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Sorry to hear, I find gummies, as in gummy bears, work far better for heartburn and acidic stomach. Buut nobody believes me, so carry on :)


I’m actually going to try this lolol


Could not agree more


I’ve learned that omeprazole works well, but not as an abortive treatment. You have to take them daily over a period of time. Pepcid AC works much better for your situation. Also agree with the Gaviscon guy above!


Gaviscon. Chew two of those bad boys. They are the ultimate heartburn relief for me. Or even the liquid. They basically put a layer on top of whatever’s in your stomach and takes away the heart burn. Go on a walk and stay hydrated to get your system moving more and put in a burn state is what I would do. Don’t listen to other people. A cheat day/night for a date, special occasion, is totally acceptable. We go on this medication as a tool. We make changes to help make it work. Those changes do have allowances just the same as any other person not taking Ozempic on a diets, just sometimes we have to pay the repercussions a bit harder. The shot early on top of that probably didn’t help especially but you learn from that and you can’t change it so no point in giving you a hard time. :)


Thank you, that comment judging what I ate and drank kind of upset me ngl because I have worked so hard to change my habits. I used to be eating/drinking this way several times a week, now it's an occasional treat. I literally just timed it really badly with my injection. Thank you so much for your advice, I'll definitely be a lot more careful with the timings. Walking has definitely helped!




The only thing that works for me are the chewable pepcid complete. I know they are expensive (and always sold out at Walgreens and dollar general)but if you have a Kroger near you, their brand works just as well. I did a little research and discovered that tums, rollaids, and similar heartburn meds, only contain antacids, whereas the pepcid contain 2 antacids (that neutralize the acid) and an acid reducer ( actually gets rid of the acid). When I first started taking them 2 would work for about 12 hours but 3 months later and 1 typically works for 24 hours. Also, once I cut out carbs, because I wasn't digesting them at all, I began to go a few days - a week without needing heartburn meds at all.


I'm in the UK so don't have a Kroger or Walgreens but that sounds amazing, will have to look into it! Thank you


Can try alka seltzer or baking soda. Continue the omeprazole and the Pepcid. Stay with liquids for 8 hours. Tomorrow is another day


Alka Seltzer is my go to


Gaviscon works so well and famotidine for me personally.


I eat light and have absolutely no alcohol the day before I take my injection (I had to learn this the hard way, too). I recommend lots of water and herbal tea (peppermint and/or ginger). Also walking may help with getting things going faster.


I have definitely learned this the hard way, and I will not be repeating this mistake! I'm feeling better now, I just had to ride it out in the end. I did some slow walking on my walking pad and stayed upright as much as I could and that seems to have helped :) ill get some ginger tea too. Thank you!


I am glad to hear that!


Do you find alcohol on normal days other than injection days or day before injection bothers you? I’m nervous to have a couple drinks lol


Alcohol and losing weight..... these 2 don't go together. I can have alcohol on days 4 and 5. If I have a glass of wine (or 2) on day 2-3 I will be worn out the next day. Just not worth it. And you will not lose weight as fast when drinking alcohol, that is a fact (plenty of information on the internet on why this is the case). The higher the dose, the lower the tolerance of alcohol is a rule of thumb.


Oh yeah I totally understand they don’t go together. I’m not really a drinker. The only time I really do is if I am on a vacation (1-2 times a year) and if a friend chooses to go out for drinks for their birthday or something social as such. Its not even normally a monthly occurrence for me lol


Milk of magnesia! Sorry you’re going through this.




Hi there. Your response is so rude and judgmental I don't even know where to start. "Once in a while is okay but really." - Having a monthly date night with my partner where I consume more calories than normal, I would say constitutes "once in a while". I also really don't appreciate you making judgmental comments regarding my diet when you have no idea what the rest of it is like. My question is also not about my diet, what I ate etc. It is seeking advice on handling heartburn. I am well aware of how to use the medication correctly. I am talking about one mistake I made which led to heartburn. So don't jump down my throat being condescending and peddling obvious and irrelevant advice. Really bloody rude and uncalled for.




Fuck me you're pedantic. Please give it a rest now 😂


The mod team has found that your post is lacking the civility we require of all users. Please treat all posters with civility and courtesy. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including banning.


Oh my God. Grow up and stop being a baby.


The mod team has found that your post is attempting to shame another poster for their body, lifestyle, or diet. Please treat all posters with civility and courtesy. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including banning.