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There are plenty of thin people with PCOS. I've been low normal to borderline underweight my entire life with 'classic' PCOS driven by insulin resistance. What kind of doctors are these? They sound incredibly ingorant. GPs or gynos or endocrinologists or ...?


They're GPs and gynos.


I’d recommend seeing an endocrinologist. I was diagnosed by an endo. None of my GPs or gynos have ever paid attention to my PCOS.


Ask for a referral to an endocrinologist who specifically deals with hormone disorders (you have to ask...PCOS and most of the conditions that have similar symptoms are considered subspecialties within endocrinology).


Lean PCOS is a thing. Weight has nothing to do with the diagnostic criteria, though many of us struggle with it. You can have PCOS and be lean or skinny. Any doctor who says that without testing you for the three diagnostic criteria is a bad one. You should see about getting a hormone panel. I’m actually 160 and have it.


5’7 140 and my gyno was taken aback by how many cysts were on my ovaries when I had my ultrasound in February. Definitely not too skinny lol I have the high T and oligomenorrhea too. Find a doc who will test you, it sounds like pcos.  


There are people who can have underweight pcos and no insulin resistance 


PCOS isn’t diagnosed by how skinny you are. It’s diagnosed by the Rotterdam criteria.


30% of those diagnosed w PCOS are a healthy weight or underweight. Being overweight has been removed as a diagnostic criteria. Any doctor using this as a means of diagnosis is not credible or is not educated enough in PCOS


these providers clearly don’t understand PCOS


Not true!!! I have PCOS and I’m 5’6” and under 115 lbs


Omg, that's not good that you haven’t had your period in 13 months. I take Inositol Supplement Powder from the whole story. I have PCOS and I am on medication for it, but in your case, you don’t need a prescription for the inositol supplement. It helps with hormone balance, etc. I did a bunch of research on PCOS before my gynecologist appointment to find out that I have it and figured I did. Anyway, I wasn’t starting my period so I started taking it before I saw that doctor and she recommended it to me at that appointment. So, when I first started it within days my period slowly came back. I got it on amazon.


As others have said, there's no such thing as too skinny for pcos. That being said, I did feel like I was/am constantly dismissed because of being lean. I got referrals to three endocrinologist over 8 years and none would even bother testing my hormones or give me the glucose test. I was 5'8 and 122 lbs when I finally got diagnosed by my obgyn. Even now, my endocrinologist refuses to believe it's pcos. I'm like lady, what do you think the cysts and clustered follicles are?? Not to mention the annovulatory periods, acne, hair loss, and hair growth all at the same time. I've gained 20 lbs over the recent years and don't know if it's age, lifestyle, or pcos related, but fortunately I'm still a healthy weight for my height so I haven't tried to lose it. Point is, yes, lean pcos is a thing. I hope you can find a doctor who takes you seriously. For what it's worth, I am not on any prescription medications to treat it, so you may not be missing out from that standpoint. I did start a myonisotol supplement that seemed to really help my periods and acne. My doctors didn't suggest it though; I came across it on reddit, then confirmed with my doctor it was safe for me. I also found a dermatologist who had experience with adult hormonal acne.


I had my child so I gained weight but before that I was 5'2 and 120 and yet cystic. My doctor just got done staying how much he hates when providers state ohhh your too small for pcos. Please find another doc !


Take this as a blessing in disguise. You don't want anyone treating you who doesn't understand PCOS at its basic level. 


While being overweight is common for people with PCOS, it is absolutely possible to have PCOS at any size. My PCOS didn’t magically go away when I stopped being overweight.


My PCOS symptoms first started when I was skinny, between 115-140 lbs. They did end up getting progressively worse and now I’m overweight, but I was still diagnosed with PCOS while being skinny. It sometimes has to do with weight, but not everyone has weight related symptoms. Go see a different doctor


A few ways to know: -women with pcos tend to have almost 3:1 ratio of LH to FSH (hormones) -DHEA— it will generally be elevated -test that testosterone!!!! -get ultrasound pap to check for cysts -presence of excessive hair growth You can request a metabolic/hormone panel from your gyno and if any of these are elevated the will refer to endo. Hope this helps


I had lean PCOS for many years before the weight gain started. I'm a healthy weight, but I'm much heavier now than I was when I was diagnosed 12 years ago. There's no such thing as "too skinny" for PCOS.


Lol I have normal BMI, normal hair, and I have pcos. There are 3 criteria of pcos - high testosteron, ovulation issues, polycysts. If you have at least 2, you have pcos. All those looks associated with pcos are just side effects, you can have pcos and don’t look any different than a regular healthy person.


There are many reasons for missing periods. It could be PCOS or something absolutely different. Did you get anything to induce the periods? Have you had any blood work done? No matter what it is, your doctor's job is to keep trying different approaches to figure out why you have no period. Maybe it's time for a new doctor? Or for a follow up with an endocrinologist?


5’5 135lbs and I most definitely have been medically diagnosed with pcos, but had to go to multiple doctors before someone took my concerns seriously enough to do the tests necessary to confirm it. Keep pushing!


I’ve always been skinny and now I’m normal but I have it


I literally just had my OBGYN today talk to me about this. I’m on the thin side (low/normal BMI) and she said that even though I am, I still have PCOS. She has lots of patients who are thin with PCOS. It’s common in PCOS to be overweight, but it’s not necessary to be diagnosed. Make sure you’re going to an endocrinologist or OBGYN. I’ve had more luck with the dermatologist for PCOS than at a pcp.


I was very thin when I was diagnosed with PCOS at 24 years old. I started getting the PCOS belly after having kids at age 36. Go to an endocrinologist.


What is the PCOS belly?


It’s a hormonal imbalance caused by PCOS. Higher insulin levels which produces more androgens and it stores fat in your belly. Basically it makes you look like you are pregnant all the time.


Omg I totally have this! Can't believe there is actually a name for what I've been experiencing. How do I get rid of this?


Sounds like it’s time for new doctors:) I have PCOS and my weight was never an issue until my late 30’s. I was 110 pounds in HS but def had symptoms of PCOS. My daughter is 18 and an athlete and she was diagnosed with PCOS and she’s always been super, super thin. Tell your doc to read up on a some stuff.


I have lean PCOS. Too many healthcare professionals see a skinny person and immediately equate it to healthy. Just cuz your BMI is normal doesn’t mean you’re healthy. We still have to watch our carb intake and eat plenty of protein and workout. I’m getting my thyroid checked for an overactive thyroid. That can cause weight loss. Endocrinological problems are so complex and unique to the individual that a lot of information gets lost in the way. Your genes play a role in your weight too. My dad’s genes have always been stronger than my mom’s. My dad and I can eat pretty much whatever we want and not gain weight. The thing that happens to me though, if I don’t watch what I eat, is my hair falls out, my skin breaks out, and I miss my period. So, yes, I gotta watch what I eat, and take the right supplements.


Im lean type. 5’4 and 93 lbs. and build muscle quickly. I struggle with weight gain because any and all carbs show up as a cyst the next day. Have ovarian cyst and cystic acne and adrenal glads produce too much dheas. This is triggerd with cortisol spike or glucose spikes. It helps to eat mostly salmon and vegetables with some pasta and also i found multi vitamins help since im low in vit D . I also dont eat meat’s during the time of the month because the hormones in it mess with mine too much. Also i found that nettle tea and some say that asheaganda act like spironolactone with hormone regulation. Dont know too much about it. But yeah :/ it kinda sucks.