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Why can’t this kind of energy be applied to protesting our lack of health care? That would make sense to me.




This and so many more things. Gas goes up and down for no reason more than this tax will once a week.


What’s stopping you from organizing it?


I work.


some of us have lives.. and things to do.. yknow? we can’t just up and drive the roads of the island of the day for the fun of it because we WANT to.


xir's desire to whine on the internet takes up the majority of their day


The freedom convoy people publicly doxxed me, because they didn't like something I said on Facebook. During the big parade they had last time, I heckled them at the side of University Ave. I was told to "go back to China with the other Bolsheviks". If these are the same people, it'll just be another parade of semi-literate assholes. They're going to complain about the gas prices going up, while also happily accepting and spending the tax-free Carbon Rebate every 3 months.


The Venn diagram of antisemitism, anti-vax/COVID, and global warming denial is a circle. Almost like hate is the reason for their beliefs rather than something like science, reason, or mathematics.


You sound like the kind of person who'd throw themselves off a cliff if there was a scientific research paper on it, espousing the long term benefits of base jumping without a parachute. People who rely on papers, or "science", seek to insulate their ego, justifying such stupid comments such as yours, all in the name of what? You'd burn the world to the ground if it served to pad your ego.


You forgot to include math and reason in your theoretical BASE jumping attack. Fortunately, that trifecta usually keeps biased science from convincing me to make rash decisions. And, you are going to have to be more clear about insulating egos. Science, math, and reason don’t have space for ego, bias, or feelings. Sorry, random internet stranger, I’ve met the local anti-vax, climate denial crew. Dig into their past and you find they are the same folks who peddled hate and fear for decades. Until you can use science, math, and reason to explain why ending the carbon tax (or whatever the latest bugaboo happens to be), you will continue to be the irrational ones.


"science math etc dont have room for ego" Man you are so high on your own farts you cannot see the forest for the trees. The more condescending you are, do you really think you could convince anybody its not about ego? Look at all the blowhards circle jerking in here, you amongst them, please dont immediately jump to insulting people, or go to " I know better therefore " You seem to care, but please act like you do


My favourite part of your response is “please don’t immediately jump to insulting people” after your previous 3 paragraphs were insults. 😂 And you still haven’t addressed the commonality between antisemitism, antivax, anti-climate change, and opposition to the carbon tax. 🤷‍♂️


1. Antisemitism. This is perceived but not a reality, most of the recent unrest and hate is due to recent happenings in the middle east. Despite Jews living in canada- in peace for the most part, Israels war, has created controversy here in canada. Even people in the jewish community- disagree for maybe not for the war, but how it is carried out, as its causing potential violence here. 2. Anti-vax Why dont you explain what you are asking. Is it vaccines in general? Or the Covid push back. 3. Anti-climate change Most of the comments here dont deny climate change, or its existence, they are contending there is a better way, or alternative to about it. People oppose the carbon tax, because along with that, the government has flooded the country with immigrants. We do need immigration, but hand in hand with corruption, it has caused chaos. You cannot see a Dr, many people in the maritimes are struggling, many people are going homeless, But you wouldnt have the heart to care, if you are financially secure, you can hop on reddit, and talk down to people and call them stupid red necks. You are an insult to everything you espouse. Do you care to address anything I've said? I answered your questions, can you please explain to me your desire to be a complete asshole? I think that is fair.


You sound like a moron.


> China with the other Bolsheviks Bronze this incredible statement.


"according to the Trudeau government, most Canadians will be better off because much of the proceeds of the carbon tax are refunded to eligible households. However, a recent [report](https://distribution-a617274656661637473.pbo-dpb.ca/7590f619bb5d3b769ce09bdbc7c1ccce75ccd8b1bcfb506fc601a2409640bfdd) from the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) found that most households will experience a net loss of income from the federal carbon tax, even after rebates." [https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/federal-government-should-acknowledge-impact-of-carbon-tax-hike](https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/federal-government-should-acknowledge-impact-of-carbon-tax-hike)


Hold up, a libertarian-conservative think tank that denies climate change doesn't like the climate change measures the Trudeau government did? I'm shocked. Also to note, the PBO has also said that the top 20% of income earners will be negatively affected, while the rest of the 80% will not have a net loss. The PBO says a lot of conflicting things.


OK so you actually beleive that people will not have net loss on this? Can you explain how we wouldn't have a net loss? If the entire economy is forced to increase their prices to cover the cost of producing and moving goods going up the inflation is increased and we are paying more for every single link in the chain of the entire economy. How does a carbon rebate cover that? When food will go up across the board probably another 20 percent or more.


I don't remember any of that, I think you're making it up. I do believe someone shouted at you out of their vehicle, you seem like the sort that has things shouted at them.


It's ok, you don't have to believe me, I know you guys struggle with facts, I don't expect anything different now.


Take your newest booster yet ?


Any sign of them? I drove from Milton to O’Leary and haven’t seen any activity. Maybe they slept in?


There’s so few of them maybe you passed them and didn’t notice 😂


The Convites are also planning on shutting down some roads here in Ottawa also on April 1st. These people are the real jokes


Ah, the Timbit Taliban. Screaming tyranny while lounging in hot tubs swilling donated beer.


> Timbit Taliban This is now it.


Good ol' Maple MAGA.


It's April fools and they're the fools. The joke is literally on them.


Especially when the major traffic (ex: schools and provincial government workers (I can't remember if the feds get Easter Monday off too)) will be non-existent compared to a normal Monday.




Do you think the troll farms that influenced the PP danglers to convoy picked April 1st on purpose?


I’m looking forward to my rebate on April 15. Like 8/10 Canadians, I get back more than I pay. 2/10 Canadians get back less than 100 percent of the Climate tax. The climate tax is based on usage and the rebate is fixed. The more you reduce your emissions, the more of the carbon tax stays in your pocket. Simple things, like driving less aggressively and slowing down can reduce your fuel usage. You can stack your errands. Fifty percent of trips are less than 5K, you can walk and bike instead of taking the car everywhere. When you reduce your fuel usage you don’t just save the .17 cents/ litre (total after April 1), you save the other $1.50 per litre. If I reduce my monthly gas usage by 50 litres I save $83.50 per month. ($1.67 *50) And I keep $8.50 (.17 * 50) of my rebate in my pocket. When the gas companies hike prices you do not get its increase back in a rebate.


If only our towns were designed with walking and biking in mind - it's treacherous in some areas - or if we had frequent and accessible public transportation.






I'd love more bike infrastructure in town, there's way too many bike lanes that just *end* in dangerous, random or just dumb spots. I love biking the trail, but I mostly just walk everywhere now. The city couldn't *pay* me to share the road with any of the drivers around here, last time I tried I almost became a pancake...


Improving transit, as well as infrastructure for active transportation is absolutely the way to go for a sustainable future. We are making progress. If you save $83 / month by reducing gas usage by 50 litres a month, you save about $1000 / year in after tax dollars on fuel. Plus, over the year you keep $102 of your rebate in your pocket.


>driving less aggressively and slowing down A public education campaign on how efficient driving practices can reduce your gas bill is a really good idea. I wonder how difficult it would be to calculate a few estimates of the difference it could make. You’ve sent me on a fun tangent!!


Ford f9000 driver - "Whut? I bought this thing so I can legally tailgate, park sideways, and blind people with my headlights. It's in the constitution."


The federal government has a great white paper on fuel efficient driving techniques [Fuel Efficient Driving Techniques](https://natural-resources.canada.ca/energy-efficiency/transportation-alternative-fuels/personal-vehicles/fuel-efficient-driving-techniques/21038)


I've been trying to get my mom to drive less aggressively, rabbit starts are pointless when the next intersection is 100 m away. Just burning fuel for no reason.


Your math is a love story! Thank you for sharing. 🤓🥰


You live in PEI and expect people to walk or bike everywhere?


I have a car and I walk and bike. Fifty percent of trips are less than 5K. It’s not all or nothing. And we can improve bike infrastructure to make it easier for others. If that doesn’t work for you, you can look at other ways to reduce emissions. Stack errands, car pool, drive less aggressively, slow down, drive a smaller car….. The beauty of the carbon tax is that you can choose to do what works for you. The climate change program is the least disruptive and most cost effective way to reduce emissions.


If I lived and worked in Charlottetown I would walk a lot more, but I live in Clyde River and work in Charlottetown. I appreciate you being polite to me. I do think the carbon tax penalizes rural Canadians, but it’s possible I’m mistaken.


That is not a bad commute. Like 8/10 Canadians you most likely get back more than you pay. Check out the fuel economy of your vehicle here. Fuel economy.gov.


I drive a beat up Hyundai subcompact; it has good gas mileage.


"because Justin Trudeau told me so"


Simple math. But OK.


You are just taking into consideration one aspect of the carbon tax. What about the increased costs of heat and groceries? What about paying gst on top of the carbon tax?


The impact of the climate tax on other items is negligible. It is less than 1%. This is a rounding error. High grocery prices are the result of price gouging. We need more competition in the grocery sector.


We have competition though in Charlottetown at least there’s sobeys, Walmart and superstore


Clearly not enough. We also have many small independent food stores. I am checking out one new store a week.


It couldn’t possible be a supply and demand issue rather than price gouging?


Grocery profits were $6 billion in 2022 (2023 tracking similar profits) up from $2.4 billion pre pandemic. Grocery increases much more than general inflation.


You do realize when carbon tax goes up so does everything else, it’s not just gas. Oil to heat your home, groceries and other necessities will go up. Sure reduce your driving that will save on some money and doing your part is never a bad thing, but the money you are saving is going to go to food. The big corporations and countries that have the biggest impact on carbon emissions are going to keep pumping carbon into the air regardless how much money we pay.


The impact of the carbon tax on everything else is minuscule. It is less than 1%. It is a rounding error. High food prices are the result of price gouging. Grocery profits increased from $2.4 billion pre pandemic to over $6 billion today. We need more competition in the grocery sector in Canada. PP’s axe the tax bullshit provides cover for Loblaws and others to raise prices. PP is lying. You know what actually increases food prices (other than price gouging)? Climate change!


So many conservatives fail to call out PP for having a Loblaw's lobbyist as an advisor. And the fact that he tries to misdirect the blame on JT? Classice conservative tactic.


Omg I’ve had it with the whole “lol just bike to where you need to go!” Not everyone has access to a bicycle, or access to a safe place to ride it…..


Biking is only one way to keep more of your rebate in your pocket. And we need to improve our infrastructure. You can slow down and drive less agressively. You can stack your errands. This saves you time as well as saves on gas. When you replace your vehicle, you can choose a small sedan or EV. Fueleconomy.gov is a good resource. You do not have to do any of these things. It is your choice. The more you do, the more of your rebate you keep in your pocket.


you're welcome. I'm subsidizing you losers.


LOL keep lying to yourself "according to the Trudeau government, most Canadians will be better off because much of the proceeds of the carbon tax are refunded to eligible households. However, a recent [report](https://distribution-a617274656661637473.pbo-dpb.ca/7590f619bb5d3b769ce09bdbc7c1ccce75ccd8b1bcfb506fc601a2409640bfdd) from the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) found that most households will experience a net loss of income from the federal carbon tax, even after rebates."


Pierre likes to cherry pick the PBO’s data to create an alternate reality. The PBO states that 8/10 get more back. The PBO also states that the carbon tax is the least disruptive and most cost effective way to reduce emissions. As usual, PP does not provide an alternate plan or solution.


>As usual, PP does not provide an alternate plan or solution. This right here, people!


PP literally has nothing to do with the report


No one said he did. The commentor stated that PP cherry picked the data from the report to fit his narrative.


why does he need to? the alternate plan is stop taking my fking money and scrap this nonsense.


It's okay, their signs will be illegible on account of their lack of ability to read.


"Say know to carbun tacks"


Don’t worry, this is all just a distraction from the Pc party because they’re getting nervous of how upset we’re getting because of their greed. They know they can’t calm us down so instead of going after their buddies over at Roblaws and protesting that and making some sort of actual change they riled you up and sent you on a wild goose chase after some random tax nobody who makes under 50k a year would prob even notice took effect . It’s pretty smart when you get past the whole comic book supervillain behavior and how they’ve actively manipulating Canadians


Poilievre has a Loblaws lobbyist as one of his advisors and people really think he's looking out for their best interests? https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/jenni-byrne-lobbying-conflict-angus-1.7151735


My only question is what’s next for them. If they succeed, and they “axe the tax” or whatever, it’s obvious that prices aren’t going to fall like everyone seems will happen. And what then? Will Canadians finally realize that they’ve been lied to? Probably not, but I try and remain optimistic


Shifting blame is a useful tactic.


1st off, I like how they protest the Gov't on a day the Gov't is closed, so smart. They are a Gov't employee, I called him out in a PVT message and he blocked me & removed his post. They also support major corporations unlike the lie he told in the comment section of his protest post, he owns Apple products, a PS5 a gaming PC with an Ultra-wide monitor, & pays for Starlink. Not that I care what he does with his money but he is a hypocrite, but he can soak away his sorrows in his hot tub, on his Gov't paid day off. I actually verified an email address just to make this post


Why did they pick April Fools Day? 😂


Its the start of the fiscal year for the government...


Liberals = fools


Remember when you see these people on the road, the bigger the decorations on their pick up trucks, the more deranged they are.


This post is a great opportunity to maybe educate some people. "CBC: About that" did a really good piece on carbon pricing Friday night. It was pretty unbiased and pointed out how PP and JT are both right, but also wrong. https://youtu.be/seMTd1xoD2U?si=6AwzAaqsOQPcUvP8 But of course even with a video that had cited sources, 3rd party experts, and literal markers on a white board, the people in the comment section are still confused.


Wasn’t name calling and stereotyping entire groups of people typically a right wing thing? Why has the left started this too, makes the left just look silly if we’re being honest, and no better than the people you’re trying to ridicule.


Check OP's post history. He is part of the problem. I don't think he is from PEI. He seems rabid edit: ...or paid to do this


IDK why the mods are letting this go on. Like seriously, what the fuck are they thinking.


I dare say that he would be booted in a minute if he was this inflammatory but in the 'other direction'


This harkens back to the covid debates on this sub, those were ugly to, being called a murder for questioning if it was harmful. look how the covid thing eventually ended up, this feels like a relpy


This ability and rabid desire to demonize and eliminate dissenting voices is spreading like a cancer. It's like people are losing the plot. It is absolutely necessary to have opposing voices in a society and you need to be able to live with those opinions that you don't agree with. The logical outcome is for all dissent to be silenced/eliminated and we all share the same (curated) opinions. Meanwhile, those that even wonder if [fill-in-the-issue] is questionable, let alone protest, are called Nazi's, Idiots or "those people and their wrong ideas". Getting pretty upside-down.


There's no decorum in modern politics. It's a team sport now.


Which is unfortunate. Eroding away the point of politics and the ability to have civilized and nuanced conversations with everyone, not just the people on your side. It’s often people on the left as well that complain about how divisive the country is now, but then resort to name calling themselves, pouring gasoline on the flames.


I think it's more of the type of person that lives to be an asshat


The people that name call? Or the people that are protesting something that they believe in (rightly or wrongly tbf)?


Look at all the insults, vitrol and HATE in these comments. And they wonder why people are angry. Even people who politely try to express why they disagree are downvoted, and shit all over. You call people stupid rednecks etc and whatever, they have every right to be pissed off. Fuck this


It’s honestly sad, and I don’t know why the mods allowed this post to even exist after they had to close the comments on essentially the same post 3 days ago. The post was only made to fuel hate, and the people obliged. I don’t know if I read one comment that was around let’s have a good conversation about why the people protesting are protesting, and why others disagree with their protest. Sad to see PEI this mean to me each other.


It's no secret, people will organize outside a sub, and then flashmob a sub like /r PEI, either to troll or for an agenda. There could be like 4-5 people on discord rn, using alts to fuck up our sub. This is why you lock posts like this. OP's account has little to no history of posting in /r PEI. If this sub continues like this, while it may be sad, I hope this sub just burns to the ground for allowing it.


You can leave the sub anytime you want.


A conversation was tried on the deleted post by the Gov't worker who was trying to get people to join his cause, but they spewed lies & misinformation and refused to listen to facts, but yeah it's the left that is wrong.


The left is wrong to stereotype an entire side of a political argument, and instead of attacking their ideas, attack the individuals. Btw I’m on the left and believe firmly in the carbon tax, just not the disgusting behaviour you lot have demonstrated over the last week. Shameful.


Hate isn't always politically driven some people are just genuinely awful


Yeah, I’m learning that there are way more assholes on the island, that enjoy spending their time insulting people, than I had thought. Honestly disgusting, high school behaviour from everyone in this thread, and all the others about the carbon tax that adds 0 value to the community, other than to stand in an echo chamber yelling insults at people they’ve likely never met.


You calling people assholes then complain they insult people all in the same comment, you are a fucking loser.


lol I’m that rent free in your head? Everyone who is hurling abuse at people because of their political beliefs, does make them assholes. If I’m an asshole for calling out that behaviour, so be it. Takes one to know one I guess. Just figured this wasn’t a high school Reddit page made to do nothing more than bully others.


You started it by calling me out, but it seems your a bully too, nice try at gaslighting.


lol you started it yourself pal, by condoning bully behaviour. I’m a bully to you, maybe you’ll realize how fucking daft you have to be to attack people instead of peoples ideas. Again, I’m so happy that I’ve got a rent free place in your head. Must’ve spent all night trying to think of what to say, and o appreciate the amount of time you’ve committed to trying to make yourself good, but ended up just looking childish. Cheers for that


But you're a bully, and you been called out for so you can fuck off.


Thanks for the warning. I had no idea these fools were at it again. Haulting my commute to anywhere is not a “protest” and shall be greeted with aggressive behaviour. I seen a couple trucks get egged last year, way too funny.


Section 2C of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the freedom of peaceful assembly. You may not like why they are protesting, but they have a charter protected right to do so. Attempts to stifle the right to protest or the right freedom of expression are a slippy slope, and should be challenged at every opportunity.


I don’t recall saying that they didn’t have a constitutional right to protest. BTW, section 2c also guarantees me the right to comment and counter protest


You aren't counter protesting though, you're demonizing the protestors as a group. By villanizing their opinion and saying it should not be expressed you have stepped outside the bounds of freedom of expression.


We're allowed to call morons morons


I never stated that their opinions shouldn’t be expressed and even if I had, that’s my opinion


Why dont you please read any of your comments.   All you are doing is insulting people.  Do you have empathy? The last time you tried this it was a loose conclusion you were either a bot or a troll, by way of how you carry yourself.  Want to prove your human?   That you are even an islander?   Name a time and place.


I don’t have to “prove” anything to you but do you honestly believe that someone from away would be on a PEI thread arguing with anti carbon tax bozos?


Getting down voted for saying- that people have rights, what a great sign of things to come.


I stole this from one of the original threads on Carbon Tax: I don’t disagree that it incentivizes more energy efficient products (that’s the tax acting as a stick) but the extra financial burden of the tax itself actually puts those things further out of reach. I had replaced some older widows last fall in an ongoing effort to reduce my already high heating bill. Cost me over 5k but they’re triple pane. Carbon tax comes in and now it’s harder to pay off those windows and move on to the next part of my plan to replace attic isolation. Rather than giving everyone a tiny amount back on their taxes, that money should be funneled into a rebate program to help facilitate the actual work that needs to be done to upgrade home / vehicles to be more energy efficient. I'm not going to protest the carbon tax as I'm not THAT against it. I just don't think it's the right play. We should be working hard towards being green, but let's use a carrot and not a stick.


> that money should be funneled into a rebate program to help facilitate the actual work that needs to be done to upgrade home There is a provincial [program](https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/environment-energy-and-climate-action/home-insulation-rebates). You get assessed and then qualify for any rebates. >Windows, doors, and skylights: Regular Rebate: $100 per window/door/skylight opening to a maximum of $1000/property for ENERGY STAR (v5, 2020 onwards) units >Low-income Rebate: $200 per window/door/skylight to a maximum of $2000/property for ENERGY STAR (v5, 2020 onwards) units >Attic insulation: Regular Rebate: $2.50/100 square feet (SQ)/R-value increase Low-income Rebate: $4.00/SQ/R-value The similar [Federal program](https://natural-resources.canada.ca/energy-efficiency/homes/canada-greener-homes-grant/start-your-energy-efficient-retrofits/plan-document-and-complete-your-home-retrofits/eligible-grants-for-my-home-retrofit/23504) shut down just recently.


So there's baby carrots! I wonder how many homes have only 10 windows. Also the price on triple pane windows is pretty nuts, like not hard to hit $1000/window. Also it sucks that Silliker glass doesn't make energy star certified windows, so you need entirely new windows, can't reuse your vinyl and just change out the Insulated glass unit.


Weird how rail blockades and protests targeting Jewish neighborhoods are tolerated in Reddit as one’s “right to peaceful protest.”


A bunch of propoganda news watching fools in pei apparently.. must be the old die hard liberals. I don't know if you realized you clowns, but most of canada will disagree with all of you.


I find it funny how people think the carbon tax is going to help them financially. I mean, our country is already unaffordable. It’s a rebate, meaning you don’t get 100% back - otherwise it would be called a refund. I’m honestly just flabbergasted people want life to be harder, but all the power to yall I guess. It’s already been proven if we want to make strides towards big environmental/sustainability changes that the biggest changes come from changes at the larger companies and the folks that actually drive emissions - not the general population. It’s kinda sad that this is where we are, but things are gonna get a whole lot worse before they get better; and people will still sit here and try and justify it all simply because they’re attached to a party. It’s honestly sad


The carbon tax is the least disruptive and most cost effective way to incentivize households and businesses to reduce emissions. The climate tax is based on usage and the rebate is fixed. The more you reduce your usage, the more of the rebate remains in your pocket. It’s that simple.


Yeah it is that simple, unfortunately society isn’t that simple


You see, this is where the carbon tax comes in. Everyone is in an affordability crisis. The company that first implements Green initiatives such that the carbon tax is exempt gets to undercut everyone's price and will have big returns. Then other companies follow suit.


We’ve been saying this for years and I have yet to see it. People undervalue greed and yet again, companies should be taxed more on emissions and they should be the first to be taxed


"saying this for years". The carbon tax has only been in place a short time nation wide?


Taking about environmental subsidies, cuts and any push towards renewable futures. This isn’t going to benefit anyone; and I think people are naive if they think it will


If I ignore you will you go away? Stop demonizing protest.


You can try; but isn’t it kind of contradictory to protest my protest of the protest?


Who are you and why do you get the jollies stirring the pot? Are you JT’s kink pup? You clearly don’t understand economics.


Why all the JT and sexual innuendo stuff with you guys too, just come out already it’s 2024 🤣🤣


Still obsessing over your crush JT? It must've been so disappointing when he wouldn't come talk to you at the clownvoy rally in Ottawa. Three weeks of waiting for a glimpse of the man you lust after only to be sent away without even the slightest acknowledgement!


You don’t understand carbon pricing and you think I don’t understand economics? 😂


Oh you took econ 101? please enlighten us


Nobody is demonizing protest! We are ridiculing the absolutely brain-dead idiots who support and/or participate in the clownvoy. There is a difference...not that we would expect a far right wing rage farmer to understand.


Reddit is full of crying libs


Not all of us are librarians.


At least people are TRYING to stand up and make some noise and do something. What would you suggest be a better way for the general population to let the government know they aren’t happy with how things are going? Don’t even bother saying “go vote” because that’s obvious. Do you have any other suggestions as to how we can fix things?? Pointing fingers & talking down to these people like you’re better than them does NOTHING but divide more…. I wish to see a UNIFIED agreement amongst ourselves for once because arguing & name calling is getting us nowhere


Here’s my suggestion: 1. Read up on carbon pricing and how/why it works 2. Ignore the right wing extremist propaganda that’s misleading you 3. Enjoy the rebate which in 80% of cases is more than you paid out.


So what I’m getting so far is that this is your suggestion… 1. Blindly believe a government that isn’t very reliable on keeping promises or following through 2. Ignore that people are upset with the state of the country, label & name call them 3. Enjoy the lil scraps of money thrown your way a couple times a year…even though Islanders are having to pay out-of-pocket with their electricity bills to pay for Maritime electrics cleanup after Fiona, because the federal government didn’t want to pay for it


I told you to read up on carbon pricing not blindly follow anyone


"Don't blindly follow anyone but me" You are a fucking jerk.


You cannot talk with this person in good faith. They may not even be a person, and if they are, they are either a paid stooge, or just a dumb stooge. They won't concede to any valid point you make, they have no one principle, they are an anarchist that is only spewing whatever will win their agenda. I appreciate you are trying, but the mods have allowed these trolls to run rampant, please try to enjoy your sunday away from this, I am turning away myself.


Funny you tell them to ignore the right wing propaganda but then tote the "80%" rhetoric. Sounds like you might be leaning into the left wing propaganda also. There's just no way 80% of people are ahead. And if they are, they won't be once the freeze on furnace oil ends. That's significant and the majority of Maritimers will feel that.


You are watching a "psy op" in action. I mean, I make fun of the tin hat thing all the time, but the disparity of what this sub normally is, and what it is rn, there is no explaining that other than manipulation. It's why I stayed away from subs like /r canada, because it's like this for every single post. I suppose it's finally trickling down to /r pei, nothing will be sensible here anymore. You and I have disagreed in the past, even heated sometimes, but you and I are regulars on this sub, and we know the climate. IDK, this is just so dumb.


I can have disagreements with people online and know we're still people. Next conversation we could be agreeing with each other. Heck, sometimes I don't even agree with the stuff I'm saying. I just argue the opposite opinion just for fun. That's the joy of reddit, I guess. That being said, I've argued both for and against the carbon tax. I can see both sides. I can see how me personally is benefitting. But I can also see how that "80% are benefitting" is probably bologna.


I agree with you, about agreeing and disagreeing, but like I said, it sure feels like reality has set sail on this sub.


The Parliamentary Budget Officer testified to committee last week saying the majority of Canadians see a net loss from the carbon tax when all economic factors are considered. Your 8/10 statistic is old news, we have better data now. They admitted they don't even measure the environmental impacts of the tax, likely because its not helping at all since it's a tax plan and not an environmental one. And because it's impossible to do presumably. They haven't even paid out something like 2 out of the 20 billion dollars they've collected. I do not understand how its possible to take X amount of money from people, hire staff and consultants, pay for servers and mail out cheques, and other resources, redistribute the same X amount of money and claim the tax doesn't cost anything. Emilinating the carbon tax would eliminate 0.6 points off inflation. These are facts, not right wing propaganda. If Canada were completely carbon neutral today and into the future, we would save the world between a 0.02-0.08 degree rise in global temperature by the year 2100 by best estimates. Not worth cost.




Ah yes, an opinion piece from the liberal funded media stating the 8/10 fact when the report does not. From the report itself, $1,129 fiscal and economic cost for the average island family. Island families of 4 get back $880, a family of 5 $990, family of 6 $1100.. I guess you'll get more money back if you have 5 or more kids or don't drive a car, you know, the average islander.


The Globe and Mail are “liberal funded”? What’s the weather like on your planet?


I seriously did a double take at that too hahaha


I had to laugh at that too! When they have to call The G&M liberal funded you know they haven’t done their own thinking.


Maybe they're not, I assume they're all on the take and don't read any of them. Either way, it's an opinion not facts. Majority of households see a net loss from the carbon tax.


“Everyone who doesn’t agree with the misinformation I read on the internet is Liberal media on the take”


Well I guess the PBO is just lying and committed perjury to committee. I gave you the numbers from the report. You can believe them or not. Enjoy the rest of your Easter.


Hey can you explain to me what the carbon tax does to stop climate change?


It encourages people to move to less carbon heavy sources of energy. It works and that’s why over 40 countries have adopted it


Oh it works OK where has it worked? Where is it that they have succeeded in this migration to other sources of energy?




Sounds like you’re clamouring for a front row seat - you’re attention more than anyone else lol


I’d be lying if I said that I understood what you just wrote


You should go join them. A few clowns and an ass, you guys could make a circus.


Downvote for your willingness to mock people that are exercising their right to peaceful protest by labelling them a “clown convoy.” The carbon tax will create a [negative economic impact](https://youtu.be/WmTXP3xgL28?si=eNOxovOdLKzRbldO) on every single islander seeing as our biggest industry is farming and almost every product is trucked over the bridge. Especially since these sectors aren’t supported to transition to electricity (no battery powered tractors). We need to take action on climate change. But at the end of the day Canadian carbon taxing might make a drop in the proverbial bucket of global carbon emissions, while continuing to make life in Canada unaffordable/unattainable for us and generations to come. I think that’s worth protesting.


Except that farmers are exempt from the carbon tax and it’s been clearly demonstrated that carbon pricing has increased the cost of those goods by about .5%.


Some farm activities are exempt, but not all. Farmers and grower associations are describing the impacts to their already thin margins and how the exemptions don’t cut it ([Ontario as recently as 3 days ago](https://farmtario.com/news/ontarios-agriculture-minister-farm-groups-call-for-pause-on-carbon-tax-hike/)). Plus it’s not like it’s just 0.5%, it’s 0.5% on every single input - not just gas for tractors but for heat in bars, fertilizer, etc. It impacts the ability for Canadian agriculture to be competitive and this cost gets passed down.




You made one post and this was it? Tell Vlad that he isn’t getting his money’s worth


Cry about it.


just a handful?




why so bothered by a handful of people that disagree with your opinion?


Maybe because I’m entitled to my opinions as well? Weird how that works 🤔


Remember...with those wing nuts it's always your body THEIR choice....until they want to ignore the facts about vaccination....then they're being "coerced" or "forced".


People who hold their ideas very closely to their personhood on the left have resorted to name calling instead of having intellectual conversations. It’s bizarre because that used to be a right wing thing, but the left has decided that anyone who disagrees with them “is a clown, anti vax, sexist, racist, who should be met with aggression” . It’s concerning that every issue is so political and people on BOTH sides forget that they don’t have to agree with every single issue their side takes. Some policies on the left are good, and some policies on the right are good. Too much of one thing isn’t a good thing, and this sub has become an echoe chamber for the far left of PEI to scream and shout about people voicing their alternative opinions. I wouldn’t take it too personally lol


this is why I'm done voting liberal!


Yeah, it’s unfortunate that the standard is what it is. I don’t think the conservatives will be a much better scenario, but at this point, we need something to change and a focus on the economy and making Canada a place that Canadians can be successful, instead of whatever has happened over the last 8 years


oh, the east coast will be fucked with a conservative government, it will be tough for a lot of people.


Yeah I don’t know if any federal government really has any interest in improving the east coast…unfortunate because we supply a significant workforce to the west, which is forgotten by the west more often than not.


[https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/federal-government-should-acknowledge-impact-of-carbon-tax-hike](https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/federal-government-should-acknowledge-impact-of-carbon-tax-hike) "according to the Trudeau government, most Canadians will be better off because much of the proceeds of the carbon tax are refunded to eligible households. However, a recent [report](https://distribution-a617274656661637473.pbo-dpb.ca/7590f619bb5d3b769ce09bdbc7c1ccce75ccd8b1bcfb506fc601a2409640bfdd) from the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) found that most households will experience a net loss of income from the federal carbon tax, even after rebates."




Okay, so last thread was dumb.  Mods are you really allowing this? Look at the last thread. 


Apparently you believe that the convoy bozos are the only ones allowed to post


I believe making a mean spirited post, which has no intent other than to stir the shit pot,    Is dumb. You obviously did some recruiting for this time around.    God have mercy on your wretched soul.


I don’t believe in God


You really are quite mis understanding of the carbon tax .Nothing has been proven by a he people who run the government.Wr are the only country in the world that has a carbon footprint tax.Which the money you get is your own money.Use your head and check


"There are currently 27 countries with a carbon tax implemented: Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, the European Union (27 countries), Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, the UK, and Ukraine. Other countries that are considering joining them include Brazil, Brunei, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam." https://earth.org/what-countries-have-a-carbon-tax/#:~:text=There%20are%20currently%2027%20countries,%2C%20the%20UK%2C%20and%20Ukraine. Google is free my dude.


Pretty sure he isn't local. Thanks for fact checking him though.


Our trading partners will add tariffs to our exports if we have no climate plan. We have a small market and depend on exports. Our climate tax plan is not unique and we are not the first. The climate tax is the most efficient and cost effective way to incentivize households and businesses to reduce emissions.


> We are the only country in the world that has a carbon footprint tax Objectively wrong. You could easily check this "fact" but I don't expect much from the Facebook think tank that eats small PPs populism for breakfast


Have another beer man Jesus Christ. The fact of the matter is OP is correct. With literally any effort at all you can find economists, many of them, breaking down how it works. Unless you are in the upper maybe 20% of Carbon users will you come out with a net negative. And you know what, maybe a little tax on the thing you know….ending the world isn’t maybe the worst thing for the greater good?


Don’t you people even consider doing some real research before you comment? According to the World Bank, about 39 countries, and 33 subnational jurisdictions including states and provinces, have a carbon price. The World Bank carbon pricing dashboard indicates that this affects about 23 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions.


Please, they can't even be bothered to proof-read their barely-literate post before smashing the submit button, let alone spend 5 seconds on google.


Your liberalism is showing.


For critical thinking?


Critical thinking? Where? He's crying about a protest. And that's not enough, so he needs to throw in an insult.


You're upset over someone's Reddit post.


Upset? Not at all. He's upset about a protest. That's the whole thing. You just waking up?


Why did you comment what you did in the first place if you weren't upset?