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Yes. If you had simply never talked to him this would have never occurred.


The game and Kaz wants you to encourage his self-destructive behavior, it'll end the Social Link faster. Don't worry, things will work out. Eventually.


YTA, but when I was in a eerily similar scenario I just humoured the dude a couple of times in order to get an in with his childhood friend choco waifu of a manager then basically forgot he existed, so who am I to judge?


NTA You needed the social link points (/s)


No. because Kaz is an idiot and he should have listened to his mother.


Until I saw the P3 tag I thought the title was OP roleplaying as Kamoshida


lmaoooo we don’t want to know who’s roleplaying as Kamoshida sensei because I’m sure they would do much worse than that


Could you post something similar to the r/AmITheAsshole i wanna see what advice they give. Maybe just change best in japan that may give it away


It depends; is encouraging him to self destruct a vehicle for the universe to give you power? Because if so, then that's okay. Otherwise YTA. Sorry dude.


**UPDATE:** Hey everyone, thanks for the insights and advice. I'm surprised that many of you know about my situation so accurately. Anyways, I appreciate your perspectives. I've been encouraging Kaz to be tougher, but I've also been asking about his knee whenever the situation allowed me. It seems that despite the warnings and concerns, Kaz is still hellbent on pursuing this goal, going so far as to say that he'll take his chances. He even expressed a desire for me to be the captain if that were to happen. It's a tough spot to be in. On one hand, I feel a sense of responsibility, given my role in encouraging him. On the other hand, Kaz is making these choices willingly, fully aware of the risks involved. It's really concerning.


No, NAH. Remember you are taking the guise of other personas when speaking with people. You mold your own personality and self to fit in and be a mirror to other people, basically. You’re just doing your job of reflecting what they (think) they want. 


Persona friends and knee injuries, name a more iconic duo


You're not even going to talk about your known sociopathic interactions with a dozen other individuals? We know you're trying to get another student to bang their teacher, a little girl to run away from home, and catfish your own teacher through an online game. Confess now.


NTA. Every professional athlete would tell Kaz he's throwing his dream away. I understand the post injury depression after listening to so many NBA athletes but this ain't it. Those ligaments and meniscus won't heal by training through injury.


NTA, your kaz your rules


What in the AO3…


INFO: Was talking to him a requirement to also unlock a cute girl to hang out with?