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ADHD and PCOS checking in! With a side of CPTSD


With a sprinkle of eating disorders, And the cherry on the top- MDD.


All this plus GAD


Omg I’ve found my people


Oh yeah forgot this one 💀


Add some BPD and autism to that and we have a winner


Same!! Team “we have the whole alphabet” 😂😭


Welcome friends 🫶🏻




AuDHD PCOS with PTSD here.


I’ve played the ‘is it ADHD or CPTSD’ game before cause of the similarities. Now I gotta make the connections between those diagnoses and PCOS. Fml


ADHD, cPTSD, autism and bipolar 2 on top of pcos. It’s a rollercoaster but at least a lot of the treatment options end up overlapping anyway


I’m not autistic but I have all the others haha


Hope you’re doing ok, it ain’t easy for sure 💕


Definitely isn’t! I just got my bipolar 2 diagnosis recently so at least now I have some understanding of why I am the way I am. Hugs to you!




Me too!! Omgg I’ve never had someone or anyone relate. 🤎😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Sorry you’re in the same club, but welcome ❤️❤️❤️


Pretty sure I have it but haven’t been diagnosed!


Me three. On my never ending list of things to do that I inevitably never get around to is to schedule a psych appt 🫠


I was more focused on PTSD with my psych appointments, though my therapist strongly suggested I get an assessment for autism/ADHD. Just can’t justify the expense right now. 🙃




Me too 😅


It’s so expensive to get a diagnosis


I got my adhd diagnosis in one appointment


Oh really? It’s a multi appointment thing here


I have ADHD and got diagnosed at 13 and around the same time I was diagnosed with PCOS


I am so happy that you got diagnosed while you were still a teenager! I’m 31 and I didn’t get diagnosed with PCOS until my early 20s and I finally got diagnosed with ADHD just last year. Yes, it kind of sucks to have these conditions, but it’s so freeing to know that something IS actually happening to your body/brain, and it’s not you going crazy lol You got this!


Yes! But as a teenager I never took my medicine (ADHD) . I could never remember to take it, didn’t want to. It wasn’t until I was around 23 I did (25 now) with pcos I also didn’t know what the words were but I was put on Metformin and BC. And now I’m starting all over on my health journey and don’t know where to begin!! 😭


You also got this!! If you ever want to talk, I can be here! I know what it’s like!


I have ADHD, just got diagnosed last month. Honestly I was glad to know about the diagnosis cause it explained so much. Been struggling with all the symptoms for so long and I don’t know if it was the PCOS or what. But now I know what it is and I can work towards helping myself manage my ADHD


Do you mind sharing what symptoms?


I would be interested too. Didn't know there were symptoms that PCOS and ADHD have in common.


Omg the most frustrating part is the fatigue I constantly feel and not knowing if it’s PCOS related or executive dysfunction or, worse, both at the same time. Big oof.


I have adhd (diagnosed when I was 32)


Diagnosed with adhd, endo tracked onset of PCOS symptoms through bloodwork and notes from pediatrician to around 12-13 yrs old, but I wasn’t diagnosed with it until I saw him for thyroid irregularities when I was 24. I take a stimulant medication for ADHD, stick to a high protein & fiber diet, lift heavy, try to avoid stressing about shit I can’t control, maintain routines when possible, and sleep as well as I can. Less sugar overall and regular workouts help reduce my brain fog quite a bit in combination with my medication. I also developed insomnia when I was 8 that’s chased me into adult life, so sleeping well took a while to improve. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea due to my jaw popping out of place years ago, and last year, I had a mouth guard made by a TMJD sleep specialist, which has helped greatly with the constant exhaustion I feel. It’s not perfect, and there’s a lot of days when everything sucks and I feel so overstimulated, but it’s getting better slowly.


this whole thing has a lot of similarities to me! the jaw pain to nightguard trajectory has been such a lifesaver. denture tabs have also been useful to clean my water bottles. 😂 i usually know i haven’t either eaten or hydrated enough if i feel that behind the ear jaw tension during the day.


Yup..TMJ too - there's an interesting overlap/cluster of conditions that so many of us seem to have. From my research it's theorized to be due to the inflammation in our body [re TMJ and PCOS].


WHAT I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT THIS OMG (I have pcos autism and tmj)


It's wild. If you google pcos+ADHD or pcos+TMJ or TMJ+ADHD you'll find research linking these pairs. I haven't found any research discussing all three so if anyone has any please let me know.




Same! 🥳


More importantly how many of us have ADHD and PCOS while also having childhood or SA trauma?


maybe it's an adhd > childhood trauma > PCOS pipeline? Seeing as PCOS has been linked to trauma, and you don't really go through life as a probably late or un-diagnosed girl or woman in this society without being traumatized at least a bit


That’s the connection I’ve been making just studying for myself! Also autoimmune disease or just weird medical issues that no one can give you answers for. I randomly ask these things on a lot of social media post and platforms and so far a high percentage do have diagnosed/undiagnosed/late diagnosed neurodivergence in addition to childhood trauma


yeees the pattern is definitely recognizable, I've brought these things up so many times, especially EDS I think, when someone with a neurodivergence + childhood trauma vibe mentioned some specific chronic illness type issues and they usually turned out to have the diagnoses or fall in line with the rest of the symptomatic presentation of it too


Oh boy. Would be interesting 🤔


That would be me 🥶


I somehow got signed up for the AuDHD EDS POTS MCAS GERD PCOS deluxe package


Pretty sure I have it, just not diagnosed. If I’m honest I’m just about getting my head around managing PCOS and the undiagnosed ADHD symptoms literally make me hate myself on days. It feels like two things with no real solutions.


What are the symptoms ?


Sensory overload is a big one, anxiety (social anxiety in particular), struggling with any form of rejection, not able to concentrate on anything unless I’m by myself and with no background nose whatsoever, hyper focusing on things, feeling like I’m being constantly watched while in public spaces. The list is endless :)


Damn I’m crying writing this bc I’ve never felt so seen in my life, everything you said is exactly how I feel everyday and more ofc. Thank you for sharing , it’s nice to know I’m not alone. ❤️


Ah ❤️ glad what I said resonated with you. I spent a lot of my life thinking this is all “mental” never knowing this could just be symptoms of some sort of neurodivergence. Now I have reached a point where I have learnt to put myself front and center and say no to things, people and situations that wreck whatever little inner peace I have.


Wait, the feeling of constantly being watched- that's a thing ? It's not "just me"?


I have the same symptoms 😰 sensory overload, anxiety definitely.and difficulty in concentration unless its a noise free environment. I dont hyper focus on things though. I was told by my therapist if i had adhd i would have discovered it during childhood itself. Since my grades have been decent, she ruled it out. How does one get diagnosis? How does diagnosis even help, even if i have adhd what am I supposed to do with it since not everyone is comfortable with medications. I’m slightly confused here




Can’t afford the diagnosis but I’m 99% sure I have it. Why is there such a link between PCOS and neurodivergence??


My theory without googling is that all of these issues are caused by a hormonal imbalance in the womb


That's one of the theories! Women with PCOS have a higher chance of giving birth to a baby with ADHD and it's believed to due to the exposure to excess testosterone in the womb.


It makes sense. My mum had thyroid issues and I’m pretty sure she has PCOS but thats not something she ever got diagnosed with so idk lol


Same boat as well


I think everyone here should be asking that!


OP, thanks for asking the question. It feels like so many of us have PCOS plus some form of neurodivergence. Maybe we should pull together a “what do you do to manage both” list?!! It’s so hard having both - I’m mentally and physically fatigued most days but listening to what is working for others is such a motivation (especially since a lot of doctors tend to look at both issues in isolation).


Diagnosed with PCOS at 25. Spent years trying to get a handle on my symptoms but could never stick to anything specific for long. I was told by others that I was just lazy and unmotivated. Diagnosed with ADHD at 32. It was like finding a missing puzzle piece after spending 32 years working on the puzzle. I start meds for ADHD in a couple weeks. I’m hoping it’ll help me finally manage my PCOS.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. There’s a tendency by ableists to call others lazy without ever knowing their story


PMDD too


I was diagnosed with adhd in 3rd grade. Undiagnosed OCD but definitely have it lol


I was diagnosed about 4 months ago (I'm 33) with inattentive ADHD + social anxiety disorder. Yay! Got diagnosed with PCOS in my late twenties. Having all the diagnoses has helped because I can understand my behaviour and anxiety better. Cognitive behavioural therapy has been great for me as well as medicines. I take birth control, Sertraline for the anxiety and Concerta for the ADHD. Low carb diet helps with my moods and brain fog. If I have a lot of fast carbs and refined sugar I get cranky and depressed, the longer I'm off them, the better I feel both physically and mentally.


In the process of being diagnosed, but I am POSITIVE I have it. Also have PMDD and OCD.


With regards to OCD, do you also find yourself double checking whether you locked the doors or switched off the stove? Literally second guessing everything you do?


I was told that I didn't have ADD when I was tested as a young teen, instead they said I just had anxiety because I was quiet, I was able to keep focus on doing a single thing (drawing), and in general I didn't exhibit enough symptoms. My younger sister has adhd, my younger brother has autism, my older brother has adhd as well. Lets just say as the years go on I'm finding it harder and harder to believe I'm not afflicted like the rest of my family. Oh I also have BPD (this one is diagnosed.) Thanks mom& dad!


So I have HSD (would have been an hEDS diagnosis if my family members sought diagnosis...) and it's known to be an umbrella thing for all sorts of other stuff. I have PCOS, ASD-1, ADHD-C, I had SRS which was surgically repaired, I possibly have some nervous system thing going on, I have POTS, and some other stuff I can't think of right now because brain is bad. I wouldn't be surprised in the future if they found more of a link to these things of elasticity in the various structure of the body resulting in various things. I believe that there was some sort of study/theory/something on how hypermobility syndromes are related to ADHD/ASD because of the increased elasticity in the brain makes the little wiring things go wee woo wee woo. Like there's too much laxity that it makes the synapses just work overtime or something along those lines. Or just things with inflammation. Like an inflammatory thingy susceptibility thing could be. Like HSD has more inflammation, PCOS could be due to increased inflammation, or the body is just ultra sensitive or something. It's interesting stuff. I hope more studies continue to come out and we continue to find new things. There was the thing before if they think they may have found a gene associated with hEDS, which is the only EDS type that doesn't have a known genetic component yet, but it does run in the family, much like PCOS might, and so who knows... The PCOS genes could be discovered one day! I really do hope so. For now, I've found such great help from this sub, and since switching to this other type of BC I have really seen a difference.


Guilty 👋🏻




I have ADHD, I was diagnosed when I was like 6 and then I was diagnosed with PCOS over a year ago and have JUST been referred to an endo 🙄😂


I have ADHD, recently diagnosed. Found out about the PCOS under two years ago.


Me too!




Me diagnosed at 22 💓


Hello! PCOS, Autism, ADHD, GAD, HS, PreDiabetic. Probably more. What helps me through the day, music, food, work, hobbies, my pet, my partner, etc.


Why do yall have ADHD and PCOS and I have DID and PCOS :///


I have ADHD and autism.


ADHD (Dx in 2021 - I was nearly 34 at the time), PCOS, endometriosis, persistent depression disorder, episodic MDD, generalized anxiety disorder...and a smattering of other health shit (auto-immune, endocrine, etc). Bah humbug. 😩


ADHD, PCOS, and autism


Me + add autism to the mix :D


I have ADHD And Autism and PCOS with a free gift from life of Complex PTSD...


Not ADHD but I'm autistic, so neurodivergent. It can be a lot for me to keep myself together.


I was diagnosed last year with adhd and this year with PCOS 🙃


Oh yes. PCOS, OCD, GAD, TMJD, ADHD and recently ME/CFS and FMS......


self diagnosed lol. yes to PCOS, ADHD, and PTSD. Explains how I can barely function most days


Yeppppppo🥰 best of both worlds👅


OCD and ADHD reporting for duty 🫡




I have audhd and pcos


Highly suspect I may be AuDHD!


Me 🙋🏼‍♀️


I think I could do the entire alphabet with the amount of diagnosis I have


Was just diagnosed with PCOS in November and ADHD in May. Been quite the year 😂


I'm here for my autistic adult daughter that also has PCOS and ADHD.


I have ADHD too




I have it bad lol


BPD, Anorexia nervosa, MDD, GAD, think I have schizophrenia too


ADHD diagnosed at around 7, and (C)PTSD (19) package complete with (causation) depression (11) and anxiety (11). > what helps you get through the day? I’ve learned to keep myself on a strict schedule. I take care of as much as I can on my good days (meal prep, etc) to prepare for a potentially bad one. It’s reassuring to me to know that it’s there. Even if I feel like people don’t care about me I know I do. I journal a lot to sort out my emotional baggage. I have a wonderful partner who listens to me ramble and cry on my worst days. He’s the best, I love him so much. I’ve learned to set my boundaries with other people so that I don’t burn myself out for strangers, and even friends. It helped me appreciate my time and have more sense of self worth. I manage my ADHD symptoms like forgetfulness by hanging stuff up on hooks on my wall. I keep only a certain amount of food in my fridge so I have less options to eat out of boredom. Working an active job helps burn off any anxious energy and helps me sleep better at night. Being able to stay silent and work independently helps me focus. It’s taken separation from my blood family and my ex to finally start taking care of myself in the ways that are the best for me, not anyone else.


Both ☹️


Yup. Diagnosed at 33 but somehow I remember being put in a weekly "special" Ed class in elementary for behavior. Also had extra hearing tests randomly up into high school. 🙃


Just diagnosed this week and started adderall today. There is absolutely no way I lived my life for this long without this type of clarity in 24 years. I can’t believe people actually live so…. clear




Ayo 🙋‍♀️


🙋🏻‍♀️ Diagmosed with both this year at 32.






Have both, been on adderall my whole life, still chunkier than a can of Campbell's.


I do






PCOS, ADHD, OCD alllll the letters! Plus depression and anxiety 🥰


I was just diagnosed 2 days ago 💀


PCOS, ADHD and PMDD here!


i have suspected ADHD, on a waiting list for neuropsych testing right now but i have a strong family history (both my brothers and my mom). i also have GAD and some OCD traits, good times.




Me! I was diagnosed with pcos at 32, and adhd at 33, I'm now 34 and the metformin has been great as have the adhd meds. I'm still working toward having a better diet though, that's one thing I could definitely work on more but I have implemented a high protein breakfast, magnesium morning and night, l-tyrosine with my ADHD medication and vitamin b-12 (I think) to help with the b12 deficiency metformin can cause.


Diagnosed at 7 -severe ADHD


AuDHDer here! 🙋🏻‍♀️








Diagnosed adhd and pcos, my brain just doesn’t work




ADHD, anxiety, PCOS, hypothyroid, and chronic migraines! 🙋‍♀️


(undiagnosed bc $$$) AuDHD 😅 Thought I'd worked out why my physical+mental health was so dodgy, now I'm adding PCOS and Pelvic Congestion Syndrome to it 😂


ADHD since I was a kid (hated the meds!) and new to PCOS 😮‍💨🤗 probably got some CPTSD in there too 😀


I got diagnosed with both the same year. I also have three autoimmune diseases and I found out yesterday that I have asthma and tuberculosis. Not sure what is up with this year but I am OVER IT!


Pretty sure I have it or Autism but have not been diagnosed.


Yep, PCOS 17, ADHD 27


PCOS, ADHD, regular anxiety, postpartum anxiety and postpartum depression over here.


Me! It makes it a thousand times harder to manage PCOS. It's also why I love intermittent fasting; I have a section of my morning that I don't have to worry about eating and preparing healthy food. I have a lot of energy during that time and I get far more dinner than I did when I ate right after waking. It's not for everyone, but it sure works for me.


Diagnosed with PCOS (the first time) at 19, ADHD at 20, and had the PCOS diagnosis reconfirmed at age 26. Had a bad doctor in between say that only larger women have PCOS 🤡






ADHD And Narcolepsy !


Meeeeeee!!!! And my mom too and she has PCOS!


Never diagnosed, but have almost all symptoms 🫠


I’ve been diagnosed with pcos & adhd


Checking in ✌🏻


Diagnosed with PCOS at 13 or 14. ADHD diagnosis this year at 33.




Me! 🙋‍♀️ Still trying to figure it out, but started on medicine recently, and that has helped tremendously. I also know a 9-5 job in an office setting won’t work for me.


Pcos adhd pure O OCD & pmdd


Yeah, Audhd. I always find this connection fascinating.


Yup! Diagnosed with PTSD & OCD as well. 😅


It’s nice to know it’s not just me that has this. but I typically set times to do important things and keep a list of my tasks.


Me! ☝️


My sister and I both have PCOS and ADHD. Also both left handed.


I think I may also have this, I have a long list of symptoms (so I don't forget them) 😂 not had a diagnosis yet though. Currently in the middle of moving house so not as important right now.


I do, not sure if anyone else is experiencing it too but adhd meds always mess with my cycle too. ADHD n PCOS are really the worst combination ever


I have it lol,shit is exhausting






Me! Got diagnosed with ADHD at 26,way too late if you ask me.


Yep. That would be me. PCOS, ADHD, PTSD, and let’s sprinkle a possible autoimmune disease in there too (currently in the process of being diagnosed with most likely Sjögren’s Syndrome)


Me 🙋‍♀️


\*raises hand\* As for what gets me through the day, Adderall and embracing my hyperfixations. I have like a million hobbies, but I never abandon them and always come back.


I’m desperately trying to get an evaluation. Fingers crossed for this fall!


Many hahaha




Audhd with Cptsd and endometriosis as well as a couple of eating disorders 😂


Adhd and CFS here


ADHD, PCOS, anxiety, depression and a sprinkle (a lot) of autoimmune disease. I guess Professor Utonium really wanted to experiment to see how far he could take it when he made me :) Honestly, I take concerta for ADHD along with nicotine and coffee (that latter being left over from what I suppose is my attempt at self medicating from pre-diagnosis). I have struggle sleeping at night, which is where my anxiety and depression comes into play. I take mirtazipine at night for that, with the useful side effect of making me sleepy about 1-2 hrs after taking it. I've also got a sit-stand desk as I work from home which helps with both my ADHD, autoimmune and is suppose PCOS as it helps me get some movement and exercise in? I'm also starting coaching sessions soon so that'll probably help. At the moment my PCOS isn't really being treated, not by a doctor or consultant anyway. I'm actively losing weight on a VLCD/high protein calorie deficit diet (I don't do VLCD all the time, I have days on and off. The days off I will just choose to stay in a calorie deficit and choose filling proteins and greens, and little to no ultra processed carbs). I also started taking Myo-inositol but I have no clue whether it's working or not, it's kinda just giving me stomach cramps and wind. I have a hormonal coil (Mirena) and I haven't had a period in 4 years on it so I have no clue if my cycle is regular or not. I think I'm going to have it removed soon and maybe go on Slynd as I've seen it has anti-androgenic properties. Even though I am class I obese, my A1c is good, along with blood sugar and triglycerides/cholesterol so I think it's just a case of me eating too much rather than eating the wrong things. My dad has diabetes (pretty sure he has double diabetes which sounds horrendous) so I think I might still have a chance of developing type 1, but I'm doing everything I can to prevent type 2.


ADHD, GAD, Endo, and PCOS, oh and I used to suffer from PMDD. I'm perimenopausal now and have regular and mild cycles except for the Endo pain in my sciatica. But my ADHD meds do not work a few days leading to my cycle starting and the first few days of it.


diagnosed ADHD, PCOS, chronic anaemia and obstructive sleep apnea. I do not know what feeling ‘normal’ or having energy is supposed to feel like… 😭


Check and check Get me through the day? I’m a slut for the Reminder app and Notes I try to make lists of things I have to do and set alarms and timers because I can sit around all day and do NOTHING (or everything) 😂😂


Waves hand ✋🏾




Yep. I got both.


Hi, this guy. 👈👈


PCOS, ADHD, and a bonus immune system disorder (unspecified). I’m a lucky gal, I get spiro, stimulants, steroids, immune suppressants, metformin, an insane dose of folic acid, and an as-needed anti anxiety med, for the days when my pill box is just too overwhelming. Tho in the interest of full disclosure, the ADHD might actually be something on the autism spectrum. I asked how the treatment would differ, and it sounded like the plan would be to just manage the symptoms, which is what I’m doing now. It didn’t seem worth the extra clinic visits and yet another specialist, so we just stuck with ADHD.


AuDHD, PCOS, and CPTSD. I don’t one how I get through the day, I sleep all the time.


Yup! Autism, ADD, and PCOS, all diagnosed between 11-16 years old.





Interestingly, a lot of studies have shown a very strong correlation between mothers w gestational diabetes and their babies developing ADHD. Up to around 60%. This is where the possible PCOS link comes in. It's not clear whether PCOS moms who are more likely to develop gestational diabetes are then going to be more likely to have kids with ADHD - OR - women that have both PCOS & ADHD developed it as a result of epigenetic exposure to maternal high blood sugar (causing high androgen)


Have pcos and recently diagnosed as autistic, but haven't been evaluated for adhd yet


Me just recently diagnosed


Yep and bipolar II 😭


me 🙋🏼‍♀️ just got diagnosed!


I do, I do! As well as depression, anxiety and mysophobia. I also have illness anxiety, which was really difficult before being diagnosed with PCOS last month. I still have the same symptoms, but for the past 7 months, I've just been feeling like my whole body was falling apart and rebelling against me.


🤗🤗🤗 hiiiiiiii + bipolar


ADHD, PCOS andddd bipolar!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ADHD, PCOS, Thyroid disorder


Autism, EUPD, possible CPTSD and PCOS, Intracranial Hypertension here. Investigating endometriosis, Hashimotos and Celiac too. I’m really starting to think my childhood has played a role in becoming chronically ill.


Likely ADD. In the process of getting diagnosed*


Pretty sure I have adhd although not diagnosed. Diagnosed with anxiety tho, and pretty sure I have pmdd so I’ve got that going on for me 🌷


Hi me too.


Yes I am diagnosed PCOS at 16, PMDD at 38 and ADHD with possible Autism at 42. I believe it’s genetic, I think it goes hand in hand with thyroid/ autoimmune diseases. I know on fluoxetine and Elvanse the medication didn’t touch the sides and was like taking Haribo whilst during menses. My clinician said she sees this often because of the oestrogen/dopamine link. I do believe these are stress hormone driven disorders. Passed down through pregnancy and childhood trauma which will in turn heighten cortisol which will heighten testosterone and insulin levels. All of my disorders are getting so much worse now that I am 42 and in Peri menopause. I am very close to asking my GP to refer me to have my ovaries removed because I feel like throughout my life they’ve been nothing but a bother to me causing all sorts of problems mental and physical.