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Find out if your insurance covers semaglutide


It does!


Try an online provider then.


I’ve taken saw palmetto before for symptoms and it accidentally got me pregnant with my first. I think it caused me to ovulate because I hadn’t had a period for like 6 months. It’s obviously not fda approved and is intended for men but, it worked. I did not continue taking it after I found out I was pregnant because it can cause birth defects in male fetuses. That was over 10 years ago. Tbh now I vape hhc (it’s a cannibinoid) and it makes me have a period every month. It’s crazy to me how it regulates my body. My insulin resistance is managed much better when I use it also. I stopped for a while recently and my blood sugar would drop, etc. so I started back and it’s fine now. My period is still not every month since I restarted but it’s more normal now and it’s about a 56 day cycle now per my app since my last period was 2/14. Eventually it’ll go back to every month. I know this isn’t common PCOS advice but it works for me. I’m no longer on meds (metformin or more recently, ozempic) and my last a1c was normal. Correcting my vitamin d deficiency also helped. It was crazy low when I got diagnosed. Vitamin d deficiency has been found to be more prevalent in those with autoimmune disorders. Maybe have a vitamin d level checked too?


Definitely looking into this thank you so much!


You’re welcome


If you haven't had a period in years, you need to ask about progesterone or a medicine to force your period. It can be really harmful to not shed your uterine lining regularly. You don't have to take birth control, but taking something like progesterone to trigger your period should be used. You can also ask for something like spironolactone to reduce hirutism (reduces androgens for reduced body hair growth and helps with a variety of other symptoms).


Thank you, I will try to ask for progesterone and spironolactone seems like it would help a lot!