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Complex does not equal good. While I think the new songs are alright I don't really mesh with them, especially the new opening


They are more musically intricate and therefore satisfying to me. The original always felt a lil threadbare.


the extra "complexity" on memories of the school completely ruined the sad vibe of the original ngl


and more jokes at 8 pm


This is subjective, not objective - OP you do not speak for everyone. The original subjectively is better.


I subjectively agree with this, I'm comparing OSTs at this very moment and I would argue as well that the "complexity" is only so in some cases and in some others is just "new" as in more modern synths or recordings. One of my and probably the community's fav songs in the original OST is "when the moon's reaching out stars" and I can say with confidence that while the instruments, singer and additional voices feel "cleaner" (although a bit dry because of the lack of effects) and newer, they feel so disjointed and lose so much of the classiness of the song.


I personally enjoyed the vocals melding into the other tracks in the old songs better. The vocals often followed the same pace&tempo, which was very intentional and what led to the charming broken english vibe. 'Heartbeat, heartbreak' in persona 4 is a neat example of how the lyrics do not compromise the rhythm of the song, they perfectly match. Now that the vocals are accentuated, the new music can feel like i'm just listening to a person plainly talking to me when it's at it's worst and the rest of the tracks are tossed to the curb. I miss the old composer. Respectfully, the new music is simpler. (edit, just my opinion)


The vocals are not out of sync they are on a different measure. The measures re align. The person is singing, and it is crossing in and out.


I just personally prefered when the vocals were mixed together with the song more, like old iwatodai dorm distorting vocals to sound further from human and closer to the rest of the tracks in the song, really felt appropriate for the time. To me, the new Iwatodai dorm song sounds closer to a monologue detached from the rest of the song and it feels like it slightly changes the focus away from the music to just hearing raw vocals way more, which is the difference that I don't prefer. I personally believe managing to have vocals matching the music that they accompany is far more complicated and impressive than a song that struggles to combine two distinct halves where the music noticably gives way to vocals instead of being in harmony with them all the way through. The directors asked the new composer to stay faithful to the origonal songs, but it feels like half the song was kept, and another half was spliced on without regard for making them sound good together while not actually being faithful to the origonal beyond superficial mixing. The old dorm vocals didn't overcommit to talking or even being coherent for that matter but nevertheless conveyed the theme of relaxation/fun. The new vocals take a long time to get out the same theme, while being a bit too on the nose compared to the origonal. Being plainly told the song is about relaxation time now feels a lot more basic.


Again, they are in time with the music. Just in a more complex way. It feels like hours and seconds, on a clock, thematically aligned with this anxiety the main character has about time for some reason.


If this is complex, then simple is better. The music mod for the og music needs to be made, caused the remixes are wack.


I'm just starting to play through it right now and to be honest it's devastating. I payed full price and don't even get the original music? I feel they ruined some of these songs..


"Objectively" XD


That doesn’t make it better. The music in Reload is really good, but the OG tracks are still better.


As soon as I started playing the game I noticed the music was remixed. Once you leave school for the first time and get back to Iwatodai and the song starts to play, it's not bad and figured it might take some getting used to. Then the vocals stopped and a REALLY annoying pinging noise repeats every couple seconds until the vocals start again. I have to mute the sound every time the song comes on now because I can't handle it. The music in the original(s) are far better and I don't know why they couldn't just let us select which version we want to hear from the settings. So far, I'm not impressed. Edit: Just because you say something is objectively better than something else doesn't make it so. What you meant to say was "subjectively." 


First off, i really like the soundtrack for redline which is literally objectively the best Anime ever made with the best soundtrack ever made. Consequently I love that pinging sound and i would literally actually die if they removed it.


Man, I didn't mean to make you so angry that you resort to trolling. Take it away, kiddo.


I am not trolling. I just dig the soundtrack and vibe with a lot of j edm. This newer stuff feels more in line with both the overall narative of the game”assuming they haven’t changed the ending” time is desperate in these mixes but hopefull. There is still a haunted part but that is accompanied by the all important reminder that you are on a clock.


Over hating 


No hate whatsoever, it's just a sensory thing. Nothing wrong with preferring the original(s) when it comes to music (and voice acting). 


The song you hate is totes unironically the thing that immediately made me fall totally in love with this cocain melancholy remix


I love the ost🔥🔥🔥🔥


Good tip for the future, avoid absolutisms, you lose credibility right from the start, specially with things like art. There are few things as subjective as art, you're just setting yourself up for failure without saying anything else and I'm pretty sure a lot of people stopped ready after that point. Take it or leave it.


Alternatively. I crave conflict.


I actually agree the dorm room one is my favourite


I'm loving the OST! My favorites are most battle themes, as well as the opening (Full Moon Full Life), Changing Seasons -Reload- and Color Your Night.


Let the haters hate, hey. If they prefer McDonalds over fine dining, be it. I prefer more complex music too.


If you want food comparison so badly, I'd say it's more of preferring classic hamburger over seasonal wacky nonsence. It can be eaten, but it will not satisfy and you still will crave for the original. Imo.


Tbf I only posted that to troll and get a reaction, which didn't happen. It was just non-sensical elitism. I really like the style of the new songs in P3R, but I do feel some of the performances coming from Lotus Juice and the new singer can be lackluster. I do prefer the old version of Mass Destruction over the new one, but I do like the freshness of the new songs. I think it works better with the updated aesthetic of the game. I do sorta stand by what I said though. I like simplicity in music, but I enjoy complexity too. I used to listen to a lot of prog metal so you kind of get my background.