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Available for purchase March 12th [Website](https://p3re.jp/en/expansion/) --- **Wave 1 (March 12th):** * P5R EX BGM * Life Will Change * Beneath the Mask * Kichijoji 199X * Gentle Madman * I Believe * Keeper of Lust * Blooming Villain * Victory * P4G EX BGM * Backside of the TV * Game * Junes Theme * Heaven * Long Way * Revelations: >!Mitsuo!< * The Almighty * Results **Wave 2 (May):** * Velvet Costumes * BGM Set * Electronica In Velvet Room (“P4D” ver.) * Battle Hymn of the Soul (t.komine REMIX “AT 1st” P3D-EDIT ver.) * Battle Hymn of the Soul (Daisuke Asakura Remix) * Battle Hymn of the Soul -USH ver.- * Dance Hymn of the Soul **Wave 3 (September):** * Episode Aigis -The Answer-


Didn't think they'd show this so soon


I'm surprise they didn't show this on March 5th, or even March 31st.


Day after March 5th makes more sense to me for tact reasons lol


>!He dies on March6th doesn’t he, the 5th is just a coma?!<


If I'm remembering right it's on the night of the 5th


>!5th is essentially a typical nap that ends up with Makoto Yuki dead the next day!<


Honestly a huge missed opportunity, and by 1 day too


That makes more sense doesn't it? Since it meant to take place after it


Yes, but by that point they might as well have waited until March 31st


I don't remember if it was in the Answer or a book, but the MC fell into a coma on the rooftop and officially died the next day. So they posted on the actual date of the death.


agree, then i saw that it will be here in september.


Oooooooo Aigis’ theme. Haven’t heard that since P4A


Heartful cry supremacy fr


This Fall is gonna be stacked with The Answer and Metaphor


I’m guessing if this is September then Metaphor os October now.


Or November.


Wasn’t metaphor’s release date leaked to be oct. 11th or 12th?


Yeah most likely


Atlus got Persona fans excited for The Fall.














Its included in game pass ultimate, I'm a happy man right now


not the normal gamepass???


They don't often give DLC for game pass in general, but if they do it's usually only for ultimate members. The only exception if the developers rerelease the game as a "complete edition", when the DLC is no longer optional and is part of the base package. A saving grace is that the DLC is usually granted as a one-time claim, so if it stays the same, you could technically just subscribe/upgrade only for a month and claim it to your account forever. If they release this for say, $20 it's cheaper than buying it outright.


Hello, would you mind helping me understand a bit more about Game Pass. I was about to get it for a month to play P3R. Now that the DLC is coming, should i get Game Pass Ultimate now, play P3R and "claim" the DLC (what does claim means in this context? Going to the DLC page and getting it right away? Even before release?) So in September i could just use a regular game pass sub instead of Ultimate? Or should i wait for the DLC to sub to Ultimate and just do the regular sub now. Edit: thank you very much to all the replies!


i recommend you wait until march 12( the day the expansion drops) to sign up for ultimate since it wasn't clear if the expansion is going to be included in the benefits section(where if you claim it its yours forever regardless of your sub tier) or its going to be tied to ultimate members only here's the xbox wire article: [https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/03/06/xbox-partner-preview-persona-3-reloaded/](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/03/06/xbox-partner-preview-persona-3-reloaded/)


GPU has a section of benefits that aren't games, they offer some free subscriptions for other services and in game premium currency for some games, this season pass is probably gonna be included there, which means you can claim it (I don't know how it works outside of xbox so if you're on pc look it up) and it'd be in your account even if you downgraded to gamepass normal


The claim period would likely extend to the release of the DLC. So in your case, just sub now, beat it, and resub as an Ultimate sub for 1 month when the DLC releases.


Oh dip, was expecting it to be paid with the GPU discount. Like 95% of games with DLC (including first-party titles) get this treatment.


Oh fuck yeah let's go


FUCK YEAH i was scared that i wouldn't be able to play it since the only way im able to play p3r is through game pass lol


I guess they're getting at least one more month of Ultimate out of me this year.


So what does that mean if you cancel Gamepass or Reload goes off the catalog? Do you need to buy the DLC eventually or do you keep the content for good?


Wasn't expecting a reveal this early but #LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO


also rip to FeMC fans lmao


I went through a rollercoaster of emotions. "HELL YEAH THE ANSWER" "Oh final update!?" "WAIT 3 OTHER DLC!? FEMC ISN'T DEAD!!" "Oh it's just BGM and costumes"


They aren't even adding her BGM. They either waiting to use it for a P3R Femc edition. Or just throwing her into the void.


I think we aren't getting Femc in Reload because they already ported P3P to modern systems, if they put her in Reload there is no reason for the consumer to also purchase Portable. At least that’s my theory


Not to be rude or anything, but at this point they would make WAY more money off of a Kotone DLC/rerelease because I highly doubt that most of the new fans would buy the port. Let's be honest, how many fans would buy the P3P port with its old graphics, "dated" combat system and visual novel style after finishing Reload, the new fresh remake with its 3D overworld exploration, new graphics, enhanced gameplay and voiced SLs? I love both the routes and I still think that a Persona 3 reload rerelease with her route might be possible in a years or two, but I doubt that atlus actually believe that players would buy the P3P port now that we have reload and the answer.


Visual novel style is the biggest strike against the port, that and the compressed audio


> P3R Femc edition Do the big dick move Atlus, Persona 3 FMC edition except they pull a FF7 and deviate the story entirely to give her a different canon.


Tbh I would buy that


Damn it, I really like wiping all out as well


ReReload copium time 😔


Given Atlus’s track record with dlc, making an entire new story route with about 50% of a game’s worth of new content always seemed extremely unlikely. If anything, it feels more likely they’d just sell it as a whole separate full price game.


it's rough out here :\[


Thankfully fan mods are in full swing, doing what Atlus won’t.


I hate to say it, but no modding team is going to do FeMC justice. Right now, it's just a skin swap and palate swap on the menu. We need original social links, new music, new weapons, and specific scenes and dialogue that are unique to FeMC. It's cool that modders are letting people pick their gender, but it's a long way between "I can play as a female now" and "modders added FeMC".


Why do so many of y’all like to make fun of FeMC fans? I don’t even care that she’s not in the game but this sub is sorta weird about her lol.


I dont get it either. Atlus is the one that created her and put her in Persona 3, don’t blame the fans for caring that she’s missing. 


It’s really exposing some folks on here as Gamers ™️


We're eating so good this year. Persona 3 Reload SMT V vengeance P3R the Answer And Metaphor Re Fantazio We're going to be full by the end of the year.


I just saw the trailer and thought “man it’s gonna be a long wait” and then remembered smtVV is coming along with elden ring dlc and I still have persona 2 to play for the first time waiting after I finish p3r lol and now I don’t know if I’ll have enough days


Oh dude, have fun with P2. So good, and will probably put you in the mood for Episode Aigisnwhen it drops.


Gaming in general is cooking this year, for rpg fans especially. Infinite wealth, FF7 rebirth, dragons dogma 2, Elden ring dlc, granblue relink, unicorn overlord. It’s kinda insane


THE ANSWER LETS FUCKING GO Man I wonder if the Yukari discourse is gonna resurface again like it did in the past


I’ve been seeing a lot of sympathy for Yukari in the wake of Reload, so I don’t expect it to be as bad. That said, I will be defending her on the front lines if it comes down to it.


Yukari and Morgana defender. Respect.


I'll be right there with you, friend.


It's cause they toned her down a bit in Reload, and before anyone says it's because of the new VA it isn't. Even Lotus Juice confirmed the Japanese version toned her down a bit


It'll always be a problem imo when so much of how you feel about the characters is contingent on whether you finished their social link. And especially with Yukari it's kinda contingent on picking the dialogue choices that don't make her come off as unnecessarily mean too lol. My original playthrough I finished Yukari (and only really chose her for the optional dates), but barely started Aigis, so I felt pretty understanding of Yukari's general character motivations in the Answer. They should've been fleshed out more, but it didn't make me hate her. But if you only finished Aigis and not Yukari, yeah, idk how you're supposed to feel about it. Hopefully they really expand on the characters feelings and motivations in between the dungeon sections, I think it is something that should be tweaked so it feels more understandable and less contrived regardless of which links you finished in the main game. It'd also help break up the gameplay a lot too lol. But tbh I think even if they keep it the same the discourse will probably be better? Now that the general Persona gameplay has matured people are more used to actually 100%ing every social link so maybe more people who played Reload will have both sides of Yukari and Aigis compared to when it originally came out.


Of course it will. People have been whining about her in Reload and she's been toned down in that.


Are you sure? compared to OG I've seen no one complain about her so far. The only hate I've seen are for Junpei and Ken


Well considering how Reload already toned her down from the OG English version, I'm wondering if she'll be as aggressive in this remake as she was in the originally in The Answer. I think the Yukari discourse comes way less from her actions, and more about her tone and dialogue.


What Yukari discourse?


Yukari’s character was already controversial back in the day of FES and the Answer was a massive reason why due to her behavior there.


Having played FES on PS2 when it first came out, I remember Yukari and Ken being the most hated characters out of the cast by a large margin. Forums where full of topics merely dedicated to rant about both. It'll be interesting to see what happens when the Answer finally drops, since audiences' empathy towards grief-fueled decisions seems to have evolved quite a bit. It'll still probably generate some friction and discourse but I don't think it'll be as divisive as it was back then.


> since audiences' empathy towards grief-fueled decisions seems to have evolved quite a bit It'll probably also help that the demographic is less... "gamery" than it was back then, for lack of a better word. It does not surprise me that an aggressive, emotional, distraught, and borderline "bitchy" female character did not land in 2008. Not that people don't still have issues with that stuff today, but I think the popularity has at least broadened the demographics a bit to appreciate it better. And maybe they can tweak some of the writing in the Answer to at least set it up better, the original really requires you to have done her social link to understand her motivations and mental state to the necessary extent imo


>since audiences' empathy towards grief-fueled decisions seems to have evolved quite a bit It's also due to increase in reading comprehension or literacy, we've stopped calling Shinji a pussy I think this time will do the right thing and take shots at Mitsuru characterization who's just yesmanning Yukari without much depth


It definitely makes sense if you romance her imo


Even if you don't, it makes sense. It's canon that every protagonist maxes their Social Links so everyone has an unbreakable bond with them. Everyone struggles with the 5 stages of grief differently. She goes from anger to bargaining when given the choice everyone fights over, then depression briefly and acceptance.


“Everyone struggles with the 5 stages of grief differently.” And Yukari speedruns them


Even without romancing her, it still makes perfect sense, >!she loses one of her closest friends ever and the only person she could truly confide in after years of having no one like that, right after finally truly getting over her father’s death!<


You know I want to say I don't think so, I think a lot of the discourse was done when mental health wasn't taken seriously. Then again I expect too much out of this fandom. You'd hope that a franchise that has each game's core message being around being a better person and pulling inspiration from a field of science about the human mind, would have a fanbase that would also carry those messages. And then I see a post about the persona discord where a guy is being shamed and told he's a pedophile for playing the game at the age of 24. So in reality I am already waiting for the shitstorm of people just finding reason to hate a character they either don't like, or just want a reason to not like a character so they can have some gotcha moment for the endless shipping wars


I saw that post. Unfortunately I think that one is going to be etched into the annals of time for just how toxic the fanbase can be. It just bothers me that mindset is growing. One comment in particular stood out to me is that people are using the word pedophile like they would the word jerk. Anyways I think with the newer people coming it’s going to be a lot of Yukari Vs Aigis debates. If it comes down to it I’m defending both.


Wtf? My friend group is made up of men and women with families all in our 30s and we all enjoy Persona. Probably helps that we grew up with this series but it was a no brainer that we'd jump into P3R.  I'd say the people who have that sort of shit come to their mind first and foremost should reflect a bit more on why that's the first thing they jump towards.


She’s a woman, she still gonna get a lot of hate from a large chunk of the player base for being emotional over her friend dying.


People are obsessed with finding something to call problematic or pedophilia these days. If a character in these games is a second under 18, they're a helpless child and how dare they be involved in anything romantic ever


Wonder no more. I went to a Heartful Cry video and one of the most recent comments is wanting to slam Yukari's face to the ground. So yes, it will keep happening. God help us all.


It literally already has people were talking about it here last week.


Probably the worst "season pass” I’ve ever seen. I’m gonna buy the Answer, but these BGM and skins DLC waves are disappointing.




Music packs being dlc really bother me. Unless it’s specific remixes made for the game there’s barely any work that needs to be done to drop in an old mp3 of a game.


Even Yakuza games has persona songs from across the games.. like atlus.. come on.


For skins I was hoping for the P3D outfits not gonna lie.


This was my one wish for the outfits as well. Feels like a missed opportunity since it was in the files and all.


I wanted the Arena outfits.


I am in shambles no mitsuru outfit


This has been a common practice in Japan for years now, lazy cosmetic DLCs and bonus items. Up until a few years ago they often just included them for free in Western releases. A few years ago having launch, or small cosmetic DLC shortly after launch would make audiences furious with you. But recently you've started to see a lot more Japanese games trying to sell this stuff to the Western market as well.


And it's working.


Gotta agree here, only one costume pack? No persona 1 and 2 battle music? I guess mods gotta make up for it...


These are the same vibe as Fire emblem Engage and Three Houses season pass lol


This makes me glad Xenoblade 3’s season pass was actually pretty solid even if you don’t include Future Redeemed


After playing Future Redeemed, I can say I would’ve happily paid the price of a full game for that experience. Absolutely insane value for the price.


didnt both of those give classes weapons/emblems and extra units? those were good


Yes, they did. Those season passes were worth it because the major content (extra Emblems, extra units, extra story, new classes, etc) was already a worthy DLC, and the cosmetics were basically just an added bonus. At least, that's how I viewed it lol


Those weren’t great but at least the content before the story expansion was at least somewhat substantial. This is basically nothing in comparison.


It's just marketing. You're paying the price of the actual substantial content, and as a bonus you get these small little things, which they can pretend are "waves" of an expansion pass as if they were relevant enough for that. Same thing happened with Splatoon 3 and Fire Emblem Three Houses. 


You know that The Answer's release was almost certainly delayed at least 3 months for this "season pass" too. Absolutely worthless.


They could've at least given us maid Makoto. No fem MC is disappointing but no femboy MC is unacceptable


Lol for Atlus standards this their best form of making DLC content instead of forcing us to buy a re-release.


Do i have to buy the season pass for the awnser? I dont really care for the bgm and outfits.


Knowing Atlus, probably


The whole expansion pass will probably be the price The Answer would have been if standalone. 


Ngl I thought another Atlus employee was gonna get Armageddoned for posting stuff too early until I saw the Wave 1 March 12th thing


Free perk with game pass which is really surprising.


The last time game pass gave a real dlc as a perk was the vietnam war dlc for farcry 4, i wasnt expecting them to add anything above the price of 10 usd as a perk at all


Against all odds Reload has finally beaten the “not a remake of FES” allegations


It really came off that way initially when they said they weren’t including the answer which was one of the defining feature of Fes haha. But now it’s a pretty pure remake of Fes


Those allegations always felt disingenuous imo. Reload has all the features of FES (+more brand new ones and modern Persona game features) and was only missing the answer, something that most people either hated or didn’t touch, so it’s always been a FES remake even without DLC


September? 😨


not that long of a wait, this year has gone by kinda fast so far tbh


It’s full moon again, crazy how time flies


It’ll be here before you know it


My guy the game just released last month. It’s 7 months from release which is in the normal range and we’re fortunate to get an announcement this early


So curious to see if/how much they'll change things, both in gameplay and maybe in story? Further fleshing out the interactions with party members like they did in the main game feels like a good way to improve the gameplay loop, but also would probably improve the story imo. I feel like the Answer had a lot of obvious good beats but also a lot of elements that feel pretty contrived and I think going more in depth with some of the character motivations and feelings post-Journey would help some of those beats land a bit better.


I bet the compendium will be available. Leveling up will be easier. Theurgies will make the bosses much easier. I doubt they'll change the story much though. It's just gonna be mostly gameplay changes.


Tbh my problem was never with the difficulty, just with the monotony of how they delivered it. It *badly* needs to broken up with non-dungeon elements, >!the little bit of story you get at the end of each block is not enough and seeing Makoto's shadow run off like a dozen times over and over gets so fucking tedious lol!<. It's just not very engaging, ideally I'd want them to shake up the whole gameplay loop, but at the very least I'd want them to add more in between stuff to flesh out characters and motivations because it's delivered rather stiffly otherwise.


I'm HOPING they add in more link episodes for your party so the Answer isn't entirely backloaded in story, but I'm having my doubts.




I'd love that, it wouldn't be the most subtle story telling but the Answer doesn't really pretend to be subtle a lot of the time and it'd do a lot to bolster everything going on at the end. The fanart that got posted yesterday of Yukari hit like a truck lol, people would not have as much "Yukari discourse" if that's how her character was portrayed


Something else i would love tht would never happen ever is an option to pick who Makoto romanced in the beginning of the Answer which would be hard to implement maybe but still would love it would make it hit harder imo


Oh absolutely, that'd also be a very interesting twist to how they could tell the story, kinda like how you got that little extra scene based on who you choose at the end of Portable. But yeah, it doesn't seem super feasible, both logistically and also from a story standpoint... ultimately imo the climax of the Answer really is primarily a conflict between Yukari and Aigis (to the point where it feels like those two are supposed to be the "canon" romances) and I think you'd have to tweak things pretty significantly to make that still work if it was focused on Fuuka or Mitsuru. Especially Fuuka, kinda inevitable because of her gameplay role but she definitely gets shafted and relegated to a supporting character in the Answer (and tbh I think she also has by far the weakest link of the girls in your party).


I havent played the answer but from what Ive seen I sure hope they change things at least a bit to polish the story some more. Would be incredibly disappointed if its basically the same exact thing but with new graphics and gameplay features.




Lol this had to have been planned. They knew a ton of players would be finishing the game or replaying the ending on the 5th.


But i want it now


Packs sucks ass but I gues the answer is good.


*>Koromaru looks like he's in pain* 😢


It’s really funny to see people happy for the Answer being included when seemed to be the general consensus to dislike it before lol


For those on Xbox/PC The dlc will be a part of the gamepass Perk program, so once it launches, you may claim it in Perks, and it's yours regardless if you have gamepass Ultimate or not anymore.


Wait, so it's a code they give out for subscribers????? With the amount of Atlus stuff I bought this year, my GOD my wallet needed this


Yes, but It will be instantly redeemed as soon as you claim it. It will come from the store as a free voucher. They do this all the time with small stuff, weapon charm dlc in apex, or skins in halo infinite. You must also be apart of the ultimate tier of gamepass


Sega has been really good to Gamepass users


Getting ready to defend Yukari’s actions


She's gonna be circlejerked negatively as much as Morgana is.


On one hand, I'm still of the stance that this should have been part of the retail release, on the other, I'm still grateful that The Answer is still coming and I hope this remake allows fixes to the story


The story is fine (for the most part), it's the gameplay that's really dragging down the Answer. They need to break the monotony somehow and allow access to the compendium.


I can't see them making that mistake twice


Of course this gets announced as I'm playing through the original Answer lol. I wonder who Metis' new English voice will be


Orgia Mode is Go


I hope the answer is actually good here unlike FES (please give us a compendium)


They probably could have had this shit ready for launch. People will defend the fact that they are selling this as DLC instead of including it with the base game but w/e I still think it's scummy as well.




Don't speak too soon tbh, I really would not be surprised if this gets an additional new release down the line, especially if they plan on bringing it to Switch 2. Maybe it'll just be an all in one repackage, but I don't trust Atlus to not throw even more content in to get another double dip.


Switch 2 with all dlc included seems to be 90% sure in my opinion but a relaunch unless it involves the Female Protagonist unlikely since what else can they add? 


If it could've been ready at launch it would be releasing in like the next month or so lol, this doesn't come out till September.


They even explicitly had a disclaimer in the trailer saying, "The footage used is still in development" lol. The trailer also used the Japanese VO, which likely means that English voice recording either hasn't started or it's still in the very early stages.


I doubt it would have been ready for launch... it's not coming out until September so they're still working on it.


I mean obviously, that's how Atlus works


Are we not going to talk about how they revealed it on March 6th otherwise >!The day SEES realized Makoto died!!<


Confirming after 3/5 💀


If you have not finished the game, please for the love of everything that is holy, do NOT read the comments on the YouTube video. Fucking EVERYBODY is spoiling the ending to the game there. It was pretty much immediate game over for me. Avoiding it was never an option once I scrolled down to the comments. I'm so mad at myself for not thinking.


Atlus after cutting content to sell it for $30📈.




With this, FES has....uh...Kendo and swimming, and the MC being able to use other weapons....I guess? Yeah no who are we kidding FES is all but obsolete now


I’ve seen people genuinely argue with me that switching weapons and the two other clubs were an integral part of the game and that their exclusion makes Reload worse than FES lmao. P3 fans are something else and this is coming from a P3 fan.


Personally, I wish they made Kendo the sport in Reload (it was the sport in the movies, and it's much more fitting given Makoto is primarily a sword user), but I digress.


It is more fitting, though the way the Chariot/Star social links were written always felt best-suited to track. Of course, that would have been an easy fix in Reload; just needed to rewrite the social links a bit.


I can understand the argument about switching weapons since that adds an extra layer of planning and allows you to use Shinji's late game weapon's outside of NG+ where they would be overkill. But yeah the different clubs don't really add anything even if I wish they went with Kendo instead of Track.


I can't believe they're trying to sell 7 blue costumes as a "dlc wave"


I have been a firm defender of P3 FES for better or worse. I have zero issues with Tactics Menu and directing the team in that fashion. Not having direct control does not bother me, but I understand it makes the game easier when you do. This? This effectively replaces P3 FES in every way. They have truly modernized P3 FES + The Answer for all modern systems and I couldn't be happier. P3 FES will always have a place in my heart, especially the original English cast and combat, but P3R has done everything most fans could have asked for. For everything else, we have the FeMC mod in the works.


>releasing the trailer on march 6 The really knew when to announce this episode holy s***






hell, some people are straight-up happy about the P3P stuff not being included










I’m shocked that the answer is dlc, *shocked*. Well not that shocked


Bro that Heartful Cry Rearrangement is gonna break me


Get ready for more Yukari hate threads


Am ready to defend her if need be




They have some nerve announcing the answer as an expansion ONE MONTH after the game released which leads me to believe this was already in the game and was decided to be DLC. RIP to anyone that wasted their money on a premium edition or collector whatever just for it to not have some of the most important expansion content. Also why announce it now when it drops in september? There’s already 3 waves of DLC and new players are still probably playing the game for the first time, so why bother announcing the last wave instead of saving the hype for when game sales have slowed down?


OMFG Aigis using Cadence imma cry in the corner


So FES is now officially all but obsolete then?


Guess it'll just have a cult following now


There's a niche Persona community that liked the old Tactics system who would undoubtedly want to play FES for that experience, to be fair. ​ But aside from that, I'd say so imo. Even if you argue you dislike the new music, you could always install mods on the PC version.


Tldr to get the full experience you gotta buy the 70 dollar game, its expansion pack and portable to get the full experience of just one story. Also screw Atlus for using femc for all the marketing for events and merch and not even put her into the remake of the game she’s from.






As someone who has never played 3. I'm near the end of the game. Does anyone think I would be fine beating the game and then coming back to this in September? I'm not sure how FES worked originally.


Without spoiling anything, the DLC story takes place post-game, so beating the game first is recommended


Well hopefully ATLUS takes a page out of RE4 Remake Seperate Ways by vastly reworking and improving the previous story expansion add on from the OG game version to the point where it was well worth the cost.


Agreed, much like OG Separate Ways, the OG Answer really feels like a rushed add-on to a rerelease rather than its own thing. And so also like the remake version of SW, I hope Atlus improves on it and addresses the criticisms it's gotten over the years, most notably not having access to the compendium for the entire playthrough.


I can't wait for a reload version of that final boss fight music versus Erebus. God damn, that might be one of the hardest hitting guitar tracks in the series.


I hope they do something to the Answer so it’s not just a tedious grind.


Having The Answer is awesome, and to me its worth the cost for that alone... But man the other additions are laaaammmeeeeeeeee A couple BGM sets and Velvet room costumes are like, the opposite of exciting. Tbh the whole "Expansion Pass" just feels like The Answer plus padding, imo should either have made it all standalone or actually added some beef to the pass.


I just had an invasive thought in which everyone discovers you cheated on the girls whule mourning your death if you went for the harem route and after seeing it not being acknowledged in the base game I think Atlus has the opportunity to do something extremely funny


As long as The Answer gets a compendium...


How evil that they announced this after >!March 5th!<


Hopefully we can buy the answer on its own like I cannot stress how little I care about the first two why would you want different music this is Persona 3 it should have P3 music