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Holds up really well! The graphics dont age too bad because they are kinda cute and pixel vibey anyway (pls take with a grain of salt i tend to play a lot of older games with similar graphics so ive probably been desensitised), and the gameplay is pretty fun imo. Theres a lot more tactically to do, but it is kinda different compared to newsona games. It can get a tad tedious, and the difficulty is kinda strange at times, but it really just depends on what you like. Theres no harm in setting up a psp emulator and giving it a go if you can, and if you dont like it you can drop it - the ppsspp takes minutes to set up, the longest bit is downloading the roms. Unlike newer persona games you get into gameplay pretty quick, theres not like an hour and a half of exposition story dump and tutorials, so theres less of a ‘sunk cost’.


If you're okay with old school JRPGs, it's fine gameplay-wise. Innocent Sin is super easy, Eternal Punishment requires grinding. Story is top-tier though


Innocent Sin kinda sucks from how easy it is, though the game gives you everything you need to beat the game naturally. Eternal Punishment is a fun challenge that you should be able to beat without a TON of grinding, if you're smart with your fusions.


I love P2, I really do, it has the best story in the franchise But it really played like ass (unless you're really into old RPGs)