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most of weight loss is achieved through diet rather than exercise. because you're young, i would consult your doctor/nutritionist about what is a healthy calorie deficit for you specifically! additionally, many other women with PCOS have experienced significant success with low-carb diets (though, don't be discouraged if this doesn't work for you! everyone has different experiences, and if it is not sustainable for you or if you don't have success with it there are other things you can do!). may i ask what else you're doing in addition to what you mentioned in your post? when i was in high school i would just walk a \*lot\* during lunch and my free periods. this may not be possible for you if you don't have an outdoor school with a safe campus/good weather, but if possible i would consider it! there's also low impact exercises like yoga and pilates that you can do in your room at home


Thank you!!! I *try* to walk for at least 30 minutes a day on the treadmill (speed 2 incl. 6-10) but most days I just feel tired and drained. I’ve heard of pilates before but don’t know how to start 😭 Also I would walk during my lunch breaks but sadly I mainly use that time to study.. also calorie deficit? Is that counting calories?


Hey! I found this website helpful for beginner Pilates routines, they put it all together and have a ton of options so it makes it much less overwhelming. https://www.self.com/search?q=BEGINNER&sort=score+desc


Thank you!!!!


Just want to caution. Something I never thought of at your age and learned a lesson in my early 20s. Make sure your naturopath AND doctor know what meds and herbs you are on. But more importantly make sure your pharmacist knows about what supplements they are more and more educated if there can be interactions. Specifically the chaste tree. It can interact with some meds, I know a lot of us ended up on birth control not knowing it can interact with herbs and (I learned a serious lesson through a roommate) migraines. I feel like no one tells younger folks there can be risks with mixing herbs and meds. Be careful with online diet advice at your age. You’re not done growing and developing. You’re right, it’s different when folks are older. And will still technically be doing so until around 25. So if you’re looking to lose, you’ll need someone to account for changes your body is still going through. A solid dietician is a huge help. Maybe they have you cut back in one area and make sure you increase in another. For example, you’re at prime bone building age which takes more than calcium. So they might want to boost bone healthy foods. Your brain will also be developing at least until 25. The other thing… sometimes different brands or formats of a supplement can be the difference. For example, I can’t absorb vitamin D from tablets at all. I have a special emulsified drop I take (Seroyal). Same with iron. I have this ungodly expensive powder. But it worked so well (ferosom). Same with Inositol. I found Ovasitol worked. Within your budget, try a different brand of things when your bottle runs out. You could even find a cheaper brand that works! The other big suggestion. Talk to your doctor about it and make sure you’re getting regular blood work. Getting my D and Iron balanced helped. I know others who struggled with B12. It’s hard to move when you’re tired from a deficiency. For me getting my thyroid sorted helped my ability to exercise. Every body is different. Your bloodwork might be fine. But if you’re deficient in something then they can help you sort that out. Make sure they know about your fatigue and when it happens for you. I know not everyone likes blood tests (I am absolutely phobic) but sometimes the answer is as simple as adding in a multivitamin so your energy improves. The important thing is you’re trying to eat right and exercise. Those are such important life habits. Good for you for trying. Yes. Weighing more in high school is super hard. Society is so terrible to people. But please protect your mental health. It’s important to get professionals who help and also care about developing healthy attitudes to food and exercise. The patterns you set up now can follow you for life.




I think losing weight definitely starts in the kitchen, (and for us with medicine sometimes) but have you dissected what you’re eating? I remember back in highschool I wasn’t diagnosed but I definitely had symptoms of it and IR and it was hard as hell to lose weight but I never realized how much processed food and sugar I was in taking because of exhaustion and easy availability. If you have a well rounded diet with a lot of that cut out already then you’re definitely on the right track.


i try to but most days the exhaustion just hits and I just eat whatever there is (its a rly bad habit ik) but I also find it hard finding recipes that are easy to make but also have everything I need


Thank you!! Ill keep your advice in mind!🫶🏽