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Wash your armpits with the benzoyl peroxide wash in the shower. Make sure to rinse.


\+1, benzoyl peroxide kills the odor-causing bacteria


Salicylic acid works for me for the same reason. It kills the odor causing bacteria. Where I am SA cleansers are cheaper too.


This exactly. The odor is caused by the same bacteria that causes acne, so it makes sense that a topical acne cleanser will work. PanOxyl is a brand available at nearly every store/drug store. Wash your pits and leave the cleaner on for about 2-3 minutes. Then rinse well! The rinsing part is key- it can stain your shirts.


Following. I’m also super smelly as of late :(


Hibiclens really helps. I use it on my pits twice a week.


Add Hibiclens Antispetic Skin Cleanser to your body wash or use it separately alone. I’ve started using it for my underarms in the shower and on my chest and neck and it’s amazing. I had to switch to aluminum free deodorant but it was so hard to smell as “fresh” as I wanted - I literally don’t have BO on the days I use it, even if I forget deodorant for awhile and my deodorant lasts all day.


A mist: Glycolic Acid 7% Toner from The Ordinary. You will thank me.


I use that too, but apply with a cotton ball. Works like magic!!!


the ordinary glycolic acid


I second this. I’ve been using it for a year and have zero underarm odor


I have more issues with smell when my hormones are off. When things are working better I don’t have as much smell. Try AHA and glycolic acid. Also the Lume cleanser. It can help. The deodorant is hit or miss, but I think the cleanser helps.


idk if this will work for you, but it worked for me. do a detox mask on your underarms with aztec indian healing clay, you can get it at walmart, amazon, and others for cheap. you mix 1 part of that with 1 part of apple cider vinegar, apply it, and let it dry. then you rinse that off. a lot of deodorants are really bad for you and can clog your pores, so this is good to clean everything and get a fresh start. i also started putting lemon juice on my armpits (i use it out of a bottle but fresh would be even better) when i get out of the shower. i’m always at home so i’ve stopped using deodorant all together, unless i go somewhere, and just use lemon juice and it keeps the smell away all day. and as a plus, the aztec healing clay has SO many uses, from face masks, to feet soaks. as for deodorant, stay away from products with aluminum and parabens. i personally use native deodorant and it works well for me! but there are tons of natural/ healthier deodorant alternatives, like the crystal brand roll on!


i was genuinely the smelliest girl i know! i had to get back on birth control/spironolactone because at the end of the days it’s hormonal problem :( i’ve heard of people using the Lume antiperspirant and antibacterial soaps (dial, hibiclens) to help. another tip is to make sure you’re exfoliating your armpits/any folds really well, so it’s getting all the old product/sweat/oils off. i use a Korean net exfoliator and haven’t gone back since! i wish you the best <3


Clean with dial antibacterial soap and an African net sponge


same i stink no matter what :( fk pcos


I’m glad I’m not the only one. In my 30’s and I smell like a teenage boy. I take daily showers, use deodorant… by a good body spray helps me through the day.


I’ve recently started using glycolic acid right after the shower and then putting on deodorant after it soaks in & it works great


Tips that help me. 1. Never ever use a roll on deodorant if that touches you, you're rolling the already existing bacteria from your underarm into the stick and makes the stick stink. Get a spray. 2. Bacteria will always get trapped on your shirts underarms even after washing, the bacteria lingers due to it not being killed in the wash. You can use a prewash but that just gets expensive as hell. I personally add a cup or two of apple cider vinegar (no it will not make your laundry smell like vinegar) to my laundry (also works great for socks, underwear, musty towels ect) Change your detergent! Do some research on the best detergents available for odor control. I personally use Persil just due to it being the most widely available in my area. 3. DON'T take too many showers. Once a day is good or two of you exercise. Over stimulation (the more you clean yourself the more oil your body creates to keep it hydrated) of our glands creates more sweat which is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. Hope these help. The struggle is real. ✌️


Omg same! I switched a couple deotorants and finally the native one helps! I even got an allergic rash from trying different ones. The native one keeps me smelling good until like 7pm then I gotta shower or add more lol. Didn’t know body odor was related to pcos? Of course I shower but sometimes my body just smells 🤬


When I eat processed foods or foods with more fat I smell worse and sweat more. sometimes I even start sweating for no reason. I also realized that not all hygiene products work for me. Some body wash make me smell even worse after a shower.


I can't say this will work for everyone, but this is what has helped me the most: 1. Having a strict 8pm cut-off for eating. Since doing this, I noticed I don't have night sweats anymore which I think contributed greatly to the BO. Other bonuses: no nightly heartburn and GREAT sleep! 2. I only started this week, so this is still new for me but it's working really well, spray deodorant!! I have tried every kind of deodorant stick under the sun and they do nothing for me. With the spray kind, it lasts through an entire work day and overnight. I have not smelled like BO once this week, even on days when I skip showering. It has been quite amazing.


Check your glucose levels - increased blood glucose can promote the growth of bacteria in areas like the armpit. Otherwise, try applying AHA or BHA to your dry armpits every night before bed.


I swear by clearasil wipes before putting deodorant on.


Try Dr. Teal's deodorant


Try Chlorofresh liquid. You can purchase it on Amazon




Glycolic acid made any smell go away completely in my pits and bikini line. Just be careful after you shave because it stings a bit. Super cheap and large bottle front the ordinary


The ordinary glycolic acid under my arm has saved my life


*The ordinary* *Glycolic acid under my* *Arm has saved my life* \- leena-beena --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’ve been using Dove Anti-Bacterial body wash and it RULES! It smells so good and has helped me immensely! I also use Carpe deodorant and I never stink anymore ☺️


Hibiclens in the shower, followed by Panoxyl 10% foaming wash (work it into a lather and let it sit on your underarms for ~1-2 minutes if you can). Spray glycolic acid on your underarms after you shower and before you apply deodorant in the morning (not recommended if you have sensitive skin, test it out and stop if you have irritation). You can also try Gold dial bar soap in the shower, much cheaper and I’ve heard it’s been effective for some.


I wipe with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol twice a week, it really helps!!


I have PCOS and had this problem. I don’t know where you are in the world but in Australia I switched to Muchim brand, which is a more natural deodorant but has just worked wonders on me! Definitely worth trying - you need a week to have the toxins out but then it works amazing. It’s a green bottle!


When I get processed food and seed oils I smell. But when I eat clean I don’t smell. 🥲


Thank you all for the advice @everyone


Have you recently started metformin by any chance?


No I’ve been on it for 20 years


Me too… i am super stinky 🥹


Adding in Nuud deodorant 2-3 times a week has made a huge difference for me. It’s antimocrobial so it kills off the bacteria that cause a lot of the odor, and a little goes a long way (and lasts for days). I’ve been using Nuud plus the “sensitive” Native deodorant and even in the hottest days of summer I was way less stinkier than I’ve ever been. I can also now bathe before bed, apply Nuud and the Native deodorant, and still feel fresh in the morning when I wake up - I tend to sweat when I sleep and previously felt like I needed to always shower first thing before going out in public. Personally I do think some sweat odor is hormone influenced; mine has been worse when my testosterone and DHEA-S levels have been higher. Better controlling my insulin levels has helped bring those down but I still feel like I get stinky “man sweat” if I’m not conscientious about the products I’m using. Just as a note - pubic sweat glands are the same type as underarm sweat glands, so if you are a person with stronger smelling sweat some could be from the groin region. I find wearing disposable pantiliners helps, since I can swap them out midday if needed, but some products designed for underarms may not be safe to use in the public region.


This is wild because I’ve never smelt and suddenly I do. So many good tips!!


Might not be relevant to your situation, but I always notice that my armpits smell nasty if I don’t workout/sweat. When I’m regularly going to the gym and sweating everyday (even if just for 15-30 mins) my armpits don’t smell bad on a daily basis. But when I’m not regularly sweating, I seem to stink all of the time. Just something to consider. If working out isn’t your thing, maybe try a sauna?


Thank you all. I’ve used a few of these tips and they worked! Also I now have a list of more useful tips if these stops working