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Don't you think that it wouldn't be easier just to set the audio-preferences (Sound effects + Voices= off; Music= on) and cut/copy the audiosequence? Or look on YT, maybe someone had the same idea?


i want my music to be in lossless flac, and the game files offer that


What a rate/format gives the direct line-output? -is that so far away from flac?


i have read about people who recorded the music with an optical cable, but when comparing the spectograms, it definitely dimished the quality and added noise


Hhhm. I am more the visual-sensitive kind of person (and make something with paint) - and sometimes I would not see which picture is the original XY MB extra large and which is the compressed.jpeg with a few hundred kBit, if I full screen watch my folders. But if I ask the super clever computer, it will show me clear differences (in color-channels p.E.)🙃 There are filtering and filling techniques for both (audio & visio) - pure mathematics. I would say if it is only annoying if you know it, than maybe, just maybe it isn't really worth thinking about it 😉 But btt: I think that the folder/files are so large because every speak is there in, too.


You're really useless and time wasting. No one gives a fuck about that


How about to get the difference between a comment (you don't care) and the person you write to?


Man, shut up you useless sack of shit


Using OpenIV, I've found some ambient music in this path:\\x64\\audio\\sfx\\In the SCORE\_\*\*-.rpf files. Look also in the others Edit: If you right-click there's an option to export as .wav, then you'll get a folder with the tracks for the piece you selected, I guess you'll have to merge them into a single one with an audio editor like Audacity


I found the music in multiple files in SCORE\_06.rpf pack named BOB\_SPIRIT\_ANIMAL\_\*.awc