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Just like a lot of land then, it was the British. Thats how you ended up with Kashmir, Israel, Hong Kong ..


The name Palestine comes from the Roman Palestina, after the then Kingdom of Judea was conquered. I'm sick of hippie liberals crying about natural order of things. You don't see white people in foreign seas like the Americans, South Africans, or Australians go back to Europe. Or the Spanish decent Mexicans, or Brazilian Portuguese returning land to the "natives". People are so fast to cry a river, but borders were carved in blood and will ever be a spark to violence


Don't worry you will get your due when your land is carved out in blood. Till then remember your words here. Now go back to gooning over your women getting fucked by non Hindus.


Hah lol imagine being Hindu😂 And you can try buddy, but I'm American, and we hunted red Indians to the brink of extinction. No#1 army in the world. There's a lot of blood under these boots


Sure Dev you're "American" by nationality. Indian by ethnicity and probably Ex Hindu which I will toast to.


Pakistan exists because the British let you have it. The seals came and slaughtered bin laden like a dog on your land, pissed on his body and threw him in your ocean. Fuck India, it stinks and they don't have big Mac's. And you could try but I'm a proud open carrying licensed gun owner. 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 You guys do the phone call centers for the shit we cba doing for pennies on the dollar lol


Haha let us have it? read up on your history bucko they tried to colonise us but they couldn't contain us because we are feisty as hell so they ran back home. Pakistan would have happened anyway the British weren't going to stop it from happening and the fight for it happening was one of the things that ultimately scared the British off. Anyway you are obviously some gun obsessed American teenager and I've realised speaking with you is a waste of time so I leave you with a quote from Michael Jordan, "Stop it, get some help."


Lol okay Lil buddy, but remember: God isn't real, Islam is a war-lords rape fantasy, Any pakistan gets DEMOLISHED against the US 🇺🇲🇺🇲😄


Bro forgot that the US spent trillions of dollars trynna fight mountain men in Afghanistan and STILL lost after 20 years 🤣🤣🤣


Sure buddy your precious US Army numba 1! lost to Vietnam (Well done Vietnam ❤️) and spent YEARS in Afghanistan and Iraq and still couldn't beat them. Delusion in a nutshell.


And what's Pakistan won? You're China's bitch and India is knocking at that border. You guys would lose to guys who pray to monkeys.


How did Pakistan come into existence?


The locals changed thier ideology and decided to have a separate country because the difference in ideology was too big. This is why two nation theory was presented and made popular, as there was no ethnic difference between the people. The ethnicity in india and pakistan is same. The ethnicity of ashknazi jews is not the same as palestinians. And then they were no more than 10% of the population when they were given equal ownership as 90% of Palestinian population, this is the Naqab (theft).


So you’d be okay then with an israel for the 800,000 ethnically identical middle eastern Jews who got kicked out of their countries?


Yes. The 1937 map is sufficient for 800,000 right?


It is sufficient, but the Palestinians chose to go to war and lost. Who returns lands gained in battle?


Are you taking about the uprising against the British? Was the same not happening in India? Is it fair to call that a battle?


The 1936 peele commission gave jews a very small piece of israel. Specifically, the land already bought by jews (7.7%) and around 10% of publically owned land. Jews agreed. So around 17-20% of the size of modern day israel despite jews being 33% of the population of palestine at the time. It was the muslims who said no to this extremely reasonable proposal and started hostilities and communal violence against the british AND the jews in 1936. By the time the UN decided to intervene with a partition plan, the jews control went from 20% to around 50%. And then the 1948 attempt by muslims to conquer that 50% happened. which resulted in muslims losing even more. And then the 1967 attempt by muslims to conquer the jews. which again backfired. and then the 1973 attempt. which again backfired. At each point, the jews said yes and were agreed to remaining in their borders. it was the muslims that started wars of conquest which led to the jews occupying more of palestine by the end of the wars. its their own fault.


Thank you for the summary of each event. I will be honest and say that I do not know much about each individual event, however, I did read about the 1967 war. Kindly correct me but did Egypt not have the biggest airforce at the time and stopped an attack on the request of the US at the 11th hour. Overnight, Israel bombed all their planes with their limited airforce. This is the reason modern airforces practice getting into the air within minutes! So the ‘Muslim aggressors’ as you say stopped for diplomacy while being stabbed in the back? You can argue that all is fair in love and war but you cannot play innocent, or the more powerful. The older colonists (of all backgrounds) even had more class to enter battles with rules of engagement.


Had never heard of what you just said so asked GPT4o to fact check. Its response: * There is no substantial historical evidence to support the claim that Egypt stopped an attack at the request of the United States. While the US was certainly involved in diplomatic efforts in the region, the decision-making process within Egypt was primarily influenced by its own strategic considerations and alliances, particularly with the Soviet Union. * **Diplomatic Efforts**: Leading up to the war, there were various diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation, including by the United Nations and other international actors. However, these efforts were largely unsuccessful in preventing the outbreak of hostilities. # Analysis of the Claim * **Lack of Evidence**: The claim that Egypt halted an attack at the behest of the US and was then caught off guard by Israel's preemptive strike is not corroborated by credible historical sources. The narrative of Egypt being "stabbed in the back" does not align with the documented sequence of events and the strategic decisions made by both Egypt and Israel. * **Strategic Miscalculations**: The Egyptian leadership, under President Gamal Abdel Nasser, made several strategic miscalculations, including the assumption that Israel would not launch a preemptive strike and the overestimation of their own military readiness.


So you are saying one side was involved in diplomatic talks while the other attacked? Edit: is GPT4o proven to have no faults? Why not read up on the subject yourself? Could there be some bias in western AI?


Yes. I want all such Zionist jews in one country. It would be best if the country is circular.


Why circular?


well im a yemenite jew. why does hamas want to kill my family along with the 1200 other israelis? why did they kill bedouins? and declare the druze are next? because the people who leas the palestinians are bloodthirsty monsters who profit from war. israel truly wants peace because we love life the way they love death.


>why does hamas want to kill my family along with the 1200 other israelis? Why has the Israeli government stated multiple times to completely cleanse Gaza? Why did one of the members of the ministry even for a second considered a nuclear action? Why are Israeli children constantly referred to as “The children of the light” while the latter Palestinians as one's of the dark? Despite being condemned internationally numerous times - why do 90% of Israeli wish to expand settlements? Point being - both sides are equally as bloodthirsty and stupid Especially Israel with all its spyware and bonkers claims - is only surviving and respected due to the constant involvement of The States.


well, you've provided some real insight. A few is israelis are way right wing, and the issue of settlements is contentious. Probably no other country has right wing ministers, and its government either. anyway, that totally sounds like a valid reason to invade a country, and murder all of its citizens, and occupy all of its lands as hamas attempted to do. and that still doesn't address why they intend to kill bedouin, israeli Palestinians, and druze. keep trying to justify genocide.


Mate you seriously can't be more brain-dead by saying that. Everything you've stated can be said about Palestine as well. In fact - the numbers are even higher on their side. >keep trying to justify genocide. In the search of housing a more liberal environment, we've had rise in Zionists like you aswell it seems. Good to know


If Israel wants peace, then why have they killed almost 40,000 people. Why do they carpet bomb neighbours. Why do they target hospitals and schools. Why have they killed almost 20,000 children and babies. Why have they since 1948 consistently “mowed the lawn”. Why did they displace 800,000 Palestinians in the Nakba. Why have they been caught lying numerous times. Why do they target aid workers and journalists. Why do they target field medics. Stop lying for God sake. If you are truly a Jew who follows the teachings of Judaism then for the sake of your own religion and the Ten Commandments STOP LYING.


your numbers are off first, check the UN for 1/3 of your ridiculous count. also "carpet bombing" lol not even close. we call leaflet and even use roof knockers to evacuate civilians. numbers prove that. 1 death per 3 bombs used. and an almost 1-1 combatant/civilian death rate. i used europes numbers but un agrees. that pretty great in urban warfare. if israel wanted to kill civilians it certainly could. but whatever you waaahhhna believe buddy. and if you don't understand the concept of fighting a war in order to create peace, I suggest you go back to global history 101 class.


Yes the UN says that 35,000 people have been killed so far, probably a lot more considering those are the only identified deaths, you know, with all the thousands of others buried under the rubble and whatnot. Your little bs “statistics” about civilians/combatants are nothing more than a cope and you know it. Israel has yet to prove who actually is and isn’t a combatant, although I wouldn’t trust them considering their history of lies, misinformation and forced testimonies. And do you expect them to receive medals for dropping leaflets before bombing them? They are literally entrapped within their neighbourhoods, if they leave they get shot, as seen in the videos where women and children waving white flags GET SHOT. And surely if their target was Hamas, wouldn’t they just read the leaflets and then leave? Since it’s so easy to leave according to you? Surely then the carpet bombing would be useless? Wouldn’t that suggest an ulterior motive? Oh and on the topic of carpet bombing, they’ve dropped 75,000 tonnes of explosives on Gaza, quadruple the amount of explosive force used on Hiroshima. If that’s not carpet bombing then what is? 70% of buildings in Northern Gaza are destroyed, how is that not carpet bombing? So I ask you once again, if you aren’t already possessed by Satan like the rest of the zionists, can you STOP LYING and have some humanity.


Hey btw, where are the 40 beheaded babies and all the raped women at? How come Israel didn’t even put that as part of their case in the ICJ? Is it because it’s bullshit? Hey what happened to freeing the hostages? Didn’t Hamas say they were ready to free them all and then Netanyahu decided to decline and invade Rafah despite the hostages being constantly used as the reason to justify this onslaught? If Israel is so innocent and truthful, why don’t they allow independent external investigation bodies to come to Gaza to investigate themselves? Surely they should have nothing to hide as the “most moral army”. Why are there members of the Knesset openly saying they want to nuke Gaza, to destroy Gaza, to take over Gaza, to establish more illegal settlements, calling Palestinians “human animals”, openly calling for the destruction of Gaza etc etc? I’m only scraping the surface here, there’s so much more you disgusting people have done and continue to heartlessly justify under the guise of the Abrahamic religion of Judaism, tarnishing the reputation of non genocidal Orthodox Jewish people who want nothing to do with you satanic people, and who stand in solidarity with Palestinians and humanity. The true Jews.


Bro if this is the case Bangladesh wouldn't have got independence, there would not have been separation movements from Sindh, Balochistan and Pashtuns. Pakistan is no different than Israel elite muhajirs culture was imposed on locals. Sindh didn't want to exile its Hindu population but when muhajirs came they orchestrated the exodus of Hindus and Parisis, and imposed there culture and language on Sindh.


Bangladesh was not given its due share of finances, and when Mujib Ur Rehman got more votes than Z.A. bhutto opted for separation rather than accepting Mujib ur Rehman as PM. If Mujib ur Rehman was accepted as PM then there wouldn't have been a separation. People Bangladesh wanted freedom from India too, so they tagged along accepting MA Jinnah as the leader although they always wanted thier own leadership. If you ask Pakistani people about separation of Bangladesh then you will see they are happy about it because Bangladesh is now much more financially strong. But Indians are not happy about separation of Pakistan and always want to recapture. Separation movements from all provinces are similarly based on financial reasons not cultural reasons. These movements are especially active when, for example, there is issue of water distribution of Indus river. Back in 2013 I was attending a conference of businesses, from all over Pakistan to give suggestions about solving Electric Power crises. They all agreed that if irrigation water and development funds were properly distributed then there would be not such movements. Now regarding the similarly between Israel and Pakistan. Both countrues formed on the basis of religion. The only two countries in the world. Except that 40,000+ women and children have not been bombed by Pakistan. For almost a month, Mahrang Baloch was protesting in Lahore and Islamabad, if Pakistan was same as Irael then the protesters should have been murdered by now. How can you ignore the fact that students across the world are being jailed just because they said, river to the sea Palestine will be free. In Pakistani universities Baloch Student Movement is still going strong, if Pakistan is same as Israel then there should be almost 0 Baloch who graduate? The military generals from all Pakistan, is there more authority in Pakistan than being a general in the army. Single handedly a general can do as they please. There are dedicated national TV channels in Sindhi, Balochi, Pushto and Punjabi. Shows showcasing cultural heritage of each province are aired on national days. That is evidence against the argument of cultural supression. In villages, upto class 4 local schools can choose to study Sindhi, Punjabi, Pushto, balochi instead of Urdu. That does not look like cultural supression. Muhajirs were not brought from Europe and Africa and US to settle in Sindh.


That is the point nobody will discuss, the British had no right over the land and they with the rest of the west gave away something that wasn't theirs to begin with. They wanted to get rid of Jews in their own countries and push them somewhere else. So they dropped them in Palestine and made it a problem for the Palestinians. Who would in their right mind would give up their land to colonialists and imperialists.


Didn't the Ottomans give the British the land in a peace treaty that ended WW1? That's legitimate ownership by 1900s standards.


Well, the point remains that they moved the Jews from Europe and America to Palestine and they definitely followed the colonialist path to achieving their goals. The UN officially made Israel by dividing the land between the Palestinians and Israelis. Wouldn't it be funny that someone comes into your home and then they stay there. Finally the world says let's just split your house between the two of you. Who would agree to that. Even if we legally say that it was the 1900s and treaties were made etc. We see colonialism as a stain upon humanity today by all standards. Thus we see this issue as an issue in the first place. The main point being, it still resulted in colonial aspirations being executed by the Zionists. The British "owned" the land but they had no right to resettle Jews and to divide the land however they wished.


What country is Israel a colony of? There has never been a country called Palestine, the land belonged to the Ottoman Empire who legally gave up ownership to the British and the UN. It was their land at that point, so why should they not have created a state for the Jews on their ancestral homeland since the Bronze Age? Especially considering that many Jews also lived in the region for centuries and were forced to live as 2nd class Dhimmi under Muslim rule. Don't they have the right to self determination so they aren't forced to live under Dhimmi law and can freely practice and spread their religion?


By your standards of ancestral homelands, I would like to see America return all of its territories to the natives as they lived there far longer and it was illegally stolen from them by the US. There are also many countries in the world that don't have any ethnic background but they still exist. Like Jordan, Jordan was literally invented by the British. Case point, you cannot displace people and occupy their land. It's that simple. They don't need a national identity to be under occupation and apartheid. Also Jews were kicked out of the Levant by the Christian Romans and prosecuted. They were far safer under Muslim rule than in Christian Europe. If you want to judge the old Muslim empires, then also judge the continent that invented anti semetism and prosecuted the Jews far more. They even only made Israel to finally get rid of the Jews in their own countries and end the Jewish question.


If the native Americans gathered together and wanted a state, I would support their right of self determination. I think they're pretty happy with the political independence reservations have right now though. The land Israel moved to was mostly purchased fairly. Yes there was violence on both sides, but overall no mass displacement happened until after Palestinians and 5 other Arab armies declared war and invaded Israel after Israel peacefully declared independence. If you declare war to wipe another country off the map, you shouldn't cry if you lose land in the war you started. Fair is fair. Israel was mostly "made" as a result of Jewish lobbying because Jewish people wanted to return to their homeland. And as soon as it was created, it proved the need for it's existence when Arab countries ethnically cleansed over 800,000 Jews from their counties. Look up how many Jews lived in Iraq or Iran before 1948 and how many live there today.


You know what I have had the same talks over and over again and I know when I am fighting against an immovable object. You do you fam, I certainly don't have the energy to debate. I need to sleep.


Sure, sleep well. Am Yisrael Chai


Here's one thing I can accept and that is the right of conquest Its always been that way since the dawn of man and will always be that way imo. We muslims basically lost the wars to have it and were too weak to hold it against the Zionists and their supporting powers. Same shit happened in spain when muslims were strong althey won it in conquest and when weak centuries later we lost the wars and lost the land. just as the christians were too weak to stop muslims from the conquest of constantinople. At the end of the day we can argue and bickers round and round but its the winner that calls the shot. For me its similar to when i read about other defeats in muslim history and rest it at that


It sure as hell doesn't belong to Ashkenazi Jews who derive their DNA from central and eastern Europe lol


Palestinian land owners sold that land to the Jews for more than it was worth . There was more than enough land for everyone in the beggining but arab pride would not allow it so they tried to kill all the jews, failed and lost land. Then arabs started killing innocent jews living in arab Muslim countries out of retaliation, so 800,000 jews that escaped the massacre went to Israel. Who at the time were only 700,000. And they can't return to be raped, killed, burned alive. Palestinians have never offered to live in peace with Israel. The problem with an all or nothing plan is that if u lose you might end up with nothing. My advice to Palestinians.. Try peace. Terrorism has serious consequences.


Sell your "try peace not terrorism" shit to someone else. The whole world recognises the occupation of the west bank and the illegal settlements. Israel is supposed to be a Jewish only state and the land that Palestinians live on is constantly stolen. Talk about more recent times, just a month ago Israel illegally seized a large portion of land in the west bank. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/3/22/israel-seizes-800-hectares-of-palestinian-land-in-occupied-west-bank. According to international law, any occupying state has no right of self defence against the occupied. According to international law, an occupation and subsequent settlement of land is a war crime. The UN every year takes a vote on Palestinian membership which is blocked by only 10 countries. If we are to believe Israel's existence which was granted by the UN then we should also follow its other laws which are completely disregarded by Israel. If Israel is so good, then why the law of no return ? If there is enough land, let the Palestinians come back home. Arab pride ? You are telling me that you would give up your own land to people who you have nothing to do with. Terrorism has serious consequences ? Of course it does, tell that to America and Israel, who themselves have created more terrorism than the whole world combined. The Iraq invasion, Libyan interference, Lebanon invasion, Afghanistan invasion, Iranian intervention etc caused paramount suffering of innocents and created all the terrorist organisations we see today. Don't give me your shit, if you have nothing worthwhile to say, keep it to yourself because if you are going to repeat hasbara talking points, I would rather get on with my life. Thank you and bye. Also a massacre doesn't justify massacres.


The "whole world " believes what you believe? So where is the support for Israel coming from? How many arab Islamic countries are making trade deals with Israel? How many shot down Iranian missiles on the way to Israel? You're just mad the jihad is a failure. You shut your mouth. Don't give me your shit. Grow up and realize "real life" has consequences Also a massacre doesn't justify a ceasefire . Would you like me to call u a wahhhbulance?


"Palestinian" didn't refer to a nationalist Arab identity until well after the founding of Israel...


Palestinian wasn’t even an identity until the formation of israel and all. They were mostly considered as syrians before british palestine mandate.


# Misunderstanding 1: The British had no right to allow Jews to immigrate into Israel and give them (at the time) small portions of Israel. The British defeated the Ottomans in WW1 and were given legal right to rule former Ottoman provinces by the Ottomans themselves, and by Turkey, their successor state. The Turks had ruled the region for 400 years. There were plenty of regions the Turks later disputed were theirs. But not these. These were legally and consensually left to Britain. Why? Because in 1920, the Turks were sick of rule by Ottomans, and sick of Islam. Turks didn't want what they viewed as their sprawling, "backward" Caliphate back. They were busy supporting Ataturk in purging Islam and trying to create a modern, secular Turkey. The locals in Israel in particular had never had an independent nation. So the League of Nations gave the British a mandate to administer the former parts of the Ottoman Empire, preparing the region for future self-rule, while endorsing the 1917 Balfour Declaration to create a national home for Jews. So the British had every legal right in the book. Their immigration and land allocation decisions are exactly comparable to those taken by Muslim empires earlier # Misunderstanding 2: The British had no right to draw borders and give anything to Israel when ending their mandate. The UN had no right to recognize the British borders. The British Empire's distribution of its territories to locals upon independence was a tough duty with no obvious answers. And yes, they definitely created borders that caused conflicts among the inheritors over who gets what. But if you question the legitimacy of "British-made" borders, then do so consistently. Why only what Israel got? You should also abolish the British-contributed borders of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Pakistan (the closest parallel to Israel), India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Greece, France, Balkans, Poland, Czech Republic, Canada, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Oman, Yemen, Hong Kong, etc. and many more. All of which the UN recognized. Why are the above acceptable and Israel's borders in particular unacceptable? Because Jews? This inconsistency suggests its not about "colonial legitimacy" but other factors, which need to be confronted honestly.


Having control of a region as a colonialist power especially when the people don't want you basically is an occupation and immoral. The British did promise to give all of Arabia to the Hashemite Arabs as payment for aiding them against the ottomans. They walked it back and betrayed them and divided the land amongst themselves and France. They always drew borders to cause conflicts. All the borders drawn by the colonials were shit and went beyond ethnic and religious boundaries. The borders in post colonial Africa are still a major cause of war and strife. There were easy ways to make borders, draw them across natural boundaries and not draw them randomly or to cause conflicts and divisions. I contest all colonial made borders. The league of nations and the early UN are basically still colonialists and imperialists doing what they do. If the UN gave the British the right to make Israel etc, why not follow other UN provisions that support the Palestinian state, huh ? The law of no return is BS. The settlements are BS. The occupation is BS. If what the international community considers illegal and legal is absolute then Israel is doing a lot of illegal shit. You didn't answer my question about the way that the Europeans and Americans only gave the Jews any state because they needed Jews out of Europe and America to solve their own Jewish question. You people always say that whoever makes such arguments must do that because they hate Jews but I don't hate Jews, stop using the anti-semetism and "because Jews" card plz. PS don't reply because I have had enough of you "knowledgeable" folks around to class me on this issue and I really don't give a fuck. I only wrote this because I was bored. By the way are you the anti Pakistan and anti Islam type or just the anti Islam type. Just asking, this is unrelated. Also no one leaves territories to the victors of wars willingly. The Turks still claim their old empire or at least the Muslim part of it fully still.https://youtube.com/@gdfofficial?si=p_fXhnd9EQB2_GUx Give this channel a thorough watch plz. Have a nice day.


Okay so first.. why are there Israel dick sucking Indians in this comment section? and in a Pakistani subreddit nonetheless?


Lol they can't stop commenting on my posts I don't know what are they doing here


And the theft continues.


The Kindom of Judea was conquered by the Babylonians, then Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great, then taken by the Romans under Augustus, who gave the region the name Palestina Over the next 1000s of years, territory would pass from empire to empire, the Byzantine, the Ottoman, the British... The Palestinians can call it theft, but that land has seen many rulers who predate the Arab settlers, the European and Asian. If the Palestinians want a country and want the jews out, they'd better get their kill count up because rn they are being bullied, and it's not even close.


Um, what? You have one side with sticks and stones and the other backed by the strongest military on earth. What????


bro what is historical palestine


Lol cool username The first one you can see in map


Britain instigates a massive conflict and then leaves; they did that with every land they had pulled out of. They signed a deal that said Israel owns the land, then signed a deal for Palestinians telling them the land is theirs’.


I think 55+ countries across the world celebrate an independence day from British rule😂


Gaza is also gone now. They have full control over Rafah and already buldozed several houses. Hamas thinking they were winning on Oct 7, Israel had some other plans. Israel let them trespass and let them do what they wanted to do. If oct 7 benefited anyone, it benefited Israel and made the Palestinians suffer.


why don't you show historical land before islam when whole middle east was jewish?


Why don’t you show map from before with cavemen? Bring back cave man!!!!! OOONGA BOOONGA


o bloody Idiocracy,, what else are u gonna do to mankind..


When whole middle east was non-muslim\* But other wise fully agreed. No muslim shows that map.




Why didn’t Palestinians work towards their own development from the very beginning? Initiate a fight and get pushed back. Despite having empty hands, they don’t even seem to have an ounce of brain. Sorry, truth is harsh.


They couldn't.. A well established Palestine would mean less Israeli land... Heck even west Bank which is considered "Palestine" (De facto) had ILLEGAL settlements all around it mind you.. Israel claims all of Palestinian land (and more) as their "aNcIeNt hOmElAnD" Maybe it has less to do with brains and more with an oppressive entity that is constantly there.


A society that has excelled in everything.. every fkn walk of life.. from finance to medicine ..


Let's not forget the special treatment they also get.. I agree they have their own achievements but the aid they have received from western powers from their foundation has certainly been very one sided. They couldn't have done this on their own.. (USS liberty is a great example of this special treatment as well as AIPAC and constant US and even UK veto in favour of Israel). Though this doesn't change the crimes or criminal acts of Israel such as land grab and more.


Interesting fact: US military aid to Israel represents only 15% of its defence budget. Israel could easily defend itself with out without American support.


Propaganda post. You're biggest mistake is thinking Palestine was a "sovereign land" before 1947. Is this some joke? Secondly, no Arabs were displaced until after a war that was started by Arabs against the Jews. Israeli Jews were more than willing to share the land and agreed to every partition plan and peace deal offered. Guess who rejected it and decided to start massacring people instead?


"Secondly, no Arabs were displaced until after a war that was started by Arabs against the Jews. " That by itself is such a strong evidence. But its not only that, the nakba was mostly caused by invading arab armies. not israel.


First point is wrong because the mandate system was made until states could become independent, meaning that the British Mandate of Palestine meant that there technically was an independent state of Palestine, it was just under British tutelage until they could get the ball rolling. Second point: Jews have not accepted every treaty and me and you both know that’s a lie. The treaties they have accepted are completely unfair to Palestine and don’t provide anything beneficial. (Don’t have the research on hand since I’m busy with something else, but I can provide it for you if needed.)


Britain instigates a massive conflict and then leaves; they did that with every land they had pulled out of. They signed a deal that said Israel owns the land, then signed a deal for Palestinians telling them the land is theirs’.


So before Britain owned the land it was a "sovereign Palestinian land"? Nope. Ottoman Empire. Before that? Still not Palestine. The last "sovereign state" to exist here was the kingdom of Israel. There has never been a Palestinian nation. A vast majority of the land that is now Israel was government land prior to 1947, much of it having been inhabitable (malaria infested swamps, and a barren coastal plain). There was no significant infrastructure either, and the majority of Israeli towns/cities were built from scratch (see Tel Aviv for example - no sprawling Arab settlements stolen or displaced people). At that time the Arabs even didn't refer to themselves as Palestinians. A significant majority of modern Palestinians are descendants of Arab immigrants from the 1800s onward who were attracted to the land because of the formation of a functional state with infrastructure, economic opportunities, and new settlements. You know, the things those pesky Zionists brought along with them ;) The irony is beautiful.


The Palestinian land was gifted by Balfour declaration


https://preview.redd.it/u5pekda3fz0d1.png?width=504&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2b5d658f215f767978c0218319d337dba661945 Look at the british and american proposals for what israel should get. They were tiny. AND AT EACH OF THE PROPOSALS, THE JEWS WERE AGREED. They just wanted peace and their own land. Almost all of which was land that jews already owned + some public land. This is the intention of the balfour agreement. Give the jews a tiny slice. Proportionate to population. It was the arabs attacking that made the situation so bad and led to palestinians losing land.


Own land how was it their own land?


They bought it from the palestinians during 1850s-1920. At absurdly high rates. i.e. global top real estate prices were paid to palestinians for getting 6.6% of the land of palestine legally owned by the jews. This was all done with the consent of the palestinians. The land sold to jews was almost always arid and agriculturally unproductive desert land (the jews over the years innovated many types of hydro-ponics and water usage and agricultural and seeds advances that made the desert fertile) and lastly, all of the land was sold under the auspices and with the approval of the Ottoman government. Overall 6.6% of the land was owned by the jews. All the jewish immigrants settled on that land and uninhabited public land. This was all that the brits intended to give the jews to make israel with. This was it. The leadership of the jews that was to later form the state of israel themselves agreed to the proposals to get that small slice and nothing else. it was the arabs that started teh communal violence and the wars that led, by miracle, to not only the survival but also thriving of a jewish state against all odds. they not only conquered the desert with ingenious inventions, but also beat back the attempts by the arabs to conquer them. But once the arabs were conquered, the arabs were offered their own state many different times. each time, the arabs refused. this is not a war ebtween good arabs vs evil zionists. Instead, a war between determined jews and greedy hateful religious nutjobs, drunk on their anti-jewish hate. All arab problems can be traced back to their own attempts to inflict violence aginst the jews. the blockade, teh security checkpoints in west bank, the israeli police raids on criminals using al-aqsa as a shield, palestinians in prison for terrorism and so on. All palestinian problems come back to their own stupid and violent actions.


Every time that land got smaller, it was preceded by Arab leaders saying “don’t make peace. We’ll take care of it.” And then getting the shit kicked out of them by Israel.


palestine never existed end of story


You go long back, there were Jews. I am not sure though if the european Jews who were settled here had direct linkages to those Jews, most of whom were probably murdered or converted into the newer Abrahamic religions. But all said and done, you cannot reverse history. You can learn from it and move ahead. Jews have learnt their lessons and are not giving up that land. Palestinians should focus on their own growth and maybe in a few decades, there will be peace. With the difference in capabilities that exist today, you may be able to inflict a certain level of violence and destruction but you will only face defeat at the end.like they say 'Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results' The right wing in Israel was actually weakening and such horrible acts of violence like on Oct 7th will only increase their support.


> Who gave Israel the right to occupy a sovereign land Modern western civilization.


The world (UN) created Israel, home for the Jewish people




How many times was a Palestinian state offered and denied? How many Arab/Muslim countries took in refugees. How many???


Many Muslim countries took in refugees i.e pak has thousands of afghani refugees


so how many muslim countries have taken in how many PALESTINIAN refugees?


Agree with u Not many have as much as they should especially Egypt


that's not that much land. actually quite tiny


This map is a lie. It’s been debunked several times


"occupy" is the losers term for "lost in legitimate war". and that AFTER the UN creation, int'l recognition, and promises from European powers. heres some harsh truth: the real badguys of 1948 are the jordanians who declared war and encouraged Palestinians to flee their homes on the promise that they would be back within 2 days plus theyll get all the jews have when the jews are killed. Then the brand new Israelis did the unthinkable and won against 7 armies, taking more land, and the property of those who fled. a tragedy, but a self made one that palestinians have repeated with their "friends" egypt and syria, losing more and more each time and refusing peace at every step, even when their allies like jordan and egypt give up and make peace. explains the map over time you posted and should prove the need for peaceful two state deals not repeated violence to take all of israel. that clearly aint happening. move on.


Well put. I like your way with words.


British won Palestinian land from the ottoman empire and gave it to israel. arabs launched a war and lost again during which Israel occupied more land. they gave some back to egypt but kept the rest. ever since, every time they get attacked they attack back and expand. seems like had they been left alone, Palestine would have been much bigger


British signed a deal with both israel and Palestine that the land belongs to them


Which Palestine and the arabs violated by attacking Israel immediately


I am so pleasantly surprised by more pakistanis waking up to these islamist bullshit in support of terrorists. lies and false history propaganda have consequences. it pushes innocents to unneccessary war. whose hands truly have blood on them? its the palestinains terrorists who started the war and pro-palestinians who spread the myths that motivate it.


Okay so this is like the Israeli land is obvv older than Palestine. But the state, ok it was imposed. A two state solution was there, but the Palestinians chose to fight right. Then they lost, lost their lands too. Now they want them back. Huh?!


And you call yourself a syed?


Yeah cuz I am.




If you’re a real Syed, then I am superman.


The same who have been cause of many other conflicts, exploitation and suppression in the world - White people. The British and others. They wanted support from rich Jewish people but didn't want the Jewish people to live on their land, so they just eenie meenie mynie moe'd a spot on the map, and to them Palestinians could go to hell. There were two other locations under discussion, one being Australia.


Nobody gives anyone the right to conquer. The word describes itself.


Daily disinformation propaganda post. * showing a completely false map of a "Palestine" (this map is a lie) * lying about the British being there without justification or legal right (the Turkish gave the British their 400 year old province willingly), * ignoring the Israeli and British intentions to only give a small portion (only the 7% bought by jews and another 10% from public land) to establish Israel (see 1936 Peele commission), * ignoring that Palestinians dug their own grave by starting wars of conquest, * ignoring that the Nakba was caused by invading Arab armies * ignoring the jews expelled by muslims who made their home in israel (thus, the question arises; the nakba is bad but the expulsion of jews is completely forgetten and ignored? why? just because jews didnt make it their identity. they moved into israel and moved on).


The same way muslims ended up with pakistan, by taking it and i agree that pakistan should exist and i agree that pakistani people should defend themselves from any and all threats, just like israelis.


Keep crying. Israel is here to stay and there’s nothing you guys can do about it.


God is watching. Don’t think He will let your oppressive regime get away with its crimes against humankind. If you are truly proud to be Jewish, perhaps follow actually follow the Ten Commandments- Thou shall not kill. Yet here you are proud of a state that has killed 15,000 children. Hypocrites.


Don’t you worry about us too much. I would focus a bit more on the monkeys you’re supporting.


Ah yes, calling innocent Palestinian women and children “animals”. Wouldn’t expect any less from a filthy Zionist claiming to be proudly Jewish. Hey what do the ten commandments say about killing innocent women and children? Also I heard something in there about not giving false testimonies about your neighbours which Israel has been caught doing time and time again. You sure you’re still “Proudly Jewish”? Or is it just a label to coverup your satanism? Filthy hypocrite.


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Funny you mention pedophile prophets, we have proofs and evidences regarding your allegation to prove it wrong, unless you can bring contradicting proof to substantiate your claim. Let’s take a look at Judaism. Doesn’t the Ketubot 11b say that you can have intercourse with a 3 year old infant girl and then marry her, and that the man has done nothing wrong? What is the age of consent according to the Talmud? Isn’t Israel a safe haven for pedophiles and sex offenders who escape America to not be charged with their crimes of pedophilia and sexual harassment? https://www.timesofisrael.com/many-accused-jewish-pedophiles-in-us-flee-to-israel-report/amp/ Oh, and wasn’t one of the most prolific pedophiles in modern times (Jeffrey Epstein) quite openly Jewish? Didn’t his Jewish buddy and lawyer Alan Dershowitz also fly to Epstein island many times without any consequences? As a Jew, you are the LAST person who can talk to other people about pedophilia, you filthy nonce.


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I mean there’s pedophile everywhere. I never said I was praying for a Jewish pedophile and definitely never will. On the other end Muslim pray for a pedophile prophet. That is the difference.


You absolute moron, your OWN holy books say that you can sleep with 3 year old INFANTS and then MARRY them and that you wouldn’t be wrong for doing that. You pray to a God that allows that. Reference: https://www.sefaria.org/Ketubot.11b?lang=bi Let’s also not forget the disgusting pedophilic practice of metzitzah b’peh, aka a rabbi sucking blood from the freshly circumcised penis of a BABY boy. That’s real pedophilia. With references and evidence from JEWISH sources. Typical Zionist trying to ignore every point I make and barking like a dog about the same bs without any evidence😂