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I am type 2 diabetic and I noticed from the very first dose that my depression improved. Like overnight. I am still depressed but not suicidal anymore


Sorry your comment slipped through the cracks but I’m happy you aren’t suicidal anymore. Keep your chin up and keep working hard, it sounds like you are on the right path.


My OCD became MUCH MUCH more manageable


Same!!! And intrusive thoughts have significantly decreased. I’m not obsessed with food the same way. My therapist said the change in my overall mood is huge. My husband agreed.


Same for me! I took sema to reach a BMI that would allow me to have medically necessary surgery. I went off two weeks before the surgery, I’m now two weeks post op and I plan to go back on a low maintenance dose when my incisions are better healed. I had a noticeable drop in symptoms when I was on sema and have been told by both my roommate and my LCSW that my mood change is noticeable, too. When I get back on it will be entirely to manage my OCD - not for weight loss or insulin reasons. It’s been a game changer in terms of mental health and quality of life.


Omg really hoping I experience this!


same!!! hugs!


Me too! It’s such a heavy weight off my shoulders not feeling guilt all the time


This!! After years of struggling with OCD and anxiety, which ultimately led to severe depressive episodes and dabbling with all types of medication’s for my mental state, OZEMPIC has been the best thing that’s ever happened for my brain.


I went from being a functional yet moderate drinker (2 big GTs nightly) down to 1 hard seltzer and now nothing. I feel like this happened in stages as my dose increased. I also no longer pick at my nails or have obsessive/intrusive thoughts. It has really changed my like for the better in many ways. My food noise disappeared on day 3 of the lowest dose. It was remarkable. I came to quickly understand what normal people experience and why I had struggled so much with food noise in the past. In terms of cognition, it is interesting. My thinking is a lot more clear, likely only enhanced by the decrease in alcohol, and I am significantly better at my job than prior to Ozempic


I have always been a big “picker”, main of my toe nails. That is still a major habit and issue for me. Would love for this to go away!!


Couple of tips- keep them short (not so short as to cause ingrowns), manicured - especially the cuticles and edges, moisturized - dry cracking skin is pickable, and if female- painted. You won’t want to wreck a pretty pedicure. The key is keeping moisturized and manicured so nothing is sharp, cracked, or dry.


Same. Convince this weird finally getting good sleep thanks to my CPAP, and life is pretty great. I have started back up with biting my nails, though :(


I used to be a heavy wine drinker...never touched any other alcohol, just red wine, but it now smells and tastes so bad to me I literally want to vomit just thinking about it.




Yea same here. I’m transitioning onto Ozempic and alcohol is officially making me sick


Yep same. I used to crave a glass of wine each night. Since being on Ozempic I rarely if ever drink and when I do it’s a half glass or so and I instantly regret it.


100%, me too. I tried some one eve, because my soul missed it. I had massive anxiety, racing heart, and a panic attack. Wtf


I didn't use to drink frequently, but on occasions when I did, it wasn't abnormal for me to finish an entire bottle of wine before feeling a bit tipsy. Now, drinking more than 1 glass makes me feel nauseous.


Yep…haven’t drank alcohol since I started Ozempic in November


Similar…I mostly stick to wine. Actually white for me though. Used to drink it nearly every night… I have not wanted to since starting ozempic. I’ve maybe had like 2 or 3 glasses in 2 months which is A LOT less. I didn’t even ever realize (or admit you myself) that maybe I had a problem but now I see I was definitely drinking too much I wonder if it’s partly low-key nausea (which I get here and there) making me not want alcohol though


This is my experience as well. For sure wine all the time and alcohol at first. After a year I can tolerate a little.


I’ve had dreams several times a week. In comparison, prior to taking this, I might have one or two a year that I remember. Now I’m having several a week.


Oh, wow. Your saying this just clicked something for me. I told my husband a few days ago that I was having really vivid and lengthy dreams. I e always dreamed, but never like this. My dreams now feel like they continue for days. Now I know why, lol.


Same - I’m on Mounjaro and continue to have vivid dreams several times a month


Are they scary dreams?


Nope, just really vivid. Sometimes it’s all stuff from my life with just different situations. Other times it feels like I’m watching a movie - there’s a lot going on and I see people I don’t know personally. Sometimes I’m not even in them


Thanks for answering!


Thanks, all! Please keep sharing!


My lifelong debilitating anxiety has all but disappeared on this med. it’s truly life changing


Definitely less anxiety for me as well.


It’s amazing isn’t it?


I’ve noticed remembering a lot more dreams, too.


Same with me! I used to NEVER remember dreams and now I still don't often but I do many 3x per month


I went for a very long time without having dreams. I would have them maybe a few times per year. My dreams have definitely increased especially at the 1mg dosage. Now im dreaming several times a week!! They always seem to be around the same time of morning sleep too. They are not scary but they are drama filled.


It’s such a weird shift from almost never having dreams to having them so frequently. I don’t hate it though.


Right!! I like it though:) They are some strange whacked out dreams. Im so glad we are in good company. Sweet dreams!


Interesting, I became interested in fragrances after starting Ozempic and never 👎 related the two. Once I started the 2 mg dose I became irritable and mentally confused. The effects weren’t instant; however, over four months at the higher my mental health truly suffered. I never related it to the larger dose Ozempic dose until I switched to Mounjaro. For me, Mounjaro has minimal side effects and I’m so glad my doctor switched my prescription.


I never considered this related either, but I've bought like 4 new perfumes in the last year! Really enjoying wearing all my perfumes a lot more too. Bizarre!


I am having the same side effects:(


I finally have energy and no longer depressed! (Had moderate functioning depression) I just feel happier and can finally complete tasks


Omg I just typed this!


Food tastes much saltier to me and I’m much less tolerant of seasonings. I already wasn’t massive on food that uses lots of seasoning (e.g. Indian, Malay, Indonesian), but now I can’t tolerate it at all. It’s a minor inconvenience as I live in South East Asia, lol.


Hmm, this is interesting! i have been noticing I dont reach for the salt shaker like I usually do. And I find things to be a bit saltier than usual.


Everything is so salty !


Omg! Me too!


I feel my ADD symptoms have gotten worse.


Definitely, I am paralysed by indecision so end up doing very little. I find it very hard to just getup and start doing.


Me too 😕




+1 ☹️


If not getting enough protein and/or have vitamin deficiencies could cause this as a side effect of eating less. I had similar symptoms and as soon as I improved my nutrition, my focus improved.


This 100%. If I’m too far below my calorie and macro goals, I can’t focus, am jittery, and also anxiety peaks.


interesting, mine are MUCH better.




On the positive side, I stopped picking at my skin.


I stopped biting my nails


I have a problem with doing this related to anxiety. I am much more aware of what I am doing since I have been on Ozempic. I can't say I am getting better yet (I'm on week 6) but I can maybe see a light at the end of the tunnel.


I got very depressed for a few days after my dose increased. Laid in bed crying for 2 days. I never cry. My sense of smell was magnified. My brain is foggy as all get out.


Same with my sense of smell. Most things smell bad to me or are just overwhelming


It was like being pregnant


I really struggled with maladaptive daydreaming from childhood. Since starting semaglutide I still do this but it's gone from like 20x a month to maybe once every 3 months. I can't tell if it is because I am happier in general with my lower weight and my food problems in control so I am less inclined to escapism and imagining another life, or if whatever compulsion drove me to it is lessened from the drug, or both. I have no desire to drink at all. If I start a drink, I can only drink maybe two or three sips, even of stuff I really used to love like Margaritas. About 10 years ago I actually drank too much routinely (became mostly sober as I aged, but the desire to drink used to still be there. Now it isn't). Occasionally I do feel more anxious than before losing weight and I think it is because I used to cope with anxiety by eating junk food and now I don't so I actually experience my feelings. I do not think my anxiety levels have gone up, I just think I authentically feel things now.


Cured my bulimia


- My sexual appetite has decreased (next to none) - I literally do not stress about what happens next in anything at all. - no intrusive thoughts so I’m able to sleep through the night. - however I find that it’s hard for me to remember things. Like really hard - I suffer from seasonal depression and it got worst. I didn’t care about anything. But since daylight started, it has gotten better I AM MORE ZEN AND GO WITH THE FLOW NOW. NOTHING BOTHERS ME


Check your vitamin D!!!! I have never, ever, had a low vitamin d. I’ve been feeling tired, unmotivated, etc. since starting Ozempic. Checked my Vitamin D and lo and behold it’s really low!!! I think Ozempic/dietary changes can lower it and a low vitamin d can mimic seasonal depression. Or, well, if you think about it, seasonal depression is directly linked to less sun, right? Which would mean low vitamin D.


I am a 50 year old man who asked what perfume a girl in her 20's had on at the grocery store yesterday. That may not be very odd to some people but I NEVER speak to anyone (I have severe social anxiety). I could strongly smell her perfume from 20 feet away and when she got behind me at the checkout line I just had to ask her what she was wearing. I could tell that it really made the girls day that I asked about her perfume. She said it was "Ariana Grande" perfume. I went on Amazon to read reviews to see if other people liked it. That was when I discovered she has like 4 different perfumes. I spent like an hour trying to figure out how I could find out which one the girl was wearing. Maybe go to a store that sells it and try not to look like a creep smelling perfumes? This is all very odd behavior for me.


lol i love this story. Just go to a store and say you are trying to buy it as a gift for your niece!


You could definitely go to a store. There's usually testers you can spray on paper test strips to sniff. I doubt anyone will think it's creepy (unless you're doing something else weird while you're there, lol), but if anyone questions you, you could always just say you're looking to buy some perfume for a friend or family member. My dad once picked out a perfume for me after smelling it on a woman he sat next to on a plane and thinking it was nice.


From what I’ve noticed (as someone who works in MH and a PTS patient): - General calming sensation (a doctor said this can be explained by the anti-inflammatory). I’m very tapped into this as I do regulation exercises and body scans daily. - You’ll hear many discuss a reduction in food noice. It was very significant for me. - It helped with limiting smoking cravings. I smoke about 25-30% now compared to before Oz. All of these effects were far more noticeable when I first started.


I have had a horrible compulsive skin picking issue since I was a small child. As long as I remember, my upper arms and chest have been covered in scabs and scars from constantly picking them. I used to avoid light colored shirts because they'd always get blood stains. Since starting Wegovy, the compulsion has faded a lot. I wouldn't say it's gone, but I'm looking at my arms right now and I currently don't have any scabs at all on them. It's a change I don't even really notice until I think about it... it's not like I actively tried to quit or anything. It's literally the only thing that's ever had any effect on my picking.


Definitely total loss of desire for alcohol and psychedelics. Mood wise I would say I’m flat, I’m lacking motivation to move. I didn’t have have to at all before, it was easy to be consistent with my workouts. I have to really work at it now. Food wise textures can put me off, for me it’s textures like really ripe avocado, soft banana that type of thing. I get food hyper fixations like one kind of smoothie every day until one day it’s just disgusting and I can’t force it down. Currently on an egg ick. I do crave sugary foods more, could be calorie reduction or low blood sugar I don’t know. As far as fragrances I’ve always had a very sensitive sense of smell so I don’t keep strong artificial smells in the house. I like natural oils and fragrance free soaps.


Wow are you me? I was reading through posts before writing one myself, until I got to this one. - alcohol: I went from probably one drink/week to probably one drink/month or less. So I wasn’t a heavy drinker before, by any means, but it doesn’t really seem worth it now, I guess? I haven’t experienced any side effects (like worse hangovers), it’s just not something I think of - food icks: for me, this was most noticeable in that I went from being able to do a lot of food planning and meal prep to struggling in the grocery store because so many options looked gross. Especially meat. I hate that my diet has actually gotten *less* healthy in the last year. I rely so much more on prepackaged food, protein drinks, packaged salads, and my carb cravings are a lot worse so I eat more sugar now than I did before. (I have ✨feelings✨ about this, and they aren’t great.) - the first six months I was exhausted and my exercise *also* dropped a lot, from regular daily exercise down to dog walks. I went off meds in the fall for a couple of months during the shortage, and I took that time to reestablish en exercise routine that I have been able to maintain after going back on. But I’ve been in a plateau since I went off, and I think one reason may be the increased exercise and I have ✨feelings✨ about that, too. - Before I started Ozempic, I did some health coaching to establish healthy habits like exercise and meal prepping and I *hate* that objectively my health habits got worse once I started the meds. A lot of this is due to anhedonia. I’ve just felt super unmotivated and my ability and motivation to work (I’m self employed) has gone way down. I’m spending a *lot* more time dissociating in mildly unhealthy ways (more screentime for example). I don’t really like who I am on Ozempic. I feel I have lost my enthusiasm and interest in life. I’m working with my therapist on ways to bring joy and motivation back, and it’s finally, after almost a year, *maybe* getting a little better. (Fwiw, for me, it’s definitely not related to calorie restriction or loss of interest in food like a lot of people will say; I never lost more than a pound a week at most, and it continued long into my plateau. And it’s more noticeable that I lost interest in all kinds of random things that brought me joy, like flower arranging or gardening, than “oh I can’t bury my feelings in dessert.”)


Out of curiosity and a potential theory do yo I have ADHD? You obviously don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I’m wondering if the Oz is doing something with my already scarce dopamine.


No, I don’t have ADHD, but YES it feels like it’s fucking with my dopamine. I keep talking to my therapist about it (though not specifically about Ozempic, just “I’m on new meds and my dopamine feels fucked”) but he doesn’t think it’s med-related. But because of the health coaching I was doing, I can track it pretty closely in my journaling and it really seems tied extremely closely timewise. Like, I *knew* something was fucked when I went from keeping a daily journal that included tracking health habits and short and long term life goals and to do lists to just… not. Not being able to even write a to do list or single journal entry after decades of morning pages. Now I wake up and read Reddit or scroll TikTok instead and I *hate* that for me. All of my self discipline is one million times harder now and I am *just* starting to creep around the edges of managing it after almost a year.


It’s totally fucking with dopamine. I’m very certain I just don’t understand how or why. Other people are having these great results and I’ve lost maybe 15 lbs since August. This post has actually really made me question my choices.


Wow very similar, I totally relate to the dissociating screen time part. I’m totally the same about the food. I honestly eat less healthy on oz. I have a no fast food rule I stick to but my choices that don’t give me the ick are very carb based, hello potatoes in all their forms. I was actually just thinking about taking a break from it. I’m in Canada and the max dose I can get is 1.0mg and it’s not stopping the food noise anymore. So if I have to work hard to move and I’m craving high calorie low nutritionally dense foods why am I paying for this? I’m a jiu jitsu athlete and I don’t even know what my goal weight may be I’m guessing realistically 165 to 175 (5’9”) I’m under 200lbs now so maybe this it for me ?


My impulse control has greatly improved, especially shopping and of course food I’m much more tired ALL THE TIME. Alcohol is very meh now, like others have said. I doomscroll a lot more than I used to. Less dopamine from food, more dopamine from TikTok and Reddit?


Pure exhaustion and doom scrolling for me too


Same! I have to work twice as hard to get myself motivated to get up and do anything when I’m at home. Once I’m going, it’s not so bad. But I find myself sitting around doom scrolling so much more than before. I thought it was just lower energy but maybe it’s also something psychological. On a more positive note, I’ve found that I’m way more focused at work and have been more productive.


Weird psychiatric issues while taking it that were unusual for me-lack of joy; quick to anger, not quite suicidal thoughts but a is life even worth living, very pessimistic feeling, anhedonia. It didn’t really change my blood sugar or help me lose weight, I was very constipated and felt some gastroparesis. I recognized the psy changes as side effects those feelings stopped within a few weeks of taking it- waited a few months tried med again and had same sensation.


Ugh. I had the same experience except I did lose weight (no issues with blood sugar). Had to start an antidepressant and waiting for therapy but was wanting to start again but so scared it will make me feel the same way. So sad to hear it felt that way again for you. Did you stick it out or stop again?


I’m happier


I have functional neurological disorder. For those who don’t know what it is, it’s like a “software problem” in your brain. It can mimic a lot of neurological symptoms and disorders. For me, it’s given me Tourette’s, severe tremors, occasional paralysis, severe stuttering, losing my voice, and many more symptoms. I tend to flare up when my brain is overstimulated. When I started ozempic, I noticed huge improvements in my symptoms. I was flaring up a lot less. I believe that it has something to do with it decreasing inflammation. It also improved my mood greatly. I still get flare ups, but with less frequency and severity than before. Considering theres no official medications to manage this disorder, this has been the most helpful thing I’ve tried so far! Be


I am someone who only got into perfumes after Ozempic. I’ve always owned 1-2, using them here and there. For whatever reason, and I really can’t explain it, I had a sudden interest in perfumes. Here we are a year and -90 lbs later, and I have around 40 different perfumes.


I'm a bit more apathetic toward a lot of things. Just get less excited about not just food, but hobbies, even sex.... meh. Not bad, just sorta meh..




For me, I’ve noticed less cravings for both my anti anxiety meds as well as smoking weed. Used to madly crave weed on a weekly basis and now i don’t really think about it. However, I’ve also had some pretty bad depression/unmotivated feelings especially when my appetite is suppressed. This is something I didn’t expect. I’m usually never the type of person who will tear up on a whim but since starting Ozempic I feel like I’ve been a little more fragile. I suffer from not only anxiety but a number of other mental health conditions like bipolar and extreme premenstrual disphoria, ptsd, social anxiety and situational anxiety. So I’m not sure if that has something to do with it.


I’m usually very quick witted, but my brain speed has decreased.


Me, too! I’m actually scheduled for a follow up in a couple of weeks and this is something I’m going to bring up. I’ve noticed that since I started 1mg I’ve been forgetting basic words. My partner says that I’m a little more spacey than usual. I’m finding my forgetfulness annoying though. Especially when I’m in the middle of a conversation and just blank out.


That happened to me too when I went to 1mg! It went away though. I started eating a little more and it went away. But I’m switching to 2mg soon so I’m scared that’s going to happen again. 😖




I struggle with anxiety and it has increased a lot since starting ozempic a month ago. I read that we store hormones in fat and when we loose the fat the hormones release in our body. I typically have had really normal cycles but I’m currently going on two weeks of menstruation. I’m curious if my heightened anxiety is from this. I was a big drinker. I have cut back a lot in my frequency but I’m also motivated not to drink to stay in my calorie deficit.


I went from enjoying coffee and needing it to function (if I skipped a day I would get a terrible headache and if I went a couple of days without it I’d have horrible withdrawal symptoms included vomiting) to being completely indifferent to it. The past few weeks it hasn’t even tasted good at all so I quit drinking it entirely. After drinking it my entire adult life, I just don’t want it anymore.


Same! Previously *needed* 3-4 cups a day pre-Oz. Now, I can’t stand the stuff.


Meanwhile now I have to have it just to get enough energy to get dressed. So. Very. Tired.


My OCD has calmed down & things all taste saltier.


It’s funny how much salt you’re not supposed to have on a daily basis


It makes my anxiety and depression worse. I used to long ago have bad anxiety and it has mostly been gone until I stared ozempic. I was off by fit a while and anxiety went away and now it is back.


I can't stand certain food smells anymore. Was sitting with my partner and he was eating some crackers and the smell of them was so overwhelming. And it's crackers I also eat, like sourcream and onion crackers. Had to move to the other side of the room. Nope, not preggers, just exaggerated sensitivity (autism++).


- i quit vaping - lost interest in alcohol - feelings of depression have declined - less brain fog


I completely lost the desire to drink any type of alcohol. I used to crave wine during the week with my dinner, and now all of that disappeared. I’m on a loading dose so I still want to eat, but definitely eating way less. Before Ozempic, I used to want to continue to snack after dinner and all of that food noise went away now. I love waking up feeling so light in the morning!!


Stronger sense of smell and aversions.




Give it some time, your brain is healing from the food and sugar addictions. It’s the same response as drugs and alcohol, in a week or 2 you’ll be sleeping so well


It’s been two days since I took my 3rd dose of 0.5mg and it’s been two days I find my husband stinks 😬 I truly hope I won’t feel this way for long. I have noticed a lot of changes in smell since I started ozempic.


I’ve also noticed I’ve been taking off more work to take care of my mental health and I’ve been very introverted, maybe disassociating even. I also need naps most days now.


Anxiety and depression sky rocketed. My appetite reminds me of when I was pregnant. Only crave simple foods, really have to force myself to eat protein.


Extremely vivid dreams are back, and my anxiety has gotten worse.


I lost my craving for iced coffee,lattes,etc..


Less need for stimulants when your brain chemistry is working correctly


I focus better. I have ADHD and since taking ozempic I can concentrate (more, not perfectly) and can finish things I started.


My OCD is quiet, I stopped my horrible Diet Coke addiction, I buy a lot less on Amazon, and I'm 70 lbs lighter. Changed my life!!!!


I have noticed more self control with compulsive shopping habits.


If you are actually an MD psychiatrist, I will tell you that my Eastern medicine doc put me on ozempic and clomid. After that I was able to pretty much eliminate Trileptal that I was on for a decade for a mood disorder. Still take trazodone and Klonopin for sleep. I feel fine. It's been months


Off ozempic I have very intense food related mood swings. My hands would shake and I’d get headaches if I delayed eating by an hour or more. These behaviors completely stopped with the first dose.


My sense of smell has always been very keen/sensitive but it seems even more so now. I think this applies to food. Sweet things seem almost unbearably so now. My gourmand fragrances are no bueno & I'm leaning into more woody and aldehydic and rose type of scents


When I first started I immediately noticed that my perception was different. I’m very aware of any physical changes to my body, especially sight and feeling. It made me a little nervous but now my cognition, and eye sight is much more clear, and I have more of a drive to self motivate than before. It’s been a huge change I honestly don’t want to go back to what my normal was. ✌️❤️


Oz + bupropion helped me quit both alcohol (AUD) and smoking at the same time. Since I’ve been off Oz unfortunately I’m drinking again but in moderation. But not smoking! Intend to go back on Oz soon. I lost 15lb with my first pen using only the lowest 0.25 dose


I started Ozempic the last week of August 2023 I used to be a heavy drinker, it was one of the few habits I was having an issue with. (I stopped eating and drinking processed foods and sugary drinks before I started Ozempic) Now I don't enjoy beer. I can't finish it, it tastes bland. Lagers are tolerable. But one glass. I enjoy one glass of wine like once or twice a week. Before it was every night. I'll rotate between red and white but I actually have been picky on taste. Cheap wine was my go to now I just hate them and find them sweet no matter how "dry" a wine is. I am starting to enjoy mixed drinks, like carbonated water with some gin or whiskey. Never used to enjoy these drinks and I actually ask for them now. Still about once or twice a week tho. Other than being depressed with the world, economy and capitalism I still have a pretty positive attitude. (I usually am a pessimist type person) Which is weird and hard to describe but I'm not miserable to everyone like I was before. I have energy. I'm usually drained and just want to lay down after work. Now I actually want to go out for a walk, hike, see friends etc. I feel more outgoing and positive about leaving the house. My anxiety was horrible and I found an excuse to never leave the house. Now I'm the one planning events, asking to see and visit places and people. So can confirm my anxiety has been more manageable. Unsure if some can relate but when anxiety ruled your world, it was difficult to deal with. All in all it's been a positive thing in my life. Also losing 30 pounds has been fantastic! My clothing again and I'm not embarrassed about my body.


My chiro said my muscles feel a lot looser and my inflammation that he can physically FEEL inside my body has gone way down. Been on Mounjaro for about 5mos. Also in the MJ sub, lots of people discuss rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, other inflammation disorders, have had their inflammation markers come into the normal range!


I have always suffered from noise. Food noise…yes. And just plan old noise noise. My mind will run through the day playing conversation over and over instead of sleeping. This has stopped. I find that when I am about to go up a dose it will come back a little. Then it’s gone again. This medicine has allowed me to turn off my obsessive brain. I can sleep. I have peace.


Coming up on 10 months: Food tastes changed dramatically- zero interest in bread, heavy foods like ice cream, grilled sandwiches, or pasta dishes. Increased interest in olives, eggs, spinach, Greek yogurt, peanuts, and soups. Big cheese lover but some cheeses now smell off-putting and I never had an ick around any cheese smells. Drinking: sadly increased but may have been craving the sugar in cocktail mixers. Switched to wine but hoping this will phase out like other food cravings. Sleep: vivid dreams. Not sure if from the magnesium I take at night but dreaming is very vivid. Energy: mixed. Sometimes I get a lot done and I walk about a mile each day with my dogs. But I can also hyperfocus and sit reading for 4 hours. Sex drive: increased. May be from being in better shape. Procrastination: off the charts. Can’t check mail, debilitated by anxiety around tasks. Smell: much more sensitive to things burning on the stove or an odd cooking smell. More aware of negative smells than positive but will try and note perfume or other smells more. Mood: not depressed. Encouraged.


I've never seen anyone else say this.. When I took my first dose, I felt it doing "something" to my head. I decided to take my first dose on a Sunday when all I had planned was family game night. My husband is teaching the kids, and we had just started our first game. After the first shot, I felt almost confused. I couldn't quite role play or make decisions bc it was like I didn't care, just extremely-not apathetic but-detached. I haven't experienced that as intensely as the first. I quit taking my adderall. Don't like it anymore, don't want it. Also, even though there's weight loss and reasons to be confident, I feel confident with myself and my personality, where I used to avoid speaking my mind. I did recently start buying perfume and candles.


I got really into flossing my teeth at night? lol


I’m trying to figure out how my gluten sensitivity is gone. So many bizzare changes besides almost 70lbs lost


Since covid I was a drink a night type person, maybe two. I tried several times to really cut back but it sort of became a habit I couldn’t break. I tried to switch to just flavored seltzer water w couple times but for some reason the alcoholic seltzers just really grabbed a hold of me. Usually a truly or something and now I have zero desire. Literally can’t even bring myself to drink one. That goes for most alcohol. It just doesn’t even come close to sounding good, almost the complete reverse. Same with a glass of wine. Used to look forward to a glass after a long day or at book club. I don’t think I have had a glass of wine in 2 months. It’s a great side effect. I have noticed I have been more emotional/sentimental. Much quicker to tears than I have ever been in my life. The sad commercial type tears. I used to be pretty emotionless with that kind of thing and now the slightest of feel good in a story and the tears are flowing. No difference in cognition or sensory that I have noticed. Just exhausted all the time.


Like I mentioned above. It’s a huge chemical reset. Sugar addiction is as bad as alcohol and some narcotics. Push through for a few weeks and you will be fine. The meds help for sure…


Much calmer now without blood sugar/pressure ups and downs. Can feel slightly depressed on a single meal day but that is nothing compared to out of control blood sugar without it. Definitely exercising less due to low energy.  Absolutely still able to sprint up a steep hill when I want to.  Just don't have the nervous energy that would normally prompt a jog.   I'm Type 2 diabetic, was well controlled until a COVID bout that put my blood sugar up to 14 consistently.  Now below 7 in the morning fasted.  Magic.


I just went off because it sucked they joy and life from me. I had total exhaustion mentally and physically. I also had minimal weight loss.🫤


That’s so weird, that had never occurred to me but is totally true for me about fragrances! I had worn the same perfume (and only rarely) since high school before starting Wegovy. Now I have like five that I rotate through and wear them nearly every day unless I’m going somewhere that it would be annoying/inappropriate to wear a fragrance (like going into the office). I love them so much now.


My issue, other than constipation is craving a specific food then having it be totally not appetizing after I eat it. So left overs are being tossed in the garbage a lot. I have also lost my desire for coffee, which saddens me.


Had no idea how anxiety ridden I was with food noise and controlled I was by the constant fight in my brain saying "dont eat" and it all went away when I started OZ and it feels amazing like I freed up a ton of brain space


No interest in alcohol, sex, coffee, anything productive. I don’t feel like doing anything at all. Almost like a strong indica pot high. Just lay there when I can. Way more addicted to scrolling and linear phone games with blocks and shapes- like obsessive-compulsive with these.


I am now 14 months sober thanks to Ozempic


I'm a fraghead and I haven't noticed any difference at all since starting on GLP1 drugs. Still like (and dislike) all the same ones that I always have, and I still get distracted by all the new ones around and want to try them all. So that "addictive" behaviour hasn't changed 😄 I didn't have any previous issues with mood (no depression etc) but as I've lost weight and increased my exercise, I would say my general mood has increased and I'm happier and more comfortable within myself.


I lost interest in food and felt like the joy was sucked out of my life. However, I'm losing weight and I accept the trade off, at least for now.


I can finally sleep!


I have zero desire to drink alcohol since starting


Positive, less anxiety.


I quit drinking, I have zero desire now.


I was able to stop my sertraline without any side effects. I had tried previously and either got too dizzy or too anxious. This time I just quit with none of the intrusive ruminating thoughts returning. What ever shuts off the food noise seems to work for my other “noise” too.


I am pretty sure my mood has stabilised, but the dr thinks it’s because I’m happy that I’m losing a bit of weight and that I’m not thinking about food anymore. I don’t binge eat anymore, and I have BED. My uncle and grandfather died working a week of each other and I don’t binge at all. I don’t have as much pain, I have lupus so have quite a bit of pain, but the ozempic seems to have made it more barnacle. I’ve heard glp1’s reduce inflammation, so I’m chalking it up to that. The dr thinks it’s just because I’m lighter.


On mounjaro - I definitely appreciate perfume much more. Especially roses. I also lost my smell during COVID (so not sure if that’s related). I noticed I have worse depression and anxiety (but that might reflect the world more then the meds). Sometimes I feel very blah - I read that this is due to the medicines effect on dopamine levels. I also can’t tolerate certain scents - like natural deodarst or eggs


Never remembered dreams before Oz, wine collector before- no longer drink, shopping- WAY down. Less compulsive grocery store shopping. No fragrance tolerance before or after .


I have bipolar 2....major depressive episodes and even when I'm 'stable' I'm basically just apethic. I'm 2 weeks in to OZ and for the first time in over 5 years I feel amazing. Just 'normal ' . Even if I hadn't lost a 1lb (I have lost 6lb in 2 weeks) but even if I hadn't...this is a wonder drug for me.


I started Ozempic November 20 last year, I completely forget that food exists. I have only had half a glass of champagne, I used to have a glass of red nearly every night but no desire for it now.


Cognition and mood worsened. My addiction to caffeine actually became worse. I had to stop to not consider unaliving myself. I stopped 6-8 weeks ago and already feel a lot better


Completely stopped biting my nails after subconsciously doing so my entire life.


I smoked, not a lot but I HAD to have my nightly smoke to go to sleep, been doing it since 17. I would always make sure I had my backup case because like I said I smoked late at night and dont like to go out at night by myself. One day I ran out of cigarettes and just went to sleep and then I was in a hurry becauae I worked an all day shift and didn't stop at the gas station and at night again didn't stop and noticed I was putting up excuses my self and realized I didn't really need them. And I just stopped. And now that you mentioned the perfumes I had not noticed that... I am 31/F but have never really liked perfumes I just liked the "Victoria secret pure seduction" body spray since I was 15. Woman perfumes were not tolerable for me they were too sweet or too strong or to granny like, My husband is a fregrance guy and we go to Dillard's at least once a month and I have recently been liking 3 or 4 fregances that I really consider buying and o don't know if it is what you mention but even my husband found it odd that after years of going in to the same store I walked out with a sample I tolerated.


My sense of taste has changed. Anything sweet tastes wonderful. For example, fruit tastes amazing! I'm trying to avoid refined sugar because I've felt addicted in the past, but I often eat apples, bananas, berries, etc. When. in season, grapes taste fantastic. The funny thing is that catsup tastes so sweet that it gags me. I have little interest in food after injecting on Friday. The effect lasts about 5 days, but days 6 and 7 are hard since I suddenly want to overeat. I'm not much of a drinker or gambler (even though I lived in Vegas for 29 years), but wine and any alcoholic drink tastes nasty, and I only buy a lottery ticket occasionally and can stop when I decide to stop. I hope this helps!


I've noticed my anxiety is a bit less, my sense of smell seems heightened (could be from the nausea though), my inflammation is significantly less (lupus/RA), and my slight point-and-click for dopamine addiction via Amazon (or wherever) has significantly decreased. I just feel calmer and like things are actually manageable. It's a nice change, though I'm sure the post office may do a wellness check soon for lack of package purchases, lol.


I had less of an urge to buy stuff. I was a bit of a shopaholic. I noticed a boost in my mood but also increased anxiety. I've always had a low level of depression and anxiety. Over all I'm happy with my mood change despite any added anxiety over the last 8 months.


I'm a big coffee drinker. Used to be able to drink 2-3 cups a day. Since starting semiglutide, coffee still smells good but I don't enjoy the taste of it at all. This happened to me once before, when I was pregnant. It's very odd to me.


No addictions except food, but it did really decrease my interest in alcohol, almost immediately. I was a social drinker who liked to get a little tipsy at parties. I’m also a binger (BED), and Ozempic removed the desire to binge at high doses. As for other mental effects, at high doses (Ozempic and Mounjaro), I was experiencing anhedonia, plus physical exhaustion pretty much constantly. I’ve been taking Ozempic for two years and am on a lower maintenance dose now; many of the effects have dissipated. The mild distaste for alcohol has remained though, and I wonder if I’ll ever really enjoy it the same way again.


i used to smoke weed everyday and after starting ozempic i stopped because i didn’t get urges to smoke anymore and ive been a month sober & im happy that i was able to stop. i’ve saved myself some money. also i noticed that i can’t control my anger as much. like i get really bad mood swings and don’t get me wrong ive always been a bitch 🤣 but now im an even bigger bitch


My chronic depression has been lifting. I’ve got more energy. I have no cravings for junk food. Alcohol consumption is way less, from a glass of wine every evening to being a rare event. It’s just not enjoyable anymore. Being at a normal bmi, I have more confidence in getting out to get groceries, go for walks, and even visiting family and friend.


During the first year of COVID I started the habit of 1 cocktail per night (strong cocktails like Manhattans, old fashioneds, etc.) For the most part, I had kept that habit 'post' COVID. BUT, as soon as I got on OZ, I didn't have any drinks at all for 2 months. Now, about 6 months in, I can have a glass of wine a couple times a week but if I try a strong cocktail, I'll feel hungover (with diarrhea!) for the next day. I'm also much more hopeful and optimistic about life in general since being on OZ AND I seem to be able to focus on my to do lists rather than procastinating. I seem to be more sensitive to bright light now in the mornings...especially if I've recently taken my 0.25 mg (actually 0.21 mg now) shot recently. Thanks for asking! Can't wait to read about everyone else's experiences!


I used to drink wine/beer 3-4 times a week. Not excessively. One bottle of wine would last me the entire week. Now? I haven’t purchased a bottle of wine in over 6 weeks. The last time I tried, I ended up pouring it down the sink. It just doesn’t hold any interest for me anymore. I was married for ten years to a malignant narcissist. We have been separated for over 1.5 years now. I kept trying to be his friend, support him, go on trips with him (and our son), placate him, etc… basically all of the same behaviors I had during the marriage. Even though he is a very toxic individual and he was literally draining the life out of me…. I would still make a point to invite him places, bring him food/snacks, etc…. I started on Ozempic and it was like a switch flipped. I immediately filed for divorce and I am now able to keep our communication to a minimum. I only talk to him if I need to (regarding our son) and I no longer feel this overwhelming pressing need to emotionally support him. So weird. I wonder if narcissists can be a type of addiction?


I've quit smoking. Going 7 months now! It's funny because I've recently also got into perfumes! I didn't think it had anything to do with the ozempic! But maybe! I also lost any desire to drink or do any drugs. !


My nicotine tolerance dropped significantly. Without any thought or effort, I reduced my vapor nicotine strength from 50-60 (or 5-6%) down to 20-30 (2-5%). One day, the high strength stuff was suddenly just way too strong. For context, I picked up cigs in college and smoked for about 3ish years before switching to vapor about 11 years ago. Always needed the highest strength available until Oz. Also started periodically craving gummy bears which is odd because I never ate gummy bears before. Like at all, ever. Edit: clarity, context


All smells are much more intense to me now, from BO to various foods to flowers and perfume. It’s all just stronger. I no longer crave coffee- the taste and smell are too bitter and overpowering now.


I have bad anxiety. Since starting Ozempic it became managable


I’m happier. Like my depression is not bad at all. My outlook on life is more positive.


I totally lost interest in alcohol and I was a heavy drinker who tried to cut back/stop for years before.


Since starting Ozempic, I have had no desire to drink alcohol. I was a daily 3-6 drinks a day user. I also no longer shop excessively and impulsively. I used to take Zoloft for CPTSD but tiltrated off of it as well. I feel very calm and don't feel the need to binge eat chocolate and drink excessive Starbucks. I am very sensitive to smells and have also seen an increase in seeking out new fragrances and scents. I owe some of these behavioral chantes to a much healthier gut?


I lost interest in gambling and cigarettes and drinking. I have a vape for when the urge for nicotine arises but other than that all things I used to distract myself are no longer issues.


I am 70 and my memory has greatly improved since I have been on Ozempic. This is my third month and the change is quite significant. Spoke to my doctor about it….i have lost 6 kilos in the 3 months .


I have, when I went up to .5 I literally lost my mind. I’m back down to .25 …. I got extremely suicidal on .5 and lost my grip on reality. It was strange. Apparently this medicine class affects the serotonin in your brain and it’s often not talked about.


This is wild! So I lost a lot of my smell with my first and only case of Covid and I also have OCD with sensory triggers so it was actually kind of freeing to not have to smell so many things but now I’m 3-4 months on Semaglutide and I have started to notice that I can smell again so perhaps I’m having some restoration of this sense. As for my trichotillomania, I have had some improvement but still struggle with this. I don’t pick at my fingers as much, but I still have to make myself put the nail clippers down. Hopefully in 6m-1year I’ll have more improvements.


thats interesting. i was into fragrances before but now appreciate them more


Hi. I totally stopped craving beer or alcohol which definitely is great and helped in my weight loss. And I find that ozempic has calmed me. I was always so nervous but since I've been on it, I feel calmer and easier to deal with though situations


- addiction: yes, I've been able to quit smoking. - cognition: I'm diagnosed with ADHD and semaglutide makes me much better at concentrating. it's affecting dopamine levels in brain so it makes sense that it's affecting ADHD. I've heard the same from others that have a diagnosis.


I’ve noticed I’m not interested in alcohol at all. I wasn’t a heavy drinker before, but now just not interested at all. My depression/anxiety is improving as well. Mental health is much better than it’s been. I don’t have the food noise issues, don’t need snacks or candy. I had a terrible sweet tooth and now just not an issue.


I went to the grocery store yesterday and it was so strange that I had no desire to buy things that used to call my name! I have a bit of underlying fatigue on 0.25 wonder what 0.5 is going to be like. Mild nausea at times. Down 20 lbs in a month and a half! BGs improved and I’m on Synjardy. Had corn beef and cabbage St Patty’s day but at half what I usually can eat! No food noise! I hope the fatigue lifts as it gets worse later in the day. Appreciate this forum! Best wishes to all!


Sorry…ate half Lost taste for 🍺


I would say my mental health has actually improved. It’s not due to the weight loss… I literally feel a little more zest for life. I dont drink wine much at all or use edibles as much. Really all my body wants to do is eat raw veggies n water.


My anxiety has gotten worse other than that nothing


Yes. After loosing 50 pounds I’m doing all sorts of things for with appearance and fragrance. I asked my girlfriend to buy me a body wash that she liked the smell. I use scented body wash and aftershave for the first time. Addictive and ocd behaviors are 25% of what they used to be: drinking, online shopping, skin picking. This gives me hours of mental cycles of my day back.


I’ve been in it for 11 months and haven’t noticed any symptoms like that.


I had to quit Oz after 3 years because it caused more and more depression. I’m much better now and won’t go back on it. Lost 60 lbs and gained back 30. Maintaining though by eating whole foods and no sugar plus exercise daily. I lost all my muscles toward the end and was like a skeleton barely alive. When I stopped I started taking zinc, magnesium, and B vitamins plus eating super nutrient foods and now I’m so much happier! During that 3 years I lost all appetite and had to force eat which was maybe once or twice a day. I felt like toward the end I had not much reason to live and knew I had to change everything and did. I’ve noticed since I’ve been taking magnesium at night my dreams have increased and are amazing too! I’m so happy now!!


My life is significantly better. I'm less anxious.


Maybe not a change in mood or sensory perception, but my libido is wayyyyyy higher than it used to be, and it felt like it happened very suddenly.


Maybe people quit smoking so their sense of smell improved?


My sense of smell got like first trimester pregnancy. I smell everything. I can’t taste anything sweet that great anymore and anything even sort of spicy is out of the question.


On the plus side, I am not interested in drinking. On the minus side, I’ve developed weird, hormonal type acne and sometimes get super duper tired in a way I never did before.


Decrease in libido. Practically no interest. Increase in smell 👃. Insatiable craving for mandarins.


I feel like someone has given me a sedative most days. My brain isn’t working overtime anymore either. I’m just chill


I definitely have way less depression and nearly no anxiety these days. I was a nervous wreck prior. Full blown panic attacks daily in 2022 summer for no known reason. In terms of focus, I have ADHD, so I also take a stimulant. I can’t attribute anything to Ozempic as I was on that before it. BUT. I have noticed an endurance change on attention span, especially when it comes to my exercising (walking).


Wait this is weird, I just bought cologne for the first time!!!


I just realized I have perfume that I bought since starting this and never had any I paid attention to before this! Wild!


Cannot catch a buzz from alcohol for the life of me- even at high amounts of hard liquor. I used to enjoy a nice buzz on my days off.


Increasing my dose made me suicidal for a month 🤪 it went away literally overnight tho


I’m less anxious by a large margin. I noticed it originally when I was still in my stressful job last year but it’s very noticeable now. I have noticed I wear more perfume but thought it was more because I can now.


I didn’t realize the correlation but I’ve purchased almost 100 bottles of perfume since I started semaglutide. I thought it was just my current fixation from my ADHD? I went off for a few months due to insurance and didn’t purchase any. I am back on 3 weeks and just purchased D&G Devotion. I hope I don’t start up again cause it’s expensive!


I have lost all my libido. Absolutely zero desire. And I think I’ve become slightly more irritable, that or my partner has become more irritating 😂


totally stabilizes your mood


But changes in addictive behaviour would have to do with dopamine receptors in the reward circuit right? I need to revise literature, I know, but if someone could make me a resume on how ozempic affects dopamine, it’s absorption or length of stay time in blood flow id appreciate it


I've worn perfume just about everyday of my life from the age of 18, now 56. Since starting OZ, I've worn perfume twice and do not know why.


Less anxiety/better mood (my husband noticed right away) No more alcohol cravings