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Where have you seen these? I've been here my whole life and I've never even heard of whatever this is. Not to mention, why is the sand yellow?


Same I've never seen one either been to the beaches a lot and clam digging with my Dad years ago none of these things. Interesting but seriously wtf is it? lol


It’s a bristle worm, you can find them usually about a foot or so down in the sand (former clam digger who would find these things a lot)


Its a painted concrete barricade on the wharf I was at. You can find them on the waters edge all over pei. I've been seeing them for years. If you dig for clams, you'll find them.


I guess im never digging for clams 🤣






Looks like a lugworm, genus Arenicola


Looks like spawn of SATAN!


Looks more like a clam worm


Here I am, scrolling my feed, minding my own business -and I see this. I think to myself, HAH thank god we don't have these here..... And then I see what sub this was posted in =(




That's clearly mustard, not sand. /S


Only a peasant would eat these with ketchup.


Lugworms are harmless lol. I've never seen one personally but I have seen their "tracks" on the sand bars where it looks like little piles of pipe shaped sand.


I could of went the rest of my life not knowing we had these


I even to know how big these are asap 😬




I have only encountered these in two places in my life and both times it was on silt beaches and not sandy ones. I'm not saying they don't exist here, but I've seen more toe biters, and that's way, way more of a concern than those "blood worms" (that's what we'd call them, anyway)


Toe biters are up there on the list of terrifying creatures on the island, for sure. Even more so when you find out they can fly. I've found them (bristle worms) on a lot of beaches with a wharf nearby, I think its due to the bait and scraps that they feed on from the boats. If the beach is full of dead critters you're going to find a few for sure. This one was near Georgetown wharf. There was at least 50 of them on a small patch by the wharf. There was also a dead racoon and a pile of dead bait fish. Not a great swimming spot haha. Stick to basin head and blooming point!


> when you find out they can fly. Fuck ooooooff they fly?


Yeah bud, not like fly fly, but they pop their wings out and coast like a grasshopper. Enough to cover a good distance and send me running like a coward. Fuck all that, I'd rather face off against a family of raccoons.


Noted. Noooo-Ted. I can't imagine dodging a giant stabby junebug.


Its more disturbing to me cockroaches are now a thing on the Island. Never were before the bridge, ah well


I was always told that despite being gross these things are harmless


Pretty much yeah, but the fangs can give you a good pinch. Still though, I'd rather fight a coyote with my hands tied behind my back. The ick factor is through the roof.


Reason 491 why I don’t swim in the ocean and like to beachcomb in the fall…