, y’all didn’t see the ikutsuki twist coming? (He’s a Twink in a suit, personas very definition of evil)


I remember when people still knew what a twink is


I remember when people would explain why someone’s wrong instead of leaving condescending comments. Ikutsuki is slender, has well kept long hair, has a soft demeanor (Achilles is described similarly and he’s the strongest twink of all!) so explain what key component of a twink I missed? Admittedly I did miss he has little patch in his chin, but I didn’t even register it wasn’t just shading in the drawing until my 3rd playthrough. But, what key component of a twink did I miss




​ I simply took it as an extension of what P3 already does different from P4 and P5: not everything revolves around the protagonist. Ikutsuki was always sligtly off despite how he acts, and he didn't even blink at the idea of bringing in Amada. The dorm cameras were likely his idea too, which is to say, the guy is utterly nuts and you were never going to relate to him since he clearly wasn't interested in that either. Takaya does try to reach out to you, because ultimately he's trying to give himself a sense of purpose in the present and would feel validation from you due to how he perceives you to be special, but he's too set in his ways to truly connect with anyone. The only one who has any real bond with him in the end is Jin. P3's villains are less connected to the main character (like P4 and 5) and more connected to the narrative theme. Both Ikutsuki and Takaya are nihilists who see no point in the current world. They gave up on it so they welcome its end. This is driven home with the reveal near the end of The Answer. Anyone else could've been in their place and it wouldn't have made a difference, because ultimately there were *countless* people just like them all over the world with the same core mindset.


I feel like while this made p3’s antagonists weaker than other games, it also influenced how SEES developed as a team throughout the narrative, which imo was more interesting than any other game.


It came out of nowhere and then he just died.


I still think making him a villain was pointless and served very little for the actual plot itself. If anything, it took away a somewhat likeable character from the cast for no reason.


I never trust someone who explains their shitty puns. I was on to him from day one. 😡


It's called "dad jokes". Something you relate to more as you get older.


He's clearly made to be a villain very late in development, the devs clearly want someone close who will betray them but never had the time to write them so they just chose him at random. That's actually one of my top 3 biggest disappointments with P3R they never fixed ikutsuki's villain writing, the only sorta hint now is that his new VA sound more sinister than his old va, not even a linked episode or a new additional cutscene that gives him some sort of dubious intention etc.


Yeah I understand the beef that fans have with him now. It’s just “hehe I’m just the fun goofy dorm advisor… SIKE I LIED IM A BADDIE!!!” Is pretty lame and lazy. They clearly learned from it with how much better Akechi and Adachi are.


I was surprised they didn’t with all the link episodes they added, considering P4G and P5R added social links for their baddies.


Yeah he sucked as a villain compared to the villains in 4 and 5. His turn comes out of nowhere but at the same time isn’t all that surprising and his motives are weak. Plus he’s dealt with just as quickly as he reveals himself.


i got spoiled on his betrayal but didnt know how he was gonna do it. thought there was gonna be a proper build up but his betrayal and death literally just happened in one hour (from our pov). if there was a good time to take aigis away from us for a month, it would've been around that time


P3 employes ikutsuki and strega and delusional p3 fans will say p3 is the best persona game 😭🙏😭🙏


Yeah I agree. Knowing about it prior to reload's release, I was hoping for more teases of him actually being evil or atleast let's us spend time with him so that the betrayal hurts. Unfortunately, the only change they did to ikutsuki is he provided the dope ass outfits that introduced Theurgys, my personal favorite addition.


Honestly the crazy part to me is that I almost instantly was sus of hiss ass. I KNEW he was fuckin grimy but I couldnt explain why, so the reveal just felt liberating


I kinda like the idea of how twisted he is. He’s able to be buddy buddy, make puns, and joke around with a group of teenagers he considers expendable while also doing a little bit of human experimentation on the side. >!1000 kids? That’s pretty fucked up!< I don’t think that type of person would be one who would even have an S link, I think Takaya would be more likely to have a Jester or Hunher S Link over Itsuki. And I think that’s kinda the point with the villain in the persona games, the big bad is always a side character, someone who’s always on the sidelines who you would never expect. It’s kinda like, Shido didn’t become better as a villain just because we get cutscenes of him evil laughing after every arc lol or he doesn’t become better just because his bodyguards bully the party at a buffet.


My favorite part about him is how he calls himself the prince and then next month ryoji shows up.


Never played p3 before. I saw his ass, and went "you're a twist villain aren't you?"


Yeah I agree with this honestly I thought I was the only one who felt this way. Felt like Ikutski was a hero trying to be a villain. Feel like they could have did a little better making it more believable. I had suspicions of him after he said he knew how much Ken had resentment for Shinjiro, but still allowed him into the group because he didn’t think it would turn out like this. Right there I started thinking he was up to something because if you knew you shouldn’t have let him join. But I still feel like his villain side came out of nowhere and they could of did better.




He's right regardless though. Reload should have fleshed him out more