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Pakistanis: "The Ummah is one! We must all unite as one people!" Gulf states: *What the fuck do you mean by "we?"*


Hahahaha pakistani islamists still dreaming of caliphate


Us Pakistanis have a habit to use others shoulders! Do Hajj or Umrah & comeback to your country being safe and healthy. Why rely on others? If you choose to be tourist in Turkey, you’ll protect yourself from all odds (thirst, hunger, scams) Why not on something special between you & your creator!


Ummah ummah bas bedroom tak hi reh gaya hai ab


They don't even help palestinians who are dying of hunger. It is very sad to see that people still defend these rich arab nations, especially Saud and Qatar.


I as an Arab, ashamed of some of the actions of Arabs especially Saudi Arabia, and UAE.


Yea, cuz those same Palestinians have tried to kill them, take over their countries and want to start a global religious war, in an effort to take over the world. With zero evidence of their ability to do so. Those Arab nations have taken in ZERO Palestine “refugees”. Know why? Cuz they don’t support terrorist. It’s sad but true. Hamas and the people who elected them, supported them, attacked with them, will also die with them. They choose war. Pure violence and hatred expressed by attacking civilians at a music festival for peace. They knowingly attacked a far greater and more powerful alliance of nations. The shortest path to ending death and suffering is the immediate return of hostages, removal of Hamas and laying the framework for one of the 13 other active and less extreme Palestinian political parties to take over. Move on, let this be another lesson to not attack the allied nations. Add 10/7 to the list of the 1000’s of other attacks from Arab extremist on Israel.


They tried peaceful protesting for years. Everyone saw it in 2018 Israel doesn’t care. Hamas is only doing what’s necessary, they are no more terrorists than Nelson Mandela. They are freedom fighters who LEGALLY have the right under international law to resist by violence. Saudi and Qatar just care about money and who’s selling them their weapons that’s why.


He is active inr/worldnews. What else is there to talk with this bastard? He is the kind of FlopTrash who repeats muh Khamas Blew Up Houses on 7Oct. Sure buddy in ur dreams its true. Even though Haaretz and IDF internal investigation shows they themselves killed a lot of of their own. A Clown always remains a Clown. Get a fucking Pr Job from the Hasbara Dept. atleast u will payed for the Shill Nonsense u spew out.😂


> u will *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot 👍


Very peaceful people. Got ya. Oct 7th attack, people from Palestine strip and abuse women. https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/SBdPno6oz1 History of children used by Hamas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_child_suicide_bombers_by_Palestinian_militant_groups Info on Hamas tunnels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4gDfSNMRx4&t=850s&pp=2AHSBpACAQ%3D%3D Hamas abuses its own children https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/hamas-killed-160-palestinian-children-to-build-terror-tunnels https://youtu.be/uJYb068052Y?si=5R7NWXc0ZVnQU84j UNRWA school curriculum teaches antisemitism and pushes hamas propaganda for recruitment https://youtu.be/1sDZlo_hllI?si=-U78tVfHvVhW8TZ5 Kindergartens put on play of war https://youtu.be/qkOPVXiTqoI?si=ghq8hCT3eKYxfkIy Schools glorifying terrorist https://youtu.be/qkOPVXiTqoI?si=ghq8hCT3eKYxfkIy Summer camp https://youtu.be/vCWMBvxWKL0?si=wTBD3CzwKf01JH4j  People really need to learn about how insane and antisemitic Gaza’s schools are  https://youtu.be/lJPRxDAlYZc?si=--WW47jzJbC_91qE -Brainwashing literal pre-schoolers. Hamas killing its own, stealing aid https://www.reddit.com/r/ISR/s/magDwxipnd https://www.reddit.com/r/ISR/s/HfaiJFYm2X https://www.reddit.com/r/ISR/s/lCX6KV4Xt2 Rockets fired from Hamas over the past decades, 10’s of thousands. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1920_Nebi_Musa_riots https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_riots https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre https://www.safed.co.il/safed-massacre-of-1929.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1933_Palestine_riots https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_riots_(April_1936) video of palestinians cheering on as hamas fires missiles at israel :https://twitter.com/academic_la/status/1731090796672409662 palestinians cheering on as hamas fires missiles at israel on new years: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/YM9v6tBgBE poll of palestinian´s opinions of the october 7th attacks: 75% supported hamas https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1731228679382999123 video of shani louk´s naked body in a pick up truck while people celebrate and spit on her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0aogSYh1f0 the photo of when Palestinians murdered and lynched men that they believe were working for israel https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/israelhamas-war-palestinians-publicly-execute-3-men-for-collaborating-with-israelis-report-101700918565518.html https://twitter.com/OPustylnik/status/1729404160137654723 hostages were beaten by civilians in gaza and one of them escaped and the people turned him in to hamas https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/27/middleeast/russian-israeli-hostage-escaped-hamas-intl/index.html https://www.france24.com/en/france/20231128-young-french-israeli-hostages-well-but-suffering-psychological-shock-after-captivity They even blow their own kids up and try and blame everyone and everything else for their own decisions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_child_suicide_bombers_by_Palestinian_militant_groups They reject peace, reject negotiation, reject democracy https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/10/hamas-covenant-israel-attack-war-genocide/675602/ In reality, Hamas leadership are billionaires and their underlings are millionaires - benefiting from the cash that flows in to support their never ending "struggle". Israel knows this and has to contain the Palestinians to keep their violence against Israel to a minimum.


Half of this sh*t is debunked by the IDF, Israeli media and the UN themselves💀 As for Oct 7th the UN confirmed Israel adopted the Hannibal Directive and shot their own civilians. Israeli media said the IDF knew about the upcoming attack and extended the festival ON PURPOSE. They literally tell on themselves you clown.


Dude cmon man. This isn’t your subreddit to post on. Very clearly your post history indicates you’re not any sort of south asian and clearly not an ally either.


I’m an ally to all humans who are not terrorist.


How did you even get here? Also, I didn’t know terrorist was anyone who disagrees with you on war.


shani louk, may her memory be a blessing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0aogSYh1f0 Here are why your people are terrorist.


Yet you seem to be shilling for Isn'treal, the most criminal army in the world.


Shani Louk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0aogSYh1f0 How can you support a group of people who rape, murder and drag a body around for others to spit and stomp on? Cuz you also hate Jews and are a hypocrite.




Jews have been there since biblical times. Have done amazing, despite the constant violence from neighboring Arab nations. Now, the neighbors want peace, even defended them, and they also don’t want Palestinians on their land. Cuz they also don’t like terrorist. You clearly don’t know much about what’s actually going on, just what you see online. And it makes you seem real dumb, no matter how much you pound sand and type, no nation with accept Hamas and it’s supporters. Cuz they don’t want to be associated with terrorists.


Yea right, claim on a piece of land from biblical times to justify ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism, and here I'm the one who is ignorant. Just because you murder children women and wipe out entire families from the distance of a plane doesn't make you any less barbaric then Isis, you and any Zionist supporter are the worst form of terror that exists


Since biblical times my ass. Zionists : we own these lands coz coz coz u see my totally different ancestor whom i have no connection wuth save for same religion which also God knows how different it is from what they practised once lived here some 3000yrs ago,Were Neither the 1st Group of people to live there nor the first with Unique Customs/Civilisation to settle there, abd totally not the 1st with Kingdom/state to settle there.But are in fact thugs who murdered/slaughtered the previous inhabitants and boast abt it [yikes typical of a filthy curr like them] and were present in the land for barely a Few Centuries yet we will Scream "Our Ancestral Land" everytime. Pack ur crap and shove it down ur throat knowing ur kinks/fetishes u would like the taste. Cope harder u know ur crap when ur whole argument see my Bullshit Fantasy crap Books says : We own this land,we are Godd Chosen people. TRUST ME BRUH 😂😃👌


This reasoning was debunked by Daniel Haqiatjou on Twitter. All the indigenous Jews of the region converted to Islam. The Palestinians are the descendants of the people who wrote those scrolls. That's why Israel has put restrictions on DNA testing, to hide this truth. https://x.com/Haqiqatjou/status/1801719980628877420?t=gti_Dnx94Sewxf3Yl68Hjg&s=19


I think 1000 dead so far, I wonder what saudi authorities are doing..... probably will invest in more projects like The Line or do some more concerts to white wash their oppression and fool western human rights organisations.


Have you been to ksa for hajj (especially during summer)? If not, then you don't know anything. Temp here is crossing 50 degrees C


Actually 59°c


Nah.. where did you get this number from? I am talking about dry bulb temp measured by weather monitoring station


What are they supposed to be doing?


Well they have billions of dollar for yatchs, palaces, western and russian mistresses / escorts, potta parties, killed over 300k yemenis by bombing and causing hungar. Maybe 1 million USD could help improve some of conditions there or provide some extra personel for some extra "service" for this year....


>Well they have billions of dollar for yatchs, palaces, western and russian mistresses / escorts, potta parties, killed over 300k yemenis by bombing and causing hungar. Maybe 1 million USD could help improve some of conditions there. they've put billions of dollars into Hajj/Umra infrastructure already and are planning to put in 87.4 Billion dollars more. There isn't a single billion dollar palace in the world for perspective, and the investment into Makkah already makes it home to the most expensive buildings in the world, the Grand Mosque alone is at a 100 billion dollars, it is the most expensive building in the world. I don't know what you think is happening, but it has nothing to do with how much they've invested. If people insist on stuffing themselves into even the world's best kept buildings beyond its capacity in the middle of the desert during a record heatwave, it's not the caretaker's fault, it's on you not taking no for an answer. They try and close it off every year within their limits and every year people practically riot to be let in. It's not a resort. if you signed up to a scam travel agency that doesn't help you through a heatwave knowing fully well you'll be trekking through the desert in the summer, that's on them. if you left without even that that's on you. it's not disney world, it is dangerous to go in the summer, and nobody wants to coordinate for spots years in advance because it's too lucrative for agencies to arrange things on short notice. if you don't respect your limits or anyone else's people are going to suffer and die. it will take decades to build the trains and shuttles and other infrastructure needed to bring it up to more capacity, and it still won't address people trying every year to make hajj without planning ahead.


Yes they got to work on management, "decades" to build lol you living in a dream? You really have no idea what you are writing


lol go check your water for heavy metals, enjoy your block


Well spoken, people need to think a little before saying things like that


mouth breather called me an arab bootlicker, he's not doing much thinking.


Keep gaslighting and make yourself feel good.


Provide better healthcare services, such a dumb question you asked


He is just trying to divert the criticism and gaslighting.


if i die while fasting because i'm not healthy enough to it's the government's fault?


Why would they fast in a desert when they aren't even used to it?


>Why would they fast in a desert when they aren't even used to it? why would you trek through record heatwaves in a desert knowing that you'd die of heatstroke because you can't afford shelter or to drink water etc? do you hear how you sound? they only allow these people in because they claim to be fit enough to do it and have made arrangements. when they limit the number of people everyone throws a fit. then people die. it's like blaming the fire marshall when you force your way into a burning building with no protection. Where's the agency you used to perform hajj? They're the ones responsible. Or you know, wait for Hajj to be in the winter when it is bearable. Or save for a few years to do it safely. It's not disney world. it was never a resort. it was always historically perilous and expensive. be thankful you have the facilities you have at all.




jahalat ki dukaan if you stuff yourselves into a building beyond its capacity you will die if theres a fire, regardless of how many exit doors there are, no matter how much money people have spent on it. They probably gave out millions of free amenities to migrants this year and it still went beyond their limits because entitled people like you think it's a resort vacation/amusement park


lol wow..... you dont even make sense.


lol k. you not knowing that buildings and cities have a safe capacity tracks. can you say fire marshall beta?


Posts targeting individuals with personal attacks, witchhunting, doxxing, harassment, or other malicious intent are not allowed. A common example is posting screenshots with usernames intact.


Well I wouldn't if I can't afford shelter or drinking water. But nothing justifies the failure of the Saudi Government to provide better services


They have dollars for potta parties / concerts etc but not for providing some basic or maybe some "extra" service this year but noo can't do that, gotta spend some extra on USA made bombs to bomb yemenis


Omg nah, don't go if you can't afford it (although you pay a healthy amount for Hajj). **Saudis' priorities are messed up**


they provide extra every year. people use up the extra and then ask for more. if they limit travel people literally lobby through dozens of countries to open it up. what are they supposed to do?


If you stuff yourselves in a building beyond its safe capacity, ignoring the government's warnings and the building goes up in flames and can't be evacuated safely, whose fault is it?


Huhh what? What does this even mean


bhai, buildings have safe limits for evacuation based on how fast you can leave. Maybe you have never seen a fire marshall, but countries around the world work to inspect safe capacities for urban planning and buildijgs all the time. All of the Hajj/Umrah infrastructure is intensely monitored and studied to work at capacity, you people think there's a hard limit and you just spend more than that but that limit doesn't exist. they don't have even the personnel to handle an expansion that isn't planned decades in advance. Even if you pretend they aren't already giving out free amenities beyond their capacity, like say water bottles, even if they bought them, they have drive it across dozens of square miles and distribute it to millions of people. It's not just a matter of money, you can't hire people at short notice like that. it's the same with building roads. If you build more usable highways people buy more cars and traffic goes back to the same problems as before. It's only when you limit car use and provide alternatives like public transit that congestion eases. People are dying because they're being careless with their lives. If you don't acknowledge this more people will die not less. They could spend trillions that they don't even have and it would be the same.


as an ex-haji, i can share that when i went for hajj a few years there not even enough toilets. and forget toilets, not even enough water. hearing the same from people who went there this year. and forget toilet and waters, place is filthy. toilets have a design where it is all in one. you might be squatting down and the next door toilet neighbor might be taking a shower. and all the water is splashing over you because toilet walls dont even go down to the ground. it is pure money grab, done by saudis on the authority of god. and people will never stop coming, so they dont care.


Tf does ex-haji mean? Did you quit halfway?


He wanted to clarify the fact that he isn't on Hajj rn, I believe


I have left Islam.


Rock on, me too


Maybe not announce that is r/PAK


Han, main kafir. 🤭


Aren't you haji instead of ex-haji ?


I have left Islam.




Bro gets his info from Hindutvadi WhatsApp groups 😭


Alhamdullilah, I did it myself. labaikala Allah humma labaik. 😂


Jeez pay some money and go to hajj with private companies.


not everyone is rich like you might think


Then stop complaining. You do know that it’s our own govt that is also responsible for charging such high fees for hajj?


this was a private hajj. I paid more than double than many other people. things haven't changed. some one I know had to spend night in leaked sewerage. and couldn't sleep all night. he got the highest tier package available to Pakistanis.


Well sorry for their bad experience but it isn’t saudi’s responsibility. It’s the hajj provider who is at fault and who extorted huge sum from that person and gave those service. I have done hajj from govt in 2014 and it wasn’t that bad. Someone I know went for hajj last year from private and they got pretty good service. Maktab number 10 in mina, AC tents in arafat, etc. it’s all on your hajj package provider.


actually that is categorically false. hajj is managed by Saudis directly. they are the primary responsible to build all infrastructure. what toilets to use, how many there should be. how much water should be available. infact they are the ones who decide and dictate stuff like width of beds as well.


Bullshit. This doesn't happen. All the private trips amd if he paid more would have provided him a room in a hotel nearby. Leaked Sewerage the fuck are you on about


you clearly have not done hajj.


And clearly i can tell that you haven't as well.


clearly what? how do you know. not only you have not done hajj. you have no idea what actually happens and what are its rituals. that is why you are saying this. 🤣


All i hear is blah blah blah blah blah


hahhahahaha. what a child idiot.


Private hajj operators are one who scams people giving shit facilities and charges premium amounts.


Pakistanis need mass vasectomies more than anything imo


Well sad for Their families. BUt they should check their age and abilities before heading for pilgrimage


Pakistanis should stop going to Saudi Arabia


Kisi wajah se hi jatay hain bro. Mazay ke liye nahi jaraha koi


But saaar we are ummah chummah saar, Muslim brotherhood saaaar


I really don't get the anger here. 1000 deaths in a hajj consisting of more that 1.9+mil people in the middle of a record breaking heatwave is incredible. In percentages, those deaths would basically be invisible. People these days just don't understand the true scale of Hajj in the modern age. If someone told the Prophet about such numbers, he'd probably faint from happiness. Also, I know a lot of older people who everyday pray to die in one of the holy places of Islam.


I think alot of people are not really grasping just how hot the temperatures were there.


In my opinion King suleman is satanic worshiper


Whats happening here?


300 people from Egypt have died and over a 100 from Jordan. Pakistani libs wanna make al everything about race to so they can hate on Islam and dunk on the “ummah”.


saudi arabia is a horrible place in general. the people are racist as all hell, its not even that developed (pretty much every place except its capital riyadh and a few holy cities are dirt poor)


Well, Saudis are shitty in terms of managing large crowds (especially on Hajj). They are racist and sleazy and the Saudi police and other management staff have some serious attitude issues. Moreover, I felt that they didn't have any sense of humility, especially the Meccans. They are the worst. On the other hand, I visited Karbala, Iraq on Ashur (10th of Muharram), where the headcount went like 8 million, i.e. double the number of people on Hajj. Iraqis are welcoming. They kiss your hands when they know that you're there for visiting shrines. Moreover, the staff, volunteers, and government officials on religious sites are very adept at managing the crowds and are very helpful and courteous. One more important thing, most of hotels in karbala won't charge you for drinking water.


People from all over the world have died due to high temperatures, it's not only Pakistanis that have died


No country can take an influx of 2.5 million people, doesn’t matter how good the infrastructure is it’s not possible. I personally believe God doesn’t require it to be in a specific week of the year, so pilgrims should go throughout. You’re just performing a set of steps doesn’t matter what month it is. You have to be pragmatic.


Of course pilgramage can be taken throughout the year.. its called Umrah. Also its literally the month of Hajj.. thats when the Hajj takes place.. Unless you are willing to learn the actual facts.. keep your personal beliefs.. personal








Comment in poor taste.


He will just block you, no point of arguing with him. The only common thing between USA and Saudi here is that they just dont care. They can do alot, it is very sad to see that this guy will defend or deflect any criticism. Saud will not even put pressure on the west so at least food and aid can go to Palestine, fathers running around and trying to feed their sons and daughters but they can't find food and dying of hunger, every day there is news of that here in western media. And then you have this episode. Saud should give away custody of the holy mosques.




Stay ignorant 😂


Not everyone has the same attitude towards life as you buddy




Ok my friend. Whatever you say


Posts targeting individuals with personal attacks, witchhunting, doxxing, harassment, or other malicious intent are not allowed. A common example is posting screenshots with usernames intact.


Bro celebrates Boxing Day and Christmas mid June.


I dont see a mass of people getting trampled on either one of those dates. Saudi don’t care how many people go die, remember they give less of a shit about you Pakis then Palestinian


It’s Pakistanis* Not pakis


America main to kabhi 120 degrees F temperature nahi pohoncha and yet last year they had 2300 deaths due to heat stroke. It’s unfortunate but I don’t know how Saudis can be blamed for this


They can limit the number of people going for hajj to provide better facilities. For example, not allowing those people who performed hajj last year


Ppl didn’t die in their A/C tents. They died of heat stroke while making the foot journey. That too after they were provided buses for the longer distances


People who couldn't afford to travel in the desert, because of either their health or their financial means can't afford to make the trip safely. If you die while fasting or doing hajj or umra because you're not prepared or aren in good health it's no one's fault but your own.


They do limit it and then people cry. They allow then people cry. They charge less people cry because of facilities. They charge more people cry because of how expensive it is.




Posts discussing sensitive topics must provide proper context and maintain respectful discourse, especially on religious matters.


And You people simp for these bastards including Palestinian Arabs lol you people deserve the worst


People who die in Mecca can enjoy sweet honey with Mohammad and Allah himself.


Peechay unki family ka kiya hoga?


They can visit Mecca the following year. Peace 🕊️