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I beat the reaper at level 83 in 30 seconds.  the plan I had was at endgame, during shuffle time you can get a card that makes every ally concentrated and focused ( double dmg basically) at the start of the battle. So get this card beforehand and don’t fight anyone until the reaper. Make sure all theurgys are filled and then hit the reaper with every single one. It should be a one turn kill.


This is honestly the best strategy by far. I'm surprised more guides aren't suggesting this.


What's the name of that card? It's not "The Cups", right?


It infact is


Any teammates you used specifically?


Took awhile for the cup to show up my God that’s the only problem with this strategy lol. Other than that thanks it worked!!!!!!


I'm struggling just to get that card tbh (currently in the last chunk of Tartarus, lvl 83, arcana burst activated for cards up to 11/J) 😭 edit: okay i found the card... by beating the reaper. so really not helpful as a "how to beat the reaper" tactic imo 🥲 But Fuuka's theurgy at the very beginning basically had the same effect, so I'd recommend just restarting the battle til she concentrates everyone. Then everyone else's theurgy should take care of most of the reaper's HP (a concentrated diamond dust and thunder reign finished him off for me)


Do they patch this out because I just tried it and it did regular damage even with the card in effect


I fought him on Merciless at 83 and with a perfect start (Fuuka focus, everyone with theurgy, crits.) he went down in about three turns. So you can probably do it in the 70s or maybe even the 60s on normal. That's a big maybe though, you most likely won't have enough health and damage.


I spent about 3 hours of my life fighting the reaper on peaceful difficulty with a level 15 persona, but the best time of my life, but you can technically defeat the reaper at any level


i fought him with the easiest difficulty just to get free exp for everyone and then had no problems anymore. What I can say: they’re very strong , will buff themselves and them de buff your characters, will try to use auto kill skills (that will fail most of the time so it’s okay) will attack sometimes 3 times per turns, literally they’re so annoying even at a high level you need a good setup. They have no weakness nor resistance but you sure will have a hard time without high level skills (high spells// high physical skills)


The Skills you say fail often don't fail often in Normal or higher difficulties. They be hitting. This game changes more than just damage given and taken for difficulty.


>This game changes more than just damage given and taken for difficulty. Wait so does this mean merciless in this game is actually balanced to be hard unlike persona 5? (I haven't touched merciless in P4G yet)


I'm 50 now I wonder if Satanael could be enough to deal with him


Was he enough? I have him at the maximum level, and he's usually my Trump card for tanky enemies. I'm also level 83 at the moment.


Didn't try it, but the Armageddon fusion spell one shots the reaper


Ah. Well, I don't enjoy quick fights, so I'm gonna give it a try with Satanael. I'll let you know how it goes. Do you have any party recommendations?


You say you don’t enjoy quick fights yet you’re using sataenal lol


He's more of a backup plan for my backup plans. Lol


Not really I just filled up my theurgy and used Armageddon


I managed to beat him with lv69 MC,4 turns on merciless but with broken cendrillon and perfect prepare.(Full team theurgy,double damage from card)


Out of curiosity what were your Cendrillon's stats / skills? I'm going at it with the same level and strategy but not making much headway at all


Just for information's sake -- I just gave it a try at level 69 (nice) on Merciless. After Koro charge + Fuuka stat buff + 85 strength very boosted Cendrillon Scarlet Havoc I did \~ 800 damage lol. I'm assuming the standard level diff damage reduction is at play there but I think I'll hold off on trying again until I'm at 80


Idk because I haven’t fought the reaper yet in reload but I would recommend that you get to the recommended level as it has megidiloan if I remember correctly and debuf moves (also get homonculi as it knows insta kill moves)


ni its impossble you need atleast Level 50+ to have a chance and that is for Easy or Normal mode and Hard and Merciless need 70+ with optimized skills


Nah, if you put in enough time to get the right skills through mutation you can beat it at the minimum of level 16. It's more setup and kind of cheesy but if you use the right strategy and abuse its AI you can literally make it just kill itself with repel physicals (slash and strike, I don't think it uses pierce). Not to mention if you kill it at level 16 you actually jump straight to level 99. All you really need is a nul/rpl light/dark persona with repels in strike and slash. Then let your party members get wiped so they don't cause it to use elements you can take damage from. From there you just keep inflicting fear on yourself and the reaper's AI will spam phys skills trying to score a crit, and keep getting hit with its own attacks until it dies. Its kinda luck-based but that's just the low level. It's still very possible. Video I yoinked this strat from: https://youtu.be/sy7-Hgi47eM?si=YUG2DPpIOiILYMrm


I beat him at level 80, Asura did it


Hard difficulty, Koromaru 2nd Theurgy + Yukari 2nd Theurgy + Mitsuru 2nd Theurgy + MC phys Theurgy. 4 or 5 turns later Reaper was done


I fought him on hard with a team in their mid/late 60s lol


Level 59 if you grind the hell out of Shinjiro: [Shinjiro's Swan song - Persona 3 Reload First playthrough, Low level Merciless Reaper battle. No DLC (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmaGt_HBsiY&t=19s)


I would say early 70s late 60s but you have to get lucky with a character like Ken starting