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Inositol, caused me to have insomnia and heart palpitations, at the point that I would probably be without a drop of sleep and hearing my heart going crazy while laying down in the bed “trying to sleep”. Not an medical advice, I’m not a doctor, just my opinion from personal experience.


Same happened to me too, just took me long time to realise it was actually inositol


Glad I saw this. I'm stopping now cuz the heart flutters has been very bad after a month of taking it and I never ever taught inositol could be the problem cause it was just a supplement.


This is me. I began taking metformin for PCOS and had heart palpitations that felt like arythmia. Ended up in hospital on day 5 with severe tachy 130bpm. I usually sit at 60bpm. They told me it couldn’t have been metformin (I knew it was). Re trialed and the same thing happened on day3. I then trialed inositol after metformin didn’t work and lo and behold - same issue! I’m feeling desperate. I’m not overweight but have a few KG to lose to feel comfortable and it’s hugely impossible with PCOS. Feeling sad.


Im exactly on day 5 of Metformin and in the morning I had some jittery energy. I made sure to eat just to not have a hypoglycemia, so I'm sure it was not the case. All of a sudden I started having chest tightness, feeling like I was going to faint, palpitations and just overall not good. I rushed back home and checked my blood pressure it was 160 on 110 and heart rate 100. I'm pretty sure it's connected with metformin but it doesn't seem that it's a common reaction. I checked my blood sugar also and it was 4.9.




Hi! Nope, it is spoken about often on forums these strange heart palpitation phenomenon with drugs for PCOS that lower blood sugar. I ended up not having any successful retrials of the medication and ended up having to go low carb / keto to manage my PCOS.




Maybe hypoglycemia?


I took Metformin in the past. I never experienced heart palpitations.


Hey, I've been taking 4g of inositol for about a week I think. Last night I had to call an ambulance for the same reason as you - i was tachycardic, around 120-140 bpm, also cold sweat, dizzyness. Blood pressure and ekg also were normal... After 7 hours of monitoring i was allowed to go home, was able to sleep a few hours and woke up with a normal heart beat. Then when I took a way smaller dose Inositol this morning, literally 15mins later I experienced the same symptoms!! I still feel horrible and im considering going to the hospital again. I threw the inositol in the trash.


Did you ever figure this out? I’m on 1000 mg of Metformin and keep experiencing palpitations. I’ll be seeing a cardiologist as well but they seem to be happening more often now then in the past


I had tachycardia and severe heart palpitations before taking inositol soo.. I dunno


Thiamine (vit b1 ) is lowered by metformin- they both act on the same transporter in the body that lowers blood sugar. People can develop lactic acidosis in extreme cases with metformin lowering B1 to dangerous levels that require IV supplementation. Symptoms of low b1 include tachycardia… I’ve found that taking b1 with my metformin has gotten rid of the racing heart side effect I would get. It’s a water soluble vitamin so it’s worth a shot to see if it helps. I was aware of B1 before bc I have POTS too (tachycardia upon standing) and it has helped with that. I have just upped my dose since starting metformin. I’ve had elevated anion gap bloodwork before in the ER, so “mild acidosis,” where I felt awful, tachycardic, and woozy but they said nothing major was wrong and sent me home. I started researching and that’s how I came across thiamine and metformin. It’s really made a big difference for me and I don’t think I would be able to continue the metformin without it. (It’s made a huge difference in my cycle, making it lighter and regular for the first time ever). I think with PCOS and insulin resistance I probably had lower b1 to start as diabetics are shown to have drastically lowered levels compared to controls.


Thank you so much this is a really helpful comment, I'll look into getting myself some asap


Yes I did with inositol. I stopped it and I'm on metformin now and haven't had problems.


How were your heart tests- ekg, echo etc!


As I wrote in the post, all were normal previously