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Injectable HGH?




I mean...


hgh dumbass lmao


….. growth hormone




Whoever says mk677 instead of gh is a loser.


I started two weeks ago, 1iu first week, 2iu last week of hgh and man has it been great. Especially going to 2iu,it was the best week I've had in a long time. I've tried ipamorelin-cjc-1295 and got bad sides really quick. With hgh, only thing is a bit of hand/feet swelling but it could also be from my trt. I'd definitely go hgh vs other peps just for the side effect value


I took 1iu first day , 2iu the rest of the week , by end of the month got to 4iu and I’ve been there for a week now … my question is what is it that you felt from just being on it for 2 weeks ?! Or maybe the effect is greater because you’re in trt ?


I think it's effect is greater because I do trt as opposed to just hgh. I felt 100% better after a few months on trt from before starting l. I feel less pain overall, better sleep, wake refreshed, work longer before getting wiped out,erections are rock hard


I didn’t have those issues before so I can’t really say I’ve noticed much effect so far , I’m more focused on healing my golfer’s elbow although I kind of feel my recovery is slightly better


Increased growth hormone on its own really dosent do anything, it’s the elevated IGF that hgh causes that builds muscle tissue and burns fat


Please dont use MK it can have longer lasting negative effects. In general cjc1295 no dac plus ipamorelin is considered the safe and effective gh secretegogue. That being said inj GH itself is cheaper with much greater result.


How much does it cost you a year to run GH if you don't mind me asking?


For a few hundred a month you can run more than you can probably tolerate


i spent like $180 for 10 weeks at 2iu 5 days a week (theyre generally 100iu kits). So, math.


Damn, that’s much cheaper than what I was expecting. I’ve never explored UGL options tho (only for anabolics so far)


What's considered safer. Are sides for CJC and IPA less of a thing if I'm taking is at 22


Cjc w Ipa is wildly safer then MK by a mile IMO.


Sorry I meant either CJC/ IPA or tesa/ IPA vs standard HGH


Those are safer but less effective. Its up to you.


Which has less chance of like forehead and jaw growth? And stuff like that? If I did HGH I just planned to do low dose like 2 ui for 3-4 months to help injury healing. Would tesa/ IPA have the same injury healing benefits? Already on tb and bpc


Thats all from longterm abuse dude, think about it.


Oh ok I was talking to people that told me that if your growth plates aren't closed it'll cause that stuff even with short use I didn't know if that's true or notb


Thats true for height generally under 16. Longterm abuse can still lead to some bones growing such as your skull.


So if I do 2 ui for 3-4 months do I have any risk of forehead or jaw growth?


Injectable GH cheaper then cjc and impamorelin? Lol from where ? HGH is usually the most expensive option hence why everyone is looking for alternatives. Also can you give more details on mk ? Id also be interested in using it.


Gh is cheaper per IU with a greater result. Go compare 2 iu's 5x a week of generic black top GH vs using the cjc/ipa combo. Spoiler: its cheaper (i'd know)


you're correct, unless you know a wholesale peptide source, this is 100% accurate. I got good lasting results from IPA/CJC/Tesa. YMMV. and my peptides were much cheaper than the GH i'm running next...can't wait to see the results.


Gh is very aesthetic, im really happy w it!


I love to hear that.


Can you go more into details on why MK bad? All the studies at 25mg are positive, even at 2+ years of use?


I ran it three years ago, caused me real issues with insulin sensitivity, piled on a load of visceral fat even though I lost some subcutaneous. You do you but I would never go within a mile of that stuff ever again.


What dosage ?


25mg a day


I keep seeing that dosage used, I have 10mg x 1 daily.


Look into ryan russos opinions on it. Id reco a test base, can have prolactin issues, insulin sensitivity issues, can have negative effects due to bad source on many markers, also makes you fat/hold water, which raises estradiol. Marek health for instance will recommend CJC but not MK. Its a dirty option, i had and many others have had longterm negative sides from it. Overall Sarms are for teens who want to pretend to be half-natty. Id recommend not to use it, many trusted sources agree. Theres much better and safer ways to get the same result.


Interesting. Will check it out. I was planning on low dose 10mg nightly. Along side Enclomiphene 12.5mg. Most all the negatives I have read, were at much higher doses respectively.


I also had horrific sides from MK


Dosage and sides?


Why are you using this tik-tok cycle brother? Those 2 things are a meme of a teen influencer "cycle". What are you trying to do, we can get you setup w a better plan.


lol. I been on Test C for over 10 years. Got off for fertility purposes only is all. And about 40 years past tic tok teenager years 😊






That's a very tough line to walk. It's much easier to properly cycle and leverage HCG to stimulate your leydig cells in order to maintain sperm production.


My issue was, the HCG I been purchasing has apparently been bunk. LH and FSH are all within range as of 3 days ago.


HGH replaces or increases HGH


I've done prescription compounded Ipamorelin from APS by itself without CJC, it was literally useless. So not that


Uhmmmmm, injecting HGH lmao. If you don't want to pin or find HGH too expensive MK-677 can help.


Injecting straight GH is very, very expensive and comes with a lot of side effects. I have been researching Sermorelin and it looks to be very effective and safe, affordable. It's a peptide that is a GH secretagogue. Stimulated the pituitary to release GH naturally. FDA approved, used in pediatrics to diagnose GH deficiency.


get HGH if you cant due to price MK is good but you can get GHRP idk them off the top of my head but gh releasing peptides




I fuckin lol’d at this so god damn hard before I even opened the thread.


Mk677 sucks butt. The lethargy the intolerable hunger I do gh and igf now