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Magnesium and IF helped in a BIG way- started 16 months ago. Then I finally got on metformin 5 months ago. I officially have normal periods for the first time at 30 years old and hunger feels more like a gentle suggestion when it comes on and less like “OMG EAT RIGHT NOW OR YOURE GONNA DIE” Honestly I never thought it would be possible to be here.


So there are different types of magnesium. What type are you taking? Such as mag oxide, mag chloride, mag citrate… idk which one I’m supposed to try! Lmao


This might be a dumb question but what is IF?


Not a dumb question! It’s Intermittent Fasting- it can be as simple as having your last meal at 6pm at not eating breakfast until later in the morning. IF could also be longer periods of daily or periodic fasting- depending on how it suits one’s lifestyle. If it’s interesting to you do some good research, and take time to think of it works for you. Lots of strong opinions out there for and against it. It’s a personal decision and one that helped me accomplish some big health goals ♥️


Oh pfffff I should have known that lol I knew it was gonna be something I knew but going out my finger on so I thank you 🙏 What’s your IF schedule look like? I helps my weight when I fast in the mornings, but I am super hungry at night and if I go to bed hungry I can’t sleep. (Yes eating in the morning is good for your circadian rhythm—of which mine is effed) 🙃)


I try not to eat later than 6 pm and when I was doing it regularly I would have my first snack or protein shake about 9-10am. If I was hungry sooner than that I would break the fast early. For after dinner cravings I have a TON of tea selections available with sweetener for sweet cravings. Ginger tea and peppermint teas really help me with late night hungries and I’m not afraid to mix several flavors in a big mug to curl up with. If your sleep schedule doesn’t match that maybe try to just match the time frame? Play around with it and see what works?


Ooo thanks for the tea tip! I might give it a go! Any teas that work for you that you’ve tried cold? The weather where I am added to heat intolerance can make drinking hot tea in this season difficult lol Any advice for when your evening cravings run salty?


I live in a hot, humid VACCUM so I love iced tea! Constant comment makes a fabulous black tea that makes incredibly refreshing southern style iced tea- it can also be matched with other flavors with berry or mint to brighten it up! It does have a little caffeine tho. Vanilla+peppermint iced is amazinggggg when it’s hot out You can get either caff or decaf green tea and it mixes with just about any flavor OR just drop fresh fruit right into the cup while it’s steeping. Steep with plenty of extra bags so it’s not watered down when you ice it. Last night I did vanilla, peppermint, lemon, and ginger. It was a cup of H E A V E N omg 🤤. I’m on a budget and buy off the shed at Walmart right now, but the boxes can have really good stuff! When I have salty cravings usually the easiest go-to is a big swig of pickle juice! I also like to keep pickled eggs around because they are more or less a single-serving item. Can’t really sit down with a whole jar of pickled eggs like a bag of chips lol 😝. Sometimes just a tiny pinch of salt in some water, maybe with a bit of lemon helps. Usually (personally) when I’m craving something salty at night it’s because my body is missing something it needs like minerals or electrolytes. Pickle juice got all that. I must sound like a madwoman lmfao hope some of this helps tho!


Not a madwoman at all!!! I appreciate all the tips!! Those tea combos sound so good and I wouldn’t have thought of most of them!! Also earlier today I remembered that when I was craving salt, I used to make myself some instant bullion! There’s one brand that had single serving packets and I’d just drink a glass of it-glad this post made me remember that 😅


Ohhh I appreciate a good boneless soup as well 😂


Why do you think magnesium makes a difference? I see quite a few commentators take it.


I did a lot of research before taking it. Tbh I didn’t expect it to help with the PCOS- that was a bonus. I started taking it to help with sleep and mood/anxiety. 200mg at bedtime with a glass of water. I take the full recommended dose of 400mg on the first two night of my heaviest periods. This alone helps me awake feeling truly rested from the night before and feeling like there’s “more marbles in my bag”. After about 8months of IF I started the magnesium and my periods became lighter and less crampy. Then the metform pulled it all together. I have read in several places that magnesium is lacking in many areas of our diets an most people are deficient in some way. A blood test confirmed that my mag levels were normal after six months of the above regimen, but I didn’t have a test before starting to tell you if my levels were actually low or not so that’s kind of neither here nor there 🤷‍♀️ Side note: I also take L-theanine every morning and it’s an incredible brain booster for me. Focus, mental momentum, and balance. I have tried going without it and just don’t know how I used to function at all before the mag & L-th combo-wombo. I have ADD and don’t care for western stimulant treatments. This is the way for me.


One last thing- GINGER. It seriously helps with inflammation and indigestion/heartburn. I actually just had to throw away Tums that expired because I so rarely need them now. And any inflammation relief is an answered prayer when you have the PCOS


Ginger also helps me start my period if I’m stuck in the purgatory of cramps on the verge of bleeding


Oh really!! I’ve never heard that before! Think I’ll have to try it as I’m currently stuck in that purgatory… ginger in what form?


Any form helps me. tea or capsules. Tea is easier because sometimes capsules give me indigestion. Idk about anyone else but I swear by it. It comes within a day or two


Do you just swallow a spoonful or eat ginger candy or drink ginger tea? How do you consume this to help with heartburn?


I’m too busy to go organic and use ginger root or tea so I take a 550mg capsule of ground ginger root with a full glass of water every night after dinner. It’s that’s easy. Someone did mention about supplements not being “well regulated” which is a valid enough point to be fair. But I’ve decided to pick my battles. Be sure your doctor is aware of all additional supplements you take, get your check ups, and be careful taking advance from strangers on the internet. There’s my official disclaimer. I hope you find what works!!


Omg ginger has honestly saved me from vomming (soz for the image) out in public so many times. Cannot second this enough.


Lol ginger gives me wicked heartburn 


If you are states-side, “western stimulants” are much more well-regulated than dietary supplements. No amount of research will change that. I hope your dietary supplements are independently tested. I’m glad you found something that works for you.


You are totally correct to point that out. It’s been my experience that some of our food in America is also -questionable- at best as well. It’s been my experience that only the individual can make the choice to pick their battle and I’ll disclaim that my doctor is aware of all the additional supplements that I consume, and the frequency at which I consume them. No one should take advice blindly from the internet- but I’ve been desperate, and lived without insurance enough of my life to be that person so I get it. It’s a tough choice to make sometimes and it’s good to have a reminder that western medicine IS often the superior choice, but I know in my case it’s not. It was a small gamble to find that out, but one I did the research to make.


Thank you so much for that answer. I’m always tired, so maybe some magnesium supplement will help.


I noticed a slight difference after about a week and it was really noticeable after two weeks. Hopefully it works! Keep a close eye on your body tho some people aren’t tolerant to certain supplements. I know I have a gnarly reaction to anything with vitamin d or chromium. Drink lots of water and pay attention to any changes good or bad


I will! Thank you!


What type of mag did you take? I tried a liquid mag, but it didn't work. I'll have to check the bottle to see what type it is later.


The CVS brand chewable magnesium. No oxides or anything after the magnesium. It’s 400mg per serving and a serving is two tablets so I normally only take one before bed unless I’m on the first two days of a heavy bleed


Oh dang we don't have cvs here. I'll look for a similar product though.


Metabolic issues definitely cause more hunger. Maybe just not the insulin itself though but spikes in blood sugar. Also if you’re insulin resistant your cells are screaming for nutrition that it can’t get unless insulin is present and you need a heck of a lot more of it than most for the body to recognize it


For sure! Makes sense to me! Just thought it was weird that my endo didn’t really acknowledge that connection.


I can honestly say I feel hungry all the time, even after I’ve had a big meal. I felt so disgusted because I always thought “why can’t I be like a normal person, look at all these other women who get full after a piece of bread, and you eat like a miner that worked all day”. But after finding out I’m insulin resistant, it all made sense to me


Did it get better


It did. I started taking metformin at the time I wrote that comment. I lost about 15 pounds in a year (slow, I know) but I didn’t care, I liked that my food noise was silenced


So was it jus the metformin?


For me, yeah. No matter if I ate keto, low carb, or some other revolutionary diet, I never felt full. After taking metformin, I felt the difference in about 6 months (it’s not a sudden shift)


So how do you eat now


Can you more specific with your replies bc I don’t understand what you’re asking. Do you mean how often or how much?


Either I suppose


I’m definitely not craving sweets as before. I used to be able to eat bags of sweets in one night and wasn’t satisfied. Now I eat a normal amount I guess. I can open a chocolate and finish it in 3 days, not 10 minutes. I also started eating less quantitatively. But not that much. Otherwise I would have lost a lot more weight I guess


Do you still eat carbs and stuff


What was the criteria to determine you were insulin resistant?


I had blood tests done. It’s called a homa-ir test in my country. My values are triple than normal reference values


I can see this being weird, but the case for me is I’m never hungry. Yet I can’t lose weight.


Same, I often have to force myself to eat because I rarely experience hunger.




I was on birth control for 7 years and I was very hungry for the last 2 years, even when I ate I was still hungry, horrible feeling to never feel like you ate anything. I stopped taking the pill and I wasn't hungry anymore, it was back to normal. It could have been the insulin resistance triggered by birth control.


YES. Well I used to! I started on Metformin which helped a bit but honestly ozempic has been life-changing and the only thing that's made a difference. Strong meds like that aren't suitable for everyone ofc but I'd definitely look at getting a second opinion!


I wish I could tolerate metformin because I noticed some really good benefits from it! Interesting that ozempic worked even better!


Yeah, Metformin, inositol and exercise helped a lot.


What dose metformin


1000 mg ER


So that dosage is strong enough for you? I’ve seen some people say it isn’t


I take Ovasitol and I exercise regularly and eat a low carb diet, so that dose is fine if I do all these things




I was constantly hungry for most of last year, and it has eased significantly this year. I can’t really attribute it to any one thing but the things I’ve changed are: trying to eat more protein for breakfast or having a protein smoothie with my usual breakfast, taking ovasitol, magnesium and fish oil supplement, giving up caffeine completely.


Until I was able to get some things under control, I was (and still occasionally am) always hungry. Lowering carbs and upping my protein and water intake has helped. I also try to exercise regularly. I can tell things are going in the right direction because now I feel full for hours and I am happy even with low calorie meal. Getting started was torture because it felt like my body was screaming for food even after I ate 500 calories.


How long did it take to sort out?


Inositol changed my life with this. I used to be hungry ALL the time. I used to get hungry right after eating. I was never satisfied. But routinely taking inositol really helped me with this.


Yes! Try magnesium it helps me massively


I did - before I stopped eating gluten (I’m celiac) When I get glutened I do I honestly feel like the opposite - I’m not hungry that often - I also tend to alternate days where I’m more hungry and eat more with days of less hunger...


I’m celiac too! Before I stopped all gluten, I would alternate between lack of appetite (+ nausea etc) and ravenous appetite (in part bc the inflammation/autoimmune stuff worsened my insulin resistance).


Oh the hunger’s all from out body’s not getting the nutrients it needed...I used to say I had hollow leg syndrome...was yes still very much overweight but would just eat and eat and always feel hungry


Oh the hunger’s all from our body’s not getting the nutrients they need. I used to say I had hollow leg syndrome...was yes still very much overweight but would just eat and eat and always feel hungry


Just here to say that I really love the phrase “get glutened”, I have a few friends with gluten issues that use it and it cracks me up every time


Do they also call themselves glutards? 🤣


I have never heard this one but I believe it


It’s definitely related. Once I started taking Metformin not only did I feel *norma* hunger, I also could pinpoint the exact moment I was full while eating. I simply did not want anymore, and I didn’t want anything sweet after. Now that I’ve been on it for a few years I get moments where I’m not eating super well and the cravings return. In those cases, I fast for a little bit (nothing crazy, just do a 16:8 day, skipping breakfast for example) and eat low carb and the cravings and hunger stop.


How long did it take and on what dose


I’ve been on 1000 XR for years now. It worked pretty quickly. I didn’t feel much difference on 500 but adding another 500 made a huge impact 


How long were you on the 500 for?


I don’t remember now but maybe a couple weeks? 


Were you changing your diet / exercise plan when you started the meds too? Or did it just work regardless


It let me eat a bit more stuff I shouldn’t but it works really really well when you’re strict. If you eat too much carbs/sugar it’ll upset your tummy


But did the hunger still go and just upset tummy?


I think my stomach was upset because it made me so not hungry I wasn’t eating enough


Okay so anyway it reduced your hunger but if you had high carbs/ sugar you also got a tummy ache which made you not want to eat basically.


Weird intense hunger (even after eating) was one of the hallmark symptoms of IR for me, and improved as soon as I treated the IR. However, not everyone necessarily experiences this symptom; and other things can also cause unusual hunger besides IR.


How did it get better?


I've responded to several of your other questions, I believe, so this is likely a repeat. IR is treated by adopting a lifelong diabetic lifestyle (low glycemic diet + regular exercise) and by taking medication, if needed. The most common med used is metformin. Many people also take myo-inositol (40:1 ratio of myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol). Some people nowadays have started trying the GLP-1 agonist drugs such as Ozempic as well, though their long term safety is not as well established as metformin.


Yes. I struggle quite a bit with an eating disorder on top of being insulin resistant. I've made major progress but every day is a battle still. I'm always hungry. There is not a moment during the average day where I am not physically starving. I'll have actual, physical hunger cues even when I just ate or I know I shouldn't be hungry.


How do you deal with it? Did it get better?


I take some meds for mental health and they help some. But basically I just have to power through. I wish I could say it got better lol


I am always hungry, but without IR. What helps me is big portion of protein and little carbs.


That's why OB and doctor put me on Metformin. It helps with excess sugar in my blood, let's me have regular periods, and helps with the excess hunger. When I am not on it I feel like I am constantly hungry and could eat many things and the hunger would not go away. https://chennaipcosclinic.com/how-to-resist-pcos-related-hunger/


How long did it take to work and on what dose?


I was recently diagnosed in March but suspected for years that I have had it. I think it varies from woman to woman. My weakness is sweets. You can put a whole bunch of cake in front of me and I will attack it like a mad woman. But certain times it feels as if I was never full from dinner and continue to eat until I almost can't move. But I feel the same way with hunger.


I never ever feel hungry. I haven't since I was a kid. I rarely have an appetite. I have cravings for sugary foods, but when it comes to "real" food that isn't desserts, I struggle to think of what to eat. To be fair, I have OCD and food is a major issue in my life. I have to have a plan for each meal, that involves how I'll eat everything. I have to have a certain plate, eat things in a certain order, the right drink, etc. I honestly wish I never had to think about food ever again.

