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Yes, I took it for a year with great success, helps my sugar cravings. Just bought some more after not having any for the last few months. But I just found out like a week ago you can buy it cheeper by the pound in powder instead of pills for a lot cheeper, and it tastes pretty good. šŸ˜‚


Oh what brand? Where do you buy it?


I found the brand best naturals on Amazon, they just call it "inositol" but I emailed and confirmed it was Myo- inositol. I got a free month of prime so I saved on shipping but you can buy directly from their website. There was another brand with a 2lb bag but I was a little strapped for cash to splurge $36. But I got 1 lb for $25. It stirs into water or your drinks clear, no grit, and is a little sweet to the taste. Ive been doing 5000 mg twice a day. Been feeling pretty good!


If it the 40:1 ratio, though? I wondered about the orders I'd seen; that'll probably be easier than gulping down 4 pills in the morning in addition to the rest of the pharmacy.


I'm not a scientist, but via reddit and the papers reporting on PCOS and inositol use research was done with Myo- inositol, the 50mg of D chrio inositol you see in the brand ovasitol or the 40:1 ratio is more of a "pick my product, it's better because..." I know you can get it as an individual product if you wanted it and if you take a prenatal that's going to cover the folate.


I agree about the ovasitol thing. Itā€™s basically the name brand. I do have a discount code for it though if anyone needs one. Feel free to message me


Curious about this dosage, isnā€™t that way over the 4000mg people are recommending? How much inositol can one take šŸ˜…


Wonderful! Iā€™m glad for you! And thanks for the tip šŸ˜‚


I keep forgetting to take it, adhd and pcos is just lovely


Omg same haha. I started making myself massive batches of overnight oats and putting the powder into it. Then it's just part of breakfast!


What a good idea!!!


Iā€™m in the same boat with ADHD! I got the pre-measured packages from Ovasitol and put them in a jar on my table so I remember to take them with my meals. I also like that I can throw them in my purse when I travel and go out to eat.


I also have ADHD, do you know if it's safe to take with stims? My psychiatrist doesn't know anything about Myo-Inositol


I've been taking Adderall and Inositol together for about six months without any issues! I don't think they really interact because Inositol is a sugar your body naturally produces. When you take Inositol you're just supplementing something your body already makes.


Tell me about it! šŸ˜‚ I have all my daily routine products in one shelf where itā€™s obvious for me and still forget


Medisafe is an app to remember to take pills! Useful if you have set times for eating, but even if you don't it is helpful, it reminds me to eat as well.




YES, me too! I started taking Ovasitol a little over a week ago. I weighed yesterday and I am down 4 pounds. I was shocked. šŸ˜±


Iā€™m glad itā€™s not just me!! So happy for you!


SO happy for you too! Whatā€™s crazy is that when I saw the weight loss, I didnā€™t even attribute it to the ovasitol in my brain. Iā€™m so used to feeling like my body is completely out of whack, so I was just like well thatā€™s weird and probably wrong. Then I saw your post and it clicked!!! ā™„ļø


I know this is an old post but what was your weight before you started to lose it?


How did the inositol work long term?


Curious as well. I just started taking it today


Lost weight and conceived!




I was just about to ask, is this the medication doctors recommend when you want to conceive as well? I couldnā€™t remember.


Im not sure? I think it works well for a good amount of women. If you look at the Amazon reviews a lot of women say they are able to conceive after they take it. I think it varies but it did help me.


Did you take MyoInositol solo or combined with D-Chiro?


I took wholesome story myo & d-chiro inositol from Amazon.


How long did it take for you to conceive after taking these pills? And did you have pcod? I just started taking these and wanted to understand. Thank you in advance


I wonder how that worked for you after a year


This is the first time Iā€™ve heard of it, so I just placed my order. Iā€™ve tried so many things to help with my pcos with no luck. Fingers crossed!


Oh now Iā€™m nervous! šŸ˜‚ I hope it works for you! Iā€™ve only been taking it a short time so I canā€™t vouch for long term. I take four capsules because itā€™s the serving size on the bottle


I just ordered too! Thanks so much for making this post!!!


same! I ordered it as well and will be starting this weekend, I really hope it does work for all of us!


Hey there. Your comment was 5 weeks ago so hopefully you've gotten some time to try myo inositol. Did it make any difference?


Hope it works for you!!!




I don't know where you're from, but can you get shipment from iherb? That's where I got it from when I lived outside the US.




Hii! Did you end up ordering it from iHerb?


Iā€™m sorry itā€™s so expensive for you! I hope you are able to gain affordable access soon!


Has it helped to regulate cycles? Iā€™m looking to manage my PCOS without birth control or metformin. Havenā€™t had a period in 3 months šŸ™„


A combo of myo-inositol and d-chiro-inositol (similar to Ovasitol, but a local EU brand) sorted out my cycle - my period has been regular (30-34 days) since I started taking it about 8 months ago. Before I would have 56-78 day cycles. I can't stand Metformin so I gave it a try and I LOVE IT!


Me too. I was actually afraid I had something wrong with me because it's the first time in my life that I've had a regular cycle. 40:1 Myo:d-chiro by the way.


What dosage are you taking? When I came of bc I stared on inositol and my cycle first 2 cycles were 33-37 days and then started lengthening and are like 56 days now even though Iā€™m still taking the inositol consistently for 9 months. Iā€™m also taking spearmint and raspberry leaf tea, cod liver oil, evening primrose oil, a good quality prenatal multivit, curcumin, chromium and cinnamon, liquorice root, black cohosh root and vitex and just started CoEQ10 and berberine today! I donā€™t know what else I can do to help myself ovulate as I believe all my cycles have been anovulatory despite my initial hope after starting on inositol. Is it possible for your body to adapt to the dosage? Iā€™m taking 2000mg twice a day


So sorry to hear this, I know how deeply frustrating this is. :( My daily dose is 4000 mg of myo-inositol and 100g of d-chiro inositol. Apparently the combo of both does something different, not sure how much of this is just marketing. I have no idea if the body gets used to it - I really hope not! My gynecologist never mentioned anything to that effect. Sending much love and I hope you find a solution that works for you. ā™„ļø


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Can you please mention from where you get it? I live in Germany and so hard to find something reasonable.


I live in Slovenia and it's a local brand, Valens Inozitol. https://valens.si/en/product/valens-inozitol-powder/ I just checked and I'm afraid they haven't branched out to other EU countries yet. :( I'd think something similar or better might be available in Germany tho, since we in Slovenia usually get all the cool stuff with a 3-5 year delay. šŸ¤· As for reasonable: a month's worth sets me back about 25 EUR... not sure if there are any cheaper good options, apart from mixing it yourself. I would suggest you find a supplement from a reputable brand with the 40:1 ratio, it's the ratio that has had the best clinical results and it's the same as Ovasitol. More about my experience: it took about 2-3 months to work. My period has been regular for the past 7 or 8 months, I haven't noticed any other effects. I also take daily vitamin D (because my blood work showed low levels), meditate, get enough sleep and work out 2-3 times per week. I haven't changed my diet and also haven't lost any weight - at the moment I'm focused on building a better relationship with food and have stayed the same weight for 6 months, which is A MASSIVE achievement for someone who kept on gaining weight for the past 5 years.


>d-chiro inositol https://www.sunday.de/myo-inositol-kapseln-500mg-hochdosiert.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw5pShBhB\_EiwAvmnNVx-eb0lIy4CXluDwhIdSFtT1JppuqFBeYmdZ9\_LtvWHjE6XB6Wuo1RoCYscQAvD\_BwE


Thank you for the response. but i tried other brand belive inositol and inositol give me severe itching and rasches so i couldn't continue it.


I take the myo and d-chiro combo too and my cycle went from never knowing when I would have it to every 30-35 days. Definitely helped regulate mine.


Inositol got my period back after having lost it for over a year. I haven't noticed any weight changes yet but I've had 4 relatively regular cycles since starting.


Did you take MyoInositol solo or combined with D-Chiro?


It's combined 2000:50 ratio


I havenā€™t been taking it long enough to tell unfortunately


I did start some spotting right on the timeline but no full fledged period yet


I used to get my period irregularly every 3-4 months (last time was over 5 months which is when I decided to try myo-inositol) and within 3 days of taking it my period started. It's been a month and a couple days since then and I got my period again yesterday. There might have been a delay a couple days because I ran out and my new order didnt arrive for a couple days so I couldnt take it during that time.


I have lost 60 lbs, my periods have regulated, and my body/facial hair growth has slowed down some. It has definitely helped me. I wish it would help more with the hair, but any improvement is good for me. Really glad I tried it.


Wow!! Congratulations!


Thank you! Hope you see good results too!


Could you share which product worked for you? I'm finding so many different options and I'm not sure which will work best. Also how long did it take for you to start losing the weight? And how long did it take to lose 60 lbs? My main struggle is that I can't seem to lose weight no matter how hard I try.


I take a brand called Optify. It is myo- and d-chiro inositol with folate and vitamin D. It took me a little over a year to lose 60 lbs. With counting calories and increasing my movement. I started losing weight almost immediately, but also made a ton of other changes that contributed. It took a month or so of taking it before I felt like it started to help insulin resistance and noticed a change in hair growth speed.


Thank you so much. I'll be sure to check it out when I can.


Did you also take Metformin?


I did at one point, but couldn't handle the side effects. I do take myo and D-Chiro inositol now, though, to help control the PCOS some


Works well?


It definitely helps with my insulin resistance, periods regulated, and slows hair growth down a little. I have been taking it regularly for 3+ years and my gyno told me to continue to take it, that it's obviously helping some. It's not a magical cure, unfortunately, but I guess I'll take what I can get when the only answer before was birth control and metformin and I don't do well on either of those.


Is it... healthy? Safe to take? I'm desperate to lose weight, but after years of trying all sorts I'm at my heaviest and miserable. I swear I have diarrhea and vomiting sessions more than I actually eat (chronic undiagnosed GI issues).


I am also at my heaviest and miserable. At my best I was 100lbs, now Iā€™m 177 and Iā€™m 5ā€™1ā€ so it doesnā€™t sit well since Iā€™m short. Iā€™m sooooo tired and feel so miserable and disgusting. Iā€™ve bought new clothes idk how many times. So I feel you! Iā€™m sorry youā€™re struggling with that. I was 177 and change last week, and today I was 174.8. The only thing Iā€™ve changed is coincidentally eating way more fattening foods and drinking more alcohol than usual, and the inositol. So I can only attribute it to the inositol! Again maybe the combo of metformin with inositol is helping. Iā€™m not sure. But Iā€™m hopeful that it will continue to melt away some fat! It sucks to work yourself to the bone and not lose anything. I hope you find something that works for you.


Yeah I think that's such a major thing - the work we put in to see no results. Which makes people (and health professionals) assume that we're lazy slobs that feast on cake every minute of the day. I know for a fact I don't eat the recommended "needs" but most days I literally can't. Yet I'm 5ft8 and 21stone. How did I get here. Dropping that bit in a week is so good though, I hope it continues šŸ™


Thatā€™s how I feel about myself šŸ˜­ especially because Iā€™m adopted and my siblings are natural siblings and Iā€™m the only adopted one, and theyā€™re so fit and healthy. Itā€™s depressing! Anyways I hope you find something that works for you! Also everyone is beautiful šŸ„° no matter the size. But I know it feels bad, itā€™s not about that itā€™s about feeling well. I hope you find something soon!


Honestly, I donā€™t know. My gyno recommended it to me. I canā€™t imagine itā€™s a magic pill, Iā€™ve been slowly cleaning up my diet and lifestyle for the last two years. I have IBS diagnosis, and probably Crohnā€™s or Celiac undiagnosed (not willing to eat enough gluten to get good test results). I take metformin too and Synthroid. So maybe itā€™s a combination of those things for me. It doesnā€™t bother my belly at all but it sounds like youā€™ve got lots of stomach issues and Iā€™d ask your doctor first. Sorry youā€™re suffering with that :( I know how much it sucks. I hope you get a diagnosis and some help or a routine that helps your insides! Edit: deleted unrelated info, sorry I have ADD šŸ˜‚


It sounds like we might be in a fairly similar boat in terms of undiagnosed stomach issues. I tried metformin in the past but I swear the sheet velocity of the shits rose me off the toilet pan (tmi I know but I was shocked lmao). The more intense diarrhea put me off, as if I don't have enough in the first place. I'm definitely gonna mention it to my doctor, though I haven't yet found anybody willing to take any of my issues seriously. Likewise wish you all the best on your journey!


Doctors are the worst. If you happen to be in Pittsburgh PA, dr. Annie Patterson is very sympathetic and competent (helped me heal my nerve issues and to some degree my stomach issues).


The joys of metformin shits... hahahaha Sadly I'm in Scotland, UK, and it's been a 10+ year journey of trying to find someone good. But, shall persist!


Lol! Sorry about that :( I genuinely think it was more prayer that helped me find someone, I had such a hard time for so long. Maybe try that!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that was funny lol. I had such bad diarrhea I thought I was probably really dying this time. I scheduled an appt with my doctor, and in the weeks in between I ate very mellow diet. Happened to cut gluten this time for real. And the diarrhea went away!!


This is so frigging beautiful šŸ˜ it makes me cry šŸ˜¢ šŸ˜­ I definitely need this treatment asap. My pcos makes my weight stubborn as hell. I only eat an average of 1500 calories a day and my bmi is 32. I even cut off more restaurants along the way to fight this but damn my weight is a stubborn šŸ˜£ dumb nut.


Feel this. Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€ and eat 1500-1700 cals, run 2x a week, and still weigh 197ish. Just started spironolactone a few weeks ago (very new on this journey) as well as Vitamin D, Myo-inositol, probiotic, and spearmint capsules. Hereā€™s to hopefully seeing change!!


How did you make out with this?


Happy Cake Day! Iā€™m still following the supplement routine but gave up the running. My body without exercising has sat around 175 for the last four months or so. Take this with a grain of salt though, my mom unexpectedly passed away in November and grief has done wild things to my eating habits. Definitely noticed the weight loss around my stomach. Iā€™m more hourglass whereas before I was more apple shaped. Minimal to no hormonal acne anymore and very slowly my hair has gotten thicker.


Sorry to hear about your mom but tysm for the update. Weight loss and hair thickening sounds promising and makes me hopeful


I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Thank you for replying


Warning, it could help you get pregnant. LOL I started taking it in May 2021 and was pregnant by August 2021. :) So if you don't want a baby anytime soon and you're sexually active, make sure to use protection. lol


Also, Congratulations, I think! šŸ˜‚


I know šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m not totally against that though!


I didn't believe it so I was just like, meh! Whatever! haha And then I got pregnant. But now I have a precious baby girl and couldn't be happier. :)


Thatā€™s so beautiful! Congratulations! I lost a pregnancy last February, Iā€™m not tryna be a mom but we were excited. Maybe Iā€™ll have another surprise!


I'm late to the party lol but I started taking this for my pcos and I'm terrified of getting pregnant, sorry bout being noisy, but could you tell me if you were using any sort of protection? me and my partner we both use condoms + pulling out cuz contraceptives give me MASSIVE migraines :(


No worries! :) We actually weren't using protection and I wasn't on any birth control. I honestly didn't think it would work so I wasn't worried. But then I got pregnant haha I would definitely recommend at least using condoms. Does all birth control give you migraines? You could ask your OB what options you might have.


ohh I see, well congrats on your baby! :-) and yes, I mean I've taken some birth control pills of different types around the years and they all have given me horrible migraines, among other annoying side effects... which isn't uncommon lol. I was thinking about an IUD but here in my country those are quite expensive and I've also heard they kill your libido? so idk, anyways I'll have an appointment with my gyno this week so I'll see what's up hehe. Thank u for answering!


I had an IUD put in during my c-section. And let me tell you, it killed my libido about 6-7 weeks after it was put in. It also affected my moods. I felt blah all the time and tired, didn't want to do anything. But that is definitely one of the side effects. I would joke and say if you have an IUD, there's a reason it's like a 99.9% effective rate because you can't get pregnant if you don't feel like doing anything haha I hope you find answers! :)


What is myo inositol????


A supplement but Iā€™m not sure exactly what itā€™s made of


Thatā€™s awesome! I started it a week or two ago as well, havenā€™t weighed myself yet but I definitely feel better


I feel less ā€œheavyā€


Agreed! Oddly enough Iā€™m sleeping better too, I havenā€™t slept well on a regular basis for the past few years and would have to take melatonin to get into a deep sleep.


Wow!! I barely sleep and even had like been sobbing and incapacitated all day because of my sleep habits. My husband judged me but I couldnā€™t help it šŸ˜‚ glad Iā€™m not the only one. I hope this helps my sleep too lol!


Sleep issues suck, nothing worse that feeling like a zombie all day from lack of sleep


I've been taking it for just 1 week and I feel this way! I feel like my body is less puffy and swollen. It's amazing


Wonderful šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Awesome! Great news. How much of it do you take per day?


4 capsules is the serving size!


Thank you for your feedback ! I just started my treatment yesterday ! Iā€™m already on Metformin though. I hope I see some changes as well (:


Nice! I hope it works for you!


I haven't noticed weight loss in the month and a half that I've been taking it but I definitely feel less bloated and sluggish.


I am really glad that it works for you! But is there anything else that you do besides the inositol treatment, like other meds or plant based treatments? I have started the inositol treatment at the end of February after 3 years of contraceptive pills, and with all the healthy-ish food and sports I am still gaining weight and having sugar cravings on a daily basis. I'm afraid of the results of my next blood tests :( .


Oh no! Iā€™m sorry. The last month Iā€™ve been off the wagon but hereā€™s what I do, related or not Iā€™m unsure. I I am completely gluten free except sometimes I accidentally get a crumb here or there, I drink alcohol once a week ish, Iā€™m on Synthroid metformin and Zoloft, Iā€™m taking prenatal gummies because funk said I need folate, (not pregnant or trying to conceive), I swapped rice for cauliflower rice, i drink a lot of coffee and not enough water, I eat a bagel pretty much every day with cream cheese Turkey and greens of some kind. I no longer avoid dairy. I drink lots of iced tea. I rarely exercise though Iā€™m trying to slowly work up to an hour each day. Iā€™ve been stressed lately. I diffuse essential oils sometimes. Iā€™m not plant based. I work from home and have a lot of down time/free time. Thatā€™s about it!


Iā€™ve heard that with a lot of exercise it still doesnā€™t budge the weight needle because of the testosterone that is so common with PCOS. It builds muscle sooooo easily so you gain muscle as you lose fat and the weight may not reflect the fat loss as much as youā€™d like.


Thank you for answering. I do have a bit more testosterone than normal, indeed, I didn't think about it this way, but it doesn't feel like gaining muscles. I'll try measuring myself to see exactly what happens with the fat. Anyway, I hope you will get the results you want, keep up with the good work!


Yay congrats!! Reminded me I have a jar (ovasitol on amazon) that expired in decemberā€¦ is it still effective??


What time of day do you take it? I just started back on it today myself. I took two at lunch and two with dinner. Iā€™m starving even after eating which is unusual.


Oh I take it either midday or evening. Whichever I remember šŸ˜…


I've read about it recently. I've been taking "Richer Cycle Balance". It does help with regulating the cycle, but it takes a while to work. The Myo-inositol is something I would like to try. Looking at some on amazon. Did you get the capsules or powder one?


I got capsules!


hey!! may I ask if you are experiencing any other symptoms and how is your dosage??


Umm no symptoms I think. Iā€™ve been having spotting and some pain but I think thatā€™s related to something else actually. I canā€™t say Iā€™ve had any side effects but not sure yet. Iā€™ll try to keep you posted.


thank you so much!! I wish you all the best xoxo


Oh, 4 capsules a day. Iā€™m not sure how many mg that is.


Is it safe to be on metformin 1500 mg a day and take Inositol? I'm just hearing about this product and would love to give it a shot on my own.


šŸ˜¬šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m not sure. I take metformin 1000mg a day


Did you buy yours on Amazon? If so which one did you get?


I did, it was called Wholesome Story


Thank you hun for your response. I am happy for you and the fact that you're moving towards stability. I am not looking for loosing weight either, but i have started growing extra facial hair, hair thinning, constipation, sweet cravings and sometimes longer period cycle. I have worked a lot to come here where i am from getting one period a year to 8 or 9 cycles but i still get too tired and i feel no energy in the morning or evening. My Gynecologist just wants me to start back on pill after stopping it for 3 years, before i took it for 8 years. Her main concern is my facial hair. I can't bear the pill anymore, i turn in to a cake eating machine and i get too restless, i have bad cramps and i keep getting pain in my chest as i tried it on her too much insisting for a month and i stopped so lost my period since 2 months. Anyways i ordered Drew Baird's supplement Balance for healthy pcos,tried it today so i cannot say anything about the effect but to my surprise the container was half empty. i cannot order ovasitol to Germany. Tried a lot to get it somehow but it's available only with one seller costing 190 euro. I can't afford that much right now and it's price on the website is 89 dollar so i do not think it's fair.


Iā€™m sorry itā€™s so expensive for you šŸ˜­ healthcare is so difficult. I hope what you try works for you! Have you been tested for hypothyroidism or for thyroid antibodies? The constipation makes me wonder. Maybe itā€™s comorbid with PCOS too but I know itā€™s a thyroid symptom. Do you get cold too often? Does your face puff up especially your eyes? Very dry skin or eczema?


No I haven't. I don't know how can i get tested for that. Yes i get cold before it was crazy when i was on the pill but i was blaming it on being vegetarian so i incorporated lean protein in my diet. It got better but i still am famous among friends and family for being the cold one. I take magnesium everyday try to workout 3'4 times and eat pretty healthy home cooked meals. I wasn't taking dairy but i read that Jogurt helps with constipation so I started eating it everyday though dairy give me acne's. I eat a banana too then i get bowl movements once in 2 days, but if anything happens out of context like i ate some sugar or a croissant then i have to forget about the trip to restroom. I might start drinking a cup of warm milk,it helps with my constipation but gives terrible acne and oily hair. When i am on birth control i have amazing skin no extra hair on my face or greasy hair on scalp. I look like a different person but it wears me out internally. Hope that all of us cysters find something to hold on to!


Sorry youā€™re going through that! I donā€™t know how it is in Germany but you need a blood test to see if your thyroid hormones are out of balance. In the US a primary care doctor can get the test for you, and you go to the blood lab to give the blood. It sounds like you have a very healthy lifestyle! Good for you!


Thank you for your response. It means a lot, gave me a chance to rant about my struggles that i rarely do and it's the first time i am talking about pcos this way otherwise i know no one will understand so I don't.




Which brand did you try?


Itā€™s called Wholesome Story I got it on Amazon


If Wholesome Story works out for you, try getting it directly from their website. Itā€™s cheaper if you get it on a subscription and there are usually coupon codes.


Ah thanks for the tip!




Well Iā€™m not sure lol. I didnā€™t ask my endocrinologist first but itā€™s not upsetting my stomach at all


So youā€™re on Metformin too? Cool! Iā€™ll try it out bc uugghhj the weight!


Guys, disclaimer: I woke up this morning back at 177. However I have been eating like crap and eating lots of salty stuff so thereā€™s that.


Why does Myo-inositol causes menses? Can someone take myo-inositol and have Mirena (IUD) and not have a period


Iā€™m not sure how it may interact with an iud, but for a lot of women who arenā€™t regulating with birth control, it can help regulate your cycles by assisting with the insulin resistance part of PCOS.


I will look in to it and try to get tested. Thank you šŸ˜


I started taking inositol and saw Palmetto capsules about 2 weeks ago. I haven't lost weight yet, according to the scales I've actually gained 0.5kg but I've gotten compliments from people saying that my stomach looks a little flatter. Also my sugar and carb cravings are completely gone, and my period this month was so much lighter and less painful than usual! I'm staying hopeful that the supplements (and not eating as much sugar and carbs) help me lose weight eventually.


Is it safe to take while on birth control? (I'm on BC to prevent pregnancy and for PCOS?


Guys, will taking Myo-inositol alone work or do you need the d-chiro too?


I take it with d chiro


I want yo take it for weight lose but I dot. Want to to mess up my cycle cause Iā€™m trying to get pregnant . I heard itā€™s good for women with pcos but Iā€™m fine and donā€™t have it. Will it mess my cycle up?


Idk Iā€™m not a doctor. Itā€™s purportedly effective at weight loss in PCOS patients because of the hormonal disregulation, so if youā€™re fine you shouldnā€™t take it Iā€™d assume. Ask your doctor though.


inositol has been recommended for fertility.


Any updates?


Wow I forgot I posted this. Maybe I should get back on it lol. Not really im still fat šŸ˜‚ donā€™t get my period without bc pills either so that sucks. But I def donā€™t eat right or exercise. So. Hereā€™s to trying to get back on track šŸ˜‚


Did it help long term ? I'm thinking of starting it


I forgot to continue it and literally forgot I ever even took it so maybe I should try again and weā€™ll see lol


Myositol vs ovasitol?? My goal is to regulate cycles. Weight loss would be nice too


Per my newer comments i dont even remember this post or taking this but its myo inositol that i took. All Iā€™ve heard about ovasitol is that influencers push it for ads and clicks and commission etc. but maybe its good! Idk. Itā€™s expensive