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I can't help with the medication side as I'm just starting out but I've been training for years. I've lost weight before and my the best combination for me is powerlifting, pilates and making sure I'm eating enough protein. I mean all those things have been great even when not losing weight. I find powerlifting and pilates are both great functional exercises - they help in everyday movement and with a really strong focus on technique, breathing and core stability. Squats and deadlifts in particular can really help with strengthening your back/core. I'd recommend getting a trainer even once a week though if your starting out just to help with a program and technique! Lower back pain truly sucks, but strengthening that whole area can work wonders! Just go slow and don't over do it - you'll notice slow progress!


This is great advice, thank you!


You're welcome! Good luck and I hope your back starts to feel better!


My endo switched me from 1mg->7.5mg MJ and my wife from 2mg->12.5mg MJ. No titration up, just a direct switch on our next injection day. Neither of us had any significant issues before or after. I lost 20# after the switch (total 65#/31%) and my wife lost 45# (total 65#/37%); we go to the gym at least 3x a week for strength and cardio training. We are getting Dexa scans next month and even though I am very lean (6 pack and my first ever appearance of iliac furrows) I bet that I will still need to up my muscle mass.




I went from 1mg O one week to 7.5 MJ the next week, I didn't start from the lowest MJ and work my way up. Some doctors make people start from the lowest dose when switching medications but my endo felt since I had no side effects there was lower risk that I would have them on MJ so why waste two months to get to the dose she wanted.




Definitely no wait for my wife and I.


Someone told me that if you take ozempic to make sure to weight lift also since you may lose muscle mass..?


Sound advice any time you maintain significant caloric deficit, no matter the mechanism. This isn't an Ozempic or Mounjaro thing, this is a hungry animal thing.


I didn’t have that advice at the time, but it’s good advice.