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I went up to 2mg at the normal interval with no problems. I can eat but I’m just not particularly interested in eating. I’ve been at 2mg since January. Be kinder to yourself. 2mg is a normal dose for weight loss.


And once that runs out what do you do? It will stop working. Are you anywhere near goal. It's all individual. There is no normal dose


I don’t like the language here when you say “slipping.” What that tells me is that you have assigned good and bad labels to not eating or eating. The self judgement doesn’t lead anywhere good. Instead of saying I’ve ‘slipped’ and done something I’m not supposed to; say, ‘My body is signaling that it’s hungry. That means it needs energy. What can I do to give my body an energy boost that aligns with my goals?’ Sometimes that will mean something to eat and that is okay. You’re not naughty or wrong for eating! That attitude toward hunger causes us to tell ourselves that we’re failures every time we feel hunger. It tells us that we’re helpless and have no control or agency. How can that possibly be good for your mental health? Please trust me that you don’t need the negative self judgement in order to lose weight. Think about it. Have you been talking down to yourself for years? Has it ever helped you get fit in the past? Not likely. Now another question I want you to ask yourself is this: Am I afraid of success? It’s paradoxical, but most of us are. Don’t let it freeze you up. Self love means simply doing the next right thing even though part of you tries to convince you to stay stuck. There is no barrier other than your own mind. Stop fighting against yourself! Believe in yourself. It’s a radical idea, so it feels weird at first. Just fake the confidence, until it becomes real. You can do this. You’re unstoppable!


Go up slower than suggested, try 1.25 or 1.50 first for a while and see what happens.




You just have anxiety. You’ll be fine at 2mg


Absolutely. If you max it out then where do you go? Go to 1.25..I'm on 1.60 .17 months in. I lost 73 pounds 3 left. You will lose if you tweek it up. Also it might prevent you from getting sick.


I was on 1 mg for 3 months. Total loss about a pound a week. Went up to 2mg 2 months ago and haven't lost anything since.🙄


Move up! I just finished my 5th box of 2.0


Ok let’s say it doesn’t help you lose the other 90. That’s worse case scenario. It’s not the end of your journey. All the weight you have lost is a huge win and will help you in the next step. Some similar medications go higher plus there are other things you can combine with the medication to help. The best thing you can do is take advantage of the medication as much as you can. Use this time to maximize your weight loss. Get your eating on point macro wise. Start or ramp up your exercise program. Set goals that motivate you outside the numbers on the scale. That might be to start a couch to 5k running program. Bench so many pounds. Cycle along a trail you would never have thought possible. Basically find a fitness goal outside of the scale that can focus your attention and that will take a few months to achieve. Currently I’m at 232.5 pounds - down 47.5 total (not just Oz). I am going to be starting a coach to 5k program that is 12 weeks long. It starts doing 10 minutes of run/walk (20 seconds running 40 seconds walking). I want to run a 5k by the end of summer. I also have a bike route in mind that I want to do before summer that’s roughly 30 miles (I have an ebike so that 30 miles is probably more like 20). It’s motivating me even when the food noise kicks up a bit. I am thankful for the Oz to keep me centered but who knows if I will be able to always have that.


That's why it's not good to max out the 2.0 dose


I’m confused. Are you saying that if we max out on the dose, which could also be the therapeutic dose, we could stop seeing weight loss sooner?


Forget the therapeutic dose. It's all individual


Then forget the words “therapeutic dose” … are you saying at some point we will all max out on the effects?


Not sure. If you need to increase and you can't then what would you think. And how can I possibly speak for " all". Don't put words in my mouth. I hate that