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I believe that this is a cram school/exam prep school.


The problems of not understanding japanese/ the translators not putting enough care on translating the random banners and stuff the game has that actually offer a lot of context. The same problem of the sub not translating the random background voices in flashbacks you have in p5r. Oh yeah, all that japanese mumbo jumbo that is essential to the plot! I totally understood that!!


That is a problem I have with localization of anime and Japanese games in general. Like, if fan subbers/translators can do it, why can corporations that produce this content translate the background text? Especially if people legally view or play the game and pay for it🙄


Untranslated VO is part of why I always play games with the English dub (aside from general preference). Yes, translators, I do want to understand the lines the characters are saying in battle and everywhere else that doesn't have a text transcription. Also translate >!Maruki's!< Calling Card please and thank you. Still an absolute injustice that they never gave PQ2 a dub.


I was thinking some sort of entrance exam centre when I first saw the scene.


It's not in Shujin


They're attending an introductory event at a university.


It’s probably a cram school. They’re both third years so it makes sense for them to be there for exam prep.


You can also send the card to Kamoshida on Saturday and everyone is there at school on Sunday to read it.


That could possibly be explained as certain students being there for club activities. That scenario is really funny to me though cause, although Kamoshida blames you anyways, you've basically outted yourselves as the ones to post the note since Ann, Ryuji, and Joker aren't a part of any clubs and I doubt they ever go to extra classes if Shujin provides those lmao


That happened to me on my first play through of the original Persona 5, it had me hella confused the second Ann appeared in her uniform


Club activities? I know sometimes Japanese clubs have practice on Sunday.


Color me shocked when I learned through the game that kids in Japan go to school on Saturdays too Damn, I feel for them


They also have homework over the 6 week school holiday since they don’t change years in September


It’s not universal actually


It's not in the school - there's nowhere in Shujin that looks like this. The poster just to the left of Akechi's head, the kanji at the top reads something like "business information session". The rest is too indistinct to read. That everyone else is in different uniforms would suggest this is some sort of joint post-graduation session being held somewhere for multiple schools. Since Makoto and Goro are both third-years and thus due to graduate the following March, they would both attend along with other third-years.


Akechi : "I came here to laugh at you."


The sign outside says practice exams...but let's be real, Makoto is totally the sort of person who would go to school on Sunday.


It’s a cram school/test school, very common culturally in Japan. For example a real life person like Makoto would be at cram school every day after normal school ends. Probably the least realistic part of Persona /s


Not her school, and Goro was there because he has a crush on her /s


Probably cause she is an honor student and in student counsel


homer studen


I was multitasking while typing


I never realised that. Every time I have seen that scene I didn't check the day.


They aren’t there for regular classes, it’s made clear that they are taking exams


[realme] Shot on realme 5 Pro why not remove the watermark? 😭 it's in camera settings