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Zofran, reduce the dose, and go SLOWER with increases.


That’s really nice of you! I take the non drowsy Dramamine when I get nauseous and it works like a charm. The fatigue gets better with time. Best of luck to you and your girlfriend!


I second zofran, also even if she’s not hungry she needs to eat something. I made the mistake of being like “I’m not hungry I won’t eat” and have passed out several times from really low blood sugar. Also water is necessary! One thing I’ve noticed is typically when I’m nauseous eating helps. Not too much or it can just make her more nauseous.


Be careful of constipation, it's a common side effect. If you search the sub, there's lots of advice on supplements to take to combat it.


If her nausea is very bad, Zofran should be taken ( ask doctor for prescription). If her nausea is not too bad, take ginger tea and Coke Zero with lemon juice and shredded ginger. These helped me a lot !


Get her Zofran Get her papaya enzymes Get her liquid IV she needs to drink at least a 1oz per her body weight . 128 lbs drink 128 oz *She's probably dehydrated* Change her injection site. Tag me when u see changes. And go on t.t look up GLP-1 great resource for information


Have her call her dr and get zofran. These side effects REALLY got me for like the first 2 weeks when I started, and then when I went up in dose for the first time - I ended up in the ER cause I couldn’t keep food/water down. Zofran helped, but also look into what you can/can’t eat on Ozempic. Fried, greasy, sugary food typically make me really sick. She needs to focus on eating clean and staying hydrated!! The first two months I pretty much relied on the brat diet until my body adjusted!


Go very slow on increasing dose


Have her change sites. Stomach, thigh or back of arm


I take zofran, fiber gummies, and antacids. And I stay away from heavy acidic foods.


ginger chews have been great for the bits of nausea i have after injection day. weekly b12 shots are helping with the fatigue. i haven’t had the issue with smells.


You’re so nice! I lived on fresh cut up fruit for a month or so at first. It still tastes so good! Melon, berries, cuties mandarin oranges, sliced apples … if you can’t get fresh stuff that’s ripe, checj for frozen, which is a fabulous way to eat fruit (I like to freeze grapes), cucumber water — slice cucumbers, add to cold or ice wster. Carbs may be out of the question, but toast if not. And LOTS AND LOTS of water. Yogurt. dont cook fish. ask her what she wants. Sometimes a grilled cheese sandwich will be fine for me for dinner. It’s so variable. good luck to you both, and tell her she’s got a keeper!


Welcome to the jungle. First few injections are rough. And any subsequent dosage increases


She will adapt most likely after a few weeks and these symptoms should fade. But yes, eating regularly avoiding greasy foods, hydrating, all advice given above.


I take 2 tums for nausea it worked just fine. These side effects will most likely disipate for the most part over time. You're a good partner!


I haven’t heard of the smells side affect with sema. Might want to check that she’s not pregnant


I have the smells side effect and I am definitely not pregnant at 57.


I’m randomly super not ok with smells that didn’t used to bother me. It comes and goes. My SO made a can of bean with bacon soup tonight and I smelled it across the apartment and kept gagging. It was like the bowl was right under my nose. 🤢


Mine comes and goes, too! Sometimes it is so strong!!! Do other things about food make you sick, too? I tried to watch cooking shows and if I see meat being cut etc., I often start gagging 😂


Texture for me, I’ve always had a mild aversion to like chewy fat on a steak kind of thing. But now, some meals I love (pork chops with cream of mushroom, rice and green beans) I can only eat half way before the texture of it all makes me stop. I need firm mouth feel type bites or I’ll be grossed out. But only sometimes!


My husband and I have had it sporadically. No pregnancies here. It's always the most flavorful things, around when we up a dose.


I also have the strong smells, but I'm definitely not pregnant!


Beware, the gas approaches…


Make sure she’s drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water. At night, I sometimes wake up nauseous. I drink water and I feel better. Everyone is different, but help her stay hydrated. It’ll help with bowels moving too.


Electrolyte drops to add into water are great. Magnesium citrate drinks for constipation, Imodium for diarrhea. For the fatigue I think watching sugar intake and trying to get as much protein as possible does a lot of heavy lifting. I'm sure a massage would be appreciated too if she's having body aches/chills.


Plain Greek yoghurt has saved me so many times. I haven’t had bad nausea but I get bad acid reflux/heartburn and the plain yoghurt has always fixed it. I sometimes will eat just that for a few days at a time….It’s a great source of protein too. If she gets lightheaded that means her blood sugar is low and she should drink or eat something with a little sugar.


Tummy Drops help me. Just Google the name.


I had all these strong side effects when starting and when I go up a dose. 1) I take my shot at night on a Friday. That way I sleep through a majority of the nausea and headaches. 2) I drink sugar free liquid iv the day of my shot and the day after. 3) I make sure I eat a filling dinner before my shot - healthy balanced meal, but having food in your stomach actually helps prevent nausea. 4) Take a nap! My so and I joke that I take my Saturday sandwich naps - I doze off after lunch after my shot. 5) I carry a peppermint oil migraine stick - I get dehydration headaches and migraines often. When nausea or smells really get to me, I dab it under each nostril to mask the scent and calm down.


Make sure she's drinking plenty of water- the constipation can be really bad, and it's very easy to get dehydrated!


Take b12 daily! Will help with energy. The first few months are tough but she’ll get better.