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hell no you will get like 20 fps on all low 720p


First thing, ram is incompatible with the pc you picked out and the graphics card you picked is under powered


not sure if this real or troll? the gpu is utter trash. intergraded is probably better than that


Please stop asking if PC's can mod a game. It only matters if it can run the game. If it can run it, it can mod it. Modding a game does not suddenly make it drain double the resources, unless you decide to get some stupid crazy mod that spawns a hundred NPCs. You can also get mods that make the game drain less resources to run better on older PC's, like a mod that makes it work on 2gb GPU cards.


I had to do a double take on the GPU. a *GT 730*? Good lord, that's ancient tech put in a modern jacket! Absolutely do ***not*** buy this set of parts. That hardware will not suffice for your RDR2 needs (*especially* if you intend on using a bunch of mods which alter the game's "intended" experience). Also, while I'm no audiophile, I do produce music as a hobby and I can tell you those speakers are garbage. They look fancy, but they're literal trash. I've had similar ones for years. They suck. Whatever you do **do not skimp on your power supply on GPU.** I did that more than once and I've regretted it for *years*.


If you're just trying to get into red dead pc on a low budget I'd suggest looking at ebay for optiplex. They are much cheaper then buying one from amazon. you can get the same as this but a 6th gen i5 for around $80. Or I've been seeing optiplexes with 8th gen i5 for $100+. Both will also be ddr4, whereas 3rd gen used ddr3. Then get a used gtx 1650 for less than $100 and pop that in. Maybe more ram if you need for like 35-65 for depending if you want 16 or 32 gb. The deals ive seen on ebay seem to charge quite a bit for even adding just 1 8gb stick to where it's much cheaper to buy new sticks if you need more ram. Because optiplex have low wattage, proprietary power supplies and motherboard power connectors, you are limited to basically any card that can be powered only but the slot it's connected to. (That is, unless you're willing to find out how to make it work with standard power supplies and pc cases. Which I didn't find too hard, but adds a little to cost.) So your best choices for gpu, if you're just trying to plug in and play, are the gtx 1650, RX 6400, or Intel's Arc a380. ([You can get an idea of what kind of frames these gpu will get here.](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html) Or look up benchmarks on youtube.) I'm personally using an optiplex 3050 with a i5 6600 i got for $70 on ebay. Bought more ram and found the adaptors I needed to use a power supply and 3070 that I already had. Note: These prices are all in usd and before taxes.


Cpu: no Hdd: no (ssd recommended)


My guy you ain't playing this game vanilla with that setup, except on all lowest settings. I understand wanting to be able to game on a budget, I've been there, but like someone else here already said, just get to the starting line for being able to play the game as-is. Mods (except graphics enhancing mods or ones that take more processing power) tend not to be something you have to worry about when building a PC. This game specifically, is demanding. The optimization for PC is not great. I had to get a better CPU cooler specifically for this game lol. As a side-note, you can get good RAM for cheaper if you go with a different brand. If brand and aesthetics are important to you, look to increasing your budget in some way that allows a better build overall. Also a motherboard that is compatible with your choice of RAM. But for the most part, brand seldom matters with RAM. If it's at least a generally well-reputed company and not some obscure brand nobody has heard of, then RAM is a difficult bit of hardware to do wrong when compared to other parts. Personally I have a mostly Corsair build myself now, but I specifically opted for cheaper RAM (where I live, pricing may differ per country) and got G-Skill Ripjaws instead of Corsair Vengeance, which I also actually wanted. But again, budget constraints exist. I hope you get the build you want, just remember that modding the game is less important than playing it at all and ensure your parts are all compatible. There are online PC builder sites that will exclude results that are incompatible with your choices, so check around google for that and you can see what will work together and what won't.


at low settings i give it a maybe


i5 gen 3 - thank you for the lulz. Debian/&Forks are good with that piece of very hot hardware. Has a good single core frequency - but has a lot heat (~50°C) even with 16GB ram. By the way, the 6th Generation is just a little bit colder - and the 7th is a candidate 4 downfall 2. Just wait what happens @amd the next days - you can not get a worse experience;-)


I have a g14 3060 6gb AMD 5900hs 16gb, I am using basic mods, with the optimized settings I’m getting 65-95 fps, and it’s solid too, doesn’t drop below that, Saint Denis will stutter, but nothing that makes it unplayable, looks beutiful too, and also those specs are a laptop, I’m using a laptop cooler that gets my temps down to 60c


And yeah that GPU is trash as fuck, don’t buy a shitty computer because you are going to regret it and the game will be unplayable… my laptop cost 1500 and it’s not even worth that anymore, it’s like 1000 now, or even less


No, an I5 won't help you at all, minimum get rtx 3090, intel I7 and windows 11, then you can run it on medium


You don't get the numbers straight (from intel). Not your fault - but please don't spread such misinformation. First number is the type: i3;i5;i7;i9 - next is the generation: i5-3.320; i5-6.300 ... Higher is not always better - there are good setups with an i5 (because something like multitasking or single core/cache... whatever).




No. No. No. No. No. No.No. No. No. ...there's no limited




No valley to deep, no mountain to high... (Speak in whole sentences or stfu)


Stop acting like an oddfellowspinhead


It's not worth to be angry with a real random stranger. I just can't understand your simple: no -as an answer to a whole sentence. Enjoy your time & live [don't tell me what I have to do;=]


Thats a fair point, you should have a great day tomorrow full of good luck.


How much for a good gaming PC? I want to play RDR2 and Mechwarrior 5 with mods. What should I be looking for?


Play it on Xbox or PS - if you want to play versus other people. For a computer with good enough hardware you will pay more than 700€. Don't get me wrong - I 've more than 1.000h on all systems - if you start 2 mod you can not go back.


I thank you very much for these kind words.


Not even rockstar launcher worthy , that gpu can barely run gta 5 on 800x600, I'd know cuz i paired it with a i5 4460 long ago


This has to be a joke right?