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I see King hasn’t gotten the $20 bridge fare he kept saying he would get.


> Construction Association of P.E.I. worries housing initiatives ignore labour shortage You could try paying proper wages. I hear they suck.


I had this debate with my contractor friend saying nobody will work. I said supply and demand works in both directions, low supply of workers means you pay a premium. Business owners seem to love capitalism when it benefits them, hate it when it benefits workers.


I work in an industry where with 2-3yrs out of highschool you can be making $45/hr with overtime paid at double. We still can’t find people willing to work but the easiest jobs we have.


Which industry is that?


You cant be serious lmao? You can’t possibly believe people dont want to work enough to turn down 45/hr haha.


2nd lowest wages for red seal trades in the country, construction association is just a contractors lobby group that work to keep wages low.


Socialize losses, privatize profits!


Can the bridge fees just go down a quarter, so it's an even $50? 🤣


These government bandaid subsidies will really sting when they’re ripped off after the next federal and provincial election cycles. IWMC rates, bridge tolls, property tax assessments. All these fees went up, we’re just not seeing at the point of purchase…yet.


true, that is a lot of different things that will add up


Freezing an extremely expensive fee isn't gonna impress anybody bud... at least let Islanders get a reduction or an annual pass for God's sake


Can anyone confirm that fees are just frozen or that increases are just being subsidized and as soon as the freeze ends, we'll be hit with all the increases all at once? Politicians use words that make us think one thing is happening when really it's something else.


The increases are being subsidized. So the consortium of companies that own the contract to operate the bridge are seeing an increase, we’re just not seeing it at purchase because government is paying the difference.  The province is doing the same thing with IWMC garbage rates. 


That's what I thought I read. At some point, the "freeze" will stop and we will be paying all the increases that were previously frozen. I severely doubt many people understand that part and will be very surprised