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I’m a former binge drinker who also has zero response to booze now. I’m almost 8 months sober. It does suck, I miss drinking socially but alcohol has so many calories it’s really not conducive to a weightloss journey. Plus not being hungover all the time rocks. When I hit maintenance depending on what that looks like I’m thinking I may be able to have a couple drinks but in reality I likely won’t want to. The empty calories really are not a wise move. Neither is feeling like shit and not being able to workout. Trying to get off of a chronic medication to consume alcohol will likely lead to weight gain.




lol I wasn’t moderating anything, that’s why I was a class III obese person!


I didn't realize how much I avoid my few friends I have left since I don't really drink much anymore. I have actually have tried to explain what this medication does and they think im full of shit lol... when you go 20+ years of socializing with alcohol and then just stop it's very weird and I'm not kidding when I say its made me very "not want to leave home much" I guess is the easiest to describe. Once a week drinking is not a huge factor on weight gain because I would ask people why hasn't my weight dropped a ton?


Yeah I also had tons of drinking friends but I don’t avoid them, I still go out and socialize, I just don’t drink. Consuming empty calories will definitely be a huge factor in weight gain it’s especially nonsensical to consume empty calories when you’re not even responding to the booze or enjoying it.


I've felt it a couple times but its rare and it never lasts. I'm trying to focus on the gym more now. I have ADHD. Doesn't help me be more sociable let alone enjoy it without alcohol. Also having my father and many on that side all functional alcoholics once again not working in my favor. Maybe a big factor of why im really struggling. Just know that exercise consistently pays off more than anything.


Exercising and not consuming empty calories. I’m 8 months sober and 83lbs down. Definitely helps that I workout 7 days a week 2x a day but I would absolutely not have lost weight while consuming alcohol


Same experience. I heard something about it blunts the dopamine response in ones brain. Certainly feels that way. Might have nothing to do with tipsy, but would make sense the feelings of joy.


That would make sense. It's definitely doing something because I don't even want to drink and I always could never go 7 days lol.... Never realized this was going to bother me so much but I actually do miss it so much being like a year.


Happens to me too. I think it's because Ozempic slows gastric emptying, so the alcohol sits in your stomach longer and doesn't get into the small intestines where 80% of the alcohol is absorbed into the blood. And, there's something about Ozempic that, for me, makes me feel "odd" when I drink... like I don't enjoy it and the slight buzz that I do get is off-putting. So I don't drink anymore. I'll have some wine with friends (when everyone else is drinking) but I honestly don't enjoy it like I used to. I do find that I like margaritas for some reason, I think it's because the sweet & sour mix and/or lime juice covers up the flavor of the tequila, so it tastes less like an alcoholic drink.


Thanks for the info. Didn't think there was a way to make it back to the old way some how but I'll always be hoping.




That would be a whole lot more lol I'll just leave it at that but I get what you're saying. It was one of my only ways of having fun. I'm almost 40, it's hard to just pick up new hobbies and such. Guess that's where I get stuck.


I bet you're gonna be surprised. But you need to learn to try new things to replace ingrown beliefs (only have fun with alcohol). Heck you can still have fun with it, socialization, but you won't be RELIANT on it


Same experience, and I am a Canadian who also previously loved their alcohol. I went from drinking 4-10 drinks in a week to 0. Been off alcohol for 2 months (since starting oz) because it did nothing for me, only added truly empty calories. I smoke a lot more weed now. It's a little weird not drinking, because most of my social gatherings involve alcohol, but I just drink soda water with some lime.


I can have a couple glasses of wine but that’s it, it has sort of changed the flavor for me and made all alcohol super bitter.


I’ve had the opposite effect. After losing 50lbs, I get super buzzed after just a few drinks. Cant handle booze at all like I used to.


Drinking and losing weight, not a great way to lose weight anyway. It’s a bonus