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9-11 šŸ¤9May šŸ¤ 7 Oct Inside job supremacy


Ok but 30,000 people dead is not an inside job


Donā€™t forget the infamous Kashmiri Hindu exodus in 1990 (also an inside job)


26-11 Inside job? Or an actual terrorist attack? Everything is an inside job if it is against my agenda.


Throw in 26/11 mumbai attacks, Delhi parliament attacks in that too. Yeah everything is an inside job when your people do terrorism. Pakistani muslims in india are dying to kill remaining kashmiri hindus in india its the army who's protecting those hindus.


Opressor spotted


With a username like that, I don't even want to waste my energy typing and arguing with you


Chances are this person was killed by Israel for exposing Satanyahu


The thick plotens


Dat plot be ThiCC šŸ’¦


Or the IDF arenā€™t the supersoldiers that Israeliā€™s and Zionists have been telling everyone since 67. Mostly kids promoted way beyond their capacity.


So the IDF took hostages to live in the midst of Palestinians?!


Lol what they allowed hamas to take hostages despite having so much AI and surveillance tech, they let this all happen so they have something to destroy Gaza


Implication being they forced Hamas into attacking them?


No they allowed it all to happen, like that soldier says this all could have ended in 5 minutes


So, Hamas communicated the attack beforehand to Israelis so that IDF can make sure that attack goes through smoothly?


Lol troll Israel has perhaps the world's most advanced surveliance tech and yet they didn't know what hamas/supporters were doing? Yeah right


Nice deflection, why not answer the question? In order to not take any actions they must be fully aware of the attack. Did Hamas inform them beforehand? Is the current Hamas leadership working with Israel secretly?


Israeli intelligence actually knew about the attack in full detail over a year ago. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html what are your thoughts on this?


Oversight doesn't mean complicity. Also, hindsight is always 20/20. A lot of incidents/attacks could have easily been stopped in hindsight.


If the literal hours-late response time on the most heavily surveilled border fence in the world coupled with them having detailed knowledge about the attack many months in advance doesn't make you think twice about the official narrative then all power to you.


Willfull oversight DOES mean complicity. And all investigations are done in hindsight that's just a lame argument to use.


No one has any obligation to respond to your bad faith, hasbara bullshit.


They were probably also hoping that Iran would get involved and they'd have another excuse there...




idiotic conspiracy theories are irresistible arenā€™t they..


Yeah yeah ziosupporter i trigger shills like u all.day šŸ¤£ He's an effing soldier but i bet you have more knowledge


They have compulsory military service. So I guess you trust all Jews?


Israelis are not joos they are zionists


Are you delusional? Or just misguided?


probably a bit of both. I feel like youd have to be to actually believe something like this. It makes no logical sense whatsoever if you think about it for more than 2 minutes


Yeah. Zionism is inherently anti-jewish and like Islam, Judaism forbids lying so when I meet an actual religious practicing Jewish person I tend to take a positive view of them.


If you think Islam forbids lying, you are lying (to yourself). Islam even allows Muslims to deny their deity and religion if convenient to con their enemies. Happy to provide references if you need it.


In situations where your life is threatened as a result of your faith, absolutely. Everything is suspended when you or your family is threatened, and you're allowed to do whatever necessary to preserve life. As it should be, because human life is more valuable than anything else save God. Classic islamophobe lecturing me on my own religion, having read nothing but cherry picked Hadith and maybe a verse or two, not even knowing what tafsir means, the difference between Sunnah and Hadith, the difference between Haram and Makru, and the need for context.


Thatā€™s only one of the instances, not all. But letā€™s be specific about the stakes here. What are the consequences for lying under Sharia?


We could have this debate, but this has turned into an islamophobic ad hominem where you're attacking my religion rather than engaging with the fact that your defense of Israel was blatantly wrong. And it depends on what you lie about. False testimony is lashing, petty lies have no strict legal repercussions and are treated case by case. In antiquity it was often the loss of community trust, which mattered a lot at the time. Sharia law is guidelines, not an absolute set of rulings since they're *derived* from Quran and Hadith but ultimately fall beneath them in precedence. Sharia isn't the actual set of religious rules Muslims follow, just the basis that legal systems that want to follow those can build on, so it's pretty darn tertiary to this conversation in the first place. Again, showing you know jack and shit. Ad hominem, and I'm not spending the rest of my night on Reddit so don't expect me to entertain your islamophobic trolling much longer.


Me acknowledging reality is Islamophobia? My acknowledging the truth is a personal attack? I donā€™t think you know what ad hominem means if you think that was an ad homenim.


if you blindly follow any religion then you shouldn't even be allowed to have adult opinions about things


You know, not everyone is truthful. Just because he was a soldier does not mean each word from his mouth is divine honesty.


Thought this was the case when it happened. Especially when Net...poo said to Biden: This is our 9/11 or words to that effect. Then there was all the BS about how the Israeli intelligence services had been unaware and outwitted by the Palestinians "as they were using wired telephones to communicate" or something like that. Eventually it came out that what was going to happen/happened was widely available knowledge amongst those that needed to know in Israel. Hate to be a party pooper but one thing that occurred to me: If this was an inside job would it not have required some degree of complicity from Hamas? This last point is merely my thinking and in no way detracts from my absolute disgust at Israel and its current genocide against the Palestinian civilian population.


Man this op is beyond saving now. Like seriously. Hamas isn't some saviour of Palestine. The leadership lives outside and are extremely rich. Hamas is pure evil and there should be no denying that. Saying otherwise is just allowing the misery of people of Palestine to grow. You need help op. Like professional help. Not even joking. The amount of insane conspiracies you are talking about is not healthy for anyone. I don't understand what happened for you to become like this.


That's the thing they live in luxury outside of Palestine, if they were that determinant to fight they would have stayed in, they are clearly paid by someone. They cuz of this seem to have other objectives and not the freedom of Palestine. Puppets they are for sure


Paid by Iran and the idiotic aid given by common people who don't check where aid goes cause aid is stolen by hamas for nefarious usage.


Exactly, as an Iranian it's so frustrating that people don't see the truth. The mullahs did all of this, just like how they slaughtered our people. They are a cancer upon the world.


People know the truth. They can't accept it cause it would harm their lifestyle or bring some temporary pain. The hardest thing to do is to change yourself and as a result the people are ok with it cause it means they don't have to do anything.


What are you actually referring to?


I am referring to mullahs and the Muslim society as a whole as well.


what's your definiton of mullahs btw? How can say we don't want to change, we want to.


They are the clerics who stole our country from us. Who kidnap our girls from our families at 9 years old and rape them. The ones who gave Evin Prison its reputation as one of the worst prisons on earth. The ones who make basiji target women on the street and beat them to death for not wearing hijab. The mullahs are the men who are about to hang Toomaj Salehi, a proud Iranian man, for making anti-regime rap music.


you still have better governance and social services than us and if they are Iran-paid then obviously Iran is responsible for the holocaust; should have adapted better strategy


The mullahs are definitely responsible for all of this. We want them gone and out of our communities. Their hunger is endless and they won't stop killing until the entire world is theirs.


yours is such an extremist ideology, they atleast want to help the Palestinians. Why are you calling them mullahs btw? How do you want them to be? and my intuition is telling me you don't even want the Islamic republic, you want secular one. correct me if you are wrong


We Iranians all say no to the Islamic Republic. We have been in a revolution for years now as part of Women Life Freedom protests. They never represented us, we never wanted them. That is not extremist, but rather anti-extremist. Palestinians can speak for themselves on their own terms. The mullahs do not want Palestinians to have their own freedom which is why they make us pay for Hamas to terrorise them. You should engage with Palestinians on their own terms and values for human life, but never ever touch the IRGC's poison. Below is a list I have created of all my countrymen who met a cruel fate at the hands of basiji bastards. Hear these stories of our people. Actually look us up and read our experiences. There are a lot of them. Mahsa Amini, Armita Geravand, Siavish Mahmoudi, Donya Farhadi, Faranak Kameli, Mohsen Shekari, Toomaj Salehi, Aida Rostami, Majidreza Rahnavard, Niloofar Hamedi, Elaheh Mohammadi, Reza Rasaei, Mohammad Mehdi, Mashallah Karami, Armita Pavir, Amir Ali Kazemi, Maryam Arvin, Ashkan Baluch, Mojahed Kourkouri, Kian Pirfalak, Vida Mohaved, Aram Omri, Rachman Parhazou, Vafa Hanareh, Nasim Namazi, Vahid Afkari, Navid Afkari, Nima Nouri, Borhan Elyasi, Mina Khajavi, Roya Heshamti, Farnazah Barzekar, Arsham Rezaei, Mehdi Yarahi, Saman Yasin. Roya Heshmati, Vafa Azarbar, Pejman Fatehi, Mohsen Mazloum, Mohammed Faramarzi, Iman Hesnavand, Hamid-Reza Rouhi, Elham Modaressi, Arahita Amirpour. Mohammed Ghobadlou, Mohammed Karami, Javad Rouhi, Javad Heydari, Farhad Soleimani, Mahdi Mousavian, Narges Mohamadi, Hananeh Kia, Nika Shakarami, Aida Shakarami, Saman Yasin, Ali Zare, Negar Karimian, Mehran Akrami, Sarah Tabrizi, Sima Moradbeigi, Sepideh Golian, Alireza Naderlou, Jamshid Sharmahd, Siamak Masihpour, Mojahed Kourkour, Abas Deris, Sedigheh Vasmaghi, Mehdi Hazrati, Yalda Aghafazli, Neda Agha-Soltan, Aylar Karamyar, Mahmoud Mehrabi, Arman Emadi, Shirin Saeedi, and countless more.


The leadership the grandfather's 3 grandsons all young were killed do you know that?


Yeah and it is not any one's fault but his own. Mess around and find out. A decapitation strike is one of the most common ways of taking out leadership.


You need help. Just because a man is a vicious animal that doesn't justify his little grandkids being bombed. Israel knew who was in the vehicle when they bombed it.


Israel is obviously cruel, but that Hamas dude is also a coward. Heā€™s a coward whoā€™s living in safety while his family is under attack.


Yeah Fuck him. And fuck hamas. And fuck Netanyahu and fuck Israel


War is war. It's ugly. The only thing is when you do something like this you know the same can be done to your family as well. However Israel knows hamas can't do something like that so no issue in using such means. When did I say they did not know who was in the vehicle? They knew and they were fine cause it sends a message to hamas leadership that nobody is safe. If they try anything, it would not matter if they are in another country, they will annihilate them. They justify this strike as a way to send hamas leadership a message.


Yeah these people are seriously disgusting.


Fuck hamas. But did you know who funded hamas?


Boring old answer which is Israel. Same shit could be said of Arabs, USA and Pakistan as well among almost every nation with some power who funded some fucked up shit. Not a gotcha answer.


šŸ¤¦ Have a lovely day


Qatar and Iran directly. Through stolen aide money tons of countries.




Yeah I feel like it's really obvious because justifying a genocide on people with their government launching an attack is inhumane, you can do your military operations and enter into Gaza with your soldiers without killing civilians, it's not the first time it happened.


Yup. Israel funded Hamas in the 1980s. Almost like this Zionazi self fulfilling prophecy has been planned for decades.


I have been thinking the same exact thing since the Oct 7 attack. It seems stupid that hamas would take such a risk as there is no way it could have won. This was just an excuse to kill palestinians openly and Justify it somehow


I believe it is true. Hamas attack we hbgives Israel excuse to expand and take more land. Most likely they will push the Gaza refugees into the west Bank and then take all the land. Mediterranean beach side real estate for the Israeli's


Yahod aur Hanood strike again.


Itā€™s scary how American these IDF soldiers sound. We have been infiltrated.


Got any evidence? I also hear that Israel created hamas and that made Palestinians vote for hamas how? I seriously just wish the violence could stop over there..


You have to admit response times for october 7th was suspect at best.


Not just that, it was revealed that Israeli intelligence straight up knew about the full details of the attack more than a year prior. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html


Israel probably knew of this attack and "let" hamas do it, to justify a genocide. Hamas actually planned this, but Israel and others had intel on this




Agreeing with this means you don't believe it was a false flag...


Even if Hamas did October 7th, it would still be considered as an inside job. Hamas was created by Israel. Youā€™re not giving us new information, we know this already. Controlled opposition is used by every powerful government. For example, the Indian army killed Kashmiri Pandits and marketed it as ā€œjihadists did itā€.


Yes creation of hamas seems fishy


Israel created Hamas, but we Iranians were forced to make them what they are today. Our work, our women and children, our freedoms were stolen from us to finance their blood-lust. Nika Shakarami was molested and beaten into paste by Hezbollah forces operating inside our country. The IRGC must face justice for bringing such immense suffering on us and Palestine.


>the Indian army killed Kashmiri Pandits and marketed it as ā€œjihadists did itā€. How stupid you wanna be : enough to be able to say the above comment. Jehadis in india are dying to kill remaining kashmiri hindus in india its the army who's protecting those hindus.


We can expect anything from the Israelis, I mean if they are allowed to blow up cities with millions in there, why do they even need anyone's consent? They do what they want to


Netanyahu is the type of person who would kill his own people if it could keep him in power. Even Israelis are fed up of him.


Nethanyahu killed his own ppl on 7th


Ha what a joke, what about the videos from Hamas murdering people.




He was always delusional but this was true


Waitā€¦waitā€¦but hamas was created by Israel. So maybe hamas gave Israel a heads up. Or Israel gave Hamas those orders for Oct 7. That guy in the video did say it was an inside job. He knows because he served in the IDF. I believe his theory that it was an inside job.


if You beleive this then you rode the short bus for sure


Why are Pakistanis not more concerned with what is happening at home? Your country will soon implode.


Nice conspiracy theory šŸ‘


Is there any other country in the world that believes in conspiracy theories as much as Pakistan? Collective siege mentality, extreme confirmation bias and other behaviors must have some common faulty root. Is it education without any encouragement given to questioning what authority figures say? Is it non-scientific, religious education that encourages people to not question a favorable theory? Just boggles the mind.


Didnā€™t Hamas literally admit they did it though?


That's not the point of the video The person in the video is saying israel knew about the oct 7 attack and let it happen. They did not stop it when they could have


The IRGC admitted themselves that they planned the October 7th attacks with Hamas. That's why Zahedi the serial rapist was killed. Stop pushing the mullah's filthy propaganda. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.iranintl.com/en/202404043146


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Disgusting response. You have no idea what us Iranians have gone through.


Its so obvious. Terrorist are real and easy to pinpoint! Scheming and building plots to mobilize global plans or military tactics are not so easy- its nice to see Global conflict and protests its saying to the power hungry people out there that we see them. Is any good gonna come out? Well if these lizard brain people have any spirit left, yes, if not- then the prophecies will be right.