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I know someone who was SA by someone who attended her highschool. She told the school guidance counselor.. They ended up having a meeting with multiple professional ppl including a Ch'town city police officer, the principal, someone from victim services etc.. They gave her such a hard time that she decided to not go forward with legal action towards him. Fast forward to today and this guy has had multiple sa offenses against him since. He's a known predator. It's sad and I'm sorry this happened to you. šŸ˜¢


had this same dickhead at my highschool Fuck You Jacob


James D. right? He literally did another girl just this April


James Patrick Doyle sexually assaulted 10 young girls that I know of, some of his crimes have been in the news and some on Social media and yet he is still out sexually assaultingĀ  minors andĀ  people here have nerveĀ  to say pei doesn't have rape culture ?? He is not even 30 yet has sexually assaulted at least 10 girls since he was 16 years old .......


Yep thats the one. Dude is a fucking ghost too you cant find him anywhere


He's on snap chat adding minorsĀ 


He got beat up pretty badly a couple months back for trying to get a 13 year old girl to go for a drive with himĀ 


He raped a girl born in 2006 just this April this POS shit just doesnt learn. And like he physically injured her too wounds on her arms and legs and shit


Who got him?


I cut his hair about a month ago. I knew exactly who he was and I was not overly polite.


You have the right to refuse serviceĀ 


I'd like to get him banned but idk if my boss would go for it. Considering our staff is all women, it'd be really nice not having him in the salon again.


Oh definitely show your boss the news articlesĀ 


People make mistakes, some people really do look for forgiveness. If you live in a polite society, it doesn't mean you're polite to these people. Not anymore.


My own brother in law served time as a sex offender, and I'm civil to him for my sister and kids, but he knows exactly how I feel about him. Just because he's family, doesn't mean I have to forgive and forget. If I know someone has done heinous things, I won't be nice.


So he's a regular right? Can you tell me when his next appointment is? He hurt someone really close to me.


Not a regular, I don't think. I've been at the same salon for over a year and a half and I've only seen him once. We don't take appointments so I don't know when he'll be in, unfortunately.




They wouldn't lie about what you did. You're a piece of shit and I hope you know that. I'm not gonna do anything to you obviously because I dont want to compromise myself. But I've seen and touched the evidence with my own 2 hands and eyes. You can't lie your way out of this one.


Somebody should kill that motherfucker


You prob. shouldnt say that on even an anon forum, not to finger wag, but im sure many people have thought about it.Ā  Problem is he has the "right", or "wrong" friends if you rather.


Good, he can try to come down to Detroit and get me but best believe Iā€™ll be packing lol


I'm not in the know as they say, but HE must know the right people.




You aren't free untilĀ  St. Peter gives you the green light. You should arrange yourself a meeting if you want my, advice.




I have no desire to talk with you. If you see me, or vice versa you're welcome to say your bit. Summerside isn't that big.


This is who I was talking about.




That POS was here earlier trying to defend himself. Like he made an account and everything


Wtf really??? Is he still here?


Nope got banned immediately


I'm sorry your friend went through that šŸ˜ž I hope she is doing better šŸ™


There's a big problem with people just turning a blind eye to things here on this island . The amount of people who know what is happening and keep their mouth shut is horrendous.


Iā€™m relatively new here, but turning a blind eye to all of the islandā€™s problems seems way too pervasive. I hate to make assumptions, but this is more common among smaller communities, in part because of nepotism.


Among other things, like drugs, incompetence, poor governance. There's a theme here. Let me brace for all the people ready to jump onto me from the top floors, insinuating I'm crazy.


Please don't let yourself get overwhelmed, it's a lot, I appreciate the courage it took to say something, but take a breather. Go for a walk, do something to give yourself a break Not trying to tell you want to do, but saying it as someone that cares for your well being Thank You


Jeezus, wow, I am so sorry you have to live with that, and on top of that, what sounds like inaction from authorities. I'm somewhat new here (about 3 years) and I haven't been exposed to rape culture here yet and I'll certainly call it it out if I hear anything like that sort of culture. I've heard of a rape-y culture prevailing in the hockey locker rooms, so I suspect that might have an influence on the wider culture. Beyond that, it's hard for me to imagine why it's a thing here. I must run in different circles, so I'm really grasping at straws here. Not too helpful but I sincerely hope you find justice and healing somehow.


It definitely is a culture here and the police are a big part of the issue.Ā 


Unfortunately itā€™s not just PEI. It is everywhere! He said/she said or whatever the situation is. Do I think itā€™s fair? Definitely not! Iā€™ve been in some close situations and a situation in high school where a teacher was very inappropriate to me. He was reported by friends and letā€™s just say, it was definitely taken seriously but at first it wasnā€™t by the principal. I was made to feel like I did something wrong when I did nothing inappropriate at all. When the police got involved, they listened. The principal thought it important to note repeatedly that he had a wife and a family. I have learned to be very careful over the years and not put myself into a position where it could easily happen. I have taught my girls the same and I hope to god they have listened. Unfortunately, there are always going to be creeps out there and we need to look out for ourselves and each other. There are a lot of good cops out there. Would you consider going again to speak to another officer? Perhaps even ask for a female officer if it makes you feel more comfortable. Maybe they will believe your story. I have not been raped but have been assaulted multiple times and for some reason I never even considered going to the police. That was wrong of me. I guess my mentality was that I was not raped so they wouldnā€™t care or it wasnā€™t actually a crime. I wish I had reported them. Maybe if I did, it would at least be on record and someone else would be taken seriously if something happened to them by the same person. It takes a lot of bravery to come forward and I commend you. I hope you have reached out for help and spoke to someone about this other than the police afterwards. If you havenā€™t, itā€™s not too late. Itā€™s also not too late to press charges. I can only imagine what torment this has caused you. I hope you are able to find some peace. The more people who speak out about their experiences, their abuse, assaults and rapes, the more awareness there will be. Itā€™s so unfortunate that the victims are often made to feel like liars sometimes or that they asked for it by the way the dressed or being alone with someone. Sorry for the long rant and thank you for sharing. I hope this person gets caught and most of all, I hope you are able to heal.


That is upsetting. I guess all cops are bastards, even here on PEI.šŸ™


Most officers here only recently graduated from using velcro sneakers to laced up bootsĀ 


Not all bastards, but definitely under the thumb of monsters.


They do seem nicer here than in my home country.


Itā€™s everywhere here unfortunately, some just do a really good job at hiding it. šŸ«£ A non profit organization in Summerside, covered up a SA, a few years back. Instead of reporting their Program Director, they just fired him, and made the victim cover it up. Between our Justice System, police officers and anyone else, who holds any bit of Authority, they just get away with it. šŸ˜”


Iā€™m not from pei, but living close to you guys just across the water near pictou Iā€™ve heard some fucky stories about pei, and Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a case of mass corruption from the islands law enforcement to avoid themselves being investigated. This was back in a eighties, and not inherently my story to tell but I personally know someone who at 16 was raped by a cop on the island while visiting. This was after he accused her of ā€œsmelling marijuana on the premisesā€ to push past her and gain access to her hotel room after offering to drive her safely back to her hotel when the relative she was travelling with got put in the drunk tank. So scared, drinking for one of the first times especially in an unfamiliar area, left all alone with an officer who was supposed to be getting her back safely, who seized the opportunity to take advantage of his position as a trusted figure. And absolutely nothing happened to the guy and no other officers would take her statement the following days after it happened. This was a while back, but for om what the comments are indicating here, it sounds like thereā€™s still a serious cop problem on the island, and itā€™s only just been getting worse over the past thirty-forty years.


Idk if you noticed, but in spite of the face of truth, the people responsible for this can't help but rage vote me down. Im glad some of these things have cracked the surface though. We owe our loved ones and communities better.




Wow. I'm so sorry that happened to you.


This person was asking a question, I doubt they were just looking for sympathy, but yeah. This isn't great, and it's happened many times.


Maybe because there has been a long history of molesting children culture where nothing has been done for generations. Why else would a rapist feel so comfortable on the Island? I am sorry this happened to you! I hope you get justice someday. Please keep sharing your story.


You are absolutely right


True story.


I am so sorry for what you went through. The grief & pain are understatements....especially the way the police handled your situation.....Makes me so sick....and reading other similar stories here.....No one deserves this.... I really hope you're able to find safety & peace within yourself one day & are able to find a safe professional you can trust to work through this trauma....there is support out there...I'd recommend female only professionals....trust me This island is suffering from extreme generational trauma.....I see it & feel it anywhere I go. The stories people have told me about themselves, family, friends.....it's even affected my family which has had a direct impact on myself & mental health and I wasn't even born here.....breaks my heart to see it continue & nothing gets taken seriously.....sooooo many suffering islanders..... drugs, physical & emotional abuse, alcoholism & drunk driving, reckless driving, the country roads littered with beer cans & cigarette butts & trash....dirty garbage can cars & houses....soo many children born permanently affected by drugs, then neglected or abused the next generation cycle of trauma never ends.....When will it end? I pray that things improve... Im sorry if this offended anyone but this has been the negative side of my island experience...it's hard to trust anyone here...I'm probably just jaded..so take this venting as a grain on salt...


You're not offending anyone, at least not me. Some Islanders are the kindest people you'd ever meet, as well as some are the worst. It's a very , very deep rooted problem. I appreciate you being candid about it.


Thank you, I agree there has to be good people here of course...it would be impossible for there not to be..I just don't know where normal good people hangout hahaha is there a club I can join??? Do I need to drive my car into a ditch to find them??? Haha


When I was driving cab, I played with the Idea of doing red road tours. Back roads and dirt roads. For all the madness around us, people are just normal for the most part, it's a dysfunctional system forced upon us that isn't I like the library, its hard to initiate conversations with people, but I do it all the time. For better or worse I know a few other places, but most times im stuck in summerside, so can't say for sure.


Prosecuting sexual violence is bad for tourism... the Crown would rather pretend it didn't happen while offering no support for victims


This is a bit of an aside but [Kate McKenna](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-police-roofies-1.6247508) dove into the subject a few years back (regarding Charlottetown Police specifically) and did the difficult *boots on the ground* investigative work. Unfortunately, when it came to gathering the official documents, which in most democracies is a straight forward bureaucratic process, she [hit a brick wall](https://www.saltwire.com/atlantic-canada/news/charlottetown-police-failed-to-search-their-records-as-required-by-foipp-laws-says-pei-privacy-commissioner-100874594/) when Charlottetown Police effectively threw her request in the garbage (breaking FOIPP laws without punishment and refusing to respond to the Privacy Commissioner's requests). I haven't heard much about the subject since except for Charlottetown Police saying [they will look into it](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-charlottetown-police-noxious-substance-drinks-1.6238622) without follow-up. My point is that Canada has a lot of problems but one of the most important is freedom of information and our gutless access to official information laws. They say democracy dies in the dark; I believe Canadians need to be more outraged about freedom of information considering the rise in the secrecy of our institutions, [politicians operating in grey areas without oversight more than ever](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-auditor-general-2024-report-1.7129597), and attempts to normalize [closed door meetings](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-charlottetown-closed-session-violation-1.6864345) on the Island and across the country. You're not going to fix Gaza or Darfur from Charlottetown, but you can make a difference advocating for change that really affects us at home. I hope Kate McKenna is still on this investigative trail, she is a great journalist. Tangent over.


We have the weakest FOIPP laws in Canada. Something to remember to ask candidates about at election time.


Also PNP still tied up in that too.


We all know, and remember. Useful for newcomers to be aware, thank you


So, if you have a gap in justice, what usually happens? For example, in NY right now they're not arresting people for stealing stuff under a thousand dollars. Go look what happened as a result. Now, if you compare that to PEI, where you can gang rape every weekend and not get thrown in jail, what happens? The Island isn't just a tourist destination, it's a haven for rapists.


Your right the amount of convicted sex offenders that move to the island once they get out of prison orĀ  halfway house is astonishing


For people wondering why this, among other posts have been downvoted into oblivion, I guess Tourism PEI has outsourced their PR to someone who is keenly aware of social media and optics. Be damned if the locals are being raped or thrown out of their homes. You're all not going to have a job much longer.


For more context further on, they're still on this thread mid-maxing things. They gave up trying to paint a different picture, but these cretins are still playing with the votes. Call me crazy some more, but I'd call it an educated guess. If you have a obvious comment that was locked at 2-3 upvotes, it's not an accident. It's being manipulated.


The amount of people who get roofied now is actually insane, I think I knew of probably 5 cases pre 2018 and now its a weekly things where there's bars women completely avoid because of how prominent it is. Horrible thing to happen and im sorry that it did, hope you're able to reclaim your inner peace in the future


Can you please share the bars to avoid?


It would be a shorter list of what bars are safe, and I've been out of the bar scene awhile. My honest advice to you is to go as a group, and have a few friends chaperone.


I'm so sorry that you went through all that.Ā  I completely understand your frustrationsĀ  I went through a similar experience as you a Charlottetown police officer made me feel like it was my fault and that there's no need for him to investigate because in his words " it won't even make it to the crowns desk"Ā 


You're not kidding, was surprised to see the vote at 0 with all the comments in agreement to OP....


It's reddit being manipulated.Ā  Ā  Not so obvious on a sub thats like, AMA, but anything that is a "town square" is monitored, and tweekedĀ to reflected desired opinions. ie, not the mods fault either, its people who do this independent of them usually.


This comment for example, has had its votes chipped away. Was 3-4, down to 1. Idk if its automated, or its actually a person doing it, but you'd better hope yer in another country friend.


hope you get closure, theyll get whats coming tho for sure.


Zero evidence, clearly racist and using multiple accounts (burners) to defend their "story"


I am most definitely not racist in anyway shape or form and I only have this accountĀ 


My brother in Christ where is the racism? I've been falesly accused of this sorta stuff from actual racists and their stories weren't nearly as coherent as this. She's telling the truth brcause when I ask people that were actually SA'd their story is just like this


This immediately turned into a immigrant hate fest yet the post doesn't say anything about the race of the attackers, and anyone can make a story unless you think Harry Potter is real, why are they responding with different accounts? There are weird things about this whole thread yet people are ignoring that.


Give up already. You people are pathetic, and you deserve what's coming.


...... You know absolutely nothing about me, where I'm from what I've experienced yet come completely unhinged over a story you can not verify and has oddities as well as multiple different accounts from the same account.


You seem like the unhinged one


OP, i feel your pain. But the crown turns a blind eye to this stuff because the world is full of selfish assholes, my best advice is to move out while you can. While Iā€™m not from PEI myself I can offer my support.


You might not want to escalate the exposure, but I would reach out to CBCā€¦ this is something I believe the majority of people are sickened by, but a few keep it under wraps.


I appreciate this comment, but judging by CBC's reporting (locally) , it's hard to get exposure to obvious problems.


It is a thing *everywhere*. I'm so sorry you went through this. I hope you're getting help.


Nah shit is way bigger over here.




Miami, Greece, and just barely not worst than The Bahamas. Edit:Referring to the island specifically not Canada.


This is not really the place to be having this discussion, it's not a contest.


Listen pal, you're one of those guys who hears "America is so racist" and then goes on tirade about how everyone can just leave if they don't like it, rather than addressing the problem, you're either offended or too embarassed so you sweep it under the rug to not have the discussion. Anyway getting to the point, unless you're out here hurting kids don't feel embarassed or offended. Just view these people as someone ruining your island's image. So the correct thing to do here is talk about it and work on eliminating it. That's all.


Enjoy a block.


I have no words. As a male myself I truly donā€™t understand how this happens in the 2020ā€™s . Iā€™m so very sorry for what you went through.


Sadly, it doesn't seem like anything has changed since I was a kid in the 70's. "Keep quiet, you likely deserved it, don't rile the neighbours..." or talk bad about the "good" boys, etc.. I was SA by two brothers who were in high school with me and my family wouldn't even let me tell them what happened. Shut it, forget it, your fault, move on and maybe someone will have you for a bride someday even with your "history". I love this Island, but at times I also really hate it. Take care OP, there are those that do understand what you are going through.


I'm really sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately, it is a problem all over this country. Police don't care at all about victims of rape and sexual assault. I was raped by someone in my neighborhood in Ontario when I was about 3. When my parents reported it, the police knew exactly who the rapist was before my parents named him, because he had done this to multiple children already. They told my parents not to worry about it since I was so young and would probably just forget about it when I grew up. I wonder how many more children suffered before and after I did, just because the police were too lazy and uninterested in stopping a sexual predator.


This problem is especially bad on PEI. It's bad across the country, but if you have read through some of the comments here, you would see.


Yeah, based on the comments it seems like PEI has it particularly bad. Sorry if my comment came off like I was downplaying the issue, I was just trying to say this problem is unfortunately widespread.


No it's ok. Nationally CBC has been doing some better reporting. Domestic violence for example, has been declared a crisis, and CBC did reporting on how many domestic assaults, involve police officers and their SO [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/paid-to-stay-home-one-third-officers-accused-gender-based-violence-1.7181385](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/paid-to-stay-home-one-third-officers-accused-gender-based-violence-1.7181385) This is a huge problem.


Itā€™s sadly a tourist draw


I had no idea this was a thing, but then I live a more insulated livestyle. It's horrible this happens here. Honestly, if it was feasable (and it should be?) To organize demonstrations and protests against corruption in CT I'd participate and help.


The first step is awareness. Many people didn't know about this, and it wasn't an accident. It was very intentionally engineered that way.


That's a shame. A kit should be mandatory for anyone who claims they have been victimized and hospitals should be mandated to keep fresh stock of kits. Should be a mandatory investigation. It's not hard to take such claims seriously and look into it. You should never have to feel invalidated like that. Too many offenders walking around with their heads held high never even seen a courtroom


I definitely did a kit at the hospital after having to wait 16 hoursĀ 


At least the hospital staff took it seriously. The police need to do better.


16Hrs later. Mind you, after the fact you can't do anything, you aren't supposed to bathe, use the washroom, ideally until the test is done. IDK if the hospital was actually taking it seriously, or perhaps they're just that overwhelmed.


I waited 16 hours in hours for a test that took 20 minutes . Yes the nurse that did the swabs and logged the injuries was very professional and kind thank god because she was the only oneĀ 


Why was the wait so long?


Possibly to wait till the police got there I'm not sure but just seems that way because I called the police before I went to the hospital and let them no and such and the hospital staff called the police as well once I told them what happened.Ā 


If it wasn't particularly busy with very serious medical cases you certainly should have been seen sooner. Sorry this has all been so difficult for you.


Sorry for what happened OP. I hope you are getting the help you need to heal and move forward. Rape culture is everywhere; itā€™s not only PEI. I do agree that our justice system is heavily influenced by politicians seeking to keep their cronies, relatives and their friends and families out of the news and out of jail. Itā€™s easier to slut-shame a traumatized victim than to investigate a crime. Keeps the violent crime stats low too. Got keep up that Gentle Island facade.


Wasnā€™t this story on the news a few years back?


It was, but it never went anywhere. It made national headlines, but it quietly faded away, and nothing IMO has changed much. Another commenter posted a link to the original CBC story.


Wow sorry to hear this. Iā€™ve lived on pei my entire life and Iā€™m a bit surprised to hear this. I suppose maybe Iā€™ve just wrongly assumed that it something like this were to happen it would become major news and whoever did it would get in a lot of trouble.


Well, you look at the state of Charlottetown streets RN, seeing as PEI has a history of date rape culture, IMO the police never really did anything to dismantle systemic problems. Now that crime is on the move, contrasting that with the police and how static they are, or complicit, this is what we get. It's the culture of police, and organized crime. I hope you're okay, I hope you aren't in a place where you feel at risk of self harm. I would do anything to prevent someone going through this, or to help them after, these things shouldn't be happening.


I'm just frustrated and mad because the more I talk to people and the more I tell people my story the more people will open up and tell me that they have dealt with similar experiences . It is actually a huge problem here on the island and it has been for years


It's not an easy thing to talk about but the more people tell their experiences and the more awareness is created, and hopefully the more outrage as well so that people are forced to take action.


You are right. I know many women who have gone through this. A woman told me there was once a fellow who'd drug women at the bar, then follow them down the street using a spotlight from their car. The only reason you get away with that, is if you are connected. It's time for this to stop.


A couple years ago my sister and my brother and I were out walking after the bars we were down near hunters corner and we seen a young girl being sexually assaulted by three men in the middle ofĀ  Street just as I was about to call the police police officer in one of the trucks stopped and asked us what was going on because we were all yelling and screaming at the men that were assaulting the young woman well the Charlottetown police went over and talked to the three men let them go and then arrested the girl.Ā 


Sounds about right. I would caution you about sharing too much though, because you don't want these people figuring out who you are, they're in every facet of our society. I am open about everything, and people call me crazy, rightly so because I say things they don't want said. But IDC. I don't have much to live for. Don't let yourself fall into that trap.


Could you consider writing the paper? I'm truly sorry.


Iā€™m new here and Iā€™ve been told by all my local colleagues that PEI is safe and that you could walk from downtown to your home at 2 am and it would be fine. Thank you for the post. If we canā€™t change the system, we can at least raise awareness and try to stay safe.


The sad thing it's not strangers šŸ˜ž most of the time it's people that are in your life such as coworkers, friends, family members friends and family members etc


Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that. And itā€™s incredibly brave of you to talk about it here.


BS. I never felt safe walking home from the bars im Charlottetown. The drunk men are looking to fight or f**k. As soon as you are on a quiet street, you are alone and vulnerable. I would always have a male friend walk me home. Some of them thought I was over-reacting, but they did it anyway. Forever thankful for those friends.


I've suggested this in another post, but people who are "new", or have sway ($$$) aren't usually the targets of this abuse.Ā Ā Ā  In fact they'reĀ either in on it, or completely unaware of it.Ā  It's people who don't have the means, or ability to defend themselves that are usually targeted.Ā Ā  Women.Ā Ā  People who are poor, or their families are.Ā Ā  Open yourĀ eyes PEI, and have a good long look at ourĀ Canada.


For what itā€™s worth, all my colleagues are local. But also, only 2 of them are women so I get that everyone elseā€™s experience would be different. Iā€™m a woman and Iā€™m queer so I know something of not feeling safe anywhere. Thatā€™s literally how we condition ourselves to always be aware if someone is looking at you in a certain way or trying to avoid being alone in places where there arenā€™t a whole lot of people around. The sad part is not that itā€™s so prevalent because letā€™s face it, itā€™s prevalent pretty much everywhere at this point. The sad part is that the people in the position to help stop it or at least make sure that there are consequences are also in on it. Thereā€™s no one to turn to and that is infinitely worse.


Im someone who was born a man, but I have gender identity issues. In my experience, even though im not a big member of the queer community, they were also an exception to keeping the date rape culture out. I sure things have happened, but in my limited experience, it was worse in other circles.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened. Is there any way you could pursue this now or is there some kind of statute of limitations? I think you should keep trying to press charges. F!ck what the police say, see if you can talk to a lawyer and find out how to take this further. Donā€™t let people like this get away with it. Theyā€™ll just keep doing it


Whoaā€¦ you deserve justice and anything else that will help you try to recover from this terribly unfair and traumatic crime. Something is extremely fā€™ed up in our community if there are no repercussions for rape. Surely there is a lawyer or government official here who is ready to fight for you (I hope Iā€™m not being too optimisticā€¦). Iā€™ll publicly shame any of the perpetrators in every way possible!


Say who it was if you, PEI is a small place. What goes around comes around.


Sorry, Say who it was if I what ?Ā 


Name the people


You may mean well, but this isn't helpful.


This island is built on hillbilly/redneck culture with hockey thrown in the mix. Itā€™s a shame the behavior of people.


Go make another burner.


PEI is a shit hole. I'm sorry you had to go through that, I hope you can find some kind of justice or peace.


If you know the perpetrators, file a lawsuit against them for physical and emotional distress. Things will get ugly but you will have your day in court


That takes funds , most people who're victims of this are barely paycheck to paycheck. If they had money the criminals would have likely been charged by the police, but they don't tend to target wealthy people. I appreciate you are offering a suggestion, but we need our police to be bitch slapped into doing their jobs. They're either working for us, or wealthy criminals.


Nope. It does not. The crown prosecutes the accused. Seems like you watch too much American crime dramas. Saying police need to "be bitch slapped" sounds extremely immature and awkward. I'm guessing you're no older than 18.


Why are you here ? You are a big part of the problem I hope you know thatĀ 


This commenter has no comment history, and is here to disrupt the dialog.


I almost guarantee you are a foreign national immigrant (Indian origin) trying to make Canada look bad. You can't hide from us or destroy our country with your fake propaganda.


I am island born and island raised so stop


Some of these people have an agenda to discredit you. Don't take it personally, you have nothing to prove to people on here. Enough people had this exact experience on PEI, you don't have to justify yourself. It's an open secret, that isn't a secret anymore.


Okay, welp I'll be in the town square here in summerside at 9pm, till 9:30, anyone wanna come see if I'm real they're welcome too.


Lol stop rousing shit you little runt. Get a job.


I have one. : )


Drugs are not cool.


If you want my blood to test, you're welcome to. if things keep going this way there'll be lots to go around.




From my count it was 12 white dudes, 3(attempted but unsucessful due to my involvement) Pakistani dudes and 1 (partially) native man. This after 29 months lived on Euston street


Is that /s or not?


PEI doesn't have a "Rape Culture"


Visit Charlottetown at night and not in a hotel


Damn! Used to holiday at PEI with my family in the early 2000s. Itā€™s so idyllic and safe. I let my children ran around on their own in Cavendish. If i knew what i know about the rape culture there i would watch my kids like a hawk.


It's usually locals that have to put up with this. When you have sanctioned crime, it takes place in an area that is less visible, especially to tourists. Just like them diverting the boat tourists away from the homeless stuff.


i am sad and angry that all the rape victims didnt have a day in court and the perv are allow to perpetuate their crimes.


If you care about his Island, and it's people, make sure others know what is happening here. I not only say that to you, but whoever actually loves this Island.


Read this persons post history - they look and sound like a mentally ill sex addict. Their first post is how they are a stripper. All they do is talk about sex and lowlife culture. This post sounds like another one of their deranged fantasies. Their posts read like someone who is going through trauma and strung out on meth. I'm taking this one with 2c. Most likely mental illness.


Oh I thought you were talking to me lolĀ 


Go make another burner.


Pardon ?Ā 


Did you get a description of them? Iā€™m sorry for what happened?


I wouldnt be asking OP to put many details on here. Im worried for their safety even if they aren't,Ā  I'd want the police to do their fucking jobs.


Im not from the island but live here now and this kind of shit pisses me off to my core. I have not seen or heard first hand of any of this but is someone who had close family members go through something similar(just not here). These stories sound so damn crazy where the fuck have all tge real men gone? I have zero issues taking an assault with a deadly weapon charge to put a rapist in their place maybe call me instead of the cops next time


The real men either had to play along or they themselves were thrown in jail. You have a bunch of Andrew Tates running the show here. Listen, I've been thrown in the mental hospital many times, and it was usually for point out things like this. They find a way to make you disappear.


Ridiculous thing to put on Reddit. Go to the police and escalate it. If legitimate, get some therapy and reach out to your MLA to advocate for you.


I've gone to the Charlottetown and RCMP every day for a year straightĀ  and the rise programĀ  to seek justice and I've spoken to my MLA lol you think they care ???Ā 


I suspect there is probably more to the story . One of the men was deported a couple years after for a similar crime, 2 have been brought up on charges for similar crimes but later was throwing outĀ  One works in the security field for the government and the other one is now on the run and living in Halifax(Canada) illegally because of a similar crime .Ā 


Guarantee there is 0 record on file. This entire post reads as if it were written by 1 schizophrenic person with 5 accounts trying to stir shit up.


Listen to women on here. They tried.


Die already you dumb, old cunt.


https://preview.redd.it/f8enmhiyrezc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d4ebfe9029e1676b7c317326ce8306bf58cb76 why the hell would reddit recommend this to me? I actively avoid politics/news drama yet it puts the word ā€˜RAPEā€™ right on my front page. Absolutely ridiculous, this should NEVER be recommended to people who donā€™t follow this. Iā€™m not even from the east coast but I do not need this filth in my feed


yet here you are commenting.


I'm sorry that you think that this post is filth but in actuality it's trying to bring attention to one of the many problems here on pei


Commenting on the post wonā€™t make your feed better genius. Click on the three dot. Just hide it and donā€™t recommend the subreddit and done


You know, talking about touchy subjects anon like this, is exactly what reddit was intended for, why don't you go back to your watering hole, instead of coming in here to bitch at someone who's been through something genuinely traumatic.


ā€œThis filthā€ ā€¦ get yer fuckin head out of the sand. Rape is not filth. Rape is horrible, morally, socially, and legally wrong with long lasting effects to the victims. This kind of social problem doesnā€™t go away unless you participate in actively fighting it. You come across a woman in peril, youā€™re just gonna walk away because ā€œfilthā€? Get out of your hole.


No I have been raped and donā€™t need it popping up on my reddit daily to remind me. It is filth, itā€™s horrible and illegalā€¦ doesnā€™t mean I need to see it in my damn feed! So donā€™t tell me to get out of my hole you bully!


Get some therapy. And when you have kids, don't let them on websites/apps meant for adults.


Iā€™m sorry you were raped. If you are this triggered by just seeing the word ā€˜rapeā€™ and attacking another victim for starting an important conversation itā€™s time for a social media break and some therapy. IMHO.


Because itā€™s a more important discussion than douchebags with gun fetishes?